Percy Jackson Love of Aphrodi...

By KatieMossman

972K 15.1K 5.5K

Annabeth dumps Percy after they'd been together for over five years. As a result, Percy is devastated and dep... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 26

15.8K 250 146
By KatieMossman

 I know this took a while guys but here's the next chapter.

Percy's Point of view

I couldn't help but smile as I headed back to camp. The week hadn't been too bad even though when I was at home I was used to having Silena around. My first date with Aphrodite was probably the highlight of the week, sure it was simple enough since we went for dinner and then started watching a movie, it was simple and we hadn't gone any firther than making out but that was enough. I wasn't ready to take things any further than that anyway. We would take things one step at a time.

After I got to camp I was headed to the sword arena when I ran into someone who I wasn't all that interested in talking to.

"Percy, I know about you and Aphrodite," Annabeth said to me.

"How?" I asked since I had no clue how she could've founnd out. As far as I knew we hadn't told anyone and no-one had seen us together.

Annabeth replied, "I saw you last week in your dad's cabin,"

Dam it I thought to myself, I'd hoped that no-one would find out for a bit longer.

Why are you even with her?Did she manipulate you with her powers?" Annabeth asked.

Slightly annoyed now I answered, "No Annabeth, I'm with her because I love her."

Annabeth said, "but you can't trust her She's a slut she'll just cheat on you."

I glared at her, "Annabeth, you have no idea what you're talking about, she's a better woman than you know,"

Not backing down Annabeth said, "Percy She's a goddess she'd never stay with you, and last time I checked you're not immortal,"

I was getting more and more annoyed, I said, "Enough Annabeth, you don't know her as well as I do, so stay out of my business and leave me the hell alone! If you are trying to get me to leave her so you can have another chance forget it because you aren't getting one! So unless you have something to say that has to do with Luke you might as well leave!"

I was about to walk away and continue heading for the sword arena when I realized that our argument had atracted a crowd, I wasn't sure how long they had been there but I guessed that my relationship with Aphrodite probably wasn't a secret anymore. I don't usually use swear words, but sometimes I do if someone gets me really mad.

The crowd began to disperse, and I couldn't help but wonder how much they had heard. I was starting to walk away when Piper walked over to me, if she'd heard our whole argument this would definitely be awkward. Well I figured it would be better to get the conversation over with so I didn't try to leave, instead I waited for her to reach me and then she spoke.

Piper said, "So you and my mother again?"

"Um yeah," I said awkwardly

How do you expect me to respond to that one, I mean when you fall for your best friend's mom it makes for a rather awkward situation. At least I had an excuse for the first time around, I hadn't been completely sober since I'd had quite a few drinks that night. Mind you due to us being half god it takes demigods longer to get completely drunk.

Now that I can remember what happened I remember that a couple of people had commented on how well I could hold my liquor. Regardless I certainly wasn't sober that night when I was with Aphrodite. But now the reason I'm with her is because I love her. I admitted to Piper that Aphrodite had been visiting me and that I had just fallen for her.

Things would be a bit awkward between me and Piper for a while until she gets used to the fact that I'm dating her mother. I figured that I should probably let Silena know before she finds out from someone else. I wasn't sure where she was though. I eventually found her at the archery range. I watched for a moment as she shot an arrow at the target, she didn't get a bullseye, buut she did manage to hit the target and that's better than I can do. She obviously gets that from her mother's side I thought in amusment.

I called her over to me and we went to the beach so we could talk in relative peace. I expected her to be surprised by what I told her, but instead she didn't really seem surprised at all. I said, "Silena, I wated to tell you this myself because I Figured ti would be best If you heard it from me and not one of the other campers,"

When I told her she adnitted that she'd guessed that Aphrodite still had feelings for me since she seemed to be visiting fairly often, and she'd also guessed that Aphrodite was part of the reason why I'd finally moved on from Annabeth. I guess I shouldn't have been so surprised, after all her mother is the love goddess so I probably should have guessed that she would have picked up on what was going on between me and her mother.

As our conversation was drawing to an end I started messing arounnd with my powers by manipulating the water. As she watched what I was doing Silena asked, "Could I do that?"

I shrugged before answering, "I'm not sure, you might be able to but I'm guessing that your powers would be more limited than mine. I guess the only way for you to find out would be to try."

"How do I do it?" she asked, sonuding eager to find out what she was capable of.

I told her but I wasn't sure if she would be able to do it since she might not have gotten those particular powers. We eventuly found out that she had the ability it was just more limited than mine. I had to go teach sword classes to I left the beach and headed to the sword arena. Just like many of the other times that I'd gone in there a large black shape launched itself at me after I entered the building.

According to Nico Mrs. Oleary had been rather upset after I'd left, Apparently he was the only person that she would let come near her after that, I kind of felt bad about that, after all she'd already lost one master and she'd probably thought she'd lost another so the first time I went into the sword arena afteer I came back she was really happy to see me and it was rather hhard to get her off me. this time didn't last as long and after toweling off the hellhound drool I prepared to teach the sword class.

Later that day I returned to the beach to get some time to think and comtemplate everything that had happened. As I was thinking everything over my dad walked over to me. He said, "It seems you've finally moved on,"

I just nodded saying, "Yeah I'm over Annabeth now so things have gotten a bit easier,"

He said, "I recently heard rumors about you and Aphrodite, and I can't haelp but wonder if she is the reason that you've moved on."

I debated whether to dodge the subject or tell him the truth, after all I wasn't sure how he would take the news once he heard it. I finally replied, "Yeah to be honest she has helped me a lot. Lately she's been visiting fairly often and she helped me see that I could move on from Annabeth and find someone else."

Dad said, "The rumors I heard say that you have found someone else and that it's her, Are they true?"

I sighed considering how to answer. In the end I settled on the truth. I answered, "Yes Aphrodite and I are dating, but before you say anything she didn't use her powers on me and I know she feels the same way about me that I do her. I'm well aware that she has a husband and has been with numerous other men but I've fallen for her and I'm going to give her a chance,"

Surprisingly my dad didn't really try to argue too much, he did argue that she she would probably cheat on me eventually, but I argued against that saying that there was a side of her that you don't usually see and that I was pretty sure that she wouldn't do anything to hurt me.

He eventually gave in and we changed the subject but there was a small part of me that wondered was I right, or would Aphrodite eventually cheat on me. based on what I've seen of her recently I was pretty sure she wouldn't, but I couldn't help but be a little worried. I only hoped that now that the news was out everyone else would take it pretty well.

I wasn't interested in having a pissed off Hephaestus or Ares after me, but since I want to see where my relationship with Aphrodite will go I guess I'll just deal with whatever happens and hope that things will turn out okay. I'm not too worried about what my Mom and Paul will think they will probably accept it since it's what I want even though they will probably still be a bit concerned. I've fallen in love with Aphrodite and I don't know if I could be happier.  

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