Mikoru Highschool

By Sorran1

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Mikoru Highschool is one of the newly founded schools of magic, humans have recently found out they can unloc... More

Chapter 1: The Invitation
Chapter 2: Assigning Clubs
Chapter 3: Explaining each Role
Chapter 4: Forming Bonds
Chapter 5: Sin
Chapter 6: Moving In
Chapter 7: Senbon's Challenge
Chapter 8: Finding Teachers
Chapter 9: Training
Chapter 10: Results Of Training
Chapter 11: Senbon's Trials
Chapter 12: Patience
Chapter 13: New Teacher
Chapter 14: Teacher From Hell!
Chapter 16: A New Threat
Chapter 17: Reunion
Should I continue this story?

Chapter 15: Undying Will

44 2 1
By Sorran1

Yuki woke up before Jess did the next morning, he pulled some food from Jess's pack and put it in the pot after he relit the fire, he was making a different type of stew that he remembered Satoru making once, not all of the necessary ingediants were there but he managed with what he had, Jess woke up to a nice smell and thankfully took a bowl of it, as did Yuki and once they were both finished Jess stood up and stretched "Okay same routine." He said with a grin, Yuki's eyes got wide once again but he accepted there was no way around it, he ran then did the push ups and sit ups, it took a process of eleven hours, they had woken up around six in the morning so it was mid afternoon, Yuki once again fell to the ground gasping for breath once he finished but once he cought his breath  he stood up and got into position for the fight, Jess had already grabbed his bokken and released his soul's aura, for a moment Yuki was frightened but he realized that it wasn't dark and now and he would be able to see his opponents movements, without warning again Jess dissapeared so Yuki ducked and lunged ahead of him trying to dodge his opponent, he was struck from the side sending him flying and skidding across the ground, Yuki quickly did a flip back to his feet and heard a faint movement beside him, he raised his left hand and blocked a kick from Jess who was now amazed, "Not bad i guess ill have to try a little harder huh?" He said as blurry images of Jess circled him, he didnt know where he should block from so he stayed motionless, there was no time to react he was hit from all sides and suddenly he fell to his knees and just as he was about to fall on his face he was kicked in the chest knocking him unto his back, he rolled over and started to curl up into a ball, "Yuki... with your current power you have no right to be considered the boss of anything, all of your friends will die if someone they cant beat comes along and even you cant defeat them." Jess said firmly, Yuki stood up and looked at him in the eyes "Then lets continue." He said with a new attitude, Jess disappeared again only this time.. Yuki cought him by the arm and went to knee him in the stomach but Jess leaped out of his grasp in time and was truly surprised 'Senbon wasnt joking.. this kid has potential' he thought to himself, he lifted his bokken above his head and brought it down pointing it at Yuki, "Cloudless Nightmare." Jess said with narrowed eyes, a massive jolt of green lightning struck Yuki blasting him far back, he layed motionless as smoke rolled off of him due to his shirt that was now in tatters, Jess appeared above him drop kicking his chest forcing Yuki to cough, immediatly after he kicked him in the side lifting him into the air where he began hitting him back and fourth with his bokken, after a minute of this as Yuki was falling barely conscious, Jess appeared below him and swung his fist up slamming Yuki back into the air and falling some feet away, he went to attack him again but Yuki was standing, his fists and the hair just above his forehead burst into orange flames and his eyes went from a soft blue to a focused orange, he had unleashed his soul, "Sorry about that but the only way i knew to bring out your powers was a near death experience, Now then.. Lets continue." He said with a smirk, he dissapeared and re-appeared in front of Yuki swinging his bokken at him, it was cought and held "Thank you Jess, i want you to try your hardest so i may progress faster." Yuki said calmly with a lower voice than normal, Jess jumped back and stared at him "Alright just dont blame me when you can't move afterwards." He said smiling 'if i dont i think i might get injured... ive never seen anyone have their flames that big and noticeable without any training.. this kid sure is something.' He thought to himself.

Ren had been fighting Senbon for hours now and relentlessly swung at him showing no sign of exhaustion, Senbon lit his Sun flames and had to heal himself every time he was hit by Ren who was seemingly increasing in speed, Ren's tonfas were emitting noticeable purple flames as well, larger than Yuki's but not because of their power only because they were spread out across his weapons and not directed in smaller areas, Senbon knew Ren was strong but this is rediculous, Jess was stronger than Senbon but he still figured he could be at ease fighting him, Ren had him on his toes the whole time.

Misuto wasn't alone this time and was determined to become stronger for the sake of their team, after Todo finished explaining the specialties of each flame he continued on with what they are meant for and what the school was covering up, she decided to ask Todo to train her and he agreed, they were on top of the school, the wind was blowing softly up there and it was almost peaceful besides all of the students around the campus, Todo was teaching her to meditate standing, "It's much easier to make your illusions something more if you can focus as much as you do when you meditate, its very rare for someone to have that in battle but i believe you will achieve it." He said reassuringly, she smiled and they began.

