Catch me

By lilnora

10.9K 122 0

"Great game last night." I smiled. "Did you watch it?" He asked. "Yes. I saw it on TV." We held each other'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 THE END

Chapter 2

1.2K 14 0
By lilnora

I had stayed behind to interview the coach on tonight's win for the newspaper.

I'm a sports analyst and writer for Pennsylvania teams, and I just recently got asked by ESPN to join their team in New York.

"Hey." Sidney skated over towards me. 

"Hi. Nice game tonight." He smiled at me again. 

" you're still-?" He was about to say here when Beau Bennett skated over to us.

"Hey you two. Sidney's in love! Sidney's in-!" 

"Shut up Bennett." I smiled. 

"We'll I've gotta go. I need to interview coach for an article." Beau looked at me funny. 

"You write sports?" I nodded shyly. 

"Yeah. ESPN has asked me to come join their New York." Sidney leaned on his stick. 

"Wow." I left.

I wish I could've said more. I wish I could've said something I didn't, or take back something I shouldn't have said.


"Hello? You there?" I turned around. Sidney must've followed me. 

"Hey Sidney. Why are you still here? I thought players leave after a home game with no game the following night?" He leaned against the door beam supporting the door. 

"You know more than I do. Did you play?" 

"No. I can ice skate, and I'm pretty damn good at it, but I don't, and will never play hockey as long as I live." I walked down to the coaches' office.

"Did you sass me?!" He yelled as I walked down the hall. 

"Yes! Leave me alone so I can finish!" He put up his innocent hands, smiled at me, then walked away. 

"Come to B-Dubs down in Battery Park when you're done!" I shooed him off.

After the interview, which seemed like for hours, since he wouldn't shut the hell up, I went to go find Sidney. He told me he was headed to the BW3's over in Battery Park.

"Hi. I'm here with Sidney Crosby?" The girl looked at me with a confused look on her face. 

"He never came in here." I could see him out of the corner of my eye. 

"There he is." I waved at him and he waved back. "Douche." I muttered as I walked away.

"Hi Sid." He smiled. 

"Have a seat. I'm sure you know the others: Beau, Brandon, the rest of the team." I smiled. 

"Yeah. So I was thinking of coming to your morning practice to write an article on some updates for fans, and then head off to New York."

He handed me a beer.

"No. What I meant was don't head off to New York, you just got here." Was he crazy?!

I took a sip of my beer.

"Sid, I've been here forever. Like I've been in Pittsburgh forever. And I just started out with the Penguins a month ago." I took another sip. "Damn this is a good beer."

"But why tomorrow?" I shrugged. "I don't know. It was just set up that way."

I could see Brandon, my brother, walking in with his girlfriend. "Shit." I muttered. "What's wrong?" Sid asked me. "It's not you. It's my brother. Look, can I tweet you later?"

He gave me his number on a piece of paper. "Here. Take this, and text me later." I smiled as I tried to hide from Brandon. "Thanks. But I've gotta go. Bye."

Brandon Sutter stood up. "Yeah me too. Sid, you're payin. Haha lates!" He put his arm around me. "Ew! Get the fuck off of me Sutter! God you retarded perv!" I yelled.

Everyone looked at me by the time I had yelled at Sutter. Even my brother, who had no idea I was here, until now, I'm guessing. "Are you done now?!" He yelled. 

"Yes. And I'm so done with the Pittsburgh Penguins." I ripped off my Crosby jersey and walked out of there.

"Hey hey hey. Wait up! Here's your jersey." I turned around to see Sid standing there with my jersey of his.

"I don't want it anymore. Didn't you-?" He cut me off. 

"Forget Brandon. He's...well...just forget about him okay?" I nodded. 

"Okay." I said in the smallest voice I had.

"Look, will you come back and join us?" I shook my head. 

"Sidney, I said what I said, and now I can't take it back. I'm just really annoyed, plus I have to go pack."

He put his hand onto my shoulder. "No. Do not take that job in New York. They are going to use you for your talents to get to the Penguins. As all newscasters do in the end." He made no sense whatsoever.

"No the hell they don't Sidney! Unless its CNN or some other big shitty company like NBC. Plus, this is only an interview. If they like me, they like me and I stay. If not, I come home and continue work for the Penguins and other Pittsburgh teams. It's as simple as that Sidney. I'm done here."

And with that, I left to go pack for New York.

"No wait! Don't leave us yet. I just met you-." I put my hand up. 

"Sidney, I told you I was going to New York way before we came here. Look, I'm sorry, but I have to leave and go pack. And by the way, Brandon Sutter is a douchebag."

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