The Devil Himself (ManXBoy) C...

By Anissa_Eylene555

1.1M 42.3K 10.5K

[COMPLETE] Ace Nova Williams finds himself having dreams that would disturb even a psychopath. He doesn't min... More

Hello!! :)
Author's Note
Ch.1: Dream
Ch.2: Someone's Here
Ch.3: Slut Parents
Ch.4: Crystal Ball
Ch.5: Whisper
Ch.6: The Devil Himself
Ch.7: The Devil Is Gay?
Ch.8: Seventeenth Child
Ch.9: The Devil Shops?
Ch.10: Choice
Ch.11: Tempest
Ch.12: Pull the Trigger
Ch.13: Send Me To Hell
Ch.14: Welcome To Hell
Ch.15: Exploring Hell
Ch.17: Sage Is Weird
Ch.18: Sylvester
Ch.19: Sylvester Part II
Ch.20: Blood Bonds
Ch.21: The Village
Ch.22: Possessive
Ch.23: Exploring the Castle
Ch.24: Akuji
Ch.25: Prince Lakita
Ch.26: Work For It
Ch.27: Heaven in Hell
Ch.28: Wishes
Ch.29: Perfection
Ch.30: E-mails from God
Ch.31: Telepathy
Ch.32: Welcome to Heaven
Ch.33: God Himself
Ch.34: TV in Heaven?
Ch.35: Actually
Ch.36: Michael
Ch.37: The Devil
Ch.38: Master
Ch.39: Perfect
Ch.40: Love and Compassion

Ch.16: Destined

23.5K 963 114
By Anissa_Eylene555

**A/N: First of all, who is excited about the next chapter?  Also, read the Author's Blurb at the end please!** 

Ace smiles at the Hellhounds as Lucifer awaits the arrival of Basil. Lucifer also summoned another by the name of Eryx. Lucifer is hoping that Eryx will have an answer as to why the Hellhounds are acting so strange.

Ace does not hear the loud 'crack' as Basil arrives just outside the gate to the Hellhounds. Ace is too distracted with the Hellhounds to notice anything else going on around him.

Lucifer looks over his shoulder to find Basil and Eryx both standing outside the gate peering in at the odd behavior of the Hellhounds, even the guard watches with wide eyes.

Lucifer pulls Ace closer to the fence, Ace protests the whole time, but then he realizes they have two new visitors. Ace presses his back against Lucifer's chest as he takes in the two visitors.

One of the demons has red skin with black horns atop his head. His eyes are as black as black gets, his thick black nails are long and look sharp enough to cut through bone, and he is bald— showing off the shiny red atop his head.

The next visitor has yellow skin (the yellow of a standard #2 pencil on Earth), one giant horn atop his head, a flat nose that looks to be more like two small holes than anything else, and black eyes that pop with his bright tinted skin. His eyes look like two black holes in the middle of his face. He also wears what looks to be a sandy colored long sleeved tunic, with both his hands hidden in the sleeves and tan sandals that show his black toenails.

"Hello," Ace greets the two visitors.

Lucifer squeezes the boy for only a few seconds before he glances at Eryx. "Something is wrong with the Hellhounds, Eryx, tell me what it is,"

Eryx tilts his head to the side as his eyes shift from the Hellhounds to Lucifer, then back to the Hellhounds. He nods his head once before his eyes change from pure black to a milky white. Ace watches in fascination as the yellow skinned demon stares at the Hellhounds with his milky white eyes.

"Lucifer, what is going on?" Ace wonders as he looks back at the Hellhounds who still stare at him.

"I am not sure, Ace, that is why I have brought Eryx here,"

"Who is Eryx?" Ace asks as he looks up at Lucifer.

Lucifer smiles at the smaller male. "He is the yellow skinned demon. He can read the minds of the Hellhounds and the Damned,"

"Does it hurt the Hellhounds?" Ace asks worriedly as he looks back at the Hellhounds who don't seem to fazed with the demon reading their minds.

"No, my sweet, it does not hurt them," Lucifer informs.

"Sire," Eryx finally says after a minute. Lucifer turns back to the demon, his eyes back to a soulless black.

"What have you found out, Eryx? Why do the hounds act so strange?" Lucifer questions.

"There is nothing wrong with the Hellhounds, my sire," Eryx informs. "They are only excited for the arrival of their new master,"

"Excited?" Ace questions happily as he looks back at the hounds who still stare at him.

"New master? You mean to tell me they recognize Ace as their second master?" Lucifer questions Eryx.

"Yes, my lord, they recognize your mate as their king as well, their master. They all say the same thing,"

"Which is?" Lucifer asks impatiently.

Eryx slides his gaze to Ace, who shivers under the scorching look he receives. Lucifer tightens his hold on the boy again as he glares at Eryx.

"What did they say, Eryx?" Lucifer growls out.

"They have been waiting for your mate to come home and take his rightful place next to their king. Hell was always meant to be ruled by two kings, and the Hellhounds have been waiting for their second king to rule,"

Ace is confused but he doesn't say anything as he looks up at Lucifer, who has a hard look on his face.

"How was Hell supposed to have two kings when I never intended to mate in the first place?" Lucifer growls out. Ace frowns at his words but says nothing.

Eryx tilts his head to the side as he continues to stare at Ace. "He came to Hell on his own before, the hounds tell me they saw him, even you, my lord, saw Ace Nova Williams appear on his own.

"No one can enter Hell unless they are Damned, to which they are sent directly to their destined Hell, or unless you have granted them permission. Ace was not Damned, and he did not receive passage from you, my lord. That is how you know Ace was destined to rule Hell by your side,"

"Ace did not know how he entered Hell though. He did not do it on purpose," Lucifer informs.

"This is correct. Ace is human, my lord, meaning he still needed your permission to come to Hell personally. He came in the form of a dream because it was the only way he knew how to get here,"

"Destined?" Ace asks with wide eyes. "What do you mean by that?"

"You, my young king, were born for Hell. You were always meant to rule Hell beside King Lucifer, always meant to become his mate,"

"But, if I didn't appear in that dream Lucifer would have never intruded on my brain in the first place, so how does that even work?" Ace wonders.

"It was always meant to happen that way, my young lord," Eryx informs. "Lucifer does not leave his kingdom often, meaning you would have been long dead by the time he ever visited Earth. You would have been sent to Heaven, and Lucifer would have waited another century before he visited Heaven.

"Heaven is a large place, my young lord, Lucifer would have had a tough time finