Alex X Lucy: Prototype X Elfe...

By vegito1308

97.5K 1.7K 683

Two monsters who were scarred by the world and left to suffer in isolation, but what happens when you put one... More

Dead Inside
Finding a Key
Social Struggle
The Silence
Land Ho
Settling for Something
Lead that leads
The suburban fight
More Problems
Super Soldiers
Sight Seeing
Relieving and Relishing
Notice of Contingency
The New Leaf
Battle of Limbs: Lucy
War of the past: Alex
Power Contrast
Tag Cross Blast
Duo Finisher
Not alone, ever again
Nyu is cute
I Remember
Fighting Blackwatch Hordes
End of Mission
Dana Mercer
Missing him
The Unforseeable future
Alex awakens! Our Sweet Home
The End is Just the Beginning

The Queen

6.8K 128 75
By vegito1308

Lucy was going crazy

The darkness was sweeping her emotions away and leaving only pure rage, despair, and madness

She was thrashing and pushing the binds that were skin deep in her. Blood stained the floor below that had already an encrusted reminder of how many times they have experimented on her flesh

It looked as if there was a carpet of red below the sphere cage and each stain added just gave it more color

Lucy was panting uncontrollably at the horrible memories her life had been through, replaying like a bad loop video that was melting her mind. She snarled and growled at the void of black as she was injuring her body more and more

She was no longer thinking, the memories of nightmare were drilling her sanity away, but stopping meant letring that thing in. And no way in hell would she quit. she prefered a thousand times to take on this pain than have no recollection of her life

To have no past

To have no memory of Kouta

Her screams and curses became low to a moan, energy draining from her body. At last, the diclonius passed out from blood loss and hanged from her binds with a silent scream plastered on her face, emphasied by white eyes of unconsciousness

Now the only thing making sound was the whinning of the smoke, the chemical weapon

Suddenly, The chamber beeped and the whiz stopped. Behind the glass, the sadistic head researcher and his lackeys made observations of their creation. They all had a disgusting sense of success as they relished the fact of her pain

Lucy was theirs


Alex entered like nothing into the base, luckily the man he absorbed was the man of the gates, so he could enter at any of the facilities with ease

He made his way into the compound where this monster was supposed to be in

He marched down a long ass hall and restrained from whistling. This was too boring and unappeling to the superhuman.

Under the skin he was wearing, he could not stop thinking about the failure humanity is. Why do they want everything and give nothing? What was so hard in just being normal

'But noooo. They all want power for their self-benefit, like the jackass I was'

He picked up pace and then he heard footsteps behind him

Alex went reflex and demateralized to stick to the wall. His crimson matter then took the apperance of the wall, making it impossible to spot him

With his senses he spied on the scientist that passed by the hall

"The weapon is a complete success. The Diclonius cannot withstand the neurotoxin that blocks the ability to use their vectors. Besides that, it can quickly neutralize them in less then a minute" one glasses freak reported and tached down notes in his pad

Alex was taken aback 'So they are using a monster to create their own'

The scientist stopped where he was. Alex kept a very close look on them

He glimced at them all and despite each having their own sin glued to their skin, one stuck out pretty badly

The guy in the middle wearing a labcoat like the rest of them had a face of insanity, those dark brown eyes hid evil no doubt. He had black hair and a scar on his cheek, looked white mixed with russian.

"Awww my poor Queen. Sadly, if this is true to the number, then we don't need her anymore right?" The man smiled grimly and Alex felt an impulse to slice him, it was like he saw cross in him. "I'll miss my daily date relations with her!"

The scientist laughed at that comment and kept going their way to the chamber

Entering a code they opened the main secure door and were gone off sight

As the doors closed, Alex reformed and his face was cemented in pure wrath. This was the type of people he needed to show what a true monster could do

Something tugged at his brain, even worse he knew what that bastard meant.

'I kill 'im. That's final'

Alex transfigured to himself and ran back to find a scientist, he needed to enter and kill those bastards first

He turned around and luck struck. A helpless idiot bumped into him and fell to the floor

The man was pissed "Dumbass football jock! What the hell do you think you're doing-?..."

Too late he figured Alex grinning at him mischievously, the man sweated in fear at the intention he saw in those red tinted eyes

"I'm gonna wear your skin"


Lucy was out for the count and worse in the inside. If this kept on, she would die from her fears

The crew of scientists on the other hand were having a blast as they now had a contract with the army for the next 20 years for the innovative weapon. Fear that could kill

"Well my great staff! This is the last day inside the mudhole, We are rich and unstoppable! We can move on and have our own idiots to do our job" laughter roared

The Boss picked his wine glass and turned to what looked like a close to dying diclonius "She will survive that dosage. My babe is stronger than anyone of those tramps we've executed over the years, but underminably we have been given orders to kill her off."

The man licked his lips "How I wish to have her as a pet...but money is a challenging thing, am I right?"

The Boss stepped away from the main board and headed to a different monitor, a plasma screen suspended by a haudralic arm which contained readings of volts

It had the blueprint structure of Lucy's cage, having readings all around it. It was the panel for execution

"I always told you that you would leave here with a blast right? What do you think about this babe?" He flicked 19 switches online, the sphere cell calibrated and sparked with electricity so powerful the blood bellow boiled and vaporized to red mist

The scientist relished a chance to see a culminating end to the enemy of mankind, cheering with their glasses

"I love you Lucy! Hereby I free you! HAHAHAHA"

He smashed the glass cover of a red button and took his time to activate it. He send a kiss to Lucy and made an onomatopeia airplane sound as his finger came down painfully slow

Lucy, out of sanity, thrashed in epileptic shock from the violent repeating nightmares

The count begin with the whole staff chanting it












The door opened forcefully

The Boss was not happy

"What in the Auswitch camp do you idiots think its okay to enter without clearance!?" He turned around and saw one of his scientist

The procedure was stopped and backtracked to standby

"Ah, McCallen you're late" he scuffed

The scientist kept his mug of indifference. The group felt akward at this behavior

"Hey stop playing creepy scientist and sit your ass down McCallen"

He spoke

"Hrauftüer. That's the name of the bastard who the lady in there" he pointed with a bloodied glove to Lucy, he had a hard look.

He clenched his teeth

She was cut so much, that blood seemed to be her natural skin color, arterial red. He bared teeth at them

Hrauftüer was not surprised, laughing at this emotion coming from the common scaredy cat "Like if you didn't do it hypocrite! Hahahaha!"

The scientist took a step back and changed his face to fight

"Then good thing I killed him"

"Wha-?" A member murmured

The scientist shifted and became Alex Mercer

The whole bunch gawked in fright. However none like Hrauftüer, he realized who this thing was

"I'll show you how she felt! I'LL MAKE YOU FEEL HER PAIN!"

The scientist panicked and left to the farthest side, the Boss took out a clock gun and began to fire repeatedly at Alex, the bullets making no effect

"You gotta be kiddin..!!!" he made out in shock

Mercer changed to his armor form, becoming the true monster of Blacklight


The small room exploded in an array of gigantic tendrils that tore through steel and concrete like water, troops inside the base were attack and the impact alone shook the entire base. The shatter effect took out 70% of their forces as being a quick, makeshift made base it had very critical points in its structure. The research team was wiped out and all data was destroyed in one good place detonation

In less than a minute, he took down a secret organization

Fire drills began and explosions ringed through the place


Alex sighed at the drills that strangely sounded the same at each base he took down 'do all evil doers have a snapchat sharing ideas or what?'

This one however had a nagging pitch that made him think of...

"Its going to-"


He side-stepped from a falling steel beam and was headed to leave the room 'Evil is done for, so... I go too'

Whistling the tune of 'Johnny be good' he was flexing his legs to start speed balling it out of the base, when out of nowhere he heard a faint voice

Alex turned about and looked to the cage

He watched the opened busted cell of the poor girl, it hurt him seeing the extend of human indifference. He truly thought she was dead, no way someone without a healing factor can survive that

Then she moved, or in this case weakly twitched as the last remnants of the darkness exited her system through bleeding

Lucy awoke in a lucid state and stared to what was making those sounds had come from

What she saw amazed her

It was not pitch black, there was light entering from the ceiling. This was no artificial source that she had ever seen, but it came from something she thought would never see again. The light came from the moonlight

For the first time, Lucy stared at it and raised a hand in a vain attempt as if to catch the moon that was peeking over the giant crevice, slowly appearing til it came out to be a full moon

Lucy smiled as the celestial object now viewed her in retrains (what was left of them). She began to cry tears, not from fear or sadness, instead of a happy memory that was saved from the horrendous torture for it meant the world to her

'I love you'

"I love you, Kouta..."

She went rigid and the remaining restrains kept her hanging, the cell crashed into the carpet of blood and opened like a throne of the damned

Alex saw all this, and his heart beated to the blues. She remembers who she is, she is not beyond saving. Above all else, she deserves to live

In all his years, he discovered that what makes a monster is the inability of emotions or feelings. This was a rule he kept vibrant and on list to whenever he faced a monster. She was not one in any universe

No doubts in his mind, he jumped to her 'throne' and carried Lucy bridal style. He checked for any fatal wounds that could kill her from the excessive run he was gonna speed blitz, thanfully she was in the clear but not on the best of shapes

Alex looked at her face, she had a miniscule smile that showed true happiness. He took a knee and removed the tears from her cheeks in a way to respect her moment of returning faith

"Dream, and never wake to the world of human realm" he spoke wisely, and jumped to the crevice in the ceiling. Succesfully he made it so none of the reinforcements, air or land, could see him escape in an ark he was making to the forest

2 miles worth did he make it and headed out to the trees that covered them quite greatly, Alex kept Lucy close and focused on getting out of here without a sound as the incoming forces flew right over them

He was using god speed at its limit as he got farther and safer from that retched place, that is until the whole base exploded in a way that Alex remembered the burning sensation of the manhattan plan to obliterate the whole NYZ

"Shit! Shit! I need to beat it this time around" he said in a hurry, picking up speed. The shockwave soared through them and the trees were rocked back forcefully, most did not stay in one piece as they just became splinters and projected debris

Alex dodged quite a few, snake stepping to have a way lesser chance of being hit. His concern was not him, but the girl he had in his arms. Not to mention the incoming explosion


Alex gave it a double seeing the wave of obliteration getting closer, he also caught the effect it had. It was a nuclear explosion

'Stupid Nuclear Power!'

He was kicking with all he's got, evading debris and jumping over obstacles that appeared out of nowhere. Ashes rained down and struck the earth with shattering ripples

He was now panting from the extreme workout. He looked onwards to a possible salvation.

By a bird's feather, he found a salvation

"A boat!? I went the opposite way!" He yelled at himself, suddenly a giant meteor of ash crashed beside him that shot him away like a catapult

Alex calculated the advantage and took it

He dashed and gained enough speed to leave the wave of burning hell to the extent to start up the boat.

He gracefully used his glides perfectly and glowed a pulsing red as he made it to the deck, crashing to the wooden platform. He ran to the inside and left Lucy in a sofa to check the cabin. Having moments to spare, he looked everywhere and thank god by mercy of him he found the start button, even better the key was there already turned on

"Fuck this island!" He yelled and smashed the black button

The ship lurched hurriedly and sped away to the ocean, it tore its anchor off like nothing. Alex theorized this boat could make it with this speed but...

"MAXIMUM POWER!!!" He grabbed the handle and shifted to the highest point it could, now the boat gained impressive speed visible by the fact the explosion was now left behind, showing the destroyed island blowing out smoke

Alex kept his eyes in front at all times, fearing failure and doom, even though he was not in real danger

He moved the handle back to the 1/4 speed that smoothly sailed

Finally releasing it, Alex fell to the ground in relief

"Note 879: Don't blow up just because"

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