The Quiet Boy

By SquadMemberK17

901 21 16

Taking a bit of a break from Goosebumps for awhile and trying my hand at creating something of my own. Our ma... More

Chapter #1 The Outcast
Chapter #2 Meeting Cooper
Chapter #3 Beaten
Chapter #4 Murder
Chapter #5 A Killer Party
Chapter #6 Suspicion
Chapter #7 Accusations
Chapter #9 Broken Hearts
Chapter #10 Passing On (ENDING)

Chapter #8 Sherlock Sheena

40 1 1
By SquadMemberK17

Stacy looked at me, a bit uneasily.

    "Talk about what?" She wondered.

I stared at her regretfully.

    "About whether or not you killed someone." I blurted.

    "What?!" Stacy spat with wild eyes.

I sighed, knowing that this is what would happen.

    "Sheena what do you mean? You don't think I killed the people, do you?!" Stacy interrogated sternly.

    "Well, I-I don't know....." I stuttered. I didn't know how to word it in any form that it wouldn't sound terrible.

Stacy's eyes widened a bit with hurt and shock.

    "Oh my do think it was me! Sheena what the hell? What did Skip tell you back there?!" She demanded to know.

    "Nothing! We sorted out that he wasn't the killer, but we came to an agreement....that it could've possibly... been you as well." I whimpered.

    "I don't believe this! And just why would it of been me?!" Stacy raged.

    "Well, Cooper told me this morning that he witnessed both Chelsea and Jayce's deaths.....and the only part of the killer itself that he saw, was their black hair....." I admitted.

    "Oh I see. So you're just going to go around accusing everyone with black hair of murdering people because your ghostly boyfriend told you so. Is that it?" Stacy jeered.

    "No! That's not it at all! I'm not accusing you, I'm just asking questions based on the information that I have." I defended.

    "The information that you have? Sheena, it isn't your job to figure out who the murderer is! Let the cops find that out. Don't get wrapped up in this whole thing, and certainly don't drag me into it as a suspect. I don't care what Cooper says." Stacy scolded.

    "But Stacy, don't you want to find out for yourself so that you can steer clear of the person?" I asked.

    "No, I just want to party hard and meet dudes while still keeping stable grades. If the time comes when the killer wants me dead, I'll fight them! But I'm not going to go around looking for them because my friend's ghost boyfriend said to." Stacy replied.

I sighed and looked at the floor. I guess she had a point. When I looked back up at her, she was staring at me concerned.

    "You know what Sheena, maybe Cooper isn't so good for you after all...." She spoke.

    "What?! Why not?!" I exclaimed.

    "He's setting you off to accuse people at random just because of something he 'saw'. Black hair is a minor detail, and he's giving you random people to blame. Black hair could still be a lot of people, not just me or Skip. I don't know, it just doesn't seem like he's putting you in the greatest of positions. Especially since it's neither of you's damn business." Stacy ranted.

    "What are you saying Stacy?" I questioned.

    "I'm saying maybe keep your distance from Cooper. At least until this whole killer thing blows over. Look, I'm not saying this to be mean. I really am happy that you found someone that you like, even if he is dead. But in a situation like the one this school is in right now, going around and blaming random people is just going to get you killed. And I'm not about to let that happen to either of us." Stacy lectured gently.

I nodded in understanding. Maybe she was right. Letting out a gruff breath I finally managed to offer her a small smile, which she returned before pulling me into a hug. This made me feel better.

    "Thanks Stacy. Really." I said.

    "No problem. Just looking out for you." She answered.

We unlocked from our hug right as the clock struck 2:00. It was time to leave for Chemistry class. Giving Stacy one last smile and wave, I made my way out of the food court and across the quad to the building where my class was. I just hoped that Cooper decided not to sit in on my class today.....

Luckily, he didn't. I was relieved to find that he wasn't in the room when I entered class. Mr. Ross sat at his desk and nodded at me as a greeting, I returned it with a nod of my own.

When the bell rang and Mr. Ross began his lesson, I was actually able to pay attention. This was a first time within the past few days that I was actually able to focus, and be reminded of the real reason I had come to Oakwood. To earn a degree in Chemistry. Whoops, sorry, boys suddenly decided to like me for the first time in my life and there's a fucking murderer on the loose. Guess focusing in class doesn't seem ideal then.

During the quiet time after the lesson where we're supposed to start our homework, I sighed as I wrote down equations. I replayed what Stacy had told me over and over in my head.

I knew that finding out who the killer was was none of my business, but something in the back of my brain was gnawing away at me to know the truth. I just had to do something, instead of sitting around waiting to die. Maybe if I just didn't let her find out, I could do a little more detective work. Cooper would help me too, probably even Skip! I just had to know. The sooner this murderer was caught, the better...

With a new determination, I stepped out of the classroom when the bell rang and started down the hall, crashing right into Skip. He managed to catch my books before they fell and handed them back to me with a smooth flourish.

    "Careful now Sherlock Holmes, don't want to drop your suspect files." He teased.

   "Oh shush, they're just my books. Speaking of suspects though...." I pondered.

    "Yeah, how did your talk with Stacy go?" Skip asked.

    "Well I don't think she's the killer, so there's that. She actually doesn't want me to keep digging for answers but I don't think I can help it." I explained.

    "So, what? Are you going to keep asking around behind her back?" Skip wondered.

    "You make it sound so bad....." I stammered.

    "It's not, I was just asking. Believe me, I'm just as curious as you are on this." Skip admitted.

This made me smile.

    "So does that mean you'll help me?" I questioned hopefully.

Skip nodded with a charming smile.

    "You bet! When do we start?!" He exclaimed.

    "How about this; you go back to your dorm and get a camera, pencil, and a notepad and then come meet me at the girl's dorm? We can start then." I suggested.

    "Sounds good! I'll see you in a few!" Skip agreed before splitting off for the boy's dorm.

I made my way now back to the girl's dorm, my confidence still high. Now having Skip on board made me feel better, at least I wasn't alone in this. He actually seemed really excited to help me. Either he really enjoys killer hunting or he just wants to spend time with, probably the first one.

The girls dorm was surprisingly quiet when I walked in the front door. I assumed nobody was home at the time. Everyone must've still been out.

Making my way up the stairs I peeked in a few rooms to see if anyone was there, but every room was empty, even Kate was out when I looked in her room. Exiting Kate's room I made my way across the hall to mine and Stacy's room.

The door was closed surprisingly, I dreaded to know why. This usually meant that Stacy had a "special man friend" over and they were "studying". But normally she would tie a string to the doorknob or put a sock on it. I shrugged, maybe she just wanted some privacy.

Turning the doorknob now, I entered the room.

And shrieked. In front of me was a sight I never wished to see.....

Stacy.....was dead.

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