Chapter 9

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“What were you thinking!”
“I don’t know what ya mean bro.”
“I- They are my girls to show around you shouldn’t have interfered.”
“Did you stutter my brother? You have always been so...Smooth,” He said with a grin, “Are you sure that this isn’t about something greater? After all, there are two of them and two of us.”
“Isn’t that just like you? You always think of everything like that! Well, you might as well h-have b-both of them!”
“Now, now brother, dear. You deserve one of them too. It only seems that the beautiful blonde one likes me so you-” I jumped on him. We fell to the ground. He just shook me off.
“Now I see! You like the blonde!” he laughed, “Don’t worry brother, you know blondes are not my type.” I got up and walked out the door slamming it. How dare he! Thinking he could make me look like a fool. I don’t l-like Phoenix. Or do I? No I can’t not yet anyway. We just met! How can I like her? As I was thinking this I noticed that I was right in front of Phoenix’s door.
Our necklaces had connected. They said:
"Always sisters, forever friends"
It was official. We were sisters. I took them and attempted to separate them. They did so easily. I handed Sahara her end. I just looked at her. I had a sister. i jumped up and hugged her. We cried.
“I always wanted a sister.” Sahara said.
“I have too!” I said after I let her go.
“I always wondered where this came from. I began to wonder if it was another language or code.” I laughed. We sat on my bed. “I want to know everything about you.”
“And I want to know everything about you!” We laughed. However, before we could share anything, there came a knock at the door.
I looked at the door and it sprung open! I fell off the back of the bed. Behind the door was Zack.
“Zack! Did you opened the door?” I screamed?
“No! I thought you did!” He didn’t seem fazed by the door opening.
“I think you used telekinesis.” He smiled.
“Telekinesis?” Sahara and I screamed.
“How is that possible? We haven’t even been in class before!”
“So? You were born with the talent.”
“B-B-but? Why did you come for Zack?” I asked.
“I-I uhhh… ummm… wanted to talk to you guys. Make sure you had everything you needed.” Was he blushing?
“Yeah, I believe so. Wait. Where can I get some water?”
“Watch this. This is how I got your water earlier,” He winked. He closed his eyes and held out his hand. Suddenly, I seen two bottles of water in his hand.
“How did you do that!” I gasped.
“Telekinesis! I closed my eyes and imagined your mini fridge over there and they came to my hand.”
“Wait! Mini fridge?”
“Yeah. Every room has one in the case of missing lunch or something. There is some snack foods and water.”
“Really?” Sahara ran for the mini fridge. “I didn’t have lunch because I was with the headmistress.”
We all laughed.
“I guess I better get to my room.”
“Bye Zack!” Sahara and I said. He walked out and shut the door. I went my bed and shut the veil.
“You like him don’t you, Phoenix?”
“Sahara! How dare you. However, it is true.”
“I am glad he seems to like you, too.”
“What makes you say that?”
“He stutters around you and you can see it in both of your faces.”
“I am going to bed.” I said and turned away from my long lost sister.
“Whatever, Phe.” With that last word from my sister I went into a fitful sleep.
“Welcome back, my brother. So tell me are you and miss. Phoenix a thing now?”
“No. I couldn’t do it. Tobias what is wrong with me?”
“Brother, nothing. Do tell what you were doing if you did not ask.” He asked.
“For it does not matter dear brother. Good night.”
“But brother! You love her. She deser-”
“I said good night, Tobias!” I yelled and laid down. It took very little time for me to fall into a fitful but endless slumber.

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