Kingdom of Izdvojen

By artsy_fan

190 13 35

Izdvojen, a land which has people spread out through every corner of its territory. There are people who are... More

Mainland - One
Caves - Two
Library - Four
Streets - Five
Nights - Six
Bakery - Seven
Tower - Eight
Castle - Nine
Home - Ten

Skies - Three

23 2 0
By artsy_fan

   John laughed to himself, gliding through the sky, right above the kingdom below, with chocolate chips in his backpack. He looks below at the streets he was swiftly passing by, at all the colors blurring as he speeds up, preparing to go higher, into the clouds. He takes ascend into the clouds, head first into the soft clumps of vapor.

   He hovered over the clouds for a while, staring at what was there, some floating empty chairs and tables, and cloud runners who stepped on the clouds as if they were the ground below. He slowly put his feet down and detached the wings he was wearing, they were heavy because they're made of leather. With his backpack still on he walked to a table with an acoustic guitar and a violin on it. On the table directly beside it was a chair, with his twin sitting on it. He tapped them slightly on the shoulder.

   "Jacques! Wait something is different" he squints at them as if he doesn't notice the new jacket he was wearing.

   "Hey, I know you can see it, its cool isn't it?, made it myself" they replied. He smiled looking at them, raven black hair and brown eyes, just like him, he laughed to himself.

   "Yes it is, and also I have something for you!" he said, pulling the chocolate chips out of his bag and handed them to his twin and their face lit up. They wrapped their arms around their brother tightly.

   "How did you manage to get them?? I don't know anyone who sells these!!" they asked him.

   "I have my ways, and there was some idiot walking around practically begging for me to steal it." he answered.

   "Oh and I have something for..." they put down the chocolate, and they picked up their violin "you"

   They play a short but sweet tune that was slow and lovely.  He smiled while they were playing, so delicately and full of passion. They slowly stopped playing and looked up to their twin, who was smiling brightly.

   "So? You like it?" they ask, placing the violin back on the table.

   "It's amazing, you had a lot of time today" he replied as they both sat down. There was an awkward silence while John looked through some pieces of paper on the table. After seeing nothing interesting, he looked up to his twin, who looked stressed.

   "What's wrong?" he asks, putting down the paper he had at hand.

   "I'm just tired, I'll be okay." they smiled, he knew they weren't okay but he let it be, if they didn't want to say anything, he wouldn't do anything to make him talk. They quickly changed the topic. "Isn't this cloud weird, it just stays here, it doesn't produce rain like other clouds and it doesn't move. Also the fact that we can walk on the other clouds too, even if they're not like this one is pretty weird"

   "Well this cloud, has magic to make it stay on this spot, and its our power, walking on clouds, and the magic wings. It's pretty cool" he replied while looking at his wings. He attached them back on and looked at them.

   "Let's fly" he says and their mood changes almost immediately. They attached their wings, looked at him, and ran to the edge and jumped. Their brother followed.

   The sky was dark and the stars were going out. The moonlight shining on the kingdom below. Jacques smiled as their brother caught up and is now flying at his side. John flew ahead of him and then it slowly became a competition. They were laughing together, acting like new Cloud Runners who just got their wings. Jacques had a lead ahead for a while while looking down at the street that was under him. They saw a girl leaning on a well on the hill, looking at the sky, who eventually disappeared, so he was looking at a shadow. They saw another boy, who was also looking at the sky. Seeing the boy and the girl made Jacques remember what put him in a horrible mood in the first place. They started slowly descending and getting out of balance. John grabbed his twin's hand to keep him back in balance and he held his hand back to the cloud and sat them down on a chair.

   "Are you okay? What's wrong??" he asked, worry very visible on his face. They were just looking down. After a minute of silence they replied.

   "I'm having some problems" they paused for a while, "Some people can't accept that I don't want to be called a boy or a girl. I'm just me y'know" they paused again, looked to the other clouds and continued. "But I'm gonna be okay" they smiled.

   "You have to stand up for yourself Jac, you can't just let people call you what they want, you need to tell people that you aren't a boy or a girl and you use they or them" he said looking straight at his twin, kneeling on the clouds.

   "Yeah, okay, thanks" they smiled. John stood up and took their hand.

   "Let's go cloud jumping okay? And maybe we could steal some stuff too" he suggested and they stood up and ran across the clouds.

   There was a great risk doing this at night due to the fact that you could barely see the clouds but that didn't stop them om having a good time. They both were leaping from one cloud to another,  doing flips and stunts, jumping off a cloud only to glide down to another. The cycle continued until they both reached one of the castle's towers. They sneakily stepped on top, manking sure no one would spot them. Jacques looked out from the tower.

   "I love the view from here, we would always go here remember?" they looked at John who smiled and nodded.

   They were there in silence, admiring the amazing view until a guard shouted at them.

   "Oh no dear brother, I believe its time to go!" they said.

   "I'm afraid so" he smiled and they both leaped off.

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