
By ThoughtlessMind

259 25 8

Steven and his friends uptain diffreent powers to try and save the world...... will they do it? More

Chapter 1: Part 1
Chapter 1: Part 2
Chapter 1: Part 3
Chapter 2: Part 1
Chapter 2: Part 2
Chapter 3: Part 1
Chapter 4: Part 1 Scott's Past
Chapter 4: Part 2
Chapter 5: Part 1
I Honestly Dunno
Chapter 5: Part 2
Chapter 6: Part 1
Chapter 6: Part 2
Chapter 7 Part: 1
Chapter 7: Part 2
Chapter 8: Part 1

Chapter 3: Part 2

6 1 0
By ThoughtlessMind

The sky was dark, the air was warm with the scent of blood which made Steven's nose burn with each breath. Screams were no longer heard through out the city,
        "Well..... we must do what we have to ri-" Before Steven could finish his sentence his vision when black and he could feel pain through out his body he knew at that moment he had been attacked.
He took his switch blade out of his pocket and stabbed the monsters mouth many times until it let him go, then sliced it's throat.

It's body glew then the glow went into Steven's body he felt light on his feet as if the ground was below him. When he looked down he was infact flying.
"Steven! What are you doing up there!? Get down!" Kyle yelled.

"I'll try..." He replied eventually figuring out how to get down.
"That's was weird....does this mean I can fly?"

Kyle's jaw dropped "DUDE!!! you're like superman!!!!" He seemed really excited.
Scott chuckled "Do you feel anything else going on?"

Steven thought for a moment then he noticed a little bird he watched it as it landed on his head.
"Hey.... get off." The bird got off and looked at Steven's face.
"Uh.... go over to Scott...?" He pointed towards Scott and the bird did as it was told.

"So you can control animals as well as flying?" Jessica put her bag over her shoulder.

"That's so cool!!" Julie basically yelled.

Steven looked around "We need to make our way into the city I guess. We won't get much done if we just stand around here." He started to walk towards the sign that said 'Welcome to New Jersey population' then where the numbers were was just scratched out and covered in blood. This gave Tony chills, Scott looked around to see if anyone was still living but unfortunately no 'Well I should've seen that coming' he thought to himself.

Kyle want to turn around to look at Tony but......Tony wasn't there anymore. "Uh....guys? Where did Tony go?" As soon as he finished his sentence there was a loud scream in the east not too far from where they were standing. Some buildings started to fall as they ran towards the sound. Before they got there the soul of a gun shot and a loud screech filled the air.

There was a gun on the ground, a monster body evaporating but..... no Tony.

"Hey guys! I did it!" Everyone looked around in confusion to where the voice was coming from. "Uh.....guys? I'm right here in front of you! I told you to stop making short jokes about me!!"

"This isn't a joke" Jessica looked around "We actually can't see you."

Tony looked at his hands "Oh..... I'M INVISIBLE!!!" Just in that moment he became visible again.

"Well Tony has his power...... now we need Kyle and Julie to get theirs."

"I wonder what mine will be!" Julie seemed excited.

They started walking around it was quiet except for the sound of building crumbling in the background. They could see monsters up a head.

Julie ran up and tried to kill the monster while the others tried to fight them off.
Julie was on fire after killing her monster her flames were black and purple but she had another power it was.....

(CLIFFHANGER!!!!😂😂😂😂 sorry i didn't update sooner I was busy with family issues the next part will be revealed in chapter 4 see you soon! Sorry for the short chapter!)

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