Gaston One Shots

By paigeinastory

117K 2.4K 356

Stories compiled of Luke's Evans adaptation of Gaston from the new 'Beauty and the Beast' Disclaimer: I do no... More

The Huntress
Love And Art Part 1.
Love And Art Part 2
Library Lovers.
Gaston Headcanon #1
Seeing Double.
Baker's Daughter- Part One
Gaston Imagine.
Gaston Imagine
The Christening
Gaston Imagine
Love And Art- Part Four
Love And Art-Part Five
Father's Daughter
My Lady.
Tender Care
The Invite.
The Ball.
Baker's Daughter- Part Two
Baker's Daughter Part Three
The Match.
My Beauty
Snow White and the Huntsman (Prologue)
Gaston Imagine

Love and Art Part Three

3.3K 75 7
By paigeinastory

Gaston didn't go anywhere. In fact, you and him cleaned your place until all of the floors were shining and you could see your own reflection. "We did it!" You exclaimed as you crossed off the last chore on your list. "And all in one day too! Gaston, I certainly couldn't have done this without you!" You hugged him gratefully, looking pass your exhaustion from your hard's day work, you felt rejuvenated when you were with Gaston. You wanted to kiss him, but you fought back your temptation. "Not a problem at all! I was just glad I got here when I did!" He chuckled lightly, only happy that you were happy.

"And as a thank you, I would like to make you something to eat." You offered nervously, biting down on the lower part of your lip. The sun was already down and the moon was lighting the night sky. It was the least you could do. You didn't mind at all when it came to Gaston. "Would it be wrong to ask if I could help?" Gaston smiled warmly at you, hoping he hadn't offended you in anyway.

"Why not? Are you any good?" You raised an eyebrow, placing both of your hands on your hips. "At what?" Gaston scratched the back of his head, confused. "Well cooking!" You said, snickering a little with that. "My mother was handy in the kitchen and taught me a few tricks of the trade." He shrugged, not trying to brag or anything. "Oh okay." You said trying to pretend to sound impressed. "As a matter of fact, I did a lot of cooking during the war." He pointed out that detail to you.

Which you were impressed by. "Do you have any good war stories to tell as we figure out what in God's name we'll prepare as a meal?" You suggested, loving a good and old fashioned story. "I am afraid I bore you with the war." Gaston admitted, as he only seemed to have your best interest in mind. "Gaston, there is something you should know about me. I am not like other women in this village. I like drawing, and reading sometimes, and I even write. My father used to tell me stories before he died, and I think it would be nice to hear something new." You admitted with a heavy sigh. You felt like a burden has been lifted from your shoulders after getting all of that off your chest.

"I understand. What do you want to hear about first? How I saved the village from becoming ruins?" Gaston wanted to express his utmost affection, but ultimately feared of you feeling that it was not your intention to seek his piety. "I would that very much." You nodded your head, you both stood in the doorway in the kitchen and then you both made a move on after that. You purposely avoided his eye contact while he began foretelling how the war treated him and so forth.

You were flustering yourself. You almost felt in a way, ashamed to be standing in the same room as him as you just admitted your weakness. "Is there something wrong, Y/N? You've been acting kind of off." Gaston stopped himself from going onto the next story. "I'm fine. Really. A little tired is all." You said, playing it off and throwing the blame. Gaston wanted to believe you, but deep down in his heart he knew that wasn't the truth.

"Y/N whatever is on your mind I hope you have the heart to tell me what it is." Gaston stood up straighter and walked up closer to you. You looked him in the eye for a split second before moving your eyes down to his chest. "I just don't want you to see me as weak, or a victim." You mumble, trying to force back your tears. "Oh my love." Gaston kneels in front of you and grabbed a hold of both of your hands. "Look at me. After today, you are the one of the strongest woman I know. You admitted that you are human. Aren't we all? We have all things that make us human. You told me one of them." Gaston professed to you.

You thought that sounded lovely. Your eyes filled with tears, and you allowed two of three to flow down on your cheek. "That was beautiful, Gaston." You proclaimed, as he stood once again, and this time you pushed yourself into his embrace, gaining a big bear hug. "Are you feeling better now?" He asked you, his eyes radiating concern as they were before. "Yes, much better." You nodded your head yes. "How about I help you finish these sandwiches?" He suggested, in which you liked that idea very much.

And you promoted your dinner up on the second level balcony, under the moonlight and stars. You also enjoyed your dinner with a well-deserved glass of wine, whilst Gaston on the other hand, drank a beer. "I am glad we got to spend the day together." You spoke up, toasting to that with Gaston. "I'd drink to that." Gaston clinked your goblet with his cup, and with that you each took a nice and long sip.

The two sat underneath the glow of the stars for quite awhile, but when you began to yawn, Gaston knew it was his time to depart from you. "Allow me to help you to bed, but then I must go." Gaston helped you stand, and you understood, but you were too tired to care either way. You changed from your day clothing, to your inviting nightgown. Gaston got you all tucked in the covers, nice and tight. "I will see you tomorrow, my love." Gaston pecked a kiss on your hand, your eyes were already closed as you slipped into a deep slumber.

Gaston shut your bedroom door quietly, but he made sure to leave a note behind for you letting you know what time to be ready for him in the morning. There was no one else Gaston would want to spend the entirety of his day other than you. Gaston returned to his bungalow before the clock would strike midnight, and headed off to bed himself. His big day finally caught up to him and when he hit the pillow, he was out like a light.

