Orange is the new gucci (in p...

De TherealestVC

12.4K 271 64

What happens when Max agrees to go on a shopping trip with Victoria?...hilarity ensures, fluff, a bet, and ma... Mai multe

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Caesar salad and cheeseburgers
Food fight!!!!....and mall jail
Mall jail
Lets go to the movies
I like you okay?
Friday the 13th (special chapter)
Community service
Valentine's Day
I still get jealous
Fix you
Victoria's Secret
Sister Sister
Max's hometown visit part 1
Max's hometown visit part 2
Finals and Graduation

Sisterly love....sisterly blackmail

367 7 1
De TherealestVC

Chapter 16

Victoria thought Heidi was joking around when she said she was going to meet her friends at Blackwell. Because on Monday, she showed up and with the family album that Victoria thought she hid in their home.

"And here's one of Toria at her 1st birthday party" Heidi chirped to some of Victoria's friends (Chloe, Max, and Rachel).

"Aww Vicky, who knew you could make that dress look even worse" Chloe chimed in.

"No look at the matching hat...Cringey to the extreme" Rachel added laughing.

The photo was of Victoria in an ugly sailor dress that her mother said was passed down from generation to generation starting from the 1920s.

Max noticed the snarl on the taller girl's face and gave her a rub on the back of her neck to calm her down. Heidi hadn't known about them which was good the less she knew the better.

Heidi had seemed to pull out all the embarrassing stuff from her past, even her first dance recital. Victoria had enough of their bash Victoria session and announced to them about the Earth day club party that was going on later and reminded them not to forget about it.

"Ohhh baby sister you know I don't drink or do drugs...I'm going to have to pass" Heidi says before the others could speak.

"I wasn't reminding you Sis, besides you don't even go to this school and sure you don't", she whispered those last few words which no one heard except for Heidi who looked up and glared at her.

Victoria looked over at Max who looked up and smirked. 'May the plan begin' she looked back to her sister who glared her at more then went back to showing everyone Victoria's baby photos.

Victoria starts again "Anywaysssss, I was reminding Chloe, Rachel and Max...Howeverrrrrrrr there is a matter of time before you return to college, so I guess you are invited too and besides I would loveee to spend time with my dear older sister", She finished smiling wickedly at her sister who looked at her suspiciously.

'I need to figure out what that runt is up to, Maybe a chat alone will get her to crack', Heidi thinks.

"Excuse us ladies, I would like to have a little chat with my baby sister...Strickly family business, keep looking at her baby pictures", Heidi says to the group who just nod and go back to looking at Victoria's baby pictures.

She grabs Victoria's arm who scoffs in return and drags her a few feet away before grilling her "Okay runt, what's your deal?" She snares at Victoria.

'Phase one complete', Victoria takes a look back at Max and smirks before turning back to her sister..."Ohhhh nothingggg sis, A Chase never backs out of a party remember?".

Heidi looks at her with a glare saying "Yeah so? Whatever you are planning it isn't going to work...I'll go to your little party but no funny business. I know all of your tricks remember I'm older, smarter, and prettier"..."*She whispers at her* Oh and I have more than just some embarrassing photos and videos and don't think I won't show them to mother and father", she smirks at Victoria victoriously then walks back to where Max, Chloe and Rachel are.

Victoria is left standing there looking shocked and thinking a million things, her thinking is paused when a hand waves over her face and she hears her name being called by a certain short haired brunette. "Yeah yeah what is it Maxine?" She asks the worried looking brunette.

"I said Are you alright? Also your sister left like ten minutes ago with Chloe and Rachel to go show them your dance recital...What did she say? Talk to me Tori", Max says grabbing her face with her hands.

Victoria manages to muster up a smile even though it was fake "Nothing, nothing let's go get our outfits ready for the party tonight", She kisses Max before extending her hand out to Max who looks at her still a bit worried and gives her a pout. "Ughhh fine I'll tell you when we get to the dorms, just stopping pouting all cutely like that", Victoria groans on and earns herself a light slap on the arm and a kiss of the cheek.

