Mr. Billionaire [Book 1 & 2]

By nadirahbrown

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"I want you forever, not just for tonight." - Xavier. Alexandria Reid's life is about to change drastically w... More

Book 1
Trailer #1
Trailer #2
Trailer #3
Preface Part 2
Chapter ONE: Mr. Green Eyes
Chapter TWO: The Interview
Chapter THREE: "Are You Stalking Me, Sir?"
Chapter FOUR: "What should I do?"
Chapter FIVE: Billionaire Co.
Chapter SIX: "You're not helping."
Chapter SEVEN: "Leave Me Alone!"
Update Schedule
Chapter EIGHT: "Get Yourself Together"
Chapter NINE: Take Me To Church
Chapter TEN: After Church
Chapter ELEVEN: Drama Date Part 1
Chapter TWELVE: Drama Date Part 2
Chapter THIRTEEN: A New Level
Chapter FOURTEEN: Forever
First Q & A
Chapter FIFTEEN: Family Dinner
Chapter SIXTEEN: Family Dinner Part 2
Chapter SEVENTEEN: Family Dinner Part 3
Chapter EIGHTEEN: Too Early!
Author's Note!!!
Chapter NINETEEN: The Visit
Chapter TWENTY: The Truth
Chapter TWENTY-ONE: After
CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO: Glowing Beginnings
Chapter: TWENTY-FOUR: Blood and Heartbreaks
Very Important Author's Note
Chapter: TWENTY-FIVE: Housewarming Gone Wrong
Chapter TWENTY-SIX: Grey Cloud Gone
Chapter TWENTY-SEVEN: The Night Before
Not A Chapter...A/N
Chapter TWENTY-SEVEN: The Night Before Part ||
Chapter TWENTY- NINE: Reception and Bouquet
Chapter THIRTY: Epilogue
Book 2
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
New Books Alert!!
New Cover!!

Chapter TWENTY- EIGHT: Wedding Bells

6.6K 263 10
By nadirahbrown

There will be another part to this chapter. Not edited.

Chapter TWENTY- EIGHT: Wedding Bells

The next morning was hard for the ladies. Only remembering bits and pieces of last night, let's just say they knew they regretted whatever happened. The men had already left to the castle that the wedding would take place.

Luckily for Alexandria, Xavier had left a bottle of ibuprofen and a bottle of water by the bed. He knew she'd definitely be hungover and luckily for her, the wedding was at seven. They didn't have to be at the castle until four thirty to get ready and make sure everything was in place.

She had woke up and it was half past noon and took no hesitation before drowning three pills and the water. Laying back down, she contemplated on life. This was why she never liked to drink. She had never been drunk before only taken a few shots before but never woke up feeling like this.

Her phone suddenly vibrated and she grabbed it, not trying to move or the headache would increase. It was a text from Xavier.

Get up, Love - Xavier

I am up - Alex

I bet you're still laying down - Xavier

Blushing, she looked around. He wasn't in the room. She hadnt noticed until now.

Where are you, anyways - Alex

This extra ass castle - Xavier

She rolled her eyes and decided not to reply. She had worked hard on that castle for Cassie and Tom's wedding. Setting up everything just how Cassie had asked. She forced herself to sit up and was surprise when her stomach didn't feel sick. She remembered that night when she first met Cassie and she was drunk. Cassie started throwing up. Shrugging before slipping out of the bed and quickly hopping in the shower.

Alex, Brenda, Natasha, and Cassie all sat in the hotel's restaurant with shades and a hat on to block the sun and cover their matted hair. It truly felt like a moment in The Hangover movie for them as they ate and tried to remember what occurred at the club.

Natasha sighed after drinking some Orange juice. "All I can remember is you and the inconsiderate pregnant woman having a quick argument."

"Damn, I can't even remember anything after that first drink." Cassie added.

"I remember it was like I was blacking out every few minutes because I remember bits and pieces. Like you two were kissing and... did some other stuff." Brenda motioned between Natasha and Alex.

Alex furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean we kissed and did other stuff?"

Brenda chuckled, despite of the passionate migraine. "Just like I said."

Cassie rubbed her hands against her face, groaning. "What the hell? Why can't we remember much?" She questioned. "When I'm drunk, I can oddly remember everything I do."

Alex huffed before finishing up her breakfast. "I don't know; but let's finish up so we can go. We'll discuss this later."

Alex went to go standing up before Tasha grabbed her wrist. "Don't tell Xavier," She glanced at the other two before looking back to Alex. "Or, anyone what happened." She turned to Brenda. "They don't need to know anything. Not from the club to us getting drunk or more, okay?"

Brenda shook her head. "Agreed. Logan does not need to know about none of it."

They arrived at the castle around three forty five. All of the ladies headed to the dressing room except Alex. She had made her way to the main part or the castle where the actual would take place to make sure everything was still how it was supposed to be. Opening the double doors, she stepped in.

The wedding theme was silver and Ivory. That was Alex's idea and but the glass seats weren't. Nope, that was Cassie. She had thought comfortable glass seats would make it even more extravagant.

