I Won't Give In (Completed)

By Zomb1eMummy

52.7K 1.6K 159

Forget everything they tell you about mates. Forget those girls who fall in love with the bad man in the end... More

Chapter 1 - On My Way
Chapter 2 - The Mating Ball
Chapter 3 - Taken
Chapter 4 - No
Chapter 5 - Nothing Worse Than You
Chapter 6 - Punished
Chapter 7 - Your Turn
Chapter 9 - Ain't Gonna Be Me
Chapter 10 - I Won't Give In
Chapter 11 - Unexpected Help
Chapter 12 - Three Weeks
Chapter 13 - Falling
Chapter 14 - Fuck
Chapter 15 - Full Moon
Chapter 16 - You Deserve It
Chapter 17 - Goodbye
Chapter 18 - Emotions
Chapter 19 - Dad
Chapter 20 - Father in Law
Chapter 21 - War
Chapter 22 - Promise
Chapter 23 - The Girl I Broke
Chapter 24 - Fight Song
New Books!
Alternate Ending #1
Alternate Ending #2

Chapter 8 - Braaten

1.7K 50 4
By Zomb1eMummy

Colton POV

"Now here is your new Luna!" I yell into the mic, pleased with everyone's applause. I turn, grasping Skylar's arm and head off the stage.

Let's play a game. Braaten, my wolf, growls in my mind. Instantly, I know exactly what he wants.

I stop suddenly and pull Skylar into my chest, the annoying sparks erupt throughout my body and hers, causing her to stiffen in my grasp. I bring my mouth to her ear and whisper, "I cannot wait until tonight, kitten. You are all mine."

I feel her body freeze before I let her go and walk off into the crowd, shaking hands and receiving words of praise for finding my mate. I smirk to myself as I feel my mate's emotions through the bond. Her fear is the most predominant. 

I quickly sneak a glance back at my terrified mate before heading towards the bar I had installed for the night. Her face was blank with no emotion present, but her eyes were my favourite. Her hazel eyes showed everything, betraying her with tears of anxiety, sadness and despair. Just the sight of her made my little friend dance with excitement. 

Easy now. Braaten teased.

You love it too. 

He huffed and headed back into my mind just as I reached the bar. The bartender was a beautiful, fair and unmated she-wolf with stunning, strawberry-blond hair and green eyes. I may have to take her later on.

I give her my sexiest smirk and say, "Double rye, no ice." I could smell her arousal instantly. She quickly poured me the shots and slid it towards me, leaning forward while simultaneously pressing her tits together. 

"Anything else, sir?" She purrs. 

I shake my head, "Not yet." She frowns and turns to the next man to take his order. These easy females don't excite me. I like a challenge. I want to feel the woman fight against me. Maybe that's why Skylar turns me on so much. 

"Alpha, how are you?" A familiar voice asks behind me. 

I groan, "Alexander, what do I owe the pleasure?" My uncle only bothers me when he needs something. The man is a whore, sporting a different she-wolf each night and has done so ever since his mate killed herself thirteen years ago. 

"Can't a man see how his only nephew is doing? I see you found your mate, lovely creature she is. I can just imagine how her tight pussy feels around the old cock." He snickers. Fuck, I hate this man. 

"After I am done with her, I will be sure to send her your way." 

"Oh there is no need, I have no issues finding my own fucks. Actually, there is something I need to say." Naturally. "Do you know the bitch's old Alpha? Well, he has been contacting packs all around in search of her. People are beginning to worry, you may want to send word of her safety so they leave you alone. Unless you plan to go to war for this she-wolf. " He grins at the last part. This man almost loves a good fight as much as I do. Almost. 

"Why bother? If he wants a fight, I will gladly do so. I could always start expanding south." I state. 

"Fair enough, I look forward to it." He smirks as he tips his head and heads towards a drunk, black haired slut in the crowd. I shake my head. The man will never change. 

I quickly finish my drink when I feel my mate's panic again in the bond. I see her quickly walking through the crowd towards the pack house. I frown. I was seriously hoping she would run again so she could meet my wolf. He is desperate to have his way with her. 

I still can't believe that Braaten has her wolf, Ailith, convinced that he is a good wolf and that I am the only monster here. Everyone knows that our wolves are only an animalistic version of ourselves. Hell, his name Braaten. It literally translates to the word deceit. Just shows how stupid our mate really is.

