The Death Game

By TheOneCoolGuy

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She's lived a lot of different lives, been a lot of different people many times. She lives her life in bitter... More

The Death Game
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 [Part 1] The Great Game
Chapter 9 [Part 2]
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 A Scandal in Belgravia
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 The Hounds of Baskerville
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 The Reichenbach Fall
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43 The Beginning of the End
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 18

60 4 0
By TheOneCoolGuy

Thirty minutes of driving around London and the only sound she could hear was the sound of these two idiots complaining about each other. How could these two even put up with each other when all they did was bicker about useless things and throws body parts at each other? In short, all we knew is that the child between these two was Kol Mikaelson; Lexis Blake was more of a ''get it done in a second'' kind of person. But when they decide put aside their many differences, they were a perfect pair.

A few moments later, the car came to a stop with a sudden twitch. The car stopped in front of a familiar grey building. She patiently waited inside the vehicle, waiting for someone to open her car door so she could get out. She stared at Kol's eyes in the rear-view mirror. It probably had been two minutes now that they were having this childish eye contest. Suddenly Lexis punched her co-worker hard in the arm, making him loose eye contact, a high-pitch noise come out the back of his throat.

''Don't be a pussy and go open the door for her.'' the woman snarled at Kol as she watched him get out of the driver's seat. Smiling when she heard him whisper curses at her under his breath.

''You're such a baby.'' he barked at Juliet as he opened the passenger door for her to get out, ''You're so childish, I can't even believe it...''

''Takes one to know one.'' the girl replied poking him where Lexis had just punched him hard, he let out a small cry as she poked the bruise on his arm. She made her way around the car and blew them a kiss, ''Laters.''

''I hate this girl.'' Kol mumbled as he dodged the invisible kiss she had blown towards him. He sat back down into the driver's seat, started the car. As they made their way away from the building, he couldn't help but smirk at how much Juliet Waters had managed to make a place for herself into his cold dead heart.

-Boss' flat-

 Juliet started knocking on his door but soon realised she wasn't going to get an answer, she decided to try the doorknob, luckily, it was unlocked. She opened it and closed it tightly behind her. She once again stood inside the rather large flat, which was just as she had last seen it, perfectly clean. Not a single thing was out of place since she had been here. Not even one speck of dust could be seen on the tables and chairs.

To her right, was his office. Juliet shuffled her way to the two sliding doors and gently pushed them apart, revealing a large home office with a large wall-sized window, giving a view of London. A long, glass office table was placed in the middle of the room, on each side were at least a dozen seats. Paintings on the wall and four bookshelves around the room, all filled with folders and useless books that the girl couldn't even read. At the end of the table was a large wooden desk. And he sat, in his office chair. His head jerked up and a smirk crept up on his face as he saw the woman walking towards his desk.

Jim Moriarty.

''A little bird told me you wanted to see me.'' Juliet announced as she rested her hands on his desk, ''I'm rather busy.''

''No you're not.'' he replied with a sing-song voice. He quickly stood up, making his way around his desk and in front of the woman, his hands in his pockets. Juliet hopped backwards, sitting on his desk, folding her arms across her chest.

''I'm a busy girl.'' she sighed her legs hanging loosely off the edge of the desk, ''Why did you call me here?''

''Why do you stick around Sherlock Holmes?'' Jim asked, his expression darkening as he spat out the detective's name.

''I like detective stories.'' the girl smirked getting her face inches away from his, ''And detectives.''

''Stop messing around.'' he exclaimed jerking his head away from her as he knew what she was trying, ''You almost got yourself killed back there.''

''Why?'' she wondered leaning back against the cold wood, ''Do you care?''

''I didn...'' he started, his eyes showing confusion and horror, ''You manipulative bitch.'' he sighed as he saw a smirk form on her red lips.

''Anyway, your bickering couple was there to protect me.'' she stated looking around the room, ''They're funny, I like them.''

