Don't Leave Me.

By FireflySkies

1.7K 192 74

(ON HOLD) We lie. We are human. We hide the truth and keep secrets. Whether it's telling a story that isn't t... More

Authors note.
Welcome home.
An odd picture.
A little story.
Getting better.
She cant see me.
Home life.
A big night.
Visual Aid (Authors note)
Time to go.
The note.
Taking note.
The darkness.
A few things.
Author note...again :(
Im putting this book on hold:(

Ring Around the Rosie

63 14 4
By FireflySkies

Hope you like this chapter, I'm debating a few options for moving forwards but I think I got it now.

I still wont be updating on weekends or Thursday's, but other than that I will try for everyday!!

We played games and ate snacks for hours, but finally grew tired. Around three am we decided to go to sleep.


My body began violently shaking and I shot my eyes open, Dana was standing over me with a worried expression all over her face.

I put my hands out to make her stop and sat up rubbing my head. "What is she doing!" Dana said pointing to the stairs.

Confused, I slid off the couch and brushed my feet across the cold wood floor. I leaned out of the room careful not to go too far and looked at the winding stair case.

It was Murphy. My heart sank, Dana is already scared of her and shes not even being that strange yet.

I turned to Dana who still looked uneasy, like she might not want to be here and sighed. I forced my feet to carry me out of my precious safe space and face Murphy, she was sitting at the split where the stairs go either to the third floor or the second, starring at the wall.

"Murph" my voice was shaky and light but I was trying my hardest to control myself not to scare Dana anymore than she already is.

Murphy's head jerked towards me making me feel uneasy, her plain gaze shifted to a soft smile as she sat up and rushed down the stairs to greet me. "Ive missed you so much!" She said wrapping her little arms around my waist, she didn't look older but instead like the little nine-year old I knew.

Although her hair was as messy as before and she was wearing a smaller version of what she had on when she looked older. "Where were you?" She said lifting her head and smiling up at me.

I couldn't manage to get any word out, choking on each one attempt. Finally I managed a few short cut words, "Lets go to the kitchen."

She released me from her tight hug and swiftly scurried to the kitchen, I however, was a mess. Each step was shaky and small, I could barely breath my chest still felt her tight hug controlling my every move.

Walking down the hall seemed to last forever, I was scared to be alone with her and to be this far away from my safe space.

It wasn't long until Murphy grew impatient with my slow pace, she grabbed my wrist and pulled me through the hall and into the dark kitchen.

Quickly I flipped on the light switch, making the kitchen not as intimidating. I took a few short steps back and pressed myself into the wall, wanting to shrink away or disappear and go into the lounge with my friends and calm down Dana.

She walked around the large island, she was much shorter now and I could only see her bobbing head as she walked to her plants and watered them slowly.

"I feel as if you don't like me anymore." Murphy said after a long silence, "Maybe I am just crazy but I am sensing that you are fearing me." Her grip on the watering can tightened as she placed it on the counter, she then let go casing a rattling noise to fill the thick air, and moved back around the island towards me. Her steps were so quiet, it was as if there wasn't even anyone there.

She got close to me, very close, she wrapped her cold little fingers around my shirt and yanked me down so that we were face to face. Her breath was cold and short, but heavy, it hit my face like a cold draft sending shivers down my spine.

"I. Would never hurt you." She said in a low sharp tone, each word had an echo to it, it didn't even look like it was her voice but rather she was mouthing the words.

I pulled her hand off my shirt being as gentle as I could, "I know, I love you." I lied, but I need her to to go back to normal and be shy and distant.

"Do you?" She said as she stepped back, raising her voice with each drawn out word, getting deeper and deeper.

"I do." I said forcing a smile, "I really do." Well I used to. My hands were shaking and I felt dizzy, I need to get away from her but I can't let her know I'm scared of her.

"Good!" She said happily, then skipped away swinging her arms singing, she was singing "Ring Around the Rosie" with every other word said sharply, breaking the smooth rhythm.

I ran back to my friends and saw Dana sitting on the couch with her knees tucked in her chest, "Is she okay?" She said slowly.

I tried swallowing but my throat was dry and stuck to its self as I spoke, "Y-yeah." I said smiling, "Just a little off." I said as I slid onto the couch.


After about twenty minuets Dana drifted asleep, I however, couldn't even relax a muscle. I doubt I would get any sleep that night but I don't care, I want to make sure Murphy stays away from us.

My eyes weren't listening though, they kept trying to close and force my body to sleep but my racing mind wouldn't allow it.

Soon I heard a little voice, it began growing until I saw the source.

Murphy was skipping down the hall singing "Ring A    round the Rosie" she tiptoed up the stairs and slammed her door shut, shaking the whole house.

And finally I drifted away into my thoughts. My mind repeating these six words

I need her to trust me.

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