His Little Sister

By bohemianwood

556K 10.1K 431

He was the clubs enforcer and she was the mother charters princess. They're completely different. He was cold... More

Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Authors Note
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
The End

Chapter 17

13.5K 262 21
By bohemianwood

Season 1

Valentine's POV 

Waking up in Happy's arm everyday was the greatest feeling I ever felt. Laying on his bare chest with my arms wrapped around his neck was the best. Especially when I had a rough night. 

But this morning I didn't wake up in his arms. Instead of my arms wrapped around his neck they were warped around a pillow. I rolled on my back and looked at the ceiling.

I got out of bed and went into the bathroom to do my business. I washed my hands and face and put on underwear and one of Happy's SAMCRO shirts. I walked out of the bedroom into the kitchen. 

There Happy was making breakfast. The counters were a mess and he seemed annoyed at making the food. I came behind him and wrapped my  arms around his torso kissing his tattoo covered back.  

"Good morning doll." Happy said. His extra raspy deep voice sent shivers down my back. 

"What are ya making babe?" 

"Pancakes." I looked from behind his bare back to see three pancakes in the griddle, burning. 

"Let me do, you're burning them." I laughed when he automatically moved out of the way. He then wrapped his arms around my torso and kissed the top of my head. "What do you have planned today?" 

"Clay's paying us for the shit we did last night. Opie's gonna be there." 

"I have to work in the office today so Gemma can go and see Able. You want me to take my own car or are you not doing anything today so I can ride with you?" I questioned. The pancakes were done so I set them on a plate to cool and started loading the dishwasher. 

"I'm doing a run with Clay for Unser so take your own car." I nodded my head and went to go feed Mayhem and give him water. He was getting so big and was no longer a puppy. It made me sad because it seemed like yesterday that we got him. 

"It's August and soon we're gonna have to start picking things out for the wedding." Happy had no part in wanting to do stuff for the wedding. The only part that he was remotely interested in was the food and alcohol. 

"Just give me the date and time and I'll be there." He came and kissed my head and started making his plate of food. I rolled my eyes at him and started making my own plate. We sat in a comfortable silence and ate the food. 

"I'm going to get ready for TM." I kissed his lips and went into our shared room. I went into my dresser and pulled out a pair of dark wash jean shorts, a clean black bra and red tank top. I got dressed and went into the bathroom. Putting on deodorant and perfume and brushing my teeth and hair. I left my hair done for once. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Happy getting ready too. I smiled softly to myself and continued getting ready. 

At TM 

Getting to TM was no problem. Getting out of my car I saw Opie with Jax. 

"Opie!" I ran up to him jumping on his back. I heard him laughing and the rest of the guys laughing too. 

"God I missed you monkey." I got off his back and looked at him. He was a look more muscular than before he left and had a beard. "Damn you got hot." I punched him in the arm and laughed. 

"Thanks!" I saw Happy talking to Clay about something and Clay handing him an white envelope. Most likely his money from the job he did last night. 

"So I heard that you're marrying the Tacoma Killa, is it true?" Opie asked. I smiled even more at the mention of my old man. 

"Yeah. On October 12th gonna be on the Indian reservation." 

"Never thought you would be with a Son. Always thought you would go out and find a man that wasn't apart of the club." 

"It was never meant to be like that Op especially for me. You, Jax and I were destined for a life in the club." 

"I just don't want you to get hurt." I smiled at Opie. He was like a big brother to me and he was the first guy to go to jail for a long time when I was old enough to comprehend it. 

"I'm a big girl Op. I need to go in the office before Gemma kills me. We'll talk more later." I walked over to the office and started work. 

I worked in the office for 6 hours before going home. I closed up shop and got into my car. Happy told me he was going to be home late and not wait up for him. When I got home I let Mayhem out and feed him and played with him for a little. 

I made a big salad for myself and watched some tv before going to my room to get ready for bed. I locked up the house and let Mayhem out before going to bed. Mayhem followed me into the room and I shut the door. When it was only me home and I was alone I had him sleep with me until Happy came home and kicked him out of the room. 

I striped out of my clothes and got in the shower. Taking my time washing my hair and shaving my legs and under my arms. I let the water run cold before getting out toweling myself dry. I got dressed in one of the shirts I stole from Jax and put on a fresh pair on panties. I brushed my wet hair out and brushed my teeth. Next I put on some lavender lotion that I knew Happy likes and turned off the bathroom light climbing into the king size bed. 

"Mayhem come here." Mayhem hopped on the bed and laid at the end of the bed where my feet are. I turned out the lamp and closed my eyes, letting sleep come to me easily. 

The Next Day

In the morning I woke up to strong arms wrapped around my waist and the dog still snoring at the foot on the bed. I rolled over so I was facing Happy and kissed his nose. He shifted in his sleep but soon went back to sleep. I climbed out of bed going to the bathroom. When I came back out of the bathroom Happy was still asleep. 