Max laughs "I didn't see you complaining about my pout before, come on!", Grabbing Victoria's hand intertwining their fingers, they walks to the dorms and chat about random things. Not having a care in the world. Not a care at all.

In Rachel's room, Heidi had shown them Victoria's first dance recital and had them laughing at her tantrum it was all because one of her classmates in the video wasn't doing the dance the right away...Which was expected since they were all age 5.

"She is soo cute" Chloe says smiling at the screen.

"Shhh, don't let Max know about that...Remember what happened last time?" Rachel chimed in.

"Oh yeah, but I mean it in the friendliest way possible Rach geesh" Chloe rolls her eyes at Rachel.

The pair talked more about Victoria and Max, both seemed to forget about Victoria's sister sitting there next to them on her phone with her headphones in and was listening to everything they were saying.

'Hmm, I wonder what is going on with my sister and her short haired friend?' She thinks pretending to listen to music.

'Only way to get info about them is through tweedle dee and tweedle dumb over there', She looks over at Rachel and Chloe who were now fighting over who got the last cookie from the packet that Max got Rachel.

"*Ahem* Raven and Cleo, You guys say something about not making Max mad again? Why is that?" She asks getting their names wrong(Apparently that runs in the family).

Rachel and Chloe roll their eyes at the older Chase getting their names wrong...They start silently arguing back and forth because one of them would have to come up with a lie. Rachel was chosen to tell Heidi the lie

Rachel thinks of the most bullshitted story about Max getting mad at Chloe because she had certain nicknames for her friends. "Yeah well we call each other certain things like Max calls me Raebae and calls Chloe Chlobird...Victoria is Tori, Sooo yeah that's why ohh let's look at more videos!"...Chloe gives her a "Wtf was that?" look because that was the one of the terrible lies anyone could tell.

Of course Heidi wouldn't believe that story but she didn't press on anymore. 'I'll find out the real reason later at their party'. There was only one way for that. She had to get them drunk. The truth always came out when someone was drunk...She had first experience in that.

She excuses herself but this time to go home so she could get ready for the party and for her plan to work she had to purchase some heavy alcoholic drinks at the local party store. Because what's a party without drunken teenagers making fools of themselves?...Plus she could get truth about her sister and her involvement in the short haired brunette who always seemed to be with her.

The clock struck 11pm which meant it was party time! Victoria and Max had gone shopping for new party dresses much to Max's dismay. Victoria stated they were saving planet by buying their outfits. Max had to remind her that earth day didn't work that way. They sashayed into the party and heads turned towards them. They had gotten the necessary affectionate time needed earlier in Max's dorm room. They knew with Heidi at the party, they couldn't risk anything.

To ensure no one at the party would cause a slip up, Victoria sent a mass text out to the partygoers to keep it hush hush about her and Max's relationship.

Heidi was already there with Rachel and Chloe who were already chugging beers, she followed her eyes to where Victoria and Max were chatting with Taylor about something funny. Drinks secure in their hands. They were occasionally sipping their drinks. The attention was turned to the stage in the gym where the president of the earth day club was thanking sponsors who were funding for the event.

Over the next 30 minutes, a video presentation was shown from those schoolhouse rock videos about earth day, Songs were performed by students, Poems were read, and Speeches were spoke. The festivities were ended by the president of the club once again entering the stage telling them that the party ended at 2 am and for them to enjoy the open bar and food and games.

The crowd were slowly dispersing from the front of the stage and mingled, Max and Victoria pushed through the crowd to a back exit walking quite wobbly and were giggling about nothing in particular. Heidi saw this and decided to follow them, She quickly pushed through the crowd to the back exit and stopped when she saw her sister being pushed against a wall and lips being connected to her face.

