Chapter 18

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We finally returned to the school and I could not wait to take a long bubble bath. I had panicked… again and decided to just nap the whole way home. I was never riding in that thing again. They could forget that.
When we returned Zack helped me to my room. He laid me on my bed and stayed with me. Sahara was already asleep and Tobias said he had errands. However, no one believed that. After Tobias  left I laid on my bed, eating the banana Zack had gotten me. Then I whispered, “Zack… I hate claustrophobia,” He looked at me with this silly grin and I couldn't help but laugh. Maybe I did love him... “What are you laughing at?” he asked not to seriously. “You,” I replied. “Well, I like that, your laugh I mean. I'll just have to make you laugh more often,” We sat there for a little while. The next thing I knew I was dreaming.
I was in a dark hallway. No one was there but it looked identical to my hallway at school but something was off. No one was here and there were no doors. I walked down the dreary hallway. “Phoenix,” There was a voice, I recognized it. “Zack!” I thought. His voice moaned. I ran toward the sound of his voice. Instead of him, I found a corpse. It could not be him. I refused it. I screamed. Falling to my knees, I looked up. “Oh, dear. She will be displeased.”
The next morning, I woke with a start. I was starting to believe there was more than what everyone said there was, but no one would tell me. I would look up stuff later I decided. I turned my head and Zachariah was still there. He had fallen asleep in the chair. Luckily I did not wake him. Man, he look adorable. Maybe I should talk to Sahara…
I decided I would dress before I woke Zack. I walked to my closet, I found a black t-shirt and blue jean shorts. I followed this with my cowboy boots, like always, and a black book bag. After I dressed, I walked over to Zack, “Zack, wake up. You need to get up,” He groggily rose his eyes to meet mine, those beautiful eyes. He smiled, “You look beautiful, Phe, are you feeling better?” I looked at him and winked, “Fabulous, now get ready so we can get to class,” Today was Sunday, there are no classes. I was just messing with him. “Class?” He jumped up from his chair, “How much time do I have?” I pretended to look at my phone. “Five.” “What!” He ran to the door, “there isn't even time for breakfast!” He went to walk through the for and I bursted out laughing. “What is so funny?” he looked at me. Gasping for air because of laughing so hard I said, “Today is Sunday,” He looked at me trying to look hurt, but started laughing. “Crazy girl,” he said as he walked back over. “Wanna go for a walk?” I nodded in agreement. “You are gonna dress first, right?” He looked down at himself and laughed, “Guess you are right. Back in ten.”

The Changing AgeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz