The Awakening (RAPTURE Series...

Par LadyDawn

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Rapture The Awakening By: LadyDawn 2012 Copyright © All Right Reserved *Edited* This is Book # 2 of the Raptu... Plus

RAPTURE The Awakening Copyright
Chapter 1 Training Camp
Chapter 2 The Enforcers Take Their Place
Chapter 3 A New Era Begins
Chapter 4 LadyDawn Heads Back Home
Chapter 5 Tracking Down The Traitors
Chapter 6 The Underground Cavern
Chapter 7 Ravenwood Is Under Attack
Chapter 8 Two New States Arise From The Ashes 1 In Trouble
Chapter 9 A Plan Is Forming, Where Did They Take Her?
Chapter 10 Another Day Brings with it (1+1) + (1+1) = Superiority
Chapter 11 Fire Rains Down From The Sky
Chapter 12 Love Them British Boys
Chapter 13 A Test of Skills
Chapter 14 Here Kitty Kitty Kitty
Chapter 15 An Easily Corrected Mistake
Chapter 16 Ouch - That Butt Chewing Hurts, Practice Make Perfect
Chapter 18 Renascence Festival of Horrors
Chapter 19 Tender Is The Heart
Chapter 20 Why Is Emmie Turning Green?
Chapter 21 Three Grapefruits On The Table But Nothing To Eat
Chapter 22 A Day The World Will Never Forget
Chapter 23 Set Fire To The Sky
Chapter 24 Desperate Measures Require Desperate Actions
Chapter 25 Tracking The Enemy
Chapter 26 You Can Hide But We Are Tracking You
Chapter 27 Clyde's Mistake our Fortune
Chapter 28 A Trip to Germany Then Off to Romania
Chapter 29 The Week Drags On
Chapter 30 Continuing Troubles
Chapter 31 Another Day of Testing Two Die Today
Chapter 32 A Full Moon to Remember
Chapter 33 A Day In The Life of A Trainer
Chapter 34 So The Battle Begins
Chapter 35 Run Little Wolfe Run - We Are Going To Catch You!
Chapter 36 Meet The First Supreme Witch
Chapter 37 Six Months Was Only An Estimate
Chapter 38 The Battle Begins
Chapter 39 The Awakening
Chapter 40 Time to Toy with the Enemy
Chapter 41 Fighting Mad
Chapter 42 The Final Battle ?
Chapter 43 Life After The Battle

Chapter 17 Samantha Proves Her Worth

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Par LadyDawn

Rapture The Awakening By: LadyDawn

2012 Copyright © All Right Reserved

Chapter 17 Samantha Proves Her Worth

It had been a long boring couple of weeks, with nothing to do, but eat, sleep, train, and play games on the wall to wall TV. The routine was slowly killing us with the boredom and lack of actions the UK office was no better. They hadn't been out on a call since that little diversion the day that returned back home from the full moon two month ago. Even with Samantha the new girl / Witch they were still lacking of things to do.

We have all become quite proficient in the use of our new powers which are now many; way more that we had singly, or with just a mated pair. The best part is the mated trio shares all the same powers now equally. Amalia's group can fly invisibly at a very high rate of speed, levitating extremely large objects dropping them on their intended victims; along with moving things with their minds at supersonic speed like a bullet out of a gun.

Catarina's group can also do the same with moving objects with their mind, but much larger objects like cars and huge boulders. They can also send out fireballs from their hands and add light to them blinding their intended victims and if that isn't bad enough send out a screeching sound so loud that it will shatter every window in a ten block radius. They also can teleport themselves from one place to another invisibly, but for only short distances and take another or two with them.

They have spent these past two months, morning and afternoon honing these skills till they can do them without thinking. There is one more skill Amalia is just now working on by order of Xandria; channeling magic from Samantha in the UK to the USA, through Amalia out to do her bidding like protection spells for their group out in the field. Samantha channels a spell through Amalia out to the garden; then tells Amalia to try to walk out of the area, it knocks her right on her butt, she flies through the air; onto her backside.

'Ouch dammit that frigging hurt you bitch. What did you do that for?' Amalia asked Samantha in her mind cussing her out for what she just did.

'Oops my bad sorry bout that. I was just testing a circle of protection spell to see if it worked long distance. I guess it did. Giggle' Lady Samantha said to Amalia, laughing in her mind

'No shit Sherlock! Yeah it worked! Do that again and I will personally come over there and kick your ass!' Amalia was pissed off rubbing her sore rear end from landing on it after flying back six feet and landing hard on the solid ground.

'Well we know we can do magic this way. If you ever need my help just call out and I will whip up a spell for you. Oh and sorry about that last one. I didn't know it would be that strong.' Lady Samantha said to Amalia severing the mind link.

“Oh I didn't know it would be that strong, yeah right!” Amalia rubbing her butt talking out loud to herself.

“Who were you talking to Amalia? Is someone out here with you sweetie?” Sandu asked her as he swept his arm around her waist wrapping her into his side for a sideways hug about to plant a kiss on her delectable pink lips.

“Nope popping the P just me. I was practicing with Lady Samantha for a while and she put me on my butt, I guess I was complaining to myself about it without thinking anyway hot stuff how about a kiss?” she tilted her head back giving him those blueviolet eyes shaded in her eye lashes that drove Sandu wild every time. He just lowed his head not making a reply to her statement lightly pecking her pink lips in return. Amalia opened her mouth licking his bottom lip with her tongue ever so lightly asking him to open up which didn't take long. Sandu took control and deepened the kiss being the masterful kisser he is. They were lost in a wonderful kiss, flying high up in the clouds when they were interrupted by Rina coughing lightly trying to get their attention.

“Sorry to disturb you two lovebirds, but guess what? We have a new mission that just came in. You two are needed down in the office right away so we can go over the details for it. Let's go. Chop! Chop!,” Rina giggled then turned and ran off to the underground office as Sandu kissed Amalia one last time then they followed her into the office as well.

“Good afternoon Enforcers. This is the Newport Expressway management facility office. I am James the maintenance facility coordinator for the old tunnel system, that has been closed down for the last ten years now due to water inflow. We are having a problem with squatters occupying one of our old tunnels and causing all kinds of problems on either side of the water.” James told us.

“James can you elaborate a little bit on the trouble they are causing please? It will help us in determining what kind of help we can give you.” Sandu asked him. 

“Sure sure! Right, well it's like this. They are gathering in the tunnels then at night they come out howling like a bunch of wild dogs and run a muck in the towns killing off vampires and humans alike and forcing peaceful werewolves to join them deep in the tunnels. They do this every night sometime in New York others in New Jersey. There is no rime or reason to it, it is so senseless.” James told us.

“Ah Yes! We agree with you it is senseless. We will be up there by first thing in the morning where can we meet up with you?”

“I will be in my company truck an old green pickup truck with a red top that has the NETE logo on the doors. I will be sitting inside waiting for you all at around one PM if that is a good time for you? Then I can take you inside the tunnels to show you around?” James told us

“We will see you then promptly at one James” we hung up the call then carried on with the meeting to discuss the new mission. That night we made a few calls to a special friend in the government to arrange for assistance should we need it with special weapons, something we carry, but need authorization to use on our own lands during special occasions and this just may be one.

We flew out in the early morning taking only thirty minutes due to air traffic in that area. Landing we taxied to the furthest hanger used for outgoing shipments to park the jet in a remote area. We did not want to be disturbed with what we were unloading into the awaiting vehicles that were reserved there for us to use. Packing one SUV's full to the brim with T3C8 and other explosives we had our guard follow us closely behind to the entrance to the old tunnel. We had to transverse multiple barricades, roadblocks, and potholes so deep you could loose your car in them. Finally making it to the entrance to the tunnel and spotting the truck we were to meet. James stepped out to greet us with a wave of his hand.

“James nice to see you this is my group the Enforcers. Amalia, Amalie, Catarina, Ceferina and Sorin and I am Sandu the one you talked to on the phone.” Sandu introduced all of us.

“Nice to finally get to meet all of you, now let me show you all these old maps of the underground system. They will show you all the tunnels down below the water where we believe they are all hiding.” James said pulling out a huge rolled up pile of old maps of all the tunnels and bridges. Rolling them out on top of his trucks hood we took a look at them as he pointed out all the old service areas and hidden locations in between the two different old roads including the old air vent tunnel, plus a service area once used for the storage of service trucks.

“Looks like they have plenty of room to make a good hideout down there. How many would you estimate are down there?” Amalia asked James. 

“At last guess? I would say the police chased several hundred down there. They tried going in after them, but lost so many men they gave up. They even tried to smoke them out, but failed on that also, that is why we called you all in.” James told us the story and reason for our call.

“OK leave it to us just give Sandu your number to get a hold of you when we are done and inform the local police and any other authoritys that we are here assisting in this case please.” Amalia instructed James sending him on his way.

