Fairy Tail FanFic - The Ice D...

By Looklively

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THIS STORY IS BEING REWRITTEN! New chapter one has just been added, skip to there on the drop down above if... More

Intro and Chapter 1
Inner Demon
The First Test
Crimson Ice
Secret Dragon Technique - Ice Dragon Tempest
REWRITE! - Prologue
Chapter 1

Girl Talk

1.8K 28 6
By Looklively

(some of this might be classed as 'mature themes' but it's nothing more than like Taurus admiring Lucy's chest in the manga xD)



Chapter 3: Girl Talk

"she's been here almost a week now, and she's fully recovered. Any idea what she's planning to do now?" Natsu asked, tearing off a chunk of bread and stuffing it in his mouth, watching Grey.

"How would I know?" Grey replied defensively. "I've barely spoken to her. She constantly has people asking her stuff, trying to be nice," he put extra emphasis on the trying, reviewing a few occasions over the last few days where Haylee had seriously offended a few people. "And I've been out on jobs. By the time I get back she's gone home with Lucy."

"Okay! Jeez... Only asking. You're just grumpy because that guy from the other guild beat you to that job." Natsu mocked through a mouthful of food.

"shut up." Grey said scornfully, pushing Natsu.

"Do you think she'd fight me?" Natsu asked, suddenly getting excited. "I bet my dragon fire could overpower her simple ice, but I bet she'd be a worthy opponent. After all, she did manage to pin me to a wall while half dead." he said thoughtfully.

"She's not fighting anyone." Grey said resoundly. "She is a tougher opponent than she let's on, you're underestimating her. And she doesn't like people as it is, fighting might make her more hostile."

Natsu shrugged and carried on eating.

It was dark and late now. Grey shouted a goodbye and left the guild, walking down the street. He started thinking about his conversation with Natsu. He hadn't spoke properly with Haylee since he got her out of the Hospital wing... For the first two days she'd followed him silently, but she'd thankfully managed to make friends with Lucy, so from then on she'd left him alone a bit.

'Maybe I'll go to Lucy's and see how she's doing... But... since she doesn't really like the people or attention, maybe it would be better if I just left it' he thought.

Haylee had found it hard to dislike Lucy and her upbeat ways, even though it had taken her a while she was now happy to talk and stay with Lucy, but she still could not support a conversation with any of the other members. Grey decided to go anyhow , even if he made and excuse for going over.

When he arrived he didn't knock, him and Natsu were used to waltzing in, knocking wasn't in his nature. He jumped up onto the balcony and slid open the door, quietly walking into the living space. He flopped on the sofa and stretched, yawning.

He eventually got bored of waiting and stood up wandering aimlessly to the kitchen and back. He quietly walked up to the door of Lucy's room and listened, he could hear running water, one of them was using the shower. Grey shrugged, he'd seen Lucy's clothes ripped to shreads in the past, he opened the door slightly and poked his head through.

Haylee jumped when she saw Grey.

"You idiot!" she laughed "You frightened the life out of me!"

He smiled and walked in as she went back to drawing of what looked like a dragon.

She was borrowing what he guessed was one of Lucy's nightgowns. Lucy had always been rather... Proud of her bust... And her clothes usually displayed them in a fashion that made them rather appealing. It was now obvious that Haylee was larger than Lucy, for the nightgown looked a little... Snug. Haylee was laying front-down on Lucy's bed, proper up on her elbows as she concentrated on her drawing intensely. Her position gave Grey a great view, he blushed, unable to avert his gaze, but luckily she was so engaged in her drawing she didn't notice.

"Does Lucy usually let you wander around her home?" Haylee asked, not taking her eyes off the paper, an amused tone in her voice.

"Nope, but me and Natsu do anyway." he replied, marvelling at how her chest rose and fell with her breath 'does this make me a pervert...? he thought to himself.

He was so entranced that he didn't even notice Lucy come out of the bathroom. She stood there glaring at him with a turban-like towel on her head, one strand of blonde hair escaping in and flopping over her face, perfectly aware of what he was doing. She cleared her throat loudly. Haylee looked up and Grey jumped and laughed awkwardly.

"H-hey Lucy" he said, trying to sound normal.

Lucy continued to give him evils as she walked over.

"You, out. I need a word with Haylee." she ordered, opening the door and shooing him out.

"About what?!" Grey protested, halfway through the door.

"perverts." she glared and shut the door on him, turning back to Haylee.

"perverts....?" repeated Haylee, confused. "What's that?"

Grey sat on the sofa and hugged his knees, his face burning, Haylee would probably hate him and push him away now, out with the others she didn't trust. He realised this bothered him more than he thought it should, but he couldn't think why. He could hear the girls conversation, Lucy explaining men to a very confused Haylee, who obviously had no clue in the 'male/female' department, heck, she didn't have a clue in the 'human' department.