''Lexis Blake and Kol Mikaelson?'' the consulting criminal laughed, ''These two are idiots but they're the best in the business... couldn't resist getting my hands on them.''

''Is there something else you can't resist getting your hands on?'' Juliet purred, batting her long lashes at him.

''Stop changing the subject.'' the man sighed, ''You're going to get yourself into trouble. And frankly if you jeopardize my game, don't think for one second that I won't check you off of the list. I know you; I know what you do and what you did. I know what happened in Paris and why you came back. Don't take my generosity for granted.'' he continued staring straight at her with cold emotionless eyes, ''Do you understand, ma petite?''

''Now that's my kind of man.'' the girl muttered under her breath before putting her hand to her forehead like a soldier, ''Yes sir!''

''You're a terrible person...'' Moriarty smirked, his face softening before turning back to a hard, solid, emotionless expression, ''I trust you to make your own choices for now. If you get into trouble, I trust you to make the right choice. But if something happens that you didn't count on, believe me when I say that you're on your own.''

''I understand yes, yes...'' Miss Waters smiled yet slightly afraid, his words making her think of all the horrible things that could happen to her in the near future if she kept spending her time with Sherlock Holmes and doctor John Watson, ''Question; Irene Adler? Why were your men at her house this afternoon?''

''Miss Adler?'' the man smiled, stepping closer to the girl, ''Jealous, dearest?''

''Slightly, have you already found yourself another favourite pet?'' Juliet mocked putting her hands on the man's chest.

''Not quite. You're still alive right?'' he grinned, ''No, Miss Adler owes me something...''

''Tell me.'' the woman slightly pleaded, ''Is it because you want to have fun with Mr Holmes? You're making Irene manipulate Sherlock, humiliate him, destroy him?''

''You're quite clever when you really want too.'' Jim said, singing his last words. 

''Is it because you're bored?'' the brunette smirked, pulling on his tie to bring him closer to her. Getting her face closer to his once again, she smiled proudly.

''Not anymore.'' he smirked his lips inches away from hers.

She could feel his warm breath against her cold skin, sending sparks flying throughout her whole body. Her hands clung to the fabric of his suit, and her head rested on his shoulder. Basking in each other's ambiance, creating each other's warmth. As she looked up into his eyes, she couldn't see one spot of darkness, not one spot of hate or any harsh feelings he had expressed towards her a few seconds ago, instead nothing but warmth and peacefulness.

He looked back down at her, giving a quirky smile, he slowly lifted her chin. She could feel the warmth of his breath brushing the top her lips. Slowly she closed her eyes and lifted her lips to the last half-inch so their lips could finally meet. Softly. Lovingly. They breathed their souls and their passion into each other. That kiss; hard, but soft; fiery yet cool; a split second but also forever.

In half of a second, it was over. He looked back down at her, her eyes still closed, she could feel a smirk on his lips. His hands made their way to her legs, travelling all the way to her thighs and up to her waist. He wanted more yet she had told him, she was a busy girl. Her eyes flew open and she hopped off the desk. She wiggled herself out of his hold, giving him a small smile; she made her way out of his office. He followed her closely all the way to the door, confused and angered. How dare this mere girl refuse his offer? As she opened the door, she turned around and gave him another smile. Extending her arm, she held out her hand and cupped his cheeks. Giving in to her mother like actions, he slowly closed his eyes and let her stroke her thumb against his cheek.

''I have to go, my friends are probably wondering where I am.'' Juliet spoke, giving him a quick peck on the lips before turning on her heels towards the lift, ''Call me.''

And with that she was gone, the door closed behind her. Leaving the consulting criminal to stand alone in his flat once again. The place where her small hand had been resting on his cheek was still warm and thinking as it was the only thing he had left of her, he placed his hand on the same spot. Closing his eyes once again, he couldn't help but wonder what in the bloody hell this woman was doing to him.

-Baker Street, 221B-

Juliet had taken a cab to her friends' house. She had warned John about her arrival, to which he had asked why she wasn't there when the police arrived at the crime scene. Telling him she had followed The Woman around London, trying to catch up on her to retrieve the phone they had lost, was apparently an excellent lie that John Watson believed to be true.

