The Island of Mysteries

By LittleAngelKay34

954 27 3


The Island of Mysteries
chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

chapter 3

58 2 0
By LittleAngelKay34

Hey everyone! Sorry it took me so long to update! Please enjoy!


'123' = THINKING

"123'' = SPEAKING

It was pass after sunset the gang had already eaten dinner and was awaiting for a certain miko to arrive. And everyone was beginning to get worried but not as much as Inuyasha, who sat in a corner by the door growling every now and then, though he tried not to show it. "What do you think has happened to Kagome?" Sango thought aloud, her chocolate brown where filled with worry. Worried that her dearest friend, to whom she thought as her sister, could be in danger.

"Do not worry my lovely Sango! I'm sure she's alright" Miroku said to Sango passionately as he gazed into her eyes with great intensity, "she's only a little bit late." Sango bagan to blush horribly as Miroku inched closer to her with every word he said wanting ever so desperately to touch her lovely behind to which he has been dreaming about since the very moment he had seen her lovely face and of course her behind.

Sango became furious, "what do you mea-! PERVERT!" Sango yelled slapping him across the face. Shippo paid no mind to them as he sat by the fire with Kirrara with a big pout on his face. "Now now Sango you don't want to wake poor Lady Keade would you!" Miroku said whom went too bed an hour before. He held his hands up in surrender trying to get away from the rampaging demon slayer. "Monk!" Sango hissed threateningly then charge at the cursed monk then punched him with angry fist of fury.

"Waahhhh!" Sango stopped in mid punch with her fist pressing to Miroku's right cheek as they turned to the crying kitsune, "I MISS KAGOME!"

Before he could say another word there was a loud growl then a loud "WAM!"

"Shut up runt! Your giving me a headache with your wailing!" Inuyasha yelled. Shippo got up and jumped on his head and pounded his little fists as hard as he could on his head. Therefore it lead to another fight between the Hanyou and Kitsune. A moment later there was a loud "SMACK!" and "PERVERT!" leading the monk into another fists of fury upon him.

They screamed and yelled and punched and slapped. It was utter chaos at that moment but Kirrara merely meowed and went to bed on a soft cloth that happened to be in a corner of the hut. As they continued for a solid 30 minuets no one noticed Kagome entering the hut with a look of utter shock on her face.

Kagome couldn't believe what she was seeing right at that moment. Sango had Miroku pressed up against the wall beating him up to a bloody pulp as he begged for Sango to calm down and then making a perverted comment making Sango even more angry. Inuyasha and Shippo were rolling around the floor beating the snot at each other while yelling at each other. And in the corner sleeping without a care in the world was Kirrara on a pile of freshly folded clothes. Kagome right eye began to twitch a habit that she gained from being with Inuyasha all the time it was a sign that she was greatly irritated.

'How can they act like this on such an ungodly hour!' Kagome thought with annoyance (A/N She got back at 11:30 p.m.) 'They probably woke the entire village with their screaming'. Then Kagome heard a faint sound coming from the next room. 'SNORING! How can Keade sleep through all this! I would have been awake and yelling at them by now and then kick them out of the hut!' she thought.

Kagome then growled lowly as the screams became louder then she cracked! If anyone was paying attention you would have literally hear a cracking sound coming from her. As she tried to calm down her anger as she began to count to 3. 1 Inhale. 2 Exhale. 3 Inhale... "WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE!" Kagome yelled screaming louder then she ever screamed before. Everything in the hut froze and it became deathly quite as everyone turned to the angered miko. They were all afraid at that very moment you could feel her anger coming out in waves and you have could have sworn that her eyes flashed red for a moment and you can almost see the steam coming from her ears.

"I AM GONE FOR A FEW HOURS! A FEW HOURS!" Kagome yelled furiously and they all cowered in fear at the intensity of her glare. "AND WHEN I COME BACK! I COME BACK TO THIS! YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES! YOU PROBABLY WOKE EVERYONE IN THE WHOLE VILLAGE! HELL EVEN ALL OF JAPAN!" she walked slowly and dangerously in the middle of the room. Inuyasha and Shippo inched away from her fearing that she would take her wrath upon them. Kagome inhaled then exhaled trying to calm herself down.

Inuyasha gulped trying to build up the courage to speak "Ka-" but he was harshly interrupted.

"NOT ANOTHER WORD!" Kagome yelled she pointed to Inuyasha "GO TO THE CORNER!" the one by the door. "YOU" Sango "THERE!" pointing to the right side of the room. Then Miroku "YOU STAY THERE!" who was on the left side of the room. "AND YOU!" Shippo "YOU ARE EITHER SLEEPING NEAR SANGO OR KIRRARA!" Kaome yelled, "NOW EVERYONE GO TO SLEEP!" Kagome waited impatiently tapping her foot on the ground as she waited for everyone to go to their designated sleeping areas.

