
By ThoughtlessMind

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Steven and his friends uptain diffreent powers to try and save the world...... will they do it? More

Chapter 1: Part 1
Chapter 1: Part 2
Chapter 2: Part 1
Chapter 2: Part 2
Chapter 3: Part 1
Chapter 3: Part 2
Chapter 4: Part 1 Scott's Past
Chapter 4: Part 2
Chapter 5: Part 1
I Honestly Dunno
Chapter 5: Part 2
Chapter 6: Part 1
Chapter 6: Part 2
Chapter 7 Part: 1
Chapter 7: Part 2
Chapter 8: Part 1

Chapter 1: Part 3

16 2 2
By ThoughtlessMind

“It’s a chance worth taking it’s either we find a safe place or die right” Kyle tried to
convince Julie that it was a good idea.
They all took a rest in the safest part of the station getting ready to head out in the
morning. Steven couldn’t get the picture of his parents dead on the floor out of his mind and
dreams it haunted him like a ghost wanting to take over his body. He sighed and closed his
eyes attempting not to open his eyes till morning. When morning did arrive he was the last
one up by Scott shaking him.
“Dude you have to wake up we might want to get out of here. I found a car I can hot
wire around back maybe it will work.” Scott stood up.
“Okay you go do that.” Steven waved his arm in the air before Scott grabbed it and
pulled him up.
“Get up lazy butt.” Scott let go of Steven’s arm once he got him up off the floor.
Steven dusted himself off then rubbed his sleepy eyes “So what kind of car is it? I
hope it’s a good one compared to the crappy ones people drive now a days.” Steven walked
to the door of the gas station.
His eyes widened when he seen a black camaro with a thick white stripe down the
middle and two navy blue lines on each side of the white, behind it was two motorcycles just
sitting there for the taking each with what looked like a recent paint job. Scott looked around
and found a horse trailer.
“Hey Maybe if I clean this out we can use this to carry food and maybe people if we
don’t have enough room in the car.” he walked toward it “well it actually looks pretty clean to
me but I’ll try to get the smell out.”
Steven just watched him for a couple seconds then walked back inside he thought to
himself, “I really hope that this will end well…… we’ve already had one of us die.” He sighed then
walked back in Steven started to grab things off of the shelves and stuffing the bag he
grabbed on his way back inside, he stopped when he heard Scott yell.
“Steven you might want to get out here!!” he ran outside to Scott who had the trunk of
the car open “there’s a kid in here, looks like someone was trying to kidnap him.” he looked
in the trunk there was infact a little boy no older then five or six years of age.
The little boy looked up with his mouth covered by a cloth tried to say something but
all that came out were muffled. Steven removed the cloth “Don’t hurt me!” he yelled
breathing hard.
Steven and Scott looked at eachother then at the little boy, Steven took out his
pocket knife and cut the zip ties around his ankles and wrists “May I ask what happened and
what your name is?” Steven helped him out of the trunk. “My name is Tony, I’ve been alone
since the first quake, I came here looking for help then I got kidnapped but before they could
drive off they got eaten I think…..” Tony scratched his head fixing his hair.
“Okay, Tony how old are you, you don’t look very old.”
“I’m five years old. But I have certain talents that scare people….” he looked around.
“What kind of talents…?”Scott added
“You see that really messed up looking gun over there?” he pointed to the gun lying
on the ground about five-seven steps away “I built that with my own two hands, shoots faster
then most guns.”
Steven walked up to the gun and picked it up it was very light but yet strong. “So if
guns were needed in our situation, yours would be the best option?” Tony nodded his head“well, we’re taking him with us, Scott can you get him something to eat before we leave?”
Scott nodded and did as he said.
Steven sighed and thought “Now, we have another person to look after, let’s just hope we
can pull this off……” He walked back inside the gas station.
After getting the new member Steven had to prepare him for the worst, once
everything was organised Scott attached the trailer to the car.
“Okay, ready when you are Steven.” Scott wiped the sweat from his forehead before
grabbing the bags of supplies and butting them in the now clean trailer.
Steven took a deep breath then sighed “Alright, everyone into the trailer of car.”
Scott was the one driving the car since he was the only one who could drive he had just
gotten his license last year when he turned 21 years of age. Silence filled the car as it drove
across the road not even the radio in the car worked, if you wanted to listen to statec all the
time then it worked perfectly.
Steven turned off the radio “Okay……. that’s driving me nuts.” he sighed then sat
against the front passenger seat.
