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*** HE ADVANCED TOWARDS me. His elderly face wrinkled in an evil grin as I lay there naked. I hold off the nausea that threatens to overwhelm me anytime I think of what he wants to do to me. What I'll let him do to me because I have no choice.

  Suck it up, Annie. Remember this is for your family. I remind myself over and over again as I lay there trembling on his bed. He saw me tremble. Saw the fear in my eyes, and I could see that it excited him. The bastard was turned on by the sight of my terror, so I decided to stop showing any.

  " Come on sweet," He said in a disgustingly syrupy voice." Pleasure yourself for daddy to see now."

  I was mortified! Couldn't he just get over with it already? Did he really have to torture me this way? I whimpered as he moved closer: I couldn't help it. His gaze had sharpened with annoyance when I hesitated for too long." I said touch yourself, you bitch!" His command came out coldly. And, seeing his expression, I knew that he'd hit me next if I didn't obey. And that he would enjoy it tremendously.

  " Yes, sir." I say quietly, Playing my part of our plan with dread.

  My gang mates were supposed to be done robbing him blind by now. At least that had been the plan before we left our hangout this evening. Now though, I was beginning to doubt the plan had worked.

  I began to touch myself tentatively. Don't get me wrong, It's not as if I'm a vigin or anything. But I doubt any girl would want to be in my position right now. I mean every girl's fantasy includes a well built and attractive man, not a slimy toad with a depreciating physique. I try to tune him out and focus on my own pleasure, while silently praying that a member of my gang would burst in suddenly and say our plan had worked; consequently saving me from the nightmare that I was currently involved in.

  It was not to be, however. Because no sooner had I shut him out, did he cross over to me and pounce on me, trapping me beneath him. I screamed desperately, making him laugh evily and grow harder." Let's see what you're made of, hot stuff," He growled and began to unfasten his trousers.

  I snapped. I began to bite and scratch every surface I could find on his body, but the bastard only laughed again and gave me a hard slap. He drew my face to him roughly and bent to kiss my bloody lips." You can't escape me, baby..." His words sent a cold current of despair through me. And as I began to recede into the safe haven of my unconscious, I heard a door break somewhere. Calvary.... I sighed sofly in my mind as I dropped into darkness. ***

  I break out in cold sweat as I wake up from the nightmare. A scream stuck in my throat and came out instead as an agonized croak. I get out of bed and go to look out my bedroom window. But even as I gaze in awe of the beauty of a new dawn, I still feel the shivers that have accompanied me to my waking consciousness.

  It has been a month since I reunited with my foster parent, Sarah. A month of living a life I hadn't dreamed possible. A life full of love, provision and stability. In fact, sometimes it feels too perfect, and I find myself waiting for the bomb to explode. Although, times like this when I have these nightmares from my former life, I ache for the family I left behind: Greg and his brilliant mind, Paul and his teasing grin, Little Maisy and her adorable innocence and loving heart. Even Jessica and her snide remarks. Weird but true. After all they're the only family I've ever truly known.

  " Belle! Are you ready yet? You'll be late for your first day in school!" Sarah yells from the stairs and pulls me out of my thoughts. At her words I'm filled with another kind of dread. School. Sarah's idea not mine. She feels it's necessary for me to go back to high school and do my final year instead of applying directly for college. I don't agree, but I'd do almost anything to make her happy. I sigh forlornly. Time to get ready for my new version of hell.

  It isn't that I hate learning or struggle with my studies; in fact, I'm the opposite of that, I love learning and I'm a straight A student-at least I was when I attended school. It's the cliques that worry me and the people who form them. Especially the all time dreaded Popular kids. For some reason I always get picked on by the popular crowd, and it wasn't like I was a nerd or anything. Unbelievably it was often because I refused to join them. Anytime I refused to join them bully others they felt were beneath them, I automatically became the enemy. And they set out to ruin my school year consequently. I know you may be wondering what's so special about me, a mere foster kid, that the gods and goddesses of the high school society would deem me worthy to belong within their ranks. The simple answer is that I'm beautiful. I mean drop dead gorgeous. It may sound vain, but it's true. I suppose it's something I owe to my birth parents. For all the good it's done me.

  I sigh again. Another school, another cycle. I move to the bathroom to get ready for my first day.

  Little did I know that things would not turn out as I expected them to....

*** Thanks to all of you out there for your support! I'm really grateful. Don't forget to vote, share and comment. :-).***


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