"C'mon Mayhem lets not wake daddy." I called out for the dog and he came. He liked me better then Happy anyway and knew if I didn't say anything he would still follow me. 

Walking out to the main part of the house I stretched letting my shirt raise just under my belly button. Opening the sliding glass door to the back ground Mayhem dashed out to do this businesses and play. I filled his water dish and food dish and went to go make breakfast. 

I grabbed a ton of fruit and made a fruit bowl for Happy and I to share along with eggs for me and him. I heard the water start in the bedroom and I knew he was up. I smiled and started playing music while I waited for Happy to come eat with me. 

About 20 minutes later Happy came out of the room dressed for the day. I smiled at him and walked up to kiss him. After the kiss he smiled at me showing off his dimples. 

"What's got you so happy Happy?" I questioned. 

"You got me happy." He said. 

"Oh babe you know how to make a girl happy don't you?" 

"Yeah I do." He said all cocky. 

"Come on and eat before the eggs get cold. Oh Gemma wants us over for dinner tonight. I'm going to go to the hospital and see Able and then head over there to help." 

"Ok doll." Was all he said. After breakfast he said his goodbye and went to TM to work. 

I had nothing to complain about the way that we lived. I have a part time job at TM and Happy's making enough money at TM and the club where I didn't have to work. Plus I was going to school at night Monday through Thursday so Bubba didn't want me to work. 

Deciding to get ready I headed to the room. Putting on a grey cotton dress that hugged my body I noticed that I gained weight in my stomach. It wasn't much and you would only notice if you were looking and if I was standing sideways. I shrugged and went back to getting ready. I put on deodorant and Victoria Secret perfume and left my hair down. It went to the middle of my back and was wavy. Putting on some black wedges, I left the room and shut the door. 

I put all the dishes in the sink from earlier and went to the  sliding glass door to get Mayhem in. As soon as he was in, I shut the door and locked it. I said goodbye to him and left the house going to the hospital. 

The hospital was nice. It was only me and Able and I talked to him. I told him about his daddy when he was little. I talked to him about the future and what we were going to do with each other. I told him about me getting married and that he was going to have an Uncle named Happy. It was a nice visit and I was so glad that he was going to live a full life. 

I was in the room with Able for 3 hours and when I left the room I found that Tara was waiting for me. She smiled at me and began walking beside me. I didn't say anything and just started walking faster. 

"When you were little Jax always said that you would be gorgeous when you were older. He wasn't wrong." She pulled at my arm so I would stop. With the wedges I was wearing we were the same height. 

"Thanks I guess. Look not to be rude or anything but I have to get to Gemma's before she calls yelling at me for being late." I said sweetly. I even smiled a little. 

"Explains why you are wearing a dress instead of shorts." Tara crossed her arms and tried to be intimidating but it didn't work. 

"Is there something you need or are you just going to look at me and be jealous of my body?" I whispered the last part seductively and got in her face a little. 

"God you are exactly like Gemma! Just wanted you to know the Wendy OD two days ago. I talked to her after Able was born and she hated herself but she wanted to live." 

"Are you trying to say that I gave her the stuff that made her OD. Gosh doc thought you would know me better then that." I started walking away and she followed me. 

"Valentine I'm talking to you! You were never like this when you were little. Jax would be disappointed in you." I rolled my eyes at Tara and laughed. 

"When you left I was 9. And don't you dare bring Jax into this. You don't know him anymore and you have no right bringing him to this. No I wasn't like a bitch when I was little because I was raised by Gemma and Tig. Now what's the reason why you want to talk to me." I continued walking out of the hospital to my car. 

"Look I don't know why you don't like me but I'm that little boys doctor and you need to respect that. Wendy is that boys mother weather you and Gemma like it. I'm going to find out who gave her the crank and when I do I'm telling Jax." She threatened. 

"So your plan is to tell Jax that I tried to kill his junkie ex wife. You know what why don't I go tell Jax that you're being a bitch to me and he'll never want you again. Or maybe go tell my old man and get his scary ass on you. Or maybe you can fuck off and just be a doctor and not get in mine or my brothers business." The words I spoke where like poison to her and the look she gave me was hysterical. "Have a nice day doc!" 


Pulling up to Gemma's house I sighed in relief. Getting out of the car and walking into the door I felt all the stress wash away. When I opened the door I was hit by the smell of great food and the laughter of the other old lady's.  

"You're late." Gemma stated giving me a knife and some vegetables to cut up. 

"Talked to our favorite doctor for a good 10 minutes." 

"She say shit about Wendy too?" Gemma questioned with a smirk on her face. 

"You know it." 

Around 6 the guys came in and started eating. I was between Bubba and Happy. It was like old times and everyone was happy and stress free for a little bit. I couldn't keep a smile off my face the whole time we were there. 

Life was perfect in this moment. 

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