My Pyromaniac

By lishakins1

36.2K 1.1K 129

**COMPLETED!!** Lexi Heywood. Human historical library. Sister. Best friend. Works with a superhero. Friends... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 12

1.1K 41 1
By lishakins1

"Barry!" I whisper/yelled as I turned into the cortex.

I didn't know who all was here. I didn't want to accidentally give away the flash's identity.

Once I was in the doorway of the cortex I found five people staring at me. Caitlyn and Cisco greeted me happily before turning back to their work. The other three people was an older man with a beard and a wool hat standing beside the same woman I saw Barry with at Jitters and a man who looked similar to the both of them leaning against a table.

"You must be Lexi Heywood." The woman asked with a smile.

I nodded unsure of what to say to her.

"I'm Iris West, that's my brother Wally, and that's my dad Joe." She sent a warm smile behind her to both men.

"Oh you're Barry's family" I said once the names registered in my head.

They both nodded with a smile.

A few seconds later a gust of wind swept threw the room causing papers to fly off the desk Cisco and Caitlyn were working at. Barry stood in the middle of the room with his full Flash suit still on.

"Why do you still have the get up on?" Joe asked him.

Before he answered I heard footsteps behind me. I turned to see Mark Mardon standing in the doorway with some kind of metal cuffs completely covering his hands.

"Well, you working with the Flash was a big surprise." He looked my way with a smirk.

"Lexi, how much do you know about Central City's history?" Barry/Flash asked me in that vibrating voice.

I didn't answer him. I sent a glare his way then nodded for him to follow me. I stepped out in the hallway ready to head down the hall when I felt arms around me. I blinked and I was standing in the lab further down the hall from the cortex.

Barry was sitting at the desk behind me. His arms were crossed and he was already giving me his full attention.

"Why did you swoop in like that when I was with Mardon?" I questioned as I sat beside him.

"I don't know. I was too worried about something happening and you had him in a less public place." He shrugged at me.

I sighed and shook my head. The short time Barry and I have known each other we have grown close. He's become like a second brother to me. Someone I can always lean on and count on.

"What do you need to know about Central City's history?" I asked him.

"Mardon knows about this meta who we have only heard rumors of. Those rumors also tell about a plan to bring Central City to its knees. I figured, well actually it was Iris' idea, but if we can figure out where he is planning to attack then we can stop it." He pulled back his cowl so I could see his face.

"Well what do you know about the location?" I asked trying to get more clues.

"It's old, historic, and not actually from Central City. Caitlyn and Cisco have been looking at years of building plans and they can't find anything." Barry spoke as he began to pace.

"Relax Barry, this is why you have me. They probably weren't looking back far enough." I stood from my seat.

I stepped closer to Barry and stopped his pacing. I pulled his cowl back up to hide his face. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him close.

"To the cortex please" I smiled at him.

He chuckled and shook his head before speeding us back to the others.

We stopped in the middle of the room and all eyes were on us immediately. I went straight for the computer Cisco was working on. I grabbed the back of his chair and pulled him back away from the computer.

"What the hell?" He asked once I took his place in front of the screen.

"Let's see, 1945, Central City building expands" I spoke out loud as I typed.

It took a minute for everything to load on the screen. I pulled up the exact document I was looking for.

"Here" I stepped to the side so Cisco could bring it up on the big screen for everyone to see.

"In 1945 Central City began expanding to start becoming what it is today. One building in particular was built here in Central City but each and every piece came from a different city. The foundation blocks came from Gotham, the brick walls came from Star City, and the windows and doors all came from Coast City. It was never explained why everything came from different places but it made this building a one of a kind. It's historical because it's the only building ever built in Central City with pieces from other cities."

I explained my theory with pride and confidence then turned to face everyone in the room. They were all staring at me like I was a foreign creature.

"What?" I asked all of them.

"Where do you store all that information?" Mardon asked from his place in the doorway.

"Years of studying and observing. Things like this just kind of stick to me like glue." I chuckled turning back to Barry.

"This makes sense" I could see the wheels turning in Barry's head.

He stepped towards me suddenly and grabbed my face.

"You are brilliant!" He exclaimed before placing a kiss on my forehead.

"I know" I gushed once he stepped back.

Barry dashed away grabbing Mardon on his way out. I was left with the other four still staring at me.

"You two have become quite close haven't you?" Iris asked with a knowing grin.

"Yea, I think we just understand each other. Plus he's been very helpful with some guy troubles I've been having." I explained simply.

Before I left the lab I gave Caitlyn the address to the building and told her that if they needed anything to call me. After that I headed back to my apartment to relax a little. It's been a long couple of days. I needed I nice hot bubble bath and some horror movies.

I unlocked my apartment door and tossed my keys in the bowl. I closed the door as I peeled off my jacket.

"Fucking bullshit!" I screamed at the sight of Mick Rory sitting on my couch.

Well so much for a relaxing, peaceful night by myself.

I thought as I calmed down from my mini heart attack.

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