One Direction drove me off th...

By Nloved1D

897K 3.2K 1.2K

Youé is a special girl, she's damaged and doesn't trust people. When she meets the 5 most amazing boys and a... More

One Direction drove me off the Road SEQUEL
Louis! Not again!
Almost the same girls
You ARE beautiful
The One and Only Liam Payne
The beetle
Youé's story
Camping in the garden
The crime and Derek
Shopping and clubbing
Just not fair
The little campire
What did I do?
What do we learn from this? CUPCAKES SOLVE EVERY PROBLEM
You're back!
Derek's place
Romantic... and playful kisses
A day at the park
Larry Stylinson
Larry Sty....what?
The fancy party part 1
The fancy party; part 2
Our trip begins here
There's no limit on a happy-meal, so STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT!
The concert
Love makes people blind
The truth
Quick fire!
Just trusting you
Love in the air
Meeting Max
Ignoring you! HA
Not allowed to kiss Zayn
Please drive another girl out of the road...for me????
Mr. Romantic
We need to leave
Sleeping on the trampoline
Cold shower??
New tops
I'll look after you
Get out of my face!
I'll cry a river
Red paint fail
Forever and always, I will love you ~last chapter


16K 54 18
By Nloved1D

Laura's POV:

"GIVE ME EVERYTHING TONIIIIIIIIGHT!" i scream underneath the shower. I step out ,wrap the towel aroudn me and do a weird dance. I'm way to happy, and i don't know why? We got home from rehearsals and we're getting ready for the concert. I put on my clothes, dark blue skinny jeans and a red top, love it!

We're still in the NL, but soon we're heading to...Australia!

last performance today, in my own country, it doesn't feel like my own country anymore. I don't have an own country, I live with the boys, where they go, I go.

Youé is smiling again, everyone is happy! So the concert in 1 hour is going to be amazing.

"Laura!"  Louis screams. " WHAT BOOBEAR?"


I roll my eyes, crazy boy. I open the door after I did my make-up and hair, eventhough I bet Sara is going to change everything afterwards.

Louis wraps me in a hug and I chuckle, then Zayn comes to me and takes me to the kitchen, hands me a coke. "Last performance here"  I say and he smiles. "I loved it here, the Dutch fans are really nice, like, the Americans too, but the Dutch aren't in all the hate-parts."  he says and I chuckle. I sigh and he frowns. " Everyone is happy"  I say and he smiles.

"BOYS AND GIRLS, TIME TO GO!" Liam yells and Zayn lifts me up, running downstairs to the car.

"WATCH WHERE YOU PUT HER!" Liam screams and Zayn throws me into the car, too late, and i fall on top of Niall.

"Argg, Laura" He groans and Harry burst out in laughing. "Sorry Niall!" I say and give him a quick peck on the cheek.

After a couple minutes waiting Zayn hasn't entered the car, and everybody is waiting. "I'm going to get him down here" Liam says but I scream: "ZAYN GET YOUR SEXY ARSE IN THE CAR!" and Liam sits back down. "Laura, we don't have to know that Zayn has a sexy bum" Harry says, Youé and Persephone chuckle, i do too. Please, look, it's irresistible!

Niall and Liam lift their eyebrows and then Zayn steps into the car. 

"ZAYN THE GIRLS LIKE YOUR BUM!" Louis screams and we burst out in laughing, Zayn with a cheeky look on his face. He chuckles but has a proud smile on his face, then sits down next to me. I  slide closer to him and he lays one arm around me. 

"LAURA PLEASE, JUST PUT ON THE DRESS" Sara screams and I stamp my foot. "NO WAY THAT I'M WEARING THAT" i say and Louis walks in. "Woah, what's going on in here?" he asks with a little smile, he's enjoying this.

"Tell Laura that she's going to look great in this dress" Sara says and hold up the dress, if you can call it a dress.

Louis eyes get wide and then he get's a huge smirk on his face. "Omg you are so going to wear that" he says and I groan. "Ask it the GIRLS and not the boys, they are way to perky." i say and Sara calls Persephone.

She walks in, Sara hold up the dress and her eyes get wide too. "Errr, is that a dress or..." she asks. "It's small, but try it, if it fits is you're going to look amazing." she says and sends me a innocent smile. I near my eyes at Persephone and shake my head. She grins and winks, then walks away. She's going to pay for this.

"You heard, change!" she says, then I notice Louis still sitting. I raise my eyebrown and he grins. "Change" he says and I groan. "Go, Boo, NOW" i yell and he chuckles, then walks out of the dressingroom. I strip till my underwear and put on the dress. Alright, I look like a 2 dollar hooker. I'm wearing a VERY tight black red dress, holes at the hips, my c-cupped chest looking like double Z. 

"gosh, everyone is going to faint" Sara says and I turn around, my mouth forming an 'O'

"I'M NOT GOING TO WEAR THIS NOT FOR A MILLION BUCKS OR CARROTS!" I scream while she drags me into the boys's room.

Then turn around, Zayn with a worried look but then their mouth drops. I see their gazes and try to run out of the room. "LET ME GO, I'M NOT GOING TO WEAR THIS" I yell and then 2 warm arms close around my waist, I feel his warm hand on the exposed spots on my hips.

"Stay" Zayn whispers but I keep fighting. "LET ME GO" i yell again and then his big hand covers me mouth, he forces me to turn to the boys, I'm still fighting against his arms. The boys examinate me and get a grin on their faces, they nod. My eyes get wide and i shake my head. "You look...."

"errr...." they all say and I frown, grit my theet together and fight against Zayn strong, muscular arms. "You look extremely fit" he says and I stop strugling, he releazes his grip around me, all the boys nodding. "No, I look like a fucking hooker" I say and try to walk back to the dressingroom, but Zayn grabs my waist again.

'You're way to beautiful for a hooker, and you look stunning, really" he says and i groan. "You just say that because I look sexy, WAY TOO sexy" I say and Harry chuckles.

"You look amazing, just wear this, for me, please" Zayn says and gives me puppydog eyes.

"NO ZAYN! STOP WITH THOSE EYES" I yell at him and struggle again. "I'll be back soon" Zayn says to the boys and drags me into the dressingroom, Sara stays with the boys. "DON'T MESS UP HER HAIR TO MUCH PLEASE" Sara yells and the next thing i feel is my back pressed against the wall and Zayn's lips on mine. I fight against his grip but he doesn't let go, I've no chance to escape.

I still try to hold back but my mind slips away and my I feel his body pressing harder against mine every second. I move my head up, gasping.

"Zayn....stop" I say and then let out a moan, not on purpose, when his lips move over my neck. His hands that were holding my face and shoulder, now move downwards to my hips, covering the holdes in my dress. I expect him to stop here, but he goes on. His hands move downwards, one on my bum and the other on my upperleg, lifting it up to his waist. I can't hold back anymore and wrap my hands into his hair, desperately kissing him back. He smirks and pushes me harder against the wall.

He squeezes my bum softly and I let out a moan. Our tongues wrap together and then suddely he steps back. 


His hands cup my face and he looks at me with eyes full of lust. "We'll finish this later" he says. HE'S SO MEAN. I'm frozen, he seriously pulled away at that moment?! That's unfair.

"you're wearing that dress" he says and my jaw drops. "You're so mean" I whisper and his mouth curls into a cheeky grin. He steps closer again and my head touches the wall again, he presses his lips softly to mine, it costs me a lot to not jump on him and rip his clothes off. Gosh he's so sexy. My eyes widen and his forehead touches mine while gazing into my eyes. "I love you so much, you don't know how hard it is to hold back" he says and his lips brush against mine softly. He breaths out and i shiver.

"Let's go back" he says and takes my hand, walking to the others. They look up and get silent. I can't say anything. They look at me and some of them frown, some look amuzed, err Harry...

"Zayn, what exactly did you do to her?" Liam asks and Youé walks to me, looking me in the eyes and frown a little. "Are you alright?" she asks and I nod. I try to say something but the sound stays in my throat, I can't speak.

Youé grins and looks at Zayn, he winks at her and she walks to Liam. "She's alright, just a little in shock, can she sing?" Youé asks and Zayn chuckles, turns me around and faces me. 

"Laura, speak" he says, now a little worried. I try again and I force the sound to leave my throat. "Wooah" I say and he chuckles again. "Are you alright?" 

"Yeah, I am" I say but I don't sound really sure. "So you're wearing this, now your make-up" Sara says and drags me into the dressingroom again.

I can't argue with her, my mind is drifting to Zayn every second. His eyes, his warm hands on my tingling skin, my hands wrapped in his hair, his lips, his body...

Gosh what that guy does to me.

Sara chuckles. "He's intimidating." she agrees and I look up. "Yeah, he is" I say without breath and she chuckles again. "I don't want any details, but what did he do to you? You're never in shock like this." she says and i blush slightly red. "He....yeah...kissed me and stuff....but then he suddenly stopped." I say and she raises her eyebrow, the signing that I have to close my eyes and while putting on some eyeshadow the answers me.