When you awoke, the sun had made it's way all the up. You rubbed the sleep and sand out of your eye and then you remembered last night's events. You finally convinced yourself to get out of bed, and when you reached the downstairs you had a surprise note waiting for you to read. It was from Gaston. Cheeky lad. You thought to yourself. It read the following:

Good morning, Y/N! By the time you read this hopefully you will be just waking up from lovely dreams I am sure you had. I was hoping to interest you a day of horseback riding in the mighty trails behind my beloved tranquility in the woods. What do you have to say to that? I will be here at the hour of noon.


You smiled and brought the note and held it against your chest. He had such a way with words. Everyday you thought you loved this man more. If that was even possible. Of course you wanted to go horseback riding with Gaston. You could barely contain your excitement while you ate a light breakfast, and then went to prepare yourself for your day with Gaston. You stood in front of the mirror, reviewing yourself when you hear Gaston pulled up.

You dashed to the door and took in a breath before opening your front door wide open to reveal Gaston leaning on the door frame. "Nice to see you again." You smiled upon seeing him. "Nice to see you again as well. Sleep well?" Gaston presumed with a raise of the eyebrow. "I did and yourself?" You pursed your lips together, shutting the door behind you as Gaston moved out of the way, walking backwards so he could still face you. "Not too bad." Gaston shrugged. "I'm guessing you got my note?" Gaston wondered out loud. "I did! It was a good surprise when I woke up this morning." You confessed happily. "Well I am glad then. Here is our ride for today." Gaston introduced you to his black stallion. He was a beautiful creature. 

"And where are we riding to?" You questioned, already grinning ear to ear with excitement. "That, my dear, is a surprise." Gaston bit his lower lip, picking you up, slapping you on the back of his horse. He hopped on as well and then you were off. You rode straight out of the village. You rode like a lady, as expected, side saddled, but you clung to Gaston having your arms wrapped around Gaston's lower back and waist. 

"How are you doing back there?" Gaston yelled over the horse's hooves clicking in sync with the ground. "Just fine! Are we almost there yet?" You yelled back in response." Almost." Gaston said, slowing down his horse. "We're here." He announced all of sudden. There was nothing out there. You were literally in the middle of nowhere. "And what are we doing out here?" With Gaston's help in mind you slipped off of his horse. "All in good time, come let's look at this view." Gaston coaxed you as he took over to the side and tied him to a tree so he wouldn't go anywhere. 

You followed him to the edge of the hill and your breath was taken away. You overlooked the whole village of Villeneuve. "Thank you for taking me here, Gaston." You said cutting your eyes over at him. "Oh but the view is not the only reason I brought you up here." Gaston said, taking your hands into his. "Y/N, we have been spending these last couple of days together and frankly they have been the best couple of days in my whole life. I hope that you feel the same when I ask..." Gaston couldn't get another word in before your intimate moment was terribly interrupted.  

It was Gaston's trusty companion and second hand man, Lefou. "Gaston! Y/N! I am so glad I found you!" Lefou jumped off of his horse, sounding pretty out of breath. "What are you doing here, Lefou?" Gaston gritted through his teeth, but with eyes he urged Lefou to beat it. "Y/N, it's her mother. She has returned with your sisters and has been looking for you." Lefou clenched his fists together. "You have to take me back to the village!" Your mouth gaped at Gaston. "I will take her there, thank you Lefou." Gaston sighed letting go of his grip on your hands. 

He lifted you back on top of his horse and rode you back into town in silence. You felt sick to your stomach. Your mother wasn't supposed to be back for another few days time. She was going to maul you. You were not feeling well at all. Lefou followed a distance behind, respecting Gaston's wishes.  "Are you going to be alright?" Gaston inquired you, as you reached the cobblestone entrance of the village. 

"No I don't think so." You muttered under your breath, burping a little and swallowing harshly. "I apologize for the day ending this way and I do hope you start to feel better." Gaston placed one of his hands on your leg. "You don't have to be sorry, Gaston. None of this is your fault. It's mine." You shook your head, beating yourself up when you shouldn't. "No need to play the blame game and lay the heavy load on your shoulders. Whatever your mother has to say to us, she can say in front of both of us. I am not going to let anything happen to you." Gaston tried to reassure you.  And as much as you wanted to believe him, you couldn't help having this gut retching feeling at the bottom of your stomach. 

Gaston stopped in front of your house where your entire family poured out of the door. "There you are, blasted child of mine? Do you know how much trouble you caused with your abstinence, young lady?" Your mother sternly penalized you as you got off of Gaston's horse. "And you were with, Monsieur Gaston too? I am so sorry about that." Your mother said pulling you by the arm over to the side. "No, need. I was the one who picked up Y/N myself." Gaston spoke up unafraid. "A secret affair? You two? You with my daughter? How are you?" Your mother slapped Gaston across the cheek. 

"How dare both of you! I forbid you from ever stepping foot on this property! It pains me to do this, but you must understand. As for you too, Y/N. You are never to see, Gaston ever again!" Your mother snapped in both of your faces. This news crushed you. Your eyes burned with tears, and you ran away in a hurry into your house and up the stairs to your room, planning on never to come out into the light of day ever again. Gaston nodded his solemnly and rode away on his horse. He took the route that wrapped around your horse and you were able to see him ride away. 

Which triggered to cry even harder. You couldn't imagine your life without Gaston as he just made himself known in it. Your life was over as you know it. But you knew Gaston was never really gone. You will always have your memories and good times to hold onto. But you could never move on with anyone else. And neither would Gaston. 

The End! 

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