Ringing the front door's doorbell, Mrs Hudson opened up to her, dressed in an all grey outfit this time, she held a kettle filled with boiling water. A small squeal escaped the elderly's mouth as she saw the young woman who was standing outside in the rain, hurrying her inside the flat. She took the woman's coat and gently hung it onto the wooden coat rack standing by the door.

''How are they?'' Juliet asked lowering her voice. She knew a blow to the head wasn't a good way to start your afternoon and a huge headache wasn't a good feeling to wake up with.

''Oh John's completely fine... it's just Sherlock, you know...'' Mrs Hudson whispered looking down at her shoes.

''What's wrong with Sherlock?'' she questioned anxiously, stopping on the staircase as she had began to make her way upstairs.

''He's delusional!'' the woman answered holding back a small laugh, ''I think they gave him too much morphine! The man that hit him really did hit a bit too hard...'

Holding back a loud laugh, she continued her way up the stairs. She couldn't wait to see the state of her two friends. Even if John was alright, he must have a terrible headache, you don't just take a sharp blow to the head and walk it off like nothing happened. And she was right. As she opened the door she couldn't help but laugh at the sight ofJohn slumped over a table, a pack of ice held to his head. The man jerked back into consciousness at the loud sound of Juliet's laughter and gave her a confused. Suddenly, someone in the other room shouted, a man, followed by another shout, a woman this time. The door giving to Sherlock's room flew open and a small lady appeared. Abygaëlle Martch.

''He's awake, John!'' she squealed, ''Juls! Come see this it's hilarious!''

 Sherlock screamed as loud as he could for John's help. The detective threw the sheets off him and kneeled up on the bed, and then promptly lost his balance, he fell backwards and rolled over to the foot of the bed and fell onto the floor. Everyone came running inside the room, Sherlock hastily sitting up straight as if nothing had happened.

''You okay?'' John asked still holding the pack of ice to his hurting head.

''How did I get here?'' he asked as he stumbled around the room aimlessly.

''Well, I don't suppose you remember much, you weren't making a lot of sense.'' Abygaëlle smiled, making him sit back down on the bed, ''Oh and I should warn you; I think Detective Lestrade filmed you on his phone.''

''Where is she?'' the detective responded getting up one again, holding himself on the bed with the help of the scientist.

''Where's who?'' Watson asked resting his head on the frame of the door.

''The woman... The Woman.'' Sherlock sighed as he once again tried to walk around the room, his eyes closed, ''Juliet... Juliet Waters, she's missing too... where is she?''

''What, Irene Adler? She got away...'' the doctor replied before pushing Juliet towards Sherlock, ''As for Juliet Waters, found her.''

''What are you...? What...?'' the man said as he caught the girl into his arms and tried to figure out who she was through his blind vision, ''No no no no... Juliet Waters. Waters... water.''

''Water?'' Juliet interrupted before giving her friend a confused look, ''Yeah... Sherlock? You need to sleep.''

Turning around, Sherlock fell down again... or deliberately dropped himself to the floor. As he was down on the wooden floor, he dragged himself across the floor, peering under the bed, as if looking to see whether The Woman was hiding under there. He squinted his eyes around as if checking that she wasn't hidden under or behind the wardrobe. His eyes then landing on Juliet who was crouched in front of him. The last thing that Sherlock could recall was being hauled up from the floor and dropped face-down onto the bed.

''Back to bed.'' Aby smiled as she covered him over with the sheets again, ''You'll be fine in the morning... Just sleep.''

''Of course I'll be fine... I am fine...'' the drugged man replied quietly, ''I'm absolutely fine.''

''Yes, you're great.'' the tall woman grinned, ''Now we'll be next door if you need us.''

''Why would I need you?'' Sherlock asked fuzzily before hearing the door shut close.

 ''No reason at all.'' 

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