The Changing Age

By DessiJayde

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She was just a normal, 13 year old girl. Except she had an exceptional IQ and is leaving for college; or so s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 17

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By DessiJayde

I awoke in a strange room. Nothing but medical equipment. Everything was white. The floor, the walls, the ceiling, everything. I turned my head. I seen Zack. He was sleeping. How long had I been out? I need back at that computer. “Zack.” I croaked. I through a pencil at him. “Ow ow ow ok ok I am up. Phoenix!” He jumped up, “Are you alright? You have been out for hours! I was so worried!” He looked ready to cry or scream. I did not know which.
“It is alright, Zack. Hours?” “Yes. What did you envision?” “You are in for a long story.” “We have time.” Alright. I warned him.
“I was back at the mountain. I had found the children that I have noticed missing at school.” “You noticed too?” “Yes, please let me finish. I walked toward Sahara, yes she was there. She tried to talk to me but I could not hear her. Then, the hooded figure walked up. He said ‘Mon plan est presque terminé . Bientôt, ils viendront. Je vais me venger bientôt.’ I knew it was bad. I tried to walk toward Sahara but I could not move. I tried to scream because he moved nearer to her but I could not speak. Then, I felt a breeze and I was back. I was so tired though. I fell into unconsciousness.” I looked toward Zack. He was staring into nothing. “Zack, I want to learn french. Then, I could know what this creature was saying.” “I agree. I will talk to headmistress for you.” “What time is it?” I asked. “ Time to visit our archangel teacher and your father.” I shuddered. Soon I am to meet my father. Would he like me? Only time may tell.
I was sitting on my bed. Where was Phoenix? How was she? Is she dead? Did she wake up? Has she ate? What did she vision? I am so nervous. In a few minutes Tobias and I am to meet our archangel teacher. I need to know Phoenix is alright first or to at least see her. I can not just ignore the fact that she was somewhere unconscious, with only Zachariah with her. I can not stand it any longer. I am going to get Tobias and we are going to our archangel  lesson before I go insane. I stood up and grabbed my purse. I walked across the hallway and knocked.
“Tobias?” I asked. I watched the door open. He walked out. He was wearing a brown leather jacket and jeans. “Ready, Sugar?” He inquired. “Do you think I would be here if I was not ready?” “Goodness, I just asked a question, Sugar.” “Stop calling me that. Let’s go.” We walked down our corridor and exited the school building. Waiting for us was Phoenix and Zack in some sort of hovercraft. “Phoenix!” I yelled. I ran forward ignoring Tobias or anything else. I never had a sister before Phoenix and I did not want to lose her. I juist met her a month ago! I jumped into the hovercraft and hugged her. She whispered into my ear, “It is alright Sahara, it is not like I died.” I laughed weakly. “I just missed you.” I whispered. I let go. “Who’s ready for some archangel to teach us something?” I inquired. “Let’s go.” Phoenix said as the hovercraft lifted and took off.
Along the way when I was not looking at the beautiful view, I looked at Phoenix. She was hiding in Zachariah’s shirt, sobbing. “What’s wrong?” I asked. I was scared. “Phoenix has severe altophobia.” “What?”  I asked. “She has a strong fear of heights.” “Oh. Anything I can do?” “No. Just get us there fast.” “Where are we going?” “The bridge between Heaven and Earth. It is the only place we can meet any angels.” I sat quietly. The bridge between Heaven and Earth? Where is that? I wondered. No place on Earth I knew that much anyway.
An hour later we started rising. A lid enclosed us, I'm glad Phoenix's was asleep or she'd have another panic attack, the poor girl. We flew above the clouds and into outer space. There was a blinding light and we were on a runway. We drove up to a gigantic house and the hovercraft stopped.
Zack woke me after the hovercraft stopped. I could not feel anything. I had just had a major panic attack and thankfully I was asleep when the thing enclosed us in when we exited the atmosphere or I would have died.
We walked to the front of the building and opened the giant doors. Inside was indescribable. Pearl walls, gold floors, a diamond roof. Just beautiful. There was another blinding light ( I am getting tired of the light shows) and in front of us stood an angel. It was beautiful, dressed in gold.
“I am archangel, Michael! Welcome to the bridge between heaven and Earth. Please, follow me.” he turned and floated up the staircase across from the doors. Of course, we followed.
We came to a door. It was painted black and it had dust all over it. Sahara and I sneezed. “Sorry about the dust but we created this room for emergencies and we'll we haven't had any. To enter you must use your mind. Phoenix you first.” I walked toward it. This is crazy. I could die. However, despite my doubts, I stood at the door and I thought, “Allow me to enter.” Suddenly, I felt myself being pulled into a black abbiss. I landed in a dark room. “lights, on.” I thought. The lights turned on I looked around. There were some books in the corner and pillows on the floor in the shape of a circle. Around the pillows were a ring of candles. What in the world was this? I felt like I was about to witness a cult perform rituals to bring back the dead or something.
I heard a whisper. The it turned into a loud wind. Then, Sahara was here. “What took you so long?” I asked. “It didn't take me long! It took you a few seconds mine took a minute at the most. “It seemed like hours.” “Well-” The next one was Tobias.
When everyone was finally in the room, Archangel Michael sat on one of the pillows. “Sit.” We surrounded the angel as we sat on the giant cushions. Everyone looked at me expecting me to tell them what they were supposed to do I just stared straight on to the angel- my father.
“Today, we will be challenging your aurora viewing,” said my father. He looked directly at me and if looks killed I would be dead. “You first, Phoenix.” He had me stand up and join him. “I want you to close your eyes and do exactly as I say. When I tell you to open your eyes, look at Master Zachariah. Tell me what color you see around him. Open your eyes.” I opened my eyes. There sat Zack. I didn't see anything. Maybe I should concentrate more… I looked into his eyes and concentrated on colors and his eyes. Slowly, then all at once I seen a deep purple color grow around him. I gasped. “Purple!” I blurted out. “Purple. Means that he has a good heart and is only going to do something if it is for the good of others. A fantastic ally.” Then, he talked to me in my mind, “And, daughter, a great boyfriend. I know what you did to see his colors. I'm proud.” I blushed and sat down where I sat earlier.
He had everyone else look at my aurora. It is apparently different for others. Zack seen pink, my dad told me it means he really likes me… but it also means careful, shy, of great beauty, and helpful. Sahara seen blue, which means there is a close bond and to be careful cause u don't know what kind of bond but we know it is because we are sisters. Tobias seen purple, too. However, it was a lighter purple.
“Now beware,” dad said, “any red or green auroras are tricky. Red usually means immortal danger. Green is for mortals. They are usually with an immortal figure doing evil works. Or just plain evil with no immortals.” With that he disappeared and we were back at the car that gave me panic attacks.

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