She went behind a corner and looked on from there, 'NO WAY, I knew something was up...Time for some blackmail material, baby sister'. She pulled out her phone from her purse and snapped a couple of pictures, She stepped on a twig which caused them to stop kissing.

"What umm wa-was tha..that?" A drunken Max asked Victoria who shrugged.

"No idea but umm uh let's ditch this party and go have a different party in my room" Victoria smirks at the other girl.

Max squealed...yes actually squealed at this and grabs the girl's hand pulling her towards the dorms. Her reaction causes Victoria to giggle and smile widely at her and allows herself to led to the dorms.

None of the girls knowing who had just found out about them...

Heidi returns to the party and sees that Rachel and Chloe had left too. 'Probably went to get high or something', she decides to go back home and watch Netflix, but not before leaving a present of her blackmail to her sister. She photocopied one of the photos and placed it in the mail shoot with a stamp, to be delivered to Victoria in the morning.

Heidi went to bed with a wicked smile on her face and had sweet dreams.

Morning came sooner than ever, Victoria and Max the night before fell asleep around 4 am...It was Tuesday and they had classes to get to, it was already almost 10am. They managed to get out of bed close to 11am, just making it to 2nd period which was photography class. They both had ragging hangovers and wanted to go back to their rooms and just sleep.

Rachel wasn't feeling hungover at all, Chloe however was cursing sunlight and noise when she came by dorms for lunch. Today was another special day because it was mail day, Each student went to the mail place to retrieve mail or send stuff back to friends and family back in their hometowns.

Victoria usually got her monthly spending, which was 3,000 and Max always got a few packs of cookies for herself and roommates and a letter about something funny that her father did. Today was the same but with more additions.

Victoria opened up her mailbox and saw two envelopes, she thought nothing of it. Probably just another college letter telling her she couldn't use her parent's studio for reference. Max got two letters and a box with packs of cookies in it. She walked over to Victoria eyeing the second envelope Victoria who just shrugged reassuring her it was just another college wasn't a college letter, it was something different.

The girls arrived back at their own dorms giving the other respect to open their things. Max opened up the first letter and she guessed right it was about how her father had mistaken a bee hive for dirt and gotten stung 10 times. There was a picture attached with her father in the emergency room wrapped in gauze and bandages giving up a thumbs up with her mother on his side with her head in her hand. She laughed at this. She next opened up the second letter from her parents again. Saying they were waiting for that visit from her and bring some friends.

She sighed and shook her head in your hand, "Of course how could I forget?" She thought about who to bring 'Chloe...Hmm sure they would love to see her again. Maybe Rachel too and hmm maybe Victoria, but do I tell them about us?'.

She decided that it would be a weekend trip and would ask her friends if they wanted to go. She opened up her box full of cookies and grabbed one for Victoria before going to the other girl's room.

Victoria had opened up her monthly spending and saw it was bumped up to 4,000 'Hmm wonder why' since the mall and mall prison, it was bumped down from its original 7,000 to 3,000 to "teach her a lesson" she always rolled her eyes at that. She placed her allowance down and made a note to cash them in her account later on. She then took a sharp breath looking at the envelope. She found it weird that there wasn't a return address, shrugging she opened it up and saw only one thing. She took the item out of the envelope and saw herself and Max kissing from the party last night. She flipped to the back of the picture and saw the words "I know about you...Back off or else, they will find out" written in black marker.

She looks shocked, not even noticing Max had entered her room and was behind her "What's wrong Tori?". Max walked up more to see what she was looking at.

Once she saw the picture she knew who exactly it was who took the picture...Max had remembered that Rachel and Chloe told her the things Heidi was asking. She told Victoria what their friends said to her, Victoria was beyond pissed and Max wasn't weary anymore about the plan "Okay, let's take your sister down", She simply said.

They sat down on Victoria's bed eating the cookies that Max brought over and started to plan, they started to plan Heidi's demise. They just needed something more that could help take down Heidi.

But how and who?

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