Tony who was on the left side of the backseat had fallen asleep if the first five
minutes of getting into the car. The ride was bumpy due to having to avoid all of the junk and
cracks in the ground. Steven sat there thinking to himself.
“Wait…… we won’t be very safe in this car….. will we? I mean watching Storm Chasers their
car was practically a tank, too bad we don't have one of them.” he continued to sit there thinking
until eventually he had fallen asleep like the rest, except Scott, being in the military for a
couple years he’d gotten used to not sleeping for long periods of time.
Steven woke up to the sound of the engine being turned off he looked around to see
that they were at a little white church not to far from New Jersey. He got out of the car to
stretch his legs that fell asleep about an hour ago, but when doing so he felt dizzy and
needed to sit down. The picture of his parents dead on the floor crossed his mind, he quickly
shook his head to get that image out of his mind.
“I wonder if people still use this church…… it looks kind of abandoned.” Scott
scratched his head.
“You never know for towns like these it may look like no one lives here but trust me
when you see towns like this there are people nearby I’ve seen it in the movies!” Kyle said
“Just because you saw it in the movies doesn't mean that it will actually happen.”
Steven said standing again.
They walked into the church to see that everything was on the floor like it was ripped
apart. All the bibles on the floor the entire front destroyed making it hard to move around in
that area. One thing that was for sure was that they had to sleep on the benches which
beats having to sleep on the floor. We set up our places to sleep before organizing supplies
to certain areas.
“We’ll be staying here for a while until we have a proper plan to stop these monsters, who
wants to come with me to find food?” Scott stood up “It will be a while before we can get
more after this.”
Kyle stood up “I’ll come…”
Steven sat there “I’ll stay here and watch Julie and Tony while you guys go, I’ll ty and start a
fire somewhere to keep us warm.” Steven grabbed some of the rubble to build a fire pit
making every stone go into a circle. “Okay now all I need is something to burn….. we won’tneed this anyway.” he threw parts of benches that had been destroyed into the circle.
“anyone got matches?”
Julie sat up and looked at Kyle’s bag “I remember watching him grab some ah! here
they are!” she took out the package of matches and handed them to Steven.
“Thank you” he started a fire “This should keep us warm for tonight” He sat by the fire
pulling out the picture of him and his family that he grabbed before leaving his house earlier
that week. He could feel a lump growing in his throat while looking at the picture and he
thought to himself “ I should of been there in time, maybe you’d be sitting here by my side……” hot
tears started to roll down his face.
Julie looked at her leg which was starting to scare, “This still hurts….. I still feel the
Tony who had been looking at parts and putting them together had made a small
weapon that had at least seven large shards of glass for the blades “This is a beauty and
didn’t take long to make, it can be helpful when needed……” he set it to the side.
Steven sat there trying his hardest to try and think of what his last words were to his
parents….. suddenly the words “I’ll see you soon” crossed his mind but if those were his last
words…. then he knew they wouldn’t come true. Sitting there enveloped in his sadness with
nothing but a fire for light he stayed quiet.
It didn’t take long for Scott and Kyle to come back with more food. Tony who wasn’t
playing attention was searching for more supplies for weapons his short blond hair drenched
in sweat and dirt. He kept mumbling words in Irish to himself no one seemed to understand
what he was saying all they heard was “Beidh mé in ann díoltas do mo thuismitheoirí, is
cuma cén” over and over.
“We’re back, we found a store about a five minute drive away from here where we
can get food.” Scott put his bags down.
Kyle set his down again then grabbed some food before walking over and sitting with
Julie “Here you haven’t eaten in awhile.” he handed her some fruit.
“Thanks….” she took one of the apples that was in his small bag.
Once everyone had enough to eat they all went to sleep with Scott keeping guard as usual.
There was a noise just outside the church then the door opened, all Scott could make out
was a black figure standing on two legs. He took a flashlight he had and shawn it on the
figure to make out a girl with blond hair and blue eyes who looked like she had been living in
a hole, she was covered in dirt, bruises and little cuts.
“Identify yourself!” Scott yelled.

(Finally the last part of Chapter 1!! Well see you in chapter 2! :D )

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