Forever One Of The Reasons Wh...

By IIJennaII

11.6K 73 2

It's all fun and games until someone dies. The deepest and darkest secrets get revealed, lives get ruined, re... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 2

1.2K 5 0
By IIJennaII

    I loved school. Ever since I was a kid, I loved being productive and acknowledged for my school performances and I loved being smart. That is why I decided to take so many classes at Liberty. My schedule was filled with periods from all departments: Business, Marketing, English, Spanish, German, French, Mathematics, History, Counseling, Theatre Art, PE, Science, Art and Ceramics. The boys always joke about it, but I don't care.
"You have practice after school?" Zach asked. "Yeah why, did you want to do something?" I asked anticipating a possible yes. "Yeah actually, I was thinking maybe we should go to mine since mom and my sister want to say Happy Birthday as well, then just go out and have some food before the party at Bryce's" he said. "Oh that would be so nice baby. We can still go, practice is only about 2 hours today, we're just going over the whole thing" I said. "Awesome, call me when you're done and we'll talk about what do we do next, alright?" he spoke then kissed my lips. "Alright, see you after first period" I smiled and he nodded "Be a good girl, yeah?" he said the line that became the most used line of his for a while, totally protective and totally cute. "Of course"
Spanish class was one of my ultimate favorites since I was the best in class. Bryce and Jess always call me 'miss know it all' in Spanish but I just roll my eyes at them. Today, I felt like a princess when everybody wished me Happy Birthday and was extra friendly to me. I got so many presents at school, also the cheer team gave me a super nice gift which was a set of Victoria's Secret Bombshell Gift Set. As planned, after practice I called Zach and established our afternoon program. I drove home to shower and get ready just in time for when he comes to pick me up.
"Roxanne honey, Zach is here" my mom's voice spoke from the other side of my bedroom door. "I'm coming right now" I yelled back and we both walked downstairs. My parents loved Zach ever since the start, they know we're happy together and they see how much of a good guy he is. "You didn't" I smiled when I saw him sit in our living room, a huge bouquet of white tulips wrapped in newspaper print. There was also a Yves Saint Laurent box with a ribbon wrap. "Of course I did" he said confidently. I kissed him after taking the flowers and bringing them up to my nose to smell the beautiful scent. "Here, I'll put these in water, you just open the box" mom smiled and took the bouquet from me and leaving us alone.
"Is it what I think it is?" I asked Zach as I started to untie the silky ribbon. "Depends, what do you think it is?" he smirked, knowing exactly that I was anticipating a certain something to be in the box. "Oh my God, Zach" I breathed out, covering my face. "Happy Birthday, baby" he said. I kissed his lips, wrapping my arms around his neck and giving him a tight hug. "It's so pretty, Zach! I don't deserve you" I said, admiring the nude leather designer clutch with gold chain straps and gold detailing. "Anything for my princess" he smiled. God, how I loved this boy.
Arriving to his house, his mom was already waiting for us. His mom was so lovely, her and mom are friends since me and her son are together.

    "Oh hey Roxanne, Happy Birthday darling" she smiled at me, giving me a big hug. "Happy Birthday, Roxy" Zach's little sister, Anna-May cheered, hugging me as well. She was the most beautiful little girl I've seen and she and Zach are so close. "Thank you, thank you so much" I smiled. "Here, I have a card for you" she smiled, giving me a pink Birthday card, On the inside she wrote a couple lines of cute things that made me smile.
After leaving the house, we headed to a restaurant to have dinner. I loved Zach so much for being so good to me, always treating me like a princess and always taking the guys 'you're whipped, man' talk. The little things he did like placing his hand on my thigh while he drove, his small winks, the need to always hold me close to him in public and privately also, the good morning and good night texts and many more, made me feel some type of way.
"You know, I think I won't be able to keep my hands off you tonight, the way you're dressed? Damn baby, you know exactly what you're doing to me" he said when he pulled up to Bryce's. "Oh really?" I looked up to him through my long lashed. He hummed in response. "Don't worry big boy, I allow hands" I said, getting out of his Audi and having him follow my moves. "Hands only?" he whispered into my ear, pushing me against his car, his hands going up to my hips and down to my ass, gripping it and bringing me closer to his body. "Cause I think hands only is not what you want tonight either" his deep voice spoke, sending shivers down my whole body. "Come on Dempsey, I want to be present at my own party" I said, changing the subject and ignoring his words. I pushed away, making my way towards the entry. I glanced back and saw him shake his head with a smirk on his face, hot on my heel.
The music was blasting, people were dancing, talking, drinking, playing in the pool and overall just having fun.
"Fashionably late to your own Birthday party, congrats Roxy" Bryce yelled over the music, clapping his hands when he saw us walk his way. "Alright Walker, whatever you say" I rolled my eyes with a smile. "Hey man, how you doing?" Zach said, shaking Bryce's hand. "Awesome, hey you guys know where the drinks are at and everything right? Feel at home as always, I gotta go sort out the cake situation, Jess left it to me" he said and vanished. We joined our friends at beer pong and let loose.
"Alright everybody" Justin said as he turned the music lower "It's cake time!" he yelled and Jeff, Bryce and Marcus brought in the cake, making the people cheer. "Listen up, this is my best friend and it's her fucking Birthday today! So I better hear some cheers for her!" Jess yelled, bringing her red cup into the air. The crowd of people responded to her words. "Roxy! Roxy! Roxy!" the people yelled. "Alright let's eat some cake then!" Bryce said "Even though we all know Dempsey is gonna have the whole cake later, am I right?" Justin yelled out, making me roll my eyes and laugh at his sexual remark. "Jealous, Foley?" Zach spit back "Hey, hey, hey!" Jessica warned.

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