Little Things

By iisizzyhemmings

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"Thanks. You know when I first met you, I knew that I would fall in love with you at some point. And I think... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6 1/3
Chapter 6 2/3
Chapter 6 3/3
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 1/3
Chapter 14 2/3
Chapter 14 3/3
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Author's Note

Chapter 5

122 2 0
By iisizzyhemmings

Niall's POV:


"Uh...Sorry," Izzy said. She got off of me and helped me up.

"Um...Let's go eat some breakfast," I said, fake smiling, awkwardly.

"Sure," Izzy said.

We went downstairs to go eat breakfast. It was awkward again, but I didn't mind. Until Abby brought something up.

"So what happened upstairs?" she asked, smiling evilly.

"MOTHING!" Izzy and I both said at the same time, food in our mouths.

"We know something happened. It took you guys long to get downstairs," Harry said.

"Come on. Tell us. Please?" Liam said, doing his puppy face.

"Can I talk to you? ALONE?" I said to Izzy.

"Yeah," she responded.

We went to the living room.

"We need to tell them. How can you resist Liam's face?" Izzy said.

"I can't. That's why I went out here," I said.

Zayn's POV:

"I can hear them talking, but not about anything that happened. THEY'RE COMING! ACT NATURAL!" I said.

We made the dumbest poses ever. Whenever someone says act natural, people never act natural.

"Ok," Liam said.

"That obviously didn't work," Louis said.

"Just start eating!" Abby said.

They came back.

"Sooo. Anything you want to say?" Harry asked.

Izzy and Niall looked at each other.

"Ok. Remeber when we were chasing you guys?" Niall said.

"We sort of ran into each other again," Izzy said.

"I fell onto my back."

"And I fell on top of him."

"No questions."

Moment of silence.

"Oh yeah. We know you were spying. We heard Zayn say, 'THEY'RE COMING! ACT NATURAL!'"

"Sorry. What are we doing today?" I asked.

"Let's go to the beach.You know stay there for the-" Liam said.

"THERE'S A BEACH HERE?" Izzy shouted, she and Abby standing up from their chairs.

"Yeah. We can walk there. It's behind the flats," Louis said.

"Have you even looked out your window yet?" Harry asked.

"No," Abby admitted.

"You guys also have an amazing porch with a great view of the beach. Us too," Niall informed.

Izzy and Abby looked at each other and ran out to their own flat. We all followed them wondering what they're doing.

Harry's POV:

We found them on the porch staring out at the beach.

"Hurry up and change! We're going to the beach. Bring your surfboards. Niall bring your guitar," Abby said, excited.

"Let's go to the beach, beach. Let's go get away!" the girls sang.

"We'll meet you at the bottom of the stairs," Izzy said also excited. Their porch stairs connects to ours.

"Ok, " we all said in unison.

Izzy's POV:

"So, you like Niall don't you?" Abby asked me while we were waiting for the boys. We were sitting on the bottom step. They took a while getting ready.

"Yes. No. Maybe," I said, confused. "I don't know. HELP ME ABBY!"

"Well, was it awkward when you guys fell?" Abby asked.

"Yes," I responded.

"Were you embarrassed when you were wearing your painting outfit to the store last night?"


"You like him," Abby said.

"What? With just that? How do you know?"

"Yeah. You feel embarrassed so you get all nervous around Niall. You don't think you're good enough for him-you are by the way-so you're embarrassed." Pause. "Oh yeah he likes you too."

"What? How do you know?" I said, excited.

"I asked him yesterday when you were asleep on his shoulder."


"Yeah seriously. You need to tell him. I already told Louis I liked him. He said he felt the same way. He gave me this necklace," Abby said. She showed me a necklace with an 'L' and a carrot.

"I can't. I don't know how. You're the expert with boys. I, however, never had a boyfriend before."

"Well, first of all: wait for the right time. Second: quiet down cause they're coming," Abby said.

We met Niall, Liam, Louis, Zayn, and Harry at the bottom of the stairs. We looked for a spot to go to. We picked a spot with shade. There wasn't anyone there so we got the whole beach to ourselves.


The boys are wearing what they were wearing in the What Makes You Beautiful music video.

For now on Izzy's outfits are on left, Abby's on the right.

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