Kingdom of Izdvojen

By artsy_fan

190 13 35

Izdvojen, a land which has people spread out through every corner of its territory. There are people who are... More

Mainland - One
Caves - Two
Skies - Three
Library - Four
Streets - Five
Bakery - Seven
Tower - Eight
Castle - Nine
Home - Ten

Nights - Six

16 2 0
By artsy_fan

      Auryn walked away from the bookstore, with the guide on how to make forgetting patches in her hand she stared at it, trying to understand the letters written on it but her mind keeps flickering back at the thought of Daxton. He was awkward but nice. Though they were only able to meet for a short period of time it still meant a lot to her. There was something about him that made him stand out, but there was a possibility that he was just one of many other nice guys. Maybe he wasn't as different as she thought.

   As she paused to think she realized she was just standing still, in the middle of the road. Once she has come back to her senses she looked back at the list to see that you need certain herbs and tree sap. Looking up from the list, she saw some trees in the background so she decided to walk there.

   Once she reached that spot she saw, she found some herbs growing near the trees which she proceeded to pick up. She also picked on a weak piece of bark on the tree until sap came out. After mixing it into a small bowl in her bag she placed them on some empty patches and left them to dry.

   While she waited for them to dry she stared at the grass, where a small patch of daisies grew. She picked some up and got reminded of Daxton. She smiled as they slowly waved while in her hand. She thought that maybe she could give these to him, as a little gift to remind him of her and because she was too shy to actually talk to him.

   When the patches dried, she put them into her bag and held the daisies tightly in her hand. She walked over to the bakery where she first met him. It was dark already, so he was probably asleep. She picked the lock, and slowly opened the door. While she was invisible, she walked to the counter and placed the daisies. Then the door behind the counter opened and Daxton came through, and Auryn tried her best to stay invisible. He spotted the flowers and spoke up.

   "Auryn would love these, I mean probably, who doesn't like daisies" he laughs to himself and she smiles. "I don't know her that well, I can't believe I fell for a Shadow, a thief" he scoffed at the thought and her smile disappeared. "But how could you resist her, she's beautiful" he said and she laughed softly. But in the silence, her laugh is all he could hear. "Shadow? Show yourself!! And you better not tell this to Auryn!!"

   She appeared and the moonlight shined through the window and she was suddenly in a spotlight. Daxton was at a loss for words for a moment.

   "How long were you standing there?" he asked and she laughed.

   "Long enough" she says. He steps forward, past the counter and stood right in front of her, and stared at her, for a short moment. Auryn was beautiful, standing there and at that specific moment, it didn't matter to him that she was a Shadow. Then he snapped out of his trance.

   "I'm sorry I shouldn't have stared, I'm so sorry, I'm such a mess-" he gets cut off by her speaking up.

   "Hey, breathe. It's okay" she smiled at him.

   "I was going to go up to the roof, to look at the sky,its pretty this time of the night, you wanna join me?" he asked, extending his hand.

   "Yeah, sure" she says, taking his hand.


   Jacques stepped off the hill and started flying, John followed behind. There was silence for a while and when they looked back, he looked sad. The light of the moon shone on his frowning face.  Jacques knew his brother very well, he was acting this way because of what he did earlier, maybe he thought that they wanted Daniel as well. They then regretted how nicely they treated Daniel. They liked Daniel, he was nice and quite attractive but he couldn't bear seeing John that way.

   Once they both and they look at him. They detached their wings and sat down. Jacques was sitting across John on their table, the instruments laying there. John picked up his guitar and started playing slowly. It was a sad song. They decided that they needed to do something about their brother's mood.

   "I'm sorry" they said looking down at the clouds where their feet layed. He sharply exhales.

   "You have nothing to be sorry about" he says, bitterness dripping on every word he said.

   "I do, I really do" they say. There was a moment of silence between them until he started playing again. Then one of their friends, Carrie walked to them and broke the silence.

   "Hey are you guys busy?" she asks nicely. Lookind between the twins both looking very troubled at the moment.

   "Actu-" they start but get cut off by John who has other ideas.

   "Nah, we were just chilling" he replies and continues strumming his guitar. Jacques frowns at his statement.

   "So anyway, I needed some leather because my wings were damaged when I bumped into a tree the other day" she laughed softly to herself. "Do you guys have any?" she asks

   "Yeah we do actually" they replied and picked up and folded piece of leather which was lying under their violin and handed it to her.

   "Thanks!" she says and looks over to John who was looking down at his guitar slowly playing a song. "Hey, what's wrong?" she asks him.

   "Nothing, just chilling" he says, still playing a slow tune.

   "C'mon John, I've known you since we were kids, I know when you're not okay" she says, concern obvious on her tone and he sighs.

   "Just, kind of sad because of some guy I really like" he replies, looking into the night sky.

   "That's okay, you'll find someone I promise, right Jacques?" she replied, looking at them, smiling.

   "Yeah" they say, fiddling with their thumbs.

   She unfolds the leather to inspect it while the twins look away from each other. John, trying to figure out the right note to play and Jacques who was just frowning and showing a mix of emotions on their face. She folded the leather again and started to greet them farewell.

   "Anyway, I gotta go, I hope you feel better John and thanks Jac" she smiles, waves and walks back to her cloud which was not that far away. There was an awkward silence yet again.

   "You can court Daniel, I won't get in your way" they say, looking away from him. John put his guitar down. They were quiet.

   Though Jacques was nice he only liked him, nothing more, but they knew that John was deeply attracted to him and that was okay, they would do anything for him. He was their twin and if Daniel made him happy, he would let him be with Daniel.

   "I can't accept that, you like him..." he says looking at his twin.

   "But you love him" they say, looking back at John, who thought for a while, as his frown disappeared.

   "Hah, I guess I do" he says, smiling.

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