Catch Me If I Fall (Dancetale...

By Singeroftales

29.2K 1.2K 1.2K

After a horrible accident sans misses his chance to enter into the biggest dance comp ever to take place in t... More

The Chance
The Fall
The Perfect Partner...?
The Agreement
The Internal Struggle
The Start
The First Practise
The Conversation Pt 1
The Last Night
The First Dance
The Promise
The Announcement
The Talk
The Day I Met The Sword Wielding Fish Lady
The Past
The Roll Call
The Quarter-Finals
The Mentor
The Festival
The Lead Up
The 'Accident'
The Final Call
Quick A/N
The Day Out

The Conversation Pt 2

1.1K 48 126
By Singeroftales

Grillby had waved to the group of three, signalling that the studio was unlocked due to a junior ballet class that had just ended.

The group of three entered the studio and set up their gear.

"So Papyrus is going to watch?" Frisk asked, shifting on her feet nervously.

"yeah if you don't mind. he might be able to help us out," Sans confirmed.

Frisk glanced at the taller skeleton and smiled, "Okay then... I don't mind. Papyrus is pretty cool."

Sans winked at her a massive grin on his face, "the coolest."

Papyrus, who had been setting up the speakers, walked over having noticed the two talking quietly amongst themselves, "WHAT WERE YOU TWO TALKING ABOUT SO QUIETLY OVER HERE?"

"tibia honest with ya bro, frisk and i were talking about how cool you are," Sans said winking at Frisk.


"If it was i'd have to say it was rather humerous," Sans smirked.

Frisk stifled a giggle, "A real rib-tickler, Sans."

Both Frisk and Sans burst out in laughter, tears streaming down their faces. Papyrus groaned, throwing his hands up in a huff.

"sorry bro, couldn't help myself," Sans said.

Papyrus glared at him before rolling his eye sockets, "I WILL FORGIVE YOU THIS TIME BROTHER."

Sans chuckled and held a hand out to Frisk, who in her laughter had fallen to the ground, "Need a hand?"

Frisk giggled and took his hand. She was surprised how soft it felt. 'Perhaps soft is the wrong word... more like smooth,'  She mused. 'They are quiet nice hands.'  (seriously frisk hand fetish much -_-' )

A cough brought her from her thoughts and with a start she realized she was still holding Sans's hand. Feeling her cheeks heat up she instantly let go of his hand and hid behind her hair.

Sans turned his own face away from Frisk in an attempt to hide the blue tinge on his face. 'Why do i keep feeling like this? I've only known the girl for  a couple of days!'

Papyrus, apparently oblivious to the interaction between the two, clapped his hands, "HURRY UP YOU TWO."

Sans turned away from the human and walked towards the center of the room. Frisk followed closely behind and took her own position beside the skeleton.

The music began and Frisk moved gracefully with purpose, beside Sans began slowly moving to the beat. As the song picked up and became faster Sans moved quicker letting the beat move him while trying to remain aware of Frisk beside him. Frisk moved matching the beat whenever needed but did not lose the grace in her moves. Finally the song ended and both looked expectantly at Papyrus.

Papyrus seemed to be thinking to himself when he shook his head, "IT NEEDS A LOT OF WORK. FIRSTLY YOU BOTH MOVE AS THOUGH YOU ARE DANCING ALONE."

Sans sighed, "i thought so too bro, but i don't know how to fix it."

Papyrus seemed to be debating with himself internally before perking up. "I HAVE IT! YOU BOTH NEED TO THINK OF THE OTHER AS AN ACTUAL PERSON!"

Sans and Frisk looked at each other, both puzzled by Papyrus's meaning. Noticing both of their faces Papyrus sighed, "SANS, TELL ME WHAT IS FRISK'S FAVOURITE COLOUR?"

"i don't know... i mean i never asked her," Sans told him, still unsure of Papyrus's point.

Papyrus turned his gaze upon Frisk, "HUMAN, WHAT IS SANS'S DAY JOB... OR AT LEAST ONE OF THEM?"

"I-I don't know," Frisk admitted.

Papyrus nodded as though confirming something, "JUST AS I SUSPECTED. NEW PLAN WE ARE GOING TO DO A GAME!"

