The Princess of the Medji?!

By DanceOn1000

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Juliette is the twin sister of Jonathan and the big sister of Evy. In a cave in Hamunaptra, she discovers a s... More

Chapter 1 The puzzle box
Chapter 2 In Jail
Chapter 3 On the boat
Chapter 4 The People know my second name?
Chapter 5 It's very dusty in the desert.
Chapter 6 (imagine a good name for this chapter)
Chapter 7 The guy of/from my dreams
Chapter 8 Imhotep
Chapter 9 No Control
Chapter 11 Great, my sister is the target
Chapter 12 Kissing to the bone
Chapter 13 Pretending to be Zombies
Chapter 14 'won't live through it? I wanna join!
Ohne Titel Teil15
Chapter 16 'It's locked or something'
Chapter 17 Death is only the beginning
Everyone kisses except Jonathan #4everalone

Chapter 10 visiting the museum

8K 160 10
By DanceOn1000


O'Connell and Jonathan boost Evelyn up onto a camel, while I do it on my own. Daniels and Henderson throw Burns up onto another. The Egyptologist, still clutching The Book Of The Dead, gets up on yet another. We all head off into the dark, windblown desert. As I look back at the Ruins, I can see a skeletal hand suddenly punches up, out of the sand, accompanied by a shriek of agony.



After we finally reached the place we're staying at, I immediately go to Evy's room and sit on her bed, only for her and Rick to come inside arguing.  -

Rick chucks a load of Evys clothes into her luggage.

O'CONNELL I thought you didn't believe in this stuff!? 

O'Connell heads for the closet while Evy UNPACKS the dresses.

EVELYN Having an encounter with a four thousand-year-old walking-talking corpse tends to convert one.

O'CONNELL Forget it, we're out the door down the hall and gone.

EVELYN No, we are not,

O'Connell throws a handful of her underthings into the trunk,

O'CONNELL Oh yes we are.

O'Connell continues to PACK Evelyn's clothes as she continues to UNPACK them.

EVELYN No we are not. We woke him up, and we must try and stop him.

O'CONNELL We?! What we?! You didn't read that book. I told you not to play around with that thing.

EVELYN Alright then, Me, I, ...I read the book, I woke him up and I intend to stop him.

O'Connell angrily stretches a bra between his hands. It really is fun watching them.

O'CONNELL How!? You heard the man, no mortal weapons can kill this guy

.Evelyn grabs the bra and throws it into a drawer.

EVELYN Then we'll have to find some immortal ones.

O'CONNELL There goes that alieff again. Not me, I am outta here!

O'Connell stuffs a pile of Evelyn's shoes into the trunk. Evelyn KICKS the lid shut, slamming it on his fingers. O'Connell YELPS and angrily storms around the room sucking his fingers as Evelyn follows him.

EVELYN According to that Book, once this creature has been reborn, his curse will spread, and as he grows in strength, so will his curse grow, infecting the people until the whole of the earth is destroyed.

O'CONNELL Yeah? So? Is that My problem? 

EVELYN (incredulous) It's everybody's problem!

O'CONNELL Look lady, I appreciate you saving my life and all, but when I signed on, I agreed to take you out there and bring you back, and I did, now were even, end of the job, end of the story, contract terminated.

EVELYN That's what I am to you? A contract?

O'CONNELL You can either tag along with me, or you can stay here and play around with Mister Maggot.

EVELYN I'm staying. 


O'Connell storms out and SLAMS the door. A BEAT. Then the door opens and O'Connell's hand reaches back in and throws a handful of frilly panties to the floor. SLAM goes the door. Evy spins around to find me sitting on her bed.

EVELYN Oh, July what do you think we should do?

JULIETTE I don't know what we should do, but I will stay here, even after all of this is over.


JULIETTE Because, little sister, just like you, I fell in love.

EVELYN With who?

JULIETTE I will tell you later, come here.

Evy comes over to me and I give her a big hug as her frustration turns into sadness and her sadness into anger.

An hour later, I really felt like I needed a drink, you know to calm down. So I went downstairs to the bar. Only to find the water in the fountain turning red.

JONATHAN "And the rivers and waters of Egypt went red and were as blood."

A look passes over O'Connell's face, a realization.

O'CONNELL He's here

He suddenly jumps away from the bar and runs for the door.

JONATHAN Who's here!?

JULIETTE Imhotep, The Priest! THE MUMMY!

JONATHAN Oh, that's just great.


JULIETTE Because of the curse.

As the look of horror crosses everyone's face, immediatlyI make my way towards my balcony. After a couple of minutes, I hear gunshots coming from the room next immediately run into it, only to see Rick shooting at Imhotep. He looks like he's regenerating, thick skin forms over a new musculature. His tendons RIPPLE. His bones BULGE and REFORM. His mouth opens to an inhuman size as he MOANS and CRYS OUT, in severe pain. And then it's over. And he looks like an incredibly muscular, corpse-like vision from hell. The'Terminator' Mummy.

O'CONNELL we are in serious trouble. 

JULIETTE No shit Sherlock!

Imhotep starts to move towards them, staring at Evelyn.

O'CONNELL Back off, creep 

Imhotep keeps coming. O'Connell OPENS FIRE. BLASTING Imhotep Bullets right through his undead body. Imhotep doesn't seem to mind. Jonathan, Henderson, and Daniels run into the room. They're all stunned at the sight of Imhotep. Rick steps forward, throws a right hook, punches Imhotepin the face, --HIS FIST GOES THROUGH IMHOTEPIS SKULL AND GETS STUCK DEEP INSIDE HIS HEAD. O'Connell stares at it, shocked, then quickly YANKS his fist back out. The area of Imhotep'sface that came into contact with O'Connell's fist quickly regenerates and DECAYS, right down to the bone, as if O'Connell's hand instantly infected it.Imhotep angrily turns, grabs O'Connell, and with no effort, THROWS him across the room and into Jonathan and the others knocking them down. Imhotep looks at his hand, the one that just grabbed O'Connell, --IT STARTS TO SHRIVEL and DECAY. He quickly turns to Evelyn. Evelyn backs away into a wall, terrorized. Imhotep steps up to her.

IMHOTEP  You saved me from the undead. For this, I shall make you immortal.

He leans in, about to kiss her with his decayed face.And that's when a WHITE CAT jumps onto the piano, HISSING. Imhotep SHRIEKS. The balcony doors BLOW OPEN. Imhotep spins into a BLAST OF WIND AND SAND and SWIRLS out the doors. Gone. O'Connell, Evelyn, Jonathan, Daniels and I stand transfixed. Henderson kneels next to Burns, shriveled body, horrified.

HENDERSON The curse the curse.

JULIETTE I told you so didn't I.


O'Connell, Jonathan, Henderson and Daniels follow Evelyn and me across the Ramesseum.

EVELYN There's only one person we know who can possibly give us some answers.

We round a corner and come upon the Curator, --who is talking with Ardeth Bay. Everybody except me stops.


JULIETTE  Ardeth!! 

O'Connell and the American's quickly draw their guns, while I jump into his arms. Ardeth just scowls at them. The Curator nods his head.

CURATOR Miss Carnavon. Gentlemen.

EVELYN What is he doing here and Juliette


EVELYN Why are you hugging hi.. don't tell me that... it can't be... are you serious?

JULIETTE No, I'm July but I do mean it.

CURATOR Do you truly wish to know? or would you prefer to just shoot us?

Everybody tenses, guns up. Then O'Connell uncocks his 38.

O'CONNELL I just saw my fist vanish into some guy's head. 'He slides his gun back into his shoulder-holster' I'm willing, to go on a little faith, here.

URATOR You will not believe it



Everyone is assembled around the tomb display of Seti The First. We recognize his chariot and sword. The Curator sits on Seti's throne. The whole time, I don't move from Ardeths side, while one of his arms hangs loosely around my waist. Ever since our past lives took over our bodies I started to imagine living with Ardeth, like having a family and so on. I even feel more save with him than with anyone else.

CURATOR We are part of an ancient secret society, the cult-of-the-Mumia, and we have a sacred mission, passed down through thirty-nine generations. For over four thousand years we have guarded The City Of The Dead. we are sworn at manhood to, do any and all in our power to stop the High Priest Imhotep from being reborn into this world.

ARDETH RAY And because of you, we have failed.

EVELYN (appalled) And you think this justifies killing innocent people!?

CURATOR To have stopped this creature? Yes!

O'CONNELL Okay, let's cut to the chase. He's afraid of cats, what's that about?

CURATOR According to the ancients, cat's are the guardians at the gates of the underworld. Imhotep will fear them until he is fully regenerated, and then he will fear nothing.

Daniels is totally wigged-out, he looks at O'Connell. DANIELS Right! And ya know how he gets fully regenerated?! By killing everybody who opened that chest and sucking us dry! That's how!

 CURATOR Yes, the creature must first try and regenerate, and then he will attempt to resurrect the one he has loved for more than four thousand years.

EVELYN Anck-su-namun.

The Curator and Ardeth Bay look at Evelyn, thunderstruck.

EVELYN In the necropolis, when I saw him, alive, ...walking, he called me Anck-su-namun. But he also called July by her second name,  Nephthys, why?.

CURATOR It is because it was you who read from the Book. He has chosen you to be-the human sacrifice needed to regenerate the body of Anck-su-namun and Juliette is the Reincarnation of Nephthys the princess of the medji, which is the reason why she and Andreth already have such a strong bond.

Jonathan scratches his ear with the barrel of his pistol.

JONATHAN This is not good. Not good at all

Ardeth stares out a wall of windows, while he starts to tense up.

ARDETH BAY Tonight is the full moon. The moon of Osiris. It will begin tonight.

Everyone follows Ardeth Bay's eyes, through the windows, we can see the SUN, --which is now going into a FULL ECLIPSE.

JONATHAN "...and he stretched forth his hands towards the heavens, and there was darkness throughout the land of Egypt."


O'Connell looks out a window at the British Soldiers manning the walls. Above and beyond them, --is the BLACK SUN.


Evelyn and Jonathan are pacing the foyer

 EVELYN we must stop him from regenerating.

She turns to Daniels and Henderson

EVELYN Who opened that chest?  

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