I quickly lift my glass to the bartender again, indicating I needed another round. She nods and pours me more of the golden liquid, winking as she hands it to me. I turn to leave the bar, searching for my Beta. I spot him with a few other men near the forest. Larson, my Beta, nods towards me and I head over to him, pushing through the members of my pack. 


"Lars. Men. Enjoying the night?"

"The beer is cold and the women are hot, wouldn't have it any other way." Wesley, one of the other men yells as he smacks my shoulder. "Congrats on finding your mate, Alpha. She is a fine bit of ass."

"Ass? Forget about that, her tits. Oh my Goddess, I would bury my face in them all night long." The second man, Terrence, adds. 

"Enough men, I am sure if you ask nicely the Alpha would share," Lars says with a smirk. 

"When I grow tired of her, I will be sure to throw her your way boys, now I need to speak to my Beta. Alone." 

"Yes, Alpha." The three say before the head into the crowd in search of easy she-wolfs to warm their beds. 

"Lars, I have word that my mate's old pack is searching for her. Have we received any calls?"

"Nothing, but we have only had her for five days and I am sure we are the last to be called. We aren't the most enjoyed pack to communicate with." Lars chuckles. 

"You are right. If you hear anything, be sure to send the call my way. I would like to deal with that call."

"More plans to expand?" Lars asks with a knowing look. I have known this man my entire life and he is the only one who can read me like a book. 

I grin. "Always."

"Well, I will double the training then. The last thing we need is for our warriors to be unprepared. Maybe we can take out a few smaller packs on the way there. Practice, you know?" He laughs. Not like we need it. 

"Brilliant. Tomorrow I want you and Nico to plot the best way, marking all stops for packs that will leave us with the fewest casualties. Best to be prepared." I order.

"Yes, Alpha. I agree. Well, if you don't need me for anything, I spot a beautiful girl who is just dying for me to take her innocence." He smirks, before heading towards a young redhead. 

I sigh to myself looking over my pack. Not everyone is here, obviously. I own land all throughout Northern Canada. I have a pack of roughly ten thousand wolves and counting. You may ask how I can control that many wolves, but it is quite simple. I have a council of ten other men who run districts through my land. They report to me of problems and handle the smaller problems that may arise. I rotate through my land, but my main residence is here. This is where I grew up, and this is the original land I owned before I started my raids. 

From the day I became Alpha at eighteen, I strived for more. I needed more. My wolf and I demanded it. I started with the neutral lands, eliminating rogues and lone wolves as I went before destroying all the surrounding territories. When other packs heard of my conquests, they foolishly tried to stop me, only for me to take their lands as well. It took me only one year to take over all of northern Ontario. Only nine years to have what I have today. 

I am a monster, and I am not afraid to admit it. Hell, I am proud of who I am. Other Alphas only wish to have what I have, be who I am, but they never will accomplish what I have in their lifetimes. I am the Alpha. It is only a matter of time before I conquer the Alpha King himself. 

Soon. That will be soon. 

Looking down at my watch, I decide it's time to look for my mate. Heading towards the pack house, I smirk as I think about what I should do. My plans have been changed, but I still hope Skylar is ready for tonight. 

For tonight, I am taking what's mine. Again.

Skylar POV

I watch him as he walks through the crowd. The tears stinging my eyes. I'm still frozen in fear. He sits down at the bar.

Run Skylar, it is the only way. Ailith barks.

I can't do that. He will catch me again. 

You need to do something. She sighs. 

A man joins Colton at the bar and I can feel his distaste through the bond. I don't know the man, but based on his emotions and body language, Colton must not like him. So maybe he could help me. 

No one will help you here. You can only help yourself. Ailith growls. Don't be stupid, Skylar. 

I shut her out, shaking my head. I am not stupid, but I need to try. I look up, to see the man is gone. I panic.

"Fuck!" I curse under my breath. I quickly head to the pack house in search of the man. I really hope my wolf is wrong. I can feel Colton's eyes burning through my head. His displeasure coursing through me. Whatever I did, didn't make him happy. Fucken mate bond making me care. 

I fly through the main door of the house, trying to find him. There are wolves, mated and unmated around the main floor attached to each other. One male is getting his manhood sucked off by a busty brunette with wild, curly hair.

Some people have no shame. Ailith huffs. 

