Chapter 8

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I don’t know what to do with myself I thought as I was walking the girls around. I like Phoenix. She has the shy personality that I love. Her blonde hair and blue eyes. She rather tall and skinny. She is tan and did I mention her eyes? They gleam like a thousand diamonds in sunlight.
However, I also love Sahara. She has fire and pride. Her eyes are a bright green and her hair red like fire that burns brighter than a thousand suns. She was short unlike her sister but still really skinny and tan. Do you see my predicament? We are going to their dorm across from mine. When I heard someone yell. “Yo Bro! Who are the chicks?” “Who is that?” Sahara asked. “Brother… Sahara and Phoenix this is my brother Tobias Love.”
“Hullo, Tobias .” said Phoenix a little too quickly in my opinion, “I am Phoenix.”
“Phoenix it is nice to meet you.” my brother winked, “And you Sahara.”
“Alright, girls we took care of collecting your wardrobe and a few things from your previous home. If you have any questions come and knock. Okay?”
“Kay. Let's go Phoenix.”
We walked about ten steps down the hallway that we shared with the Love brothers. There we entered a black door. Inside the door to our room I almost gasped. One side was black. There was a black veil around a bed with a black frame. A shiny black bedspread and pillowcases. Beside the bed was a black, polished dresser. On it was three things from home : a lamp(black), an alarm clock (black), and my homeade doll (in black clothes). I instantly turned on my lamp and grabbed my doll. I sat down on the bed and stared. My doll. Red hair, green eyes, small and skinny, I had always imagined her sos brave with fire in her heart. However, I don’t remember her name.
I also have a bookcase. It had all my books from home plus some. There were books that I would need here. They were in order in which I would need them. I looked over at Sahara and seen the surprise all over her face. She had pink and red stuff all over the place. It made me think that valentine’s day had threw up all over her end of the room. Her bed was red with pink pillows and a pink veil. Other than being red and pink, she had the same things( mostly) that I had. 
“Sahara? I need you to see this.”
“What is it Phoenix?”
“My doll. It looks identical to you!”
“What? Impossible!”
“Nope. Look for yourself.” She took the doll and examined it.
“Where did you get this?” She ran to her side of the room and grabbed something that was wrapped in velvet.
“I have had this since I was born.” She handed me a doll. It looked identical to me! Blonde hair, blue eyes, glasses. Both dolls had identical necklaces though.
“ Sahara I think these were given to us by our real parents.” My hand instantly went to my neck. I took off my necklace.
“They have the same necklace to mine.”
“And mine,” Sahara said holding out her necklace. I put out mine and held it beside Sahara’s. Then, all of a sudden I seen a flash.

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