Letters To Jasmine

By OhMandyXD

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Troy and Jasmine met by chance. No, not at the library or at school. No, they met on the Interent. Cyberspac... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Five

357 8 8
By OhMandyXD

Don't really have much to say! Just hope that the people who are reading my stories are enjoying them!

Enjoy! :)


Chapter Five: I love you, too.

It was a coincidence right? Lots of people named their children Troy ,I thought as I walked through the hospital, looking for my mothers room.

I stopped when I reached room 183, I peeked through the blinds and saw my mother laying on the bed, eyes closed with numerous tubes stuck into her arms. My eyes blurred with tears, my mother was really laying in a hospital bed.

I took a deep breath and opened up the door as quietly as I could, my father sat in a corner near the bed, holding my mothers motionless hand. He looked up as I entered the room but didn't say anything and he looked down again.

My mothers face was pale but beautiful nonetheless, I had gotten most of my looks from my mother. I inherited her light green eyes and gorgeous brunette hair that was always as straight as a ruler. I didn't look much like my father, I guess I had just gotten his stubbornness and short temper.

"What happened?" I asked silently as I took the remaining seat.

"She collapsed at work and Trey called me." He told me. Ah, good old Trey. A family friend since I had been born, he moved here about two years before I was born and started working in the same Law Firm as my Mom. They became friends rather quickly and even my father liked him, and that says alot.

"Oh," I replied while staring out the window, the sky had turned a navy blue and I saw lightning strike in the distance,"Do you know what's wrong?"

He nodded his head.

"Well?" I asked him annoyed.

"Your mother has cancer." He said solemnly. My heart stopped, my grandmother had died of cancer when I was about ten. I don't remember much of it.

Why my Mom? I repeated the same question over and over in my head, hoping that someone would answer me. When no answer came I finally let the tears come, my dad got up from his chair and walked around to me. Much to my surprise he pulled me up and wrapped me up in his arms but I didn't hesitate to return the hug. I needed my Daddy.

After a while he pulled away and held me at arms length, I could understand why my mother had fallen in love with him. My father was truly dashing, with his stormy grey eyes and black hair, I'm pretty sure he was quite the ladies man back in the day. I let out a quiet chuckle at the thought. My dad cracked a smile and finally released me.

This was it right? My family was going to fall apart, my Mom was going to die. Why couldn't it have been me? Why my Mom?

"I'm gonna ask Trey to send his nephew to come and pick you up and then you could quickly go home, get a few necessities and spend the night at his. Okay?" He asked and I nodded, I really wanted to stay here with my mom but I knew that I couldn't, I had school tomorrow.

As my father made the call I walked to my moms bed and placed a light kiss on her forehead," Love you, Mommy." I whispered and turned to face my dad as he ended the call.

"His nephew will wait for you at the entrance, he said he'll be in a black pick-up truck." My dad told me as he picked up my bag and handed it to me. I took it and gave him a quick hug.

"I love you Daddy." I sobbed into his chest again.

"I love you, too." He whispered and I felt his tears fall onto my head. He squeezed me one last time before I made my way out of the room, down the hall and out the entrance. I stood outside, hugging myself until I saw the black pick-up truck. When it parked infront of the entrance I quickly ran to the passenger door and jumped in.

I looked up to thank the person for arriving so quickly when I stopped. The so called nephew was Troy. Whether it was my Troy or not, it was Troy.

"Hello." He smirked.


The ride was tense and awkward, me being lost in thought about him being my Troy, saying he was mine felt so right and it gave me butterflies in my tummy. He sent me worried glances the whole time but I just stared out the window, watching as the familiar scenery came up.

"Could you stop by my house?" I asked him. He nodded his head and drove the way as I instructed him where to turn.

"Do you need any help?" He offered as we pulled into my driveway, I shook my head and jumped out. Once securely in my room, I grabbed a pair of pajamas, a outfit for tomorrow and my laptop to talk to 'my' Troy once he got back from his rugby tour.

I ran back down the steps, locked my front door and walked down my driveway and hopped back into the truck.

"Ready?" He asked in that accent of his, butterflies erupted once more and all I could do was nod my head since my tongue felt like it had swollen six times it's normal size.

We backed out of the driveway and off we went, I watched as the trees blurred past and soon we turned onto a familiar street, I was excited to see Trey, I hadn't seen him since I had turned sixteen which if you counted this year was two years ago. As if sensing that we were nearby, Trey walked out his front door and waited for us, as soon as the truck was parked I bounced out of it and ran up to jump on top of Trey.

He caught me mid-air and spun me around, I giggled like a little girl, hugging him closer to me. Trey was thirty one years old but he looked like he was in his early twenties.

"You're not a little girl anymore," He groaned placing me back on the floor,"You've gotten so heavy!" He teased while I just stuck my tongue out at him. I heard the trucks door slam and turned around just in time to see Troy pick up my small duffel bag and slide my laptop bag on his shoulder. I couldn't up but notice how his muscles flexed when he shifted the bag around, even if he wasn't my Troy, this one would suffice.

All three of us walked into the house and Trey offered some tea, I told him that I would love some. Troy placed my bags on the couch where I was sitting and sat on the one facing me.

"You don't talk much, do you?" I asked him while crossing my legs, he smirked and looked at me. That's it. He just looked. After a while I started getting a little self conscious.

"Is there something on my face?" I asked and wiped at my face. He chuckled and shook his head. Trey walked back in with the tea, we drank it in silence for a few minutes before Trey broke it.

"Jasmine, I know that it's kind of awkward but since I don't have a spare room I'm gonna have to ask you to share one with Troy." He said cautiously, I choked on my tea.

"Uhm okay." I told him after I had calmed down, it's not like I could object, he had let me into his house with open arms.


After settling my things in Troy's room, I took a shower and here I was now, just laying on his bed on my laptop. Troy was on his laptop, sitting on one of the leather couches he had in his room.

I logged on to the chat site and let out a yes when I saw Troy was online. I beamed and before I typed a hello, he had already sent a message.


Jaz, my love. I've been waiting to talk to you all day.

See? This was just further proof that this Troy wasn't my Troy.


Really now? I missed you too :P

From the corner of my eye I saw Troy smiling his head off, curious I asked,"What's got you smiling so much?"

"Yo-" He started but then stopped,''None of your business." He snapped.

Touchy. I decided to leave it and waited for my reply to Troy. I heard the other Troy type away on his laptop, not long after my laptop beeped.


I really hope that you don't take this the wrong way love, but I would really appreciate it if you would send me a picture of yourself, I need a face to add to my dreams. If you don't want to I'll understand but I jsut want you to know, I'll always think you're beautiful, just the way you are.

What do I do now? I'll never be able to send a picture of myself, I wasn't very photogenic which led to the fact that I had about six photos of me, max.

Sugar balls.


Oooh... :/ Drama....

I hope you guys enjoyed it! Let me know if you did or didn't

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