Once James was gone we checked out the maps again studying them, storing them to memory, Sorin rolled them up and put them in his SUV. Finally deciding on a plan of action we left our other three guards to guard our explosives in the second SUV parked three blocks away in a burned out building waiting for us to return. We headed into the Holland tunnel first being it was the closest to us, entering it from the Jersy side we quietly walked into it, stopping to wait for our eyes to adjust to the darkness; being vampires and werewolves we don't need light to see in the dark it just takes a few seconds to adjust to it. Once we were ready we advance into the darkness.

Climbing over caved in sections of the roof old cars and antique trucks rusting out due to the water dripping down from the ceiling down onto them we managed to make it half way across to the service area which was totally flooded under at least seven feet of water which is something Werewolves hate, water and getting their fur soaking wet by having to swim through water. We had to turn back and try the other side of the tunnel making it to the exact same point not finding anything to that point we backtracked out of the tunnel and back over to our SUV.

We drove over to the island by the new bridge just one mile down I 95 to check out the same tunnel from the other side. The first tunnel was just like the other two on the other side we backed out of. We then entered the second one on this side slowly checking it out walking up on a small pack of vampires huddled down by a scared woman bleeding from her neck. We stocked right up to them startling them, freeing the woman from her captors. Ceferina guided her out of the tunnel while the rest of us took care of the vampires that were in the process of feeding off the poor woman about to kill her in the process; like the dozen or so bodies piled up in the corner behind them. We exited the tunnel check the maps one more time and headed for the next tunnel north entering it, following it dogging more fallen ceiling sections and old cars and big trucks.

Finally hitting pay dirt we located a large number of werewolves huddled around a small fire down in the service area between the east and west tunnel areas. “Cata, Rina, Sorin you three go check out the pack see how many there are down there and if there are any weaknesses we can use against them to destroy this place; bring it down on top of them.” Sandu gave out instructions to this group first.

“Amalia and Amalie we will go in the opposite direction and check out the other tunnel and set a few charges to bring down the tunnel to seal them in from that side leaving only this side open, We also have to get past them to place charges on the other end of this tunnel leaving this as the only way to exit if any try to get out should that happen. Now let's get to it shall we.” Sandu instructed then disappeared.

Catarina and Ceferina scouted all around the center of the wolf pack listening in for any information they could use hearing their names used several times, they moved in closer for a better listen sure enough they were talking about the Enforcers. Luring them to New York City to trap them and finally rid the world of their kind. They are going to cause a stir by doing a mass killing of humans and vampire alike tonight down by the waterfront down by Battery Park during the full moon concert Summer Festival. Sure to bring the Enforcers down to investigate trapping them within the Holland tunnel sealing their fate. 

Little did they know that the very one they chose to destroy are set to destroy them this very minute. The group met back at the entrance to the eastern tunnel to which Catarina told the group all about what they had learned about tomorrow nights concert and the trap in the Holland tunnel for their group. They decide to go forward with the destruction of this tunnel tonight, then see what happens tomorrow night that way there will be that many fewer werewolves to deal with; if any. They go back into the tunnel with more explosives to place at the only places they hadn't placed any explosives, the tunnel they came in from. Once all the explosives are placed Rina triggered the charges in the furthest tunnel first. Then sequentially set all the other charges off shifting into her wolf she flew out of the tunnel just before the last blast went off collapsing the tunnels swamping them under tons of water. Drowning anything that wasn't buried or blown up in the blast.

Ceferina came flying out of the tunnel so fast she knocked her sister Catarina tumbling her over and over with her griping tightly to her fur. Stopping, shifting back she couldn't stop laughing her sister laying on top of her holding onto her sides head on her shoulder laughing right along with her. It was the silliest thing two grown women one fully dressed one naked wrapped up in each other laughing their heads off. Sister Amalie handed Ceferina a change of clothes to put on then they all circled around her so she could stand up and get dressed. Doing so she looked over her shoulder into the tunnel seeing smoke and water coming up toward them. She grabbed them both and shoved the group out of the way the water, boulders and a few body parts came rushing out of the tunnel flying high into the air just missing them all.

“Thanks Rina that was close, too close actually. I just had my hair done what a mess that would have made.” Amalie said to her sister cracking everyone up.

“You and your hair girl” Sorin said “It is amazing you even go out on a mission for fear of messing it up” Again everyone started laughing.