Lucy sat down next to Haylee.

".......I think I get it..." Haylee said, her voice unsure. Her face was flushed pink, it made Lucy laugh to see someone who looked so adult behave so childishly.

"now, you know Grey was sitting over there, in front of you?" Lucy continued.

'oh no...' Greys mind groaned, as he put his head in his hands.

"yes?" Haylee said, unsure of where the conversation was going.

"well, you know you have, ahem, rather large..." Lucy made a funny gesture that involved flapping her hands around her chest 'and the nightgown I gave you is a little small-" Lucy trailed off a little. Grey smirked, was that a hint of jealousy in her voice?

"and the way you are laying just happens to kind of, put 'them' out there, you know what I'm saying?" Lucy continued, staring hopefully at Haylee.

The was a pause, and then a defeated "No" from Haylee.

Lucy sighed. "Haylee, Grey was being a typical guy and staring at your boobs" she explained.

Haylee stared at her for a minute, expressionless. The silence was killing Grey 'please don't care please don't care please don't care....' he thought.

'wait.... Grey...?" she said, disbelief in her voice, and then...

Lucy practical fell over laughing as the girl went bright red, jumped up, grabbed a pillow and retreated under the bed covers at a blinding speed.

Haylee made a bizzarre noise, like an animal being strangled, showing embarrassment, anger and confusing all in one go.

"But whhhyyyy...' she moaned into the pillow, pulling her knees up tight to her, her face peeping out from the bottom of the bed.

Grey was also bright red, face hidden in his hands, feeling like a right idiot.

"He's in the sitting room! Go slap him!" Lucy instructed, still laughing.

"No! I can't hit Grey! That's horrible!" Haylee wailed.

"why not?! He's like most guys, perverted! Go give him a piece of your mind! Or I can do it for you!" Lucy replied, still in fits of giggles, her eyes watering.

"No, I am going to stay right here and never go out again. Ever. It's my fault, if I hadn't of been so clueless he wouldn't of had the opportunity.." Haylee said, her voice muffled by the pillow.

Grey couldn't help bit smirk, her reaction was that of a thirteen year old, and it made him feel better that she wasn't really angry at him.

"what will you do if I bring Grey in?" Lucy mused.

"I will pretend I'm not here." Haylee said decisively.

Lucy started laughing again.

"You're so funny. just out of curiosity, how old are you Haylee? Nineteen, twenty-ish?" Lucy asked, still grinning.

"No!" Haylee laughed, finding the subject amusing "I'm seventeen.." she giggled.

Lucy's jaw dropped, and Greys reaction in the other room wasn't much different. He felt like a pervy old man.

"seriously?! No, that can't be right. No way. You look so.... adult!" Lucy exclaimed.

"What do you mean by adult? I don't look much different to you?" Haylee said, looking up from the pillow.

"I suppose, but you're... More like Erza! You're taller, your.... You're just very.... Womanly!" Lucy said, giggling again.

Grey agreed. Haylee was very 'womanly'. He'd noticed when she stood behind him in the cotton dress. He found himself red again. He decided to get a drink to try and clear his mind and get away from the giggling girls.

"I don't understand!" Haylee said frustrated.

"You know how I just explained male ways to you?" Lucy started.

"Yeah?" Haylee replied.

"Well, there are certain things in women that men prefer more... It makes them... Ahem. Desirable or.... Lucy giggled. "or, womanly!" she concluded.

Haylee laughed.

"Well you can't be right there. I'm not..." she giggled.

"How about I get Grey in for an opinion?" Lucy teased.

Grey was back on the sofa and he almost choked on his milk.

"Don't you dare. It's bad enough as it is!" Haylee retorted.

Grey heard a slight creek as Lucy opened the door a fraction.

"Lucy, I will freeze you solid where you stand." said Haylee, her voice menacing and serious.

"Well we can't leave him out there all night! He'll eat all my food!" Lucy replied, making Haylee laugh slightly. Haylee crawled out of the covers and sat at the top of the bed, hugging the pillow, and suddenly wearing an armour chest plate. Lucy took advantage of the fact that she was busy and swung open the door.

"Hello again, you can come back now." Lucy smiled menacingly, knowing he wasn't keen to come back in either.

Grey stood up and sighed, walking slowly to the door. There was not a sound from Haylee.

"Any slower..." chimed Lucy as Grey reached the door. He went through and sat in an armchair in the corner, as far away from Haylee as possible. He looked down awkwardly and scratched his head.

"Shit...." he muttered as he realised he'd somehow removed his shirt again.

Lucy laughed.

"You really need to get rid of that stripping habit of yours. Anyway, Im not finished in the bathroom~" she said waltzing to the door. "I trust you two will be okay" she smirked as she slipped through the door, closing it behind her with a click.

The room was silent. Haylee watched Grey from behind her pillow. He would look from the floor, to the wall, anything that wasn't in her direction. She noticed his cheeks were flushed. He looked at her briefly, and she quickly averted her gaze.

"umm... Haylee..?" Grey started, looking down and scratching his head. He knew Lucy would stay in the bathroom all night if she had to.

"yeah?" Haylee replied quietly.

He looked up at her and took a deep breath.

"Sorry... For, uh, yeah... " he apologised awkwardly, looking down again.

"s'ok." she replied. "I should be more aware of these things at my age." she added quietly.

"No, you can hardly be blamed, you weren't even brought up by a human...' he sighed and looked back at her "I knew you weren't aware of me and took advantage of it. There's no doubt you are pretty but that does not justify it." he walked over and crouched next to her chair. "forgive me?" he looked up at her, his eyes honest, he was still slightly worried that she'd never speak to him again, so he was going his best to be extra-nice.

She smiled slightly "hmmm.... No." she teased, lifting her chin in defiance.

He smiled at least she'd managed to get a hold on the concept of humour.

"Oh please Haylee!" he pleaded, playing along "I will do anything!"

"If you travel into the steamy land of the bathroom and slay the eavesdropping Lucydragon then maybe I will forgive you." she laughed, knowing Lucy was listening.

"Okay!" he replied, "Ice make sword!" he called, pretending.

The bathroom door opened and the Lucydragon emerged, hands on hips.

"Haha. I died laughing." she droned sarcastically, causing Haylee and Grey to laugh. "Haylee, you forgave him far too easily." Lucy walked over and whipped Greys head with a towel before he could get up.

"Ow!" he shouted, rubbing his head.

"What are you here for anyway Grey?" Lucy asked.

"I just came to steal some food," he laughed.

"Hmm... So you didn't want to say hi to Haylee?" Lucy teased.

Haylee looked at Grey with an almost sad expression, taking the conversation seriously.

"No no no, don't be silly... Of course i did." he said, glancing at Haylee yo make sure the sad expression was gone. "I've barely spoken to her since you stole her from me" he replied jokingly before sweeping Haylee up over his shoulder. "so now I will steal her back."

"Grey!!" she shrieked. "Put me down!"

He laughed and flipped her back over, throwing her carefully at Lucys bed, where she landed with a bounce, laughing.

"Was that before or after you planned on staring at her boobs?" Lucy teased.

"You're not gonna drop that are you." moaned Grey, blushing again as Lucy shook her head in reply. "In that case, I did plan on doing them at the same time, but then you interrupted me..." he trailed off jokingly, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

Haylee watched the two and found herself wondering what they thought of her. Was she still weird to them? And outsider, a stranger? She frowned briefly and then pushed those thoughts aside, bringing one that had been on her mind for a while to light

"Guys," Haylee started when their conversation stopped. "Why does Juvia hate me?" she asked, sitting back against Lucy's pillows, a frown on her face as she remembered the hostile stare she got from the lady with the funny hat.

"She does?" replied Grey, looking at her confused.

"Yeah. Whenever I'm around it's as though someone ate a baby..." Haylee sighed.

"Lovely expression." Lucy said sarcastically. "isn't it obvious? You're her rival."

"Rival?" said Grey and Haylee, equally confused.

"Yep, rival." Lucy giggled. "everyone knows Juvia has a thing for Grey, and then pop, here you come and you're stealing him from her without trying!" she smiled at Haylee.

"I'm not stealing anyone from anyone!" Haylee retorted defensively.

"And I'm not Juvias for anyone to steal!" Grey replied.

"She's just jealous that Haylees getting more attention from you. And you obviously care for Haylee in some form or you wouldn't be here now, whereas you don't seem to care for her at all." Lucy explained, looking through her drawers.

"Well I would care about Haylee, the state she was in when I got her out of the hospital wing," he turned to her. " you looked absolutely terrified." he said, she smiled weakly. "And Juvias a friend, she hasn't been with FairyTail all that long... And... Well her clingyness bugs me.." he finished.

"I never had the chance to thank you for that Grey," Haylee said, shifting over beside him and giving him a hug. "Thank you. If you hadn't I would have froze your guild by now. And impaled Lucy." she giggled. Grey blushed again as she hugged him. He liked it more than he would from anyone else.

"I'm not even looking and I can tell that your 'feminine charms' are effecting Grey" Lucy chuckled, pulling out two nightdresses.