Walking past them, I hear footsteps heading up the stairs. I swiftly and quietly follow them up the stairs, only to crash into a hard wall. 

"What the fuck?" The wall says before turning around. 

"Theo! I am so sorry, I was looking for someone. Are you okay?" I ask. 

"I am fine. Who are you looking for?" 

"Um, ah no one in particular. Just thought I saw someone that I met at the ball. What are you doing up here anyway? Shouldn't you be celebrating?" I smile softly. I really don't want him to go back to Colton, plus I don't even know who I am looking for. 

"Celebrating isn't really my thing. Shouldn't you be with Colton? I mean, tonight is your night and all. I am sure he will want you at some point." He says awkwardly, scratching his head as he avoids my gaze. 

"I don't care how much that man wants me, I will never give it to him. I don't even want to see him. Actually, I have a question. Theo, can we talk in private?"

He looks at me nervously before he nods his head and leads me down the hall to his office. I step inside, closing the door behind me. Theo sits down on his chair, wiping his hand over his face before looking at me, silently asking me to hurry up with whatever I need to ask him. 

"Theo, is there...um...birth control for wolves? Other than condoms?" I ask quietly, while I sit down on the table. "Preferably something that Colton would never know about?"

Theo stares at me, unsure of how to answer me. Or maybe scared of what will happen if he does. 

I get up and walk towards him slowly. "Look, Theo. I-" I pause, sitting down on my knees in front of him. I look him in the eyes, tears returning to mine before I start again. 

"Theo, I can't get pregnant by this man. I can't. But I know he will just take me whether I am willing or not. I know you saw the marks when you fixed me that day. I saw your face when you saw those bruises. Please, Theo, help me." I whisper out the last part. A sob escapes my mouth. 

"I can't. Don't ask me to do this." He says softly, I can hear his heart pounding in his chest. 

"Don't ask me to bare his pups, Theo. I can't do that. I won't do that. I would rather kill myself than ever give that man a child." I take Theo's hands in mine. "He raped me. The first night he brought me here, he woke me up and forced himself on me. He took my innocence, Theo. He stole it. Imagine what he would do to a child?" Tears freely run down my face. 

"Skylar, he would kill me if he found out." He looks at me, I can see his sympathy in his eyes, but feel his hesitation in his voice. 

"He would never find out. You tell me what I need and where it is and I will steal it. That's what I will do. Please. I am begging you here Theo. If I had another way, I would. But I am not strong enough to fight against him. I am not strong enough to stop him from fucking me. I don't want this. Theo, I would do anything to stop this. I swear to you, I will never let him find out it is you. Ever. I promise. Theo, I promise." I stammer out, sobs wracking my body. Tears flowing down my face. My throat hoarse from my cries and pleas. I need this. I need someone to help. "Help me. Be my hero. Please." 

Theo looks down at me. Something flashes in his eye, but I am not sure what. He closes his eyes before nodding his head and quietly saying 'fine'. 

I freeze. "Really?" 


"Oh my Goddess, thank you so much Theo!" I squeal before jumping up and wrapping my arms around his neck. He tenses beneath my grip but eventually returns the hug. I pull away slightly and ask, "When can we start?"

"Well, I think the best method is for me to give you the Depo shot. It is a birth control needle, it lasts three months. Best of all, it is the only birth control that won't change your scent. I can give you your first shot right now if you like?" He gets up and heads to his medicine cabinet, pulling out a needle. 

"Yes, thank you. I really appreciate this Theo." I smile at him, wiping away the tears from my eyes. He comes over to me and cleans an area on my arm before sticking the needle into me and emptying the contents. 

"Now, it won't necessarily work right away, but if he does anything tonight, I can give you something tomorrow to stop it. You should go before he comes looking for you." He says, before discarding the needle in the hazard bin.

I nod my head before walking towards the door, placing my hand on the doorknob. "Theo?" I ask. 


I quickly turn around and throw my arms around him one more time before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. I smile at him and then run out the door, quickly heading to Colton's room. I need a shower before Colton smells Theo's scent. 

Hopping into the shower, I smile to myself. 

That is one problem fixed.  I say to my wolf. She doesn't answer. She is torn by this decision. One one hand, she agrees that giving Colton a pup is a terrible idea, but on the other hand, she desperately wants a pup with her mate. I understand, even though I don't agree. 