“What a girl can't look good when she is out killing werewolves?” Rina retorted. They all picked up their things piled everything into their SUV and headed over to the next tunnel to check it out for more werewolves. After checking out the last tunnel thoroughly they found it to be empty also. So they decided to head over to Battery Park to scout out where the concert will be held later that night and spent the rest of the night wandering about while the setup crew was busy erecting the stage, lighting and sound system and testing everything. They slept there in shifts in the rear of the SUV to save time finding a place to stay and come back.

The afternoon was more of the same checking the security, checking backstage the waterfront and checking any entrance that could possibly be used by the werewolves for admission into the area. Locking down the whole area along with the local police and security they returned to the two SUVs to rest up for the evenings concert not that they would be listening in they would all be working aiding the security.

7 PM Came and went the gates open Catarina and Ceferina are busy manning the two side by side main gates along with two armed security guards and four ticket takers. All is going smoothly till about 9 when a fight breaks out and security jumps into action breaking it up successfully. Calling over the police to take the three men away to lock them up the gates reopen letting people back in .

Amalia and Amalie are walking around with Sandu and Sorin mingling with all the concert spectators checking for any suspicious activity. Other than the usual people smoking marijuana and getting high enjoying the music, but it was made legal 15 years ago in New York City and 10 years ago throughout the country for the tax money it brought in to finally balance the budget.

The night went on it was getting later now 11 PM and quiet no attacks, no werewolves anywhere, the concert ended people started leaving all the gates opened people started filing out then the screaming started to the rear of the concert area near the water front, it grew louder and louder. People started running every which way pushing and shoving causing people to fall and other to trample over the top of the fallen. Catarina and Ceferina jumped up on top of the entrance gates shifting into two of the largest brown wolves anyone had ever seen roaring at the top of their lungs stopping everyone in their tracks. Sorin jumped up on top of the gate to stand between the girls with a bull horn in his hands yelling through it to all the people down below. One of the girls got their attention with the nerve biting scream.

“Stop all this stupid trampling of you fellow concert goers help them up and file out safely and don't let us see you do that again. We have the problems under control so no need to push and shove your fellow concert goers to get out you won't get out any faster. So stop it and walk out now.” Sorin shouted at the people down below him. They started walking out the gates stunned at what they were seeing up above them, two brown wolves and a man holding onto the fur of their necks looking down at them with an evil look on his face.

On the far side of the park was Amalia, Amalie and Sandu, along with about 35 guards and a few of the local police were heading in from all directions zeroing in on where the screams were coming from, Amalia and Sorin corned six werewolves killing a bunch of humans that had been sitting by the waters edge listening to the concert where there was a cool breese coming in off the water. Amalie came around from the eastern edge trapping them in. In just a few short seconds six werewolves went up in flames and 18 humans lay dead or dying sprawled out all around the rocks and ground torn to shreds. Only one werewolf was left alive so they could get information out of it; to find out were the other werewolves were hiding out at, but knowing not to believe him if he said anything about the Holland tunnel which they knew to be a trap.

They took him back to the SUVs first for questioning and with a little torture he said exactly what they expected he would that they had a hideout in the Holland Tunnel so they tortured him a bit longer and harder till he gave up the real spot. The Old George Washington Bridge Bus Terminal. They had 300 if you include the 190 that reside in the second tunnel which we already destroyed that they didn't know about yet. So that meant we only had somewhere around 110 more to rid the world of if this werewolf was telling the truth. We sent our three guards with a shipment of explosives to go blow up the subway tunnels under the water while we went to check out the Bus Terminal.

While we were checking it out the whole werewolf pack was just getting ready to leave when we arrived. We only had a few minutes to react so we called in our exact location into Viorel with instructions to set off the rocket we had permission from the government to use. Within seconds it came roaring in overhead and with inferred lasers we guided it directly toward the target blowing the entire building up into a huge fireball wiping the whole building off he face of the city. Off in the distance another blast could be heard “Boom! Boom! Bang!” then a rumbling echo and a whoosh as the water ate up everything in what once was a tunnel under the sea between two large cities.

When all was said and done and two day of checking not one sign of a werewolf could be found left in the Big Apple as they check all around tunnels remains and the rubble of the bus terminal and surrounding areas. Satisfied they packed up and headed back to their awaiting jet loaded it up and flew back to Queensbury, PA. landing in 20 minutes taxing into the Ravenwood manor hanger to park their jet. Then they unload and repack all their supplies for their next mission. They dragged their tired assed butts into the manor tired, hungry, dirty needing a good shower and a good nights sleep. They were all just happy to all be home at Ravenwood Manor.  

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