"He just stopped, he did go for the 'we'll finish later' move?" she says and I chuckle. "Yeah, it's effective, I have to admit" i say and she laughs.

"done" she says when she closes the mascara. I stand up and she gives me heels, now my legs look even longer, and the dress is mega short, I can't move in this!

'Sara, how am I going to walk and sing, dance in this dress?" I ask and she thinks. "Pull it down a little, just slightly and don't make strange moves, so no lifts and no eager kisses!" she says and drags me to backstage where the others are waiting.

"Hello sexy" Harry says and hugs me from behind. "Twat" I say and he cuckles, kisses me on the cheek and Zayn takes my hand. "You look beautiful" he says and i can't hold back my groan. He holds back a grin and I slap his chest. "You're so mean" I say and he kisses me on the lips softly. Then the announcer calls:


"GET ME OUT OF THIS DRESS NOW" I scream when we walk into the dressingroom and Sara runs to us, then somebody grabs my hand and I fall backwards, him catching me.

"Sorry Laura, you can't change, to much fans we have to leave immediately." Liam says and drags me to the backdoor. I take off my shoes and run with the others to the car. Zayn lifts me in and Liam helps Youé. Niall and Persephone are already in and Harry sits next to Louis is the front, Louis driving.

Is that a good idea? Louis driving? Maybe he's going to hit another girl, you never know what is going on in his head.

Youé's POV:

I just got out of the shower and put on some comfortable clothes, jeans and a hoodie, it's cold here in the Netherlands. It's always raining and COLD! Not that it isn't in London like that, but still...

Everyone is sitting on the sofa, watching a movie. I sit down between Louis and Liam. Liam wraps his arms around my waist and Louis around my shoulder.

After I had that stupid drunk night with Louis, I began to think.... Gosh I was stupid back then, hurted Liam, but he knew it means nothing, right? But I see the way Louis looks at me, he likes me, but for my body, not for who I am. 

I mean, he likes me as a friend, ofcourse, a really good friend I hope, that's the way i see him. But not as a girlfriend. He just wants me. Sound weird because i say it myself, but it's the way all those guys looked. But Louis is sweet, I know him, he's the best friend you can have. And Liam is the best boyfriend. So I have to keep my feelings that way.

But it's hard, Louis looks give me chills and I know I can't feel that way. I love Liam so much, and i don't love Louis. But the one night that I had with Louis, and the small things I can still remember are amazing. Those night with Liam too, ofcourse. But that oen with Louis was different, more eager. I liked it, but I shouldn't.

So I don't, I didn't liked it.


Laura's POV:

"I'm going to get some more popcorn" I say and stand up. "Me too" Zayn's husky voice says and he follows me. I can hear Harry say: "We're not going to get that popcorn" and then I feel Zayn's hand twisting me around, pulling me against his own body. "We're going to finish that, and good" he says and he drags me into his room, pinning me to the bed. His nose drags up my neck and he begins kissing it. I swallow and I feel him smile. Where he touches my soft skin with his lips, I feel heat burning up. 

He bends over me and presses my shoulders into the bed. I'm still wearing that stupid dress, we got into our hotelroom and began the movie right after, I was planning on showering after Youé came out, but it was a nice movie though.

I lay still, I never act like this, but after he did this afternoon, i don't know what to expect, so i let him go his way. I guess he understands because he doesn't ask, just moves his lips over my body, my heart pumping in my chest and my breath picking up.

His hands move to the lowest point of the dress and shoves it upwards over my head. He kneels on ech side of me and begins kissing me desperately. i make a little sound and grip my legs around his waist. I tangle my hands into his hair and pull him closer to me.

He pulls back and for a second i think he's teasing me again, but he just takes off his shirt and then slam his lips on mine again.

one of his hands rest on my bum and he squeezes again. I moan into his mouth and he grins. I can't stop, I need him, now.

"Zayn, please" I make a sound and his body leans on mine. First he was resting on his elbows, but now he's laying with his full weight on me.

His hand grips my hip tighter and forces his tongue into my mouth with force. He's taking control, and I let him go his way.


Lovely's <3

I'm so sorry I couldn't upload earlier, so sorry! I'm still on holiday, now laying here in bed, next to...yeah :)

I hope you liked this chapter! Maybe I have time to do a one shot tomorrow, I get more and more requests, so the people who just asked for one, it's going to take a long time before I'll post yours, sorry! 

I have a question for you guys.... don't get it the wrong way....

Do you want me to do chapter? I read some stories with some of these chapters and they get a lot of comments and votes, so I was wondering if I should write some too?

Please tell me what you think and vote,comment fan please! Love you all so much <3

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