Kagome then grabbed her sleeping bag from her bag and walked to the back of the hut an put her sleeping bag on the floor and drifted off into a peaceful dream. While everyone else that night had a nightmare of a horrifying temperamental miko.

xXXNext MorningXXx

When the morning had arrived Kagome was awoken to the smell of delicious breakfast. She sat up from her sleeping bag and stretched trying to get the kinks from her back. "Ah ye have awoken child. Good morning to ye" Keade said stirring the food in the pot. Kagome turned to her and noticed that no one but her and Keade were in the hut "good morning Keade. Where is everyone?" Kagome asked.

"They already had their breakfast and went outside to wait for you to awaken but the strangest thing happened though" Keade said thoughtfully. "What do you mean?" Kagome asked her. Keade thought for a moment "once they woke up they seem to be very tense and stayed very quiet as if not to disturb something or someone" Keade looked at Kagome with a knowing look before turning to the food, "when I gave them their food they ate as fast as they could. Then left their bowls and made every excuse to leave." Kagome smiled a bit 'that should teach them to not to make so much racket' she smug at what she had accomplished.

"How was your sleep, Keade?" Kagome asked changing the subject. "The best sleep i had in ages!" Keade sighed happily. "Really!?" Kagome asked in disbelief. "Yes! There is this trick that I learned where you put cotton balls into your ears to block out any sound so your sleep isn't disturbed. I say child you should try it" Keade told her. 'Cotton balls are you serious!?' Kagome thought in disbelief. "Now then you must be hungry" Keade said as she poured some stew into a bowl and gave it to Kagome.

"Thank you" Kagome said, 'no wonder she slept so soundly' she thought eating her food. Keade turned to her fully and looked to her with a very serious expression. "There is something I must tell ye..."

xXXOutside HutXXx

Kagome walked out of the hut with a thoughtful expression after she had just spoken with Keade.


"Is it the only way?" Kagome asked. Keade nodded, "it can only be you. Only you can find the king" she said. But Kagome was confused why only her and not someone else it didn't make any sense. "But why me?" Kagome asked confusedly. Keade smiled thoughtfully at Kagome, "because you are of pure heart. Trust in your heart and you will find him" was the last thing Keade before sending her off with a goodbye so she could go find the others.


'Pure heart..' Kagome thought, 'what did she mean by that?' Kagome thought more and more about the conversation not knowing that her friends were a little ways from her not knowing if they should confront her or not.

"She doesn't look angry maybe she's not mad at us anymore" Miroku whispered softly hiding behind a tree. Inuyasha shook his head furiously, "no its a trap. That's what she wants you to think. She has a plan I just know it" Inuyasha whispered back trying to hide as best as he could in the tree since there is hardly any leaves in it.

"Don't be ridiculous! Now your just overreacting!" Sango whispered furiously cuddling a sleeping Kirrara to her chest. "Well I don't see you going over and talking to her" Inuyasha whispered taunting her. Sango seemed to hesitate as she peeked over Miroku's shoulder but moved away when Kagome turned her head slightly to the left in their direction.

Inuyasha snickered, "I thought so!" he said smug but then growled when a annoying little fox jumped on to his head, "get off runt!" Shippo just stuck out his tongue at him and said "she doesn't look that mad. How can you be so sure?" leaning closer to his face making Inuyasha more annoyed than he already is.

But then a nasty plan was forming in Inuyasha's head as he grabbed Shippo and threw him a few inches in front of Kagome, "then why don't you find out!"

Kagome seemed to come to her senses when Shippo landed unexpectedly in front of her with a loud "OW!" Kagome blinked several times not comprehending what is going on at that moment as Shippo hurriedly jumped to his feet "uh ... h-hey K-K-Kagome!" Shippo stuttered, "um... are you... still mad at me?"

Kagome blinked several more times and before Shippo could say another word Kagome was giggling as she knelled in front of him and reached out and ruffled up his hair a bit. "Nah not anymore but your still in big trouble young man," Kagome scolded him before giving him a loving smile. She picked him up as she grabbed her bag "hey you know you can come out from behind the tree right!?" Kagome laughed as she turned and preceded to walk along the path that led out of the village missing the surprised looks on her friends faces as they ran to catch up with her.

"So your not mad anymore?" Sango asked cautiously believing that her friend was pulling something. "No" Kagome said simply, "okay keade already told me about the situation so we should get there as quickly as possible." Sango nodded in agreement "yes it wou- HENTAI!" she yelled as she whirled around and smacked Miroku right in the face.

Kagome shook her head as she began to head east, "hey why did you come so late yesterday?" Shippo asked looking up at her. "Yea wench! What made stay in your world for so long anyway!?" Inuyasha yelled, "it wasn't because that human male hobo was it?" he growled angrily not liking for Kagome to be with a male. "His name is Hojo you jerk! And no it was not because of him!" Kagome shouted, "I just happened to forget something and I had to go back home to get it but ending up taking care of Souta since mom and gramps went out somewhere!"