Thoma, Allen, and Xavier stood in the front area conversing and checking around. "My sister went overboard with this."

Allen nodded his head. "She really d-"

"Okay, what's not going to happen is you two attacking my wife."

"Not your wife yet. You still have about three hours and," Allen checked his watch. "Fifteen minutes. Anything could happen in that amount of time."

"But, did she have to choose glass seats with the silver and Ivory theme?" Xavier questioned. "It's tacky."

Alex rolled her eyes, having enough of their conversation. She worked hard to make Cassie's ideal wedding come true. "It's not that bad." She spoke up as she adjusted her shades and walked down the aisle. "Yeah, it's a little too much but you know Cassie likes anything of hers to be extraordinary. Something to have people talking about for years." She smiled as she took a seat on the glass seat that was designated for the parents. She wasn't afraid of it breaking. She knew the glass was sturdy to hold just about anybody.

Xavier smiled down at her. "How're you feeling?"

She tilted her head slightly. "Ready to go back to sleep. But, being the maid of honor, I have to make sure everything is in order." She pouted.

Allen rolled his eyes before picking at the glass on one of the seats. "You think these would hold up Uncle Baily and Aunt Falema?" He chuckled as she started laughing. She only laughed before she knew her uncle and aunt were about a pork away from being obese. Tom started laughing too. They were blood related to him but since Allen and Alex grew up with him... they were considered family.

"It will, Childish." She answered after sobering up a bit. "But, seriously, do you all like it? It took a lot of time to set all of this up, perfectly."

Tom smiled before sitting down on the steps that led to the podium. He slipped a bottle of Jack Daniels out of his pocket before taking a sip. "If Cass likes it, I like it."

She scrunched her nose up in disgust. "Drinking befor your wedding?" Tom shrugged but Alex thought about his answer, just a few seconds ago, and playfully rolled her eyes with her smirk, leaning her head back. "You're so pussy whipped." They laughed. "I'd have never thought I'd see the day a female have Mr. Playa Playa Perry whipped."

He waved her off. "Shut up."

"She has a point, man." Allen added with a goofy grin. "Even when you had your little crush you had on Alex... you were still a player."

Xavier sat down next to Tom, laughing. He was just enjoying their conversation and he loved seeing Alex happy. And, he knew if he could no longer make her happy and smile then he knew Allen and Tom could. He loved their bond.

Tom shook his head, blushing. "None of the girls were loyal."

"You weren't loyal."

"Well, I'm loyal now."

Xavier nodded. "That's all that matters." Tom dapped up him up, thanking him.

"Besides me, Xavier the only one with their heads on straight."

"Whatever." Alex shook her head before checking the time on her phone. "Alright, niggas...and Xavier," They all laughed. "It's officially four o'clock. Think it's about time to get ready. Seven o'clock is right around the corner."

They agreed before all four of them walked out, heading to the dressing rooms.
- -
- Three Hours Later -

Everyone is dressed and ready. Tasha and Brenda had took their time accomplishing a beautiful make up look for the bride. Alex had fixed Cassie's hair into ballerina bun before placing the veil on the top of it, covering her face before getting ready.

Being the maid of honor, she had a lot of responsibilities. She had to make sure everything was in order for Cass and Tom. She was running back and forth around the venue to make sure everyone and everything was okay after she was finishing dressing herself.

While she was out, Cassie sat in her chair, staring at herself in the mirror. She was getting married in fifteen minutes and she was frightened. Anyone who looked at her could tell. Her maid of honor wasn't in the room and she was panicking.

Watching the nervous girl from across the room, Sandy smiled, remembering how she was the same way when she married Alex's father. She stood up and made her way to over to the bride before taking a seat next to her. She placed her hand over Cassie's and smiled gently. "You know, I got married right around your age with my husband." She started off and Cassie glanced her way. "I knew nothing of what marriage could bring and from what I had seen in my was bad news. But, Mike made a promise to love me passed our dying breaths." Sandy smiled as she seemed to reminiscence. "The day of our wedding... I ran... because I was frightened and I had let fear get the best of me. Mike understood my fears. He felt the same way but he had he's mind set on marrying me. I am his 'Soulmate..' he said. And, I believed him and married him. And, 'Till this day I don't regret my decision of marriage."

Cassie sighed as her eyes watered. "What if this is all a mistake? What if Thomas stop loving me in five or ten years?"

Sandy chuckled. "You have cold feet, that's all. That's all that is." She placed her other hand on the side of Cassie's face. "But, baby, Tom loves you. I've been around that boy since he was just a baby. The way he looks at you proves it. I know that look. That's that 'I don't know what I'd do without you' look. Mike gives me that look all of the time." Cassie giggled. "He loves you to death."

Cassie smiled. "Thank you, Ms. Sandy."

"Ms. Sandy?" She started laughing before waving Cassie off. "Don't ever call me that. We're family so I'm aunty now." Her smile turned into a grin.

"Okay... Aunty." Sandy chuckled before pulling her into a hug.

A knock on the door broke them apart. Lance stuck his head in the room, shielding his eyes. 'Is it safe?"

Zuly laughed. "Yes, it's safe."

He sighed in relief before stepping in the room and uncovering his eyes. Cassie turned back to the mirror as he gasped and his eyes widened. "Oh, baby girl, you look as beautiful as your mother did on our wedding night."

"Thank you, Daddy." She blushed.

- Meanwhile -

Alex had checked around once more to make sure everything was in order before making her way to the guy's dressing room. She knocked on the door and Sam opened the door. She immediately covered her eyes as she walked in. He closed the door after her.

"Is it safe?" She asked. "Please, tell me it's safe."

They laughed. "Yeah, it's safe." Allen told her.

She sighed before removing her hand. She gasped while looking around with wide, excited eyes. "Aw, you all look so handsome." She went down the row, hugging all of them. She hugged Tom the longest before pulling away, leaving her hands on his shoulders. "I'm so proud of you." She hugged him again. "I'm so happy for you." Her voice muffled as her face pressed against his tuxedo. When he didn't reply, she pulled away looking into his eyes. "What's wrong?"

He shook his head. "Wh- what if she regrets marrying me?"

Alex smirked. "For one, Cass doesn't regret anything. And, for two, she loves you more than anything..." She leaned in to whisper. "Maybe even more than her mom." She winked before pulling back as he chuckled, pulling her back into a hug.

"I love you so much, Alex."

"I know, everyone loves me." She joked.

A knock on the door forced them to pull away. Usher Jake stuck his head in. "It's time." Tom sucked in some air.

"Don't worry." Alex smiled gently up at him before backing up towards the door. "But, I'll see you all out there."

She left with the usher before rushing back to the dressing room. Everyone was clearing out of the room, getting ready to go down the aisle, so it was only Cassie and Alex left in the room.

Alex fixed her lavender dress before looking over at the bride, who was pacing back and forth.

Cassie let out a shaky breath. "Xandria, this is just too much." She panicked. "So, so soon." Her eyes watered but didn't come down. "I just lost the baby and- and now I'm supposed to get married."

Alex stepped towards her in a calm manner. "Cass, it's going to be okay."

"How do you know?!"

"Because I have faith." She answered. "Listen to me..." Alex placed her hands on Cassie's shoulders. "God will get you through this and he will bless you. All you have to do is believe, okay?" She nodded. "Now, take a deep breath and get it together, girl because tonight you're about to be Mrs. Cassidy Perry." They chuckled as Cassie took a deep breath.

Sighing, a tight smile cascaded over her face. "Thank you, Xandria. I dont know what I'd do without you." She pulled Alex into a hug. "I love you, girl."

Alex hummed in a response as the door opened, revealing Lance. "It's time, Ladies."

They nodded her heads. "Okay," Alex smiled before turning to Cassie. "I'll see you out there, Bride."

"I'll be the one in the red." Cassie joked.

Alex shook her head while chuckling before leaving out. Lance stepped towards Cassie with tears in his eyes. "I know I already said this but... you look beautiful." He sighed. "My baby girl is finally getting married."

Cassie grimaced. "Thanks, Dad."

"You ready?"

She took a deep breath before smiling up at him. "Yes, I think so."

He opened the door for him and they walked out, making their way to the double doors. When they arrived, they see Allen and Alex walking out together. Cailyn stood their waiting at the doors. After she had threw the flowers out, she came back out so she could let everyone know the bride was coming.

While they are walking down the aisle, Alex glanced up, noticing Xavier staring intensely at her. Blushing, she looked down at the floor. He was staring at her as if it was their wedding and it made her nervous. The two separated and stood in their rightful place.

After a few seconds of silence, Cailyn bust through the doors, skipping with a grin. "The Bride is coming. The Bride is coming." Causing everyone to laugh.

Thomas gasped, nervously. He was noticeably shivering and sweating. Alex placed a hand on his shoulder before whispering, comfortably. "It's okay, Tom. You got this."

He nodded his head before clearing his throat just as Here Comes The Bride began to play. The ushers opened up the double doors, Lance came walking in with Cassie. Her arm was looped in his. "Whoa." Thomas muttered.

"I stand before this couple this day to united them in the bonds of matrimony. If there be anyone present that may present just and lawful cause why these two individuals may not be lawfully wed, let him speak now or forever hold his peace." It was silent around the castle, so the minister continued. "Do you take Cassidy Lily Reins as your wedded wife?"

Thomas grinned. "I do."

"Do you take Thomas Leon Perry as your wedded husband?"

Cassie smiled. "Hell yeah... I mean, I do." Everyone laughed.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife." He looked at Thomas. "You may now kiss the bride."

There was a wave of cheers as Tom leaned down and kissed his newly wedded wife. They pulled away and did their little handshake. Alex giggled before shaking her head as the bride and groom walked down the aisle together. Alex and Allen followed after as the rest did the same. Two by two left out before the rest of the guests did.

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