Sans glared questioningly at his brother, "hey paps, don't want to be a bone in the mud but we kinda need to practice."


Sans rubbed the back of his skull and looked towards Frisk who was subconsciously twisting a lock of hair around her finger, "I... I guess it's worth getting to know the person I'm dancing."

Seeing no other option Sans relented and decided to allow his brother to tell them the games name.

"OKAY SO I WILL ASK A QUESTION AND YOU WILL BOTH ANSWER," Papyrus declared, seating himself on the ground.

Sans sighed and followed suit along with Frisk.


"blue," Sans stated.

"Red, but i also like purple and blue," Frisk added.




"heh it isn't, alright then i guess anything from grillbys," Sans said. Papyrus rolled his eyes at his brother.

"Mom's Butterscotch-Cinnamon Pie," Frisk said.

Papyrus continued to ask questions, such as favourite past time (which Sans had happily answered with sleeping much to Papyrus's disgust) and favourite animal.

After about an hour Papyrus asked his last question, "AND FINALLY, TELL ME ABOUT YOUR FAMILY."

Sans chuckled, "that ones easy, i have one brother named Papyrus who is pretty cool and that's it... in the living department anyway." Sans mumbled the last part quietly to himself however Frisk heard him.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

Sans rubbed his skull before answering quietly, "ya see paps and i... our pa died when we were pretty young..."

"Oh... I'm sorry..." Frisk said, offering her condolences even though she knew her words wouldn't be able to fill the hole of a missing family member.

"heh, thanks kid," Sans said sending a small smile in her direction.

Papyrus who had been listening quietly decided to change the subject, "WHAT ABOUT YOU HUMAN? WHAT IS IT LIKE TO LIVE WITH OTHER HUMANS?"

Papyrus instantly regretted the question as soon as he saw Frisk's face.

"I don't live with humans... I was adopted by a really nice monster in the Ruins and live their with my adopted brother..." Frisk told them truthfully.

Sans looked surprised, "Wow kiddo, i knew you lived in the ruins but i didn't realise you were..."

"It's alright. It's been 10 years now," Frisk told him, smiling softly.

There was a silence as all three of them processed this new information. For once Sans felt like he understood Frisk, or at least more then he had only an hour before. Frisk was having similar thoughts when Papyrus stood up.


"what now, paps?" Sans asked.

"SIMPLE, YOU NEED TO STOP BEING SO SERIOUS AND HAVE FUN!" The younger skeleton declared.

Frisk smiled Papyrus's declaration and Sans chuckled.

Papyrus changed the track and selected a new song before letting it play.

Taking Frisk's hands into his own they began to spin and dance to the new beat. Both laughing/NYEHEHEHE-ing and smiling. Sans joined them and the three danced like nothing else mattered but that moment.

-_- -_- -_-

After they had messed around with Papyrus, Sans and Frisk had reattempted the dance but this time they were fully aware of their partner. Dancing not around them but instead with. Sans felt his soul begin to soar and Frisk felt entire being pulse with determination. They were finally starting to dance like a real pair and it felt great.

After a few more run-throughs they decided to end for the night and meet up again the next day. Papyrus and Sans dropped Frisk off at her home before driving to their own abode.

As the dark buildings sped by Sans was painfully aware of the smirk Papyrus was directing towards him. "what?"


Sans turned to look out the car window, hoping to hide the blue tint that had taken its place on his cheeks, "we are partners after all paps, it's expected we get along."

"I'M SURE THAT'S ALL IT IS~" Papyrus smiled widely, sarcasm lacing his words.

Sans groaned to himself before an idea stuck in his head, "what about you and mettaton... i know you've been meeting with that sparkly calculator a lot lately."

Papyrus gulped and looked back at the road as they approached their house, "WE ARE ONLY MEETING TO TALK ABOUT THE SHOW, SANS."

-_- -_- -_-

Yay another chapter done. I did this one on my laptop so hopefully my spelling is a lot nicer ':)

Feel free to comment if you have any constructive criticism or just want to say hi~

Also thank you to everyone who has read this far I'm soooooo happy that you guys are liking my story enough to read it this far~

Author-chan out till next time~

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