"But.. not just that... what is ... that you are wearing?" Sango asked curiously looking at the strange object on top of her head. It looked like two circular glass orbs connected by strange white clothe that went around her head. "Yes and these strange things on your hands?" Miroku asked looking at the green and white fabric that seemed to cover her hands but not her fingers, to whom Miroku thought strange, with gold beads on the knuckles. "Hey your shoes are different what you do with the old ones?" Shippo asked as he and Kirrara started poking at the red and white shoes, wondering what it can do. "And what's thing on your legs?" Inuyasha said curiously pulling on the strange fabric. The color was like a dark green if you were close up to it but looked black from a far. Inuyasha noticed a strange symbol on the left leg; it was a small ball that was separated by a little silver circle, the top half was red while the bottom half was white, "and what does this symbol mean?" he asked.

Kagome was wearing white goggles that rested on top of her head and dare she say they were rather comfortable. Some white and green fingerless gloves with gold non-pointy studs directly on top of her knuckles. And she was wearing her new favorite pair of red and white sneakers. While its suppose to help you run faster it also makes you look awesome too! And last but not least were the shorts, they were a dark forest green that went down a little above the knees.

Kagome couldn't take it anymore! They kept on touching her and asking questions it made her very angry and when Inuyasha pulled on her shorts well she went ballistic, "Uuuhhh! You baka pervert sit!" Kagome yelled as Inuyasha kissed the dirt she turned to her friends, "if you guys wanted to know you could have just asked not try to attack me with questions and especially not acting like a pervert!" she said referring to Inuyasha.

When the spell finally gave way Inuyasha jumped to his feet with a angry growl, "what is that suppose to mean!" he growled. "You know exactly what I mean!" Kagome yelled. "Like I want to do anything with a crazy wench like you!" he yelled. Kagome did a very impressive growl for a human that it goes to show that she has been hanging around Inuyasha a little too much "why you?! Sit sit sit sit sit sit sit!" Kagome yelled furiously.

Then turned around to face her friends with a cool and collected smile "well these things on my head are goggles they protect my eyes from the wind while we are in flight," she said pointing to the object on her head. "Why would you need that?" Shippo asked while jumped on her head and began to poke at them. "Well when i'm on Inuyasha or with Kirrara my eyes would begin to water because of how the winds are so cold and strong and more so when we are in a hurry. So these goggles will help protect my eyes from freezing up."

"But what about these things?" Inuyasha said pointing to the fabric on her legs, "i think i have seen them before but i'm not sure where" he tried to remember where he had seen something like that before. "Well these are shorts that KEEP.." stressing the word 'keep' as much as she could then glared at Miroku and Inuyasha "perverts from looking up my skirt!" Sango gave him her usual death glare of doom while Miroku tried to protect his 'innocence' if he even had one. "But what's with the symbol" Inuyasha asked staring at it not knowing that she was referring to him as well. Kagome looked at her shorts and tensed up to see a symbol on her shorts 'dammit! I was so sure these weren't the wrong shorts' Kagome thought freaked out. she didn't want herself to be given away so easily so she quickly recovered, "Oh that I just noticed it a while ago so i guess these are new shorts that mom got me since i have a same pair at home without the symbol but people like to put symbols that don't mean anything" she lied convincingly trying to sound curious and matter-of-fact. "That's stupid!" Inuyasha scoffed trying to control her anger, that only Inuyasha can give her, she continued.

"Well these are sneakers they help me run faster because the other shoes I was wearing before isn't really made for running" Kagome said pointing to her shoes and with that they were off of the symbol conversation in a instant. "They look strange Kagome" Shippo said. Kagome giggled and ruffled his hair a bit "there suppose to look like that so don't worry" she said.

"But what are these strange things on her hands?" Miroku asked. "Well these are gloves that helps get better grip on things that need to be held tightly so it wont fall" Kagome stated. Miroku smiled pervertedly at Kagome "... grip ... Held tightly ha! My my Kagome i didn't kno-" Miroku was cut off by loud "Smack!" "How can you say such horrible things to Kagome you pervert!" Sango yelled stomping down the path while Miroku tried to keep up with her as well trying to calm her down. But of course a moment later there was another "PERVERT!" and "SMACK!"

"He will never learn will he" Shippo said not needing an answer since it was so obvious. Inuyasha and Kagome shook her head "nope now lets go and catch up with them before Miroku gets killed" Kagome said walking down the dirt road with Inuyasha and Shippo following behind. But then she was deep in thought as she looked up in to the sky 'how am I going to find him?' Kagome thought, 'I will find you my king. That I promise."

Hey thanks for reading everyone! Please review and comment it will really help me out! =)

Any questions and concerns i will happily answer them!

And i would like to thank BloodPokemon101!

Thank you all!

Ja ne!

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