Grey laughed "Shush Lucy, can I not be happy to receive a hug from a friend?" he mused, hugging Haylee back.

One they had broken apart Haylee noticed his cheeks where unusually pink, and he was looking away again, as if to hide his face. Haylee didn't have time to dwell on the subject because she was interrupted by Lucy.

"Here Haylee, this ones a lot looser, it's.... Less supportive, but it will reduce the temptation on Mr.Fullbuster here, plus you can take that armour off." she laughed, and threw the nighty at Haylee.

"Fullbuster?" Haylee laughed "What's that? Sounds hysterical"

Grey span to retaliate and froze.

His eyes widened as he stared at Haylee. She'd grabbed the hem of her knee-length nighty and had already began pulling it up absentmindedly. He frowned slightly at a large blue diamond shape she had half revealed on her outer thigh. Grey tried and tried to look away but he couldn't so he went for the next best thing.

"uurrmm... Lucy.?" He blurted-out. Lucy spun around and saw Haylee, practically pouncing on her.

Haylee blinked in shock.

"what did I do...?" Haylee asked innocently, she looked from Lucy to Grey, who's face was still frozen, wide eyed, his mouth forming a small 'o' shape. Grey felt his head throb, there was something warm on his top lip. He wiped his face with his hand, which was now smeared with scarlet blood.

"dammit..." he cursed as he got up and went to the bathroom to sort out his nosebleed.

"ohh.." realised Haylee.

Lucy was again in fits of laughter.

"Grey got a nosebleed!" she giggled. "It's just like a manga!"

"I don't get it...." sighed Haylee, changing nighties quickly while Grey was out of the room.

"Well-" started Lucy, but she was cut off by Grey stomping back in.

"She doesn't kneed to know." he huffed, and sat back down, holding and tissue to his nose.

He turned to her. "what was that on your leg?" He asked curiously.

"What was what?" Haylee chirped.

"The blue shape on your thigh?" he replied.

"oh, these?" she pulled up the hem of her dress a little on one side, showing the marking. "it's just like this one," she continued, pushing her side fringe up to show the other side of her face, which had a horizontal stripe from her jawbone that streched half was across her cheek.

Lucy gasped, "I never noticed that before."

"My fringe always covers it, helps in preventing weird looks from people." she replied simply.

"but what are they?" said Lucy, sitting next to her for a closer look.

"they're just markings, like tattoos or your guild symbols I suppose. It's just a thing from where I'm from." she shrugged, she looked at Grey briefly.

'I bet it's Dragony stuff....' he thought to himself.

"Cool, anyway. Haylee, what do you plan to do now?" Grey asked.

"What do you mean?" Haylee asked, her face confused again.

"well, you're all healed up now, Natsu doesn't know what you wanted. What do you intend to do next?" He replied.

"oh, i don't know. I haven't thought about it...." she answered, deflating slightly. "Probably keep on searching for... My friend." she finished, since Lucy was not aware she was a dragon slayer.

"No! You can't go!" Lucy exclaimed "Why don't you join the guild?" She said cheerfully.

"Ha!" Haylee snorted, "Why would Makarov want me on his guild?! I destroyed the hospital wing and tried to kill half the members less than a week ago!"

Grey shrugged, "Me and Natsu used to destroy the main hall almost every week. Plus you're strong." he said simply.

"you don't have to if you don't want to... But you could." Lucy said, sounding a little disappointed.

"you really think Makarov would let me?" Haylee asked, and the pair nodded in response. "well, okay then." she smiled. She felt strange, she had always been alone and travelled alone since Skylar left.

"Then it's settled!" Lucy beamed. "We'll get you marked tomorrow!"

Grey yawned "Lucy, mind if I crash on your sofa?"

"If you don't mind sharing with Haylee." Lucy laughed.

"Sorry, I've stolen your spot." Haylee grinned.

"oh, I'll sleep in the arm chair then." he stole one of Lucys pillows and walked to the door "night ladies" he called and went into the sitting room.

"Night Grey!" she both shouted back as he closed the door behind him.

The sitting room was black apart from the slight glow of light coming from the moon through the glass balcony doors.

He chucked the pillow onto the chair and walked towards them.

It was a warm night, he slid open one of the doors and stepped out into the quiet darkness. He leant on the banister and stared into the night. His brain ticked over the days events, that twat stealing his job, arguing with Natsu, and worrying about the fact that he may be developing feelings for the strange blue-haired girl in the other room. He took a deep breath, the fresh air cleared his mind of the fun and embarrassment of the last few hours. He turned back inside, sliding the door almost shut and crashed on the arm chair, falling asleep almost instantly.

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