19 3 1

  I GET TO THE PUBLIC  library and look for a secluded area to practice what I'd been taught. The Library was one of the few places in our district that was still in commendable condition. The scars on its brick walls stood testament to its age and all circumstances it had survived through. I walk through the scant reading area and get to a slightly shadowed part of the Library. Even though the place was almost empty I still didn't want to risk a disturbance. The spot I choose is dusty and filled with cobwebs, but I don't mind. I'm used to dirty places.

  I clear up as much of the dirt as I can and I sit down to meditate on the sermon I'd heard today. Pastor Mark had said we were the ones who blocked the Holy spirit from interacting with us and that if we genuinely seek him we would always find him. So taking a deep breath I start to pray:

  Dear Lord,
I really don't know what it is that I've done to stop the Holy spirit from interacting with me. I admit that I haven't been the best person on earth and my past isn't stalwart either, but you promised to wipe all that away and give me a fresh start in life. Please help me hear from your spirit again, I really can't deal with everything that's happening in my life alone. Susie's getting worse by the day and I can't do anything to help her, and added to it Shadow and the gang are trying to draw me back into my old life."


  I pause here and tears run down my cheeks. Without conscious thought I begin to pour out my heart to God." I'm scared of leaving, Lord. Anytime I think of breaking away, my heart shatters. I think of little Maisy who's just joining our gang and the life she'll grow in to if I  leave. She's so innocent, Lord, and I'm afraid  of what'll become of her if she grows up like I did. She reminds me so much of myself when I was younger, and I wouldn't which what I went through on anybody. I still have nightmares about all the horrible things I've done in my life..."

  I go on pouring my heart out to him for a while, and that's when I feel him. I feel his presence around me and feel his power healing my soul, then I witnessed the truth of my Pastor's words. We do only find the Holy spirit when we genuinely seek him.

  It's okay, Love. I'll never let you make your decision alone. Know that if you listen to what I tell you, you'll always make the right decision.

  I smile through my tears and feel a glow emerge from within me. I know everything will be fine now that I've found him.

  Thank you, Holy spirit. Please give me the grace, dear I AM, to always listen to your Holy spirit and to always ask his opinion in every decision I make. Also help me to never be too busy for him again.

  My joy was complete. I knew from now on that I and the Holy spirit would be the best of friends. As I sat there basking in my new found revelation, he spoke again:

  Go to Susan, Love. She needs you.

  Immediately I stand up from my seat and start to leave the Library. Although I am happy to have gotten this instruction, I'm anxious to see my friend. The Librarian gives me a strange look as I leave-one filled with awe, and I see myself start to wonder what she sees.

  *** So sorry for the late post. Yearly finals had me caught up in my studies. I know this chapter is short but I promise to write more often. Thanks for your understanding and support. God bless you. Please remember to share my book with your friends and let them comment and vote for it:-).***

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