Satoru was back with his master at the dojo, they were in the yard part of it by the small pond, "If you ever have the opportunity to, fight by the water since your skills will be much more effective." His master stated as he held his sword in his chosen stance, "This is called Hydra's Tail." His master said as he swung his sword into the water and quickly curved it bringing it back up along with a massive wall of water, Satoru watched in amazement and his master gestured for him to do it, he bent his knees slightly and brought the sword to his side and repeated his master, a wall about one eighth the size of his masters appeared, "Good job Satoru! I never imagined you would get it to that extent your first try." His master said with a genuine smile, Satoru smiled and gave him a thumbs up, "How did you know how to do it just like that?" His master said curiously, Satoru shrugged "I just trust my instinct ya know?" He said with a big grin, his master stared at him in disbelief for a moment but soon went back to teaching him, "Alright next i want you to cover your sword in your Rain flame, once finished redo the defensive move i just taught you." His master said softly, Satoru nodded and concentrated on his sword for almost three minutes, a small blue flame traveled from the bottom of the blade to the top and gradually grew into a bigger flame, he got into the correct stance for the move and swung his sword and curved it nack up from the water, the wall of water was almost double what his master's was, his master's eyes widened and he put his sword away, "Do it again ninety nine more times then come get me, im going to make some tea." His master said as he hobbled back to the dojo.

Akira was sprawled out on the ground groaning, "Get up!" Golian yelled at his student, Akira pulled himself to his feet and jumped back into the ring, he had his boxing gloves on and pulled his fists up to his nose "what? Not gonna use your flames. Are you tired kid?" Golian teased, A yellow flame emerged around Akira's gloves, "Its not my fault! Its hard to focus my flames and fighting you!" Akira yelled trying to defend himself, the bell rung for them to start and they both inched their way forward and once Akira was in reach Golian threw a punch at his chest which Akira blocked but was still lifted off the ground from the devastating power, another punch was coming but he ducked this one and hit Golian's stomach, he retracted his fist quickly and swung again with his other fist 'it feels like their broken.' Akira thought to himself, he pulled away and tried to buy himself a moment for his flames to heal his hands, Golian was a boulder and wasn't phased at all, he swung a massive punch slamming it into Akira's ribs knocking him against the rings side, the bell rang and they paused.

Tetsu was alone again in a small patch of woods, he was angry and frustrated at himself that he had no idea what to do about learning to use his flame, he threw one knife at a tree and focused his flame into it, the string all the way up to the knife burst into a red flame, he had no idea what he wanted his flames to do or how to control them, all he did know is if he covers things in the flames then it moves slightly faster and cuts slightly deeper, 'Damn it! Ill fall behind everyone at this rate.. i need to be strong enough to be Yuki's right hand man.' He thought to himself, suddenly an idea sprang into his head and his eyes lit up 'So if blades move faster and cut deeper, maybe i can reform one of the metal balls.' He thought with a new hope, he pulled one metal ball out and threw it at a tree, red flames burst all over it and he began concentrating, after a few minutes... It changed.

Hirai was taking his training seriously this time, he was facing a training dummy that Vice had set out for him, "Practice on this until i get back, ill be checking your progress as soon as i come back." Hirai remembered Vice telling him before he left, at this point Hirai knew over twenty pressure points so he focused for a moment bringing his flames into his arms, his flames werent in the form of fire but more like lightning, it was green and it sparked all throughout his arms and showed mostly sparking his fingers, he took a deep breath and crouched down slightly then jumped forward and within four seconds he had used twenty three pressure points... there were holes in the dummy where he hit.

There were craters in the ground everywhere and the air was dusty, there was smoke flying from a few of the small craters, Yuki was on his knee breathing slowly not movong but darting his eyes all over waiting for another attack, suddenly a bolt of lightning shot through the cloud of dust and Yuki placed his palms toward the ground blasting orange flames from them propelling him into the air, he lifted his right hand and shot himself to the left noticing a faint green so he placed his left hand towards him and shot a beam of fire at him, instead of using it to move himself while airborn he learned that if he faces it towards the opponent it will shoot him in the opposite direction of his shot but it will also work as a decently effective attack, Jess jumped to the side and sent a barrage of lightning bolts at him then thrusting himself forward at Yuki, he covered his bokken in flames and swung it, Yuki was hit by the bolts of lightning but he had just enough time to use his flame to push himself to the side, he fell to the ground breathing heavily, they had been fighting like this for hours and he felt weak as he isn't used to using his flames for so long or at all before this, the flames disappeared from his body and his eyes went back to a soft blue, he looked tired and was struggling to keep his eyes open when Jess landed in front of him without his flames "Looks like your getting tired, lets stop for tonight." He said with a smile, Yuki fell forward and Jess just barely cought him, he carried him over beside a tree and placed him down, afterwards he began cooking dinner and looked at Yuki who was in a heavy sleep 'i guess ill be the only one eating tonight then' Jess thought to himself as he sighed and started eating, he was surprised.. he felt a little sore after today even though he wasn't hit, once he finished he placed his hands behind his head and leaned back closing his eyes and falling asleep under the bright moon.

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