Chapter 15

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When we finally got to the Headmistress's office it was nothing but disappointment. We had to sit in her office and wait for her for over an hour and the conversation was awkward.
We were all tired. It was way past curfew and we didn't know if we would ever get to sleep. We ended up taking shifts to sleep two would stay up while the others slept then they would switch. Zack and I took the first shift to stay up. When I knew Tobias and Sahara was asleep I brought up a conversation.
"What do you think the headmistress wanted, "
"I don't know but if had to be important, "
"Well,  that is obvious, " Then, there was a knock at the door as it creaked open.
"Phoenix? Awake everyone I'm here," I turned and sure enough the headmistress was at the door.
I had hidden from them. I did not want to tell them. They were young and inexperienced. I did not want them to know about it. It will change their lives forever. But I had to. Phoenix was growing too strong and if I did not teach her why and how to use them she can be turned. I can not let that happen, which is why I came back. It was my duty. I just hope they are ready.
Phoenix had done as I said. They were all awake it was now or never. “Everyone, have a crepe and some tea. I know you have been here for a long time without any supper,” They each grabbed the plate I handed them. Each with two crepes and a glass of hot tea. Listen, what I am about to tell you will change your lives forever. I did not wish to tell you, but it must be done. For I fear that if I do not Phoenix will have no one to teach her, she has grown too strong.”
“Headmistress, what are you saying? I simply do not understand!”
“Child, I am about to explain why you four can do things no one else can. Do you not wonder who your parents are and how you are sisters with Sahara?”
“Yes, all the time madame,”
“Well, then listen up. But be warned. What I tell you may change you. This will change you, for the better… hopefully,”
“Boys, your parents are, Haniel, the archangel, he reminds you that we all have psychic abilities and that we must use that power for good. Your mum is aphrodite, the greek goddess of love and beauty. Girls, your dad is archangel Michael, the most powerful angel. Your mum is Athena, goddess of wisdom. With those two as parents, there is no wonder why you have such strong powers, however, this means we can teach you very little here, so among your other classes, during your free time, you will travel to the center to learn from archangel michael himself. This goes for all four of you.”
"Will we need new schedules, madame?"
"Yes, here they are, "
She had handed me everyone's schedules and began talking again. She told us that our parents not being human was why they had asked humans to care for us. Of course they visited, usually whenever we did something special. As she spoke I handed the others their schedules. Mine wasn't at all like my old schedule. I was taking more advanced classes but obviously not the top classes and of course I no line had free time. I looked over at Zack to see his schedule but he simply spoke his head and continued to listen to the Headmistress.
“Now, tomorrow you will…” she was talking but i was elsewhere. I fell to the floor. I heard a scream. I am pretty  sure it was me. My mind was shady and i was no longer in her office. My eyes went from purple drapes and walls to white. I was on top of a cold mountain. I could see a non ending view that was so beautiful. Behind me i heard horse hoofs. When I turned what I seen was a hooded figure. It was just standing there in the midst of the trees. Then, I heard it whisper. “Je dois faire quelque chose , de les tuer . Je vais les tuer . tuer, tuer, tuer…” It kept whispering the last word over and over as it slowly backed into the darkness of the trees until I couldn't see it anymore. Then a large amount of wind blew and I was off the cliff. I gasped and flung of the floor. I was back in the headmistress’s office. Everyone was at my side.
“Phoenix! What's wrong? You were screaming.” Zachariah said while handing me water.
“I… I don't know. Can I just go to my dorm and rest?” I look straight at Zack I needed to tell him everything.  “Zachariah take her upstairs. All of you go.” “but, madame-” “I said go!” Zack picked me up and helped me to my dorm. Sahara opened the door and Zack laid me on my bed. “Alright Phe what's going on?”
“I'm not sure.  One minute I'm with you guys the next I am transported. Like a vision but I am actually there in spirit and mind. I keep seeing a figure but it is cloaked and always in the shadows. It speaks in French and I can understand it but only when I am there. If you were to speak to me in French now I wouldn't have a clue.”
They looked at me with absolute curiosity and fright. Funny they look like how I feel.
“There is one thing for certain. We can't have this happening.”
“How are we going to stop it though, Sahara?” We sat there unsure of what to do. We couldn't just sit here and ponder. “Tobias and I can't leave y'all alone. What if it happens again? Sahara can't leave you alone to get us.” “You can stay. But you get Sahara’s bed. Sahara can share mine.” “But- okay. Fine.”
“Phoenix?” “Yes, Zack.” “Do you remember what the shadowy figure said?” “Something like ‘Je dois faire quelque chose , de les tuer . Je vais les tuer . tuer, tuer, tuer’ I didn't translate it but when I was there I understood it.” I heard Zack stand up and walk out of the room. Where was he going? It was his idea to stay with us.
“Phoenix, Phe. Wake up we need to get to class.” “Huh?” I groggily turned over to see Zack standing over me.  “I let you sleep, here eat this.” he tossed me an apple. “Your sister and Tobias left. But Sahara laid you out something to wear so I could let you sleep.”  Miserably, I got off my bed and stumbled over to where the clothes laid. I seen a black dress with a skull and black converse boots. After the short time knowing me she knew what I liked to wear. “I’ll  be in the hallway. Come on when you are ready.” With that he turned and walked out. Gently, he closed the door behind him. I stumbled around my room. Put the dress and boots on and walked to my vanity mirror. I looked terrible. I brushed my hair and put on my favorite lipstick, black. I put on my mascara next. Satisfied, I grabbed my backpack and walked out into the hallway.

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