By Delterzard

165 27 10

Annie is a new convert to the Christian faith and she still has trouble leaving her past behind sometimes. Sh... More



11 1 2
By Delterzard

  " You're the new girl, aren't you?" I hear a haughty voice ask from behind my locker. Sighing resignedly I shut the door to face my addreser. She's wearing a shouting pink mini gown and rhinestones studded black sandals. The Paris Hilton bag in her hand screams wealth, but I choose not to dwell too much on that.

  " Yes I am." I respond neutrally. From my experience, it's never a good idea to piss off the head of the cheer and glam squad-as I affectionately like to call them.

  " Which school did you transfer from? " She demands. I'm not surprised. After all I've gone through the drill before. I open my mouth to answer her question as expected, when I notice that her attention has been diverted by someone behind me. I watch as a calculating glint enters her eyes and find myself pitying her next target. " We'll finish this later," she says as an offside to me as she gestured to her entourage that it was time to leave.

   As I watch them leave I let out a pathetic sigh. I'm not proud of being weak, but I'm relieved that she is gone.

  " You shouldn't let her get the upper hand on you, you know." A light voice says solemnly from beside me. I turn to see a pretty brunnete with blue eyes that rival my green ones in thier intensity.

  I sigh and open my locker again to collect my books. " I know. But it's too early for me to be making enemies, don't you think?" I lock the locker and turn to face her again with my quizzing gaze.

  She shrugs indifferently and puts out her hand to me for a shake. " I'm Miley," she says affably. I shake her offered hand and release it silently. " Well? " She prompts with a grin, making me blush sheepishly.

 " Annabelle."

 " Well Anna," she says and puts her hand around mine, " We'd better get you to class before you get noted for late coming on your first day of school!"

  I laugh lightly and smile at her. " Sure." And with that we walked to our first class of the day; which, if I might add, was the same; Calculus.

I grin widely and take a seat at the front. Miley glares at me, but eventually takes the seat beside me.

  " Just my luck that I befriended a nerd." She sulks unhappily under her breath.

  I turn my happy smile on her, knowing she isn't being spiteful. " How about this then. To compensate you for your misfortune, this nerd can make sure you get straight A's in all your assignments."

  Miley glares at me again. " I already get A's by myself," she sniffs insulted by my comment.

  " No, no, no I didn't mean it like that." I rush to apologize. It was too early to be losing the only person who has been nice to me. " I only meant.... " I trail off my cheeks blazing. Truly, I'm not even sure what I meant.

  Miley bursts out laughing beside me at my discomfort. " You should see your face!" She snorts " It's priceless! "

  I blush harder and retain my response, glad that we are on good terms again. Miley seems like a good person and I would like to see what our relationship would grow to given the right amount of time.

  Her laughter and most of the chatter around the class is cut short at the arrival of the teacher. He is a middle aged man with black hair and grey eyes which seem to be sunk into his face due to the glasses he wears. His average build is typical of that expected of academics, but his khaki coloured slacks and navy blue pullover reflect a good taste in fashion.

  His eyes glint intelligently as he surveys the class. " Okay, class. We have a new student in our midst." Those eyes zero on me as he motions for me to rise. " Please introduce yourself to the class, miss."

  I rise carefully and feel Miley squeeze my fingers briefly in silent support. " My name is Annabelle Delaney and I'm from Keystone, Australia." I look to the teacher for guidance and receive a warm smile from him.

  " Well Annabelle, that was a very brief, but satisfactory introduction. You may take your seat." As I obey happily, he peers around the class with an amused gaze. " If anyone wants to know anything more, I'm sure they'll make your acquaintance." The class groans at this and I feel my face heat up once more.

  Miley catches my attention and gives me a thumbs up. " Good job."

  I grin at her. " Thanks."

  And with that we turn to the business of the day as our professor begins to write on the board. So far so good....


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