I wish mate wasn't a monster. I wanted pups too. I wish things were different, Ailith. I whisper. Ailith nods before shutting her cage door and letting out a single, mournful howl in my head. It brings me to tears to feel her this way. I feel awful for her. I feel awful for us. 

Finally, I step out of the shower and start drying off. The smell of bonfire and vanilla hits my nostrils, forcing me to turn around and face my biggest fear. 

"Mine." He growls before stalking over to me, grabbing me by the waist. 

"No, Colton. Please. Not again." I whimper out, causing him to growl louder. His eyes are black with lust and anger. I can feel his want through the bond. I can hear his wolf howling to mine. It scares me. 

He brings his mouth to mine, crushing my lips beneath mine. His body presses against me and I can feel his already hard member against my stomach. I try to squirm away from him, but his grip on me hardens. 

"Hello, mate. I believe we have yet to meet. My name is Braaten." He says with a snarl. "I believe it is my turn."

And with that, he picks me up. I fight against him - scratching, punching and kicking. Nothing stops him. He throws me onto the floor in front of the bed and sits on my legs. He pulls a rope out of nowhere and ties it around both of my wrists to the footboard of the bed. Then he bounds my ankles together. I continue to twist my body around under his weight, but hopeless sets in. 

I hear him chuckle behind me before the sound of breaking bones erupts through the air. 


Ailith is howling and growling in my head, knowing what is to come. Trying to force herself forward, but something isn't allowing her to shift. 

"The ropes are coated in wolfsbane little mate. Are you allergic?" His voice rings through my head. 

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. 

I feel him walk over me, his fur rubbing my ass and back as he puts himself in position. 

"Sit still or else I will call for some help." He growls in my head. 

I feel him bring his sticky member to my core before he thrusts it inside of me without hesitation. I scream instantly, feeling the tearing as he continues. The pain takes over my entire body. I cry out incoherent words in an attempt to get him to stop; to get someone to get him to stop. I begin to feel the ropes at my wrists loosen and I focus all of my energy on getting free as he continues to ram into me. I can hear his growls of pleasure in my ear. 

Suddenly, they break free. I quickly take the opportunity to turn over underneath him and kick him off of me with all of my might. He doesn't move far, but it's enough for me to scramble away from him. He bares his teeth at me and I can feel his rage surround me. 

I push myself towards the door, reaching up to the handle. I try to ignore him as I hear his bones crack again. The pain at my core and the ropes around my ankles don't allow me to stand up freely so I struggle with the door, but eventually, it opens. Again, I start to push myself through the door, still ignoring him. I finally make it out, only for him to grab me by my hair roughly as he pulls me up and back into him. 

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He roars. I don't answer him. He grunts before walking out the door, pulling me along with him by the hair. 

Tears stain my cheeks and whimpers escape my mouth as he brings me down the hallway towards the stairs. He brings me up to his face one more time, looking into my eyes. 

"When will you learn?" He says between gritted teeth before throwing me down the stairs. 

I scream when I hit the first step as a snap is heard. Great, I broke another rib. I roll down the rest of the stairs and hit the bottom with a thump. My head is bleeding and my ribs are screaming in agony. My wolf is crying inside me. She has lost all hope. This isn't the wolf she knew. 

I hear his footsteps thud down the stairs slowly. I try my hardest to fight through the pain and crawl out of the house. I make it halfway before he picks me up by my hair again and starts dragging me to the basement stairs. 

"No! Colton, please! Colton, no!" I scream. 

"I'm not fucking Colton." He yells. 

"Braaten, please. Don't do this. We are your mate!" I plead.

Braaten chuckles. "You denied me what's mine." He then picks me up and throws me over his shoulder and heads down the narrow stairs to the basement cellars. I continue to kick and scream, but it doesn't affect him whatsoever. Braaten brings me to the first cell and throws me inside. 

Slamming the door shut, he shouts, "She's all yours, boys. Teach her what happens to her when she denies me what's mine." Then he disappears out of sight. 

Four men saunter out of the darkness and into my view with lust in their eyes, the scent of their arousal staining the air. Panic sets in. 

"Colton! Braaten! Please! Don't do this! Please!" I scream out. 

The one on the left opens the door and steps inside before the others. He looks down at me with a smile and I can see his hardness through his pants. 

"Hello, Luna. Mind if we have a ride?"

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