I found my mate

By califl0wer

244K 4.5K 204

Elenor Wallace wasn't really looking for him, it happened on accident. But whatever. She cant help who her ma... More

I'm an idiot.
Life sucks sometimes
My mate, Elenor
He wants to get to know me
She's all I need
You want me to meet your parents? In this!?
This again?
But you're Mine.
So We're Dating
First Day?
Best Feeling In The World
Finally marked her!
Two More Days for James
Forever Mine
A small problem
Conversations and cuteness
She's in and He's In
James' Birthday
James found his mate
Mates and Dates
It's Friday
Not an Update, sorry!
Date Night

I guess I found my mate

44.5K 304 7
By califl0wer

           “The library sucks. Nothing good ever happens in here!” I muttered in frustration.
           “Are you sure about that, El?” Someone asked from behind, making me jump.
            I turned around. “James! Why are you here?” James is my best friend who claims he has the biggest crush on me. Which I didn’t get understand at all, but whatever.
            “To see you of course.” He sat down next to me and kissed my cheek.
            “Right.” I said sarcastically.
            “Well why are you here?” He asked.
            “Trying to find hidden secrets of the people in our school.”
            He just looked at me. “You’re kidding right?”
            He shook his head. “You’re crazy,” He smiled and tugged on my ponytail. “But I love ya.”
            I rolled my eyes. “Come on, lets go get our books.”

           Alright. I’ll start off with introducing myself. I’m Elenor Wallace. I have brown hair that sometimes curls everywhere, but usually works for me and just stays wavy. I love writing, so I’m part of our school’s newspaper. I’m considered a shy person—that’s why I know so much about people, they don’t notice when a ‘shy’ girl is around. I’m really not that shy though. If you give me crap about something, I won’t just stand there and take it, I’ll fight back. If I hear you’re saying something behind my back, you’ll hear from me. I’m sort of ‘feisty’ that way. Which brings me to one of the most important facts about me: I am a werewolf. A medium sized brown one with white spots over my left eye, right ear and tip of my tail to be exact.
            Now, James is my best friend since elementary. He has dark brown hair, which he’ll occasionally spike up. He is also a werewolf, a black one with a white line on his stomach. He is… attractive, I guess. But he’s my best friend, nothing more. Plus, it wouldn’t matter, he’s not my mate.
            What’s a mate? Well a mate is someone who was made for you. They are your other half, your soul mate. You can live without your mate, but you would always feel like something is missing, which is right. You can breed with another male, but with your true mate, you’d have stronger pups. Your mate is made to love you, to protect you, to always be there for you… Well, you get the point.
            I haven’t found my mate yet, neither has James. His 18th birthday is coming though, so he might find her soon. Once a male wolf turns eighteen, they feel a pull towards their mate. If they don’t act on it within 24 hours it will go away, but I mean, it’s your mate! You have to go. Once you find your mate, well it’s kind of love at first sight for most. When you touch, you feel tingles and sparks. When you kiss, well not only are the sparks there, but also the amazing feeling of, well, your mate. And when you actually Mate and have sex with your other half, well apparently it’s the best sex ever. Not that I would know, first off, I’m a virgin, and second, I repeat, I haven’t found my mate.
            Anyways, school just ended now and I was at my locker, minding my own business. I itched my neck. I threw my library book in my locker and grabbed my bag. I scratched my neck again. I felt eyes on me, so I turned toward them and jumped. Down the hallway some, there was a boy staring at me. Boy? No, man. And not just any man, but Dylan Wolfe. The Alpha’s son. An Alpha is the wolf that owns the pack. Kind of like a president… but if he strongly disagrees with his advisors, he can do whatever he wants. Our Alpha was David Wolfe. I know, their last name is totally ironic, but who cares. Anyways… HIS SON IS STARING AT ME!
            I hear in my head. Oh yeah, by the way, us wolves have this psychic link that we use to talk to each other when we cant face to face. I always have walls up, so the pack is blocked from my mind except James and my parents. Well and the Alpha of course, no one could block him.
            Yeah mom?
            The Alpha has told me that you are blocking his son and demands you to unblock him.
            I growled in frustration. Why me? Okay, I’ll do that now.
            Thanks sweetie, see you soon.
            I cut out of the conversation and slammed my locker shut. I sighed and walked slowly over to Dylan who was thankfully alone and not surrounded by girls.
            When I got there, he just looked at me.
            I sighed. “Your father wants me to allow you into my head. For that to happen I need you to touch my hand so it’s only you I’ll be letting in.” I held my hand up so all he needed to do is poke it.
            He grunted and touched my hand.
            I pulled mine away instantly after feeling sparks go all the way up my arm. He had pulled away too and now had a shocked expression on his face. He took a step back, then another.
            I was going to say something, but his voice in my head stopped me.
            I’m not rejecting you, I just need to think. I give you 24 hours to have your walls back up. Twenty-four hours before you have to let me in. No more, no less.
            And then he turned and practically ran from the school.

           I had found my mate.

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