A True Slytherin

By Thinking_Of_A_Dream

783K 26.6K 11.2K

Harry Potter wakes up in his eleven year old body, the day before he gets his first Hogwarts letter. What act... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Ninteen

Chapter Six

44.6K 1.5K 871
By Thinking_Of_A_Dream

Harry POV

I stood calmly in front of Gringotts, knowing that what I do today will help change many things down the road. Those very changes could either save the wizarding world, or they could bring it to destruction. 'Or something very similar in any case. So I need to request a new key and for Dumbles to be banned from using any and all of my vaults. I also need to get some more money to get books, clothes and maybe potion supplies if there's time. I will also need to think over what I dreamed about last night. Now that I remember what happened, and how I got here, a few things make more sense.'

I walked in, pausing when I reached the front desk.

"Pardon me, may I see the head goblin? I have a few requests to make." My words came out confidant, and I did not flinch when the goblin's unblinking gaze settled on me.

"Name please."

"Harry Potter." I watched as the goblin handed me a small knife and a piece of parchment.

"Place a single drop of blood on the parchment for identification." Doing as requested, the goblin took the items back before summoning another goblin.

"Trutip will take you to Head Goblin Ragnok, Mr. Potter."

"Thank you." I turned and followed Trutip down a few different hallways, neither of us saying anything. I watched as Trutip knocked on the door we stopped at and said something in gobbledygook before turning and leaving. A few moments later the door opened and I walked in.

"What can I do for you, Harry Potter?" The goblin sitting behind the desk questioned as I sat in a chair across from him.

"I want to request a new key for my vault and I also want to request that Albus Dumbledore is banned from using any and all of my vaults."

"For what reason do you place these two requests?" Ragnok sounded slightly confused, if goblins can even sound confused, that is.

"Well, I believe I was to receive my vault key upon turning the age of eleven. I have yet to receive my key. Also, I have reason to believe Dumbledore has been stealing from my vault and might even steal from my other vaults if given the chance to do so. Have you, or the goblin running my vaults, checked what goes in and out of my vault? I am sure that if you do, you will find that some amount of money is taken out each month without my consent."

"Very well. Wait here for a few minutes." I nodded as Ragnok stood and exited a door behind him that wasn't there a second ago. As promised, Ragnok walked back in a few minutes later with a slightly grim expression.

"It appears that the goblin in charge of your vaults knew that Dumbledore was stealing money and allowed him to do so. I have fired him and placed Griphook in charge instead. Dumbledore has been banned from using your vaults. Do you also wish the file charges and demand the stolen money back?" I gave a small frown. 'Should I ask for my money to be returned? It's not like I am suddenly poor because of him taking money. Also if I do something against the man this early, it won't end well for me in the near future. I need him to still believe me the Gryffindor golden boy, at least until the sorting.'

"No, I find no reason to demand the money back."

"Very well then. Here is a new key. The one Dumbledore has will no longer work on any of your vaults."

"Thank you very much Ragnok." I took the key that appeared above the goblins hand and placed it in my pocket.

"Was there anything else you needed Mr. Potter?"

"I would like to retrieve some money, then I will be on my way."

"Follow me then."

Roughly fifteen minutes later I stepped out of the bank, glad that no one overheard my name or recognized me. 'I should go to the ministry last, as it will require a more complex glamour. For now, I will just do something simple before getting robes.' Ducking into an abandoned and dark ally, I retrieved my cherry wand and began casting the glamour spell. Not seeing a point in doing the complex one, only my hair color, hair length and eye color were changed. I also placed a concealment charm over my scar. I walked back out into the open with blonde hair to my hips, and bright blue eyes. Looking around, I quickly began my way to Madam Malkins. Not too much later, I walked into the shop and after noticing she was busy, I accommodated a vacant chair nearby.

"Hello." a soft, airy voice spoke beside me. Blinking in slight surprise, I turned my head to the left. 'When did Luna get there? Wait, she was probably there already. Maybe I am loosing my touch. No, I doubt that. I should probably answer, I have been quiet for a few seconds too long now.'

"Hello." Was my simple reply back.

"Beautiful day, isn't it Harry?" She smiled at me, before turning back towards the pedestal where her dad was standing.

"Harry? Sorry, my name is Alex." 'How did she know it was me? Maybe there is more to her than I originally thought there was. Come to think of it, wasn't there the possibility of her being a seer? Maybe...well in any case, she could prove to be a very valuable friend, and ally. I always did like her oddness.'

"Oh, my apologies Alex. I seem to have mistaken you for someone else."

"It's okay. Good to see you and your dad are okay after being attacked."

"Yes, thank you for helping us." Luna gave another smile, a distant look in her eyes that seemed to see right through me. I suppressed a small shiver.

"Yes, thank you very much Harry." I looked up to see Xenophilius Lovegood smiling down at me.

"You're welcome." 'I can't really not say you're welcome. It would be considered rude to not do so. Besides no one aside from them, Severus, and the Death Eaters really seen who was protecting them. And I can guarantee the Death Eaters didn't recognize who I am.'

"We should be leaving now. Feel free to call upon either of us if you are in need of anything." Xenophilius spoke gently and I gave a small nod in acceptance before he left, Luna following close behind.

"Hello dear, what is it you would like?" I stood and walked over to Madam Malkin, taking the vacated spot on the pedestal.

"I am in need of new robes, both fancy and everyday. I would like those in black, emerald and red, four of each color please." I replied, letting the tape measure take the measurements that were required.

"Very well, please wait here. They should be ready in about ten minutes." She smiled, before heading towards the back of the store with the measurements to get the requested items.

It was exactly ten minutes later that she returned, the robes floating behind her.

"Would you like me to put these in a bag with an undetectable expansion charm?"

"Yes, please. That would be great."

"Very well dear, here you go." She handed me the plain black bag and I placed the required amount of money in her now vacant hand.

"Thank you very much, Madam." I smiled, leaving the shop.

'Alright now that is all done. I believe I should go to Flourish and Blotts next. I can just put the books I get there into the bag with the robes. I know the books won't damage the new clothes any.' Walking down towards the aforementioned destination, I let the excited chatter around Diagon Alley reach my ears. I found the noise rather annoying; how could they possibly be so happy with the second wizarding war hanging over their heads? Though I suppose they don't even realize that it is hanging over them. Voldemort it just biding his time, waiting. He will be going after the stone, while being stuck to the back of my professors head. Honestly, he should have tried to find a better way to get into the school because that is just wrong. Letting out a small puff of air, I blocked all the noise out once more and entered the bookstore.

It took a few minutes to locate everything, but I somehow managed it. The first place I looked was under the dark arts section. There were multiple different good choices, so I had to limit the ones I grabbed to only what would be useful. For example: Advanced Dark Arts Spells, Advanced Dark Arts shields, Advanced Dark Arts for Revenge Against Enemies, and Advanced Dark Arts Potions - From Poisons to Insect Killers. Honestly, some of those I found odd to even be near Flourish and Blotts instead of Knockturn Alley.

I next went over to find something on becoming an animagus. I have yet to do that, and I know it will come in handy later on. I found three good books on the topic and how to become one. Putting them on top of my pile, I walked over to the line.

"Do you need a bag dear?" the lady behind the desk asked, eyeing me uncertainly.

"No, thank you. These are for my father, so don't worry. He is doing research on this subject. The animagus ones are mine though." I grinned, looking as childish as possible. It seemed to work because she accepted the excuse and allowed me to pay her the money. Placing the books into my bag, I quickly left the store.

'Getting a snake was next on my list. Even though that is probably cliche, but that doesn't matter to me. I don't really want an owl, though I should get one anyways for my mail. An owl can wait.'

Looking around, I try to remember if there was a pet store here aside from the owl emporyum. Pretty sure there were a few different ones, actually. 'Oh, right, there is the Magical Menagerie that isn't too far from here. I can go there.'

Settling on where to go, I turned and headed the other direction. 'What kind of snake should I get? I don't want an emerald one, or pure black. Maybe a pure white one..albino? No, that would remind me too much of Voldemort. I will have to wait and see if they have any that would work well with me.' I paused in front of the pet store, grabbing the silver doorknob and walking in. Immediately assaulted with the sound of dozens of different animals, the owner approached me with a grin.

"Hello, hello! What can I help you with today, young man? Maybe a cat or even a frog? We have a lovely selection of both." The man grinned, his yellowed teeth showing. I wanted to frown in disgust but managed to keep a straight face.

"No thank you, I am looking for a snake." The man's smile immediately fell, fear now clouding his eyes.

"A s-snake sir?"

"Yes. Can you take me to them? I can find them on my own if not." I was starting to get slightly annoyed at this man. However, I am thankfully able to control my emotions, usually.

"O-of course sir. R-right this way." He turned and lead me towards the back, and I silently followed. As soon as we reached the area, the man fled as quickly as possible. 'I doubt he is the one who handles the reptiles then, going by his blatant fear of them.' Turning back to the cages, I observed each one. There were a lot of adult ones that were calmly sleeping, others were silently watching me. A few were hissing quietly, too quietly for me to hear what they were saying.

'I should avoid getting an older one. It will be harder to form a bond with one that is no longer considered a youngling.'

~You look yummy human. Come here so I may chew on your soft tender skin. Then give you my poison so I can watch how it affects you human.

I looked over to my right, a few cages up, to spot a black and red snake bobbing its head while looking at me. Walking up to it, I observed it a little more.

~Yesss, that's a good human. Now just reach in my cage so that I may chew on your hand a little bit.

Blinking, I realized this snake looked more like a dragon without its wings and legs. Seeing the tag that has it's information recorded, I became much more interested in the little guy.

It is a mangrove, hairy bush viper mix. It's black and red with piercing grey eyes similar to Draco's eyes. It is highly venomous and dangerous. The large keeled scales that run along its body curve outward to form points that give it a furry or spiky appearance. This specific one is a male, and just over a year old.

~If you promise not to harm me, I can take you with me. Would you like to leave this place?

~You are a speaker? I apologize for threatening to poison you...and chew on you. Yes, I would like to leave this stuffy place. The cage is awful. And the man smelly. I will not bite you.

~It is okay, it's in your nature. Very well, let us be off then.

I lifted the cage lid and stuck my arm in for him to slither up. Bringing him out of the cage, I went back to the front to buy some mice and pay for both those and my new companion. At seeing the snake wrapped around my arm, the man nearly fainted.

"I-i-is there a-anything e-else you need, s-s-sir?"

"A couple of mice please. Five should do it."

"V-very well. P-please w-w-wait here." The man quickly scurried away, returning a few minutes later with a cage of mice. I handed him some money and picked up the mice, leaving the store before the man really does faint.

~So, what would you like your name to be?

~Anything is fine with me, speaker.

~You can call me Harry. Alright, how about sparkles then?

He hisses lowly, trying to be threatening without actually being threatening. A few people around us quickly ran out of our way, so he didn't really succeed. I smirked over at him, and he put his small head back down on my shoulder. His tail is resting gently just below my elbow.

~Okay, not sparkles then. How about Aeron?

~Yes, that iss acceptable.

~Very good. Nice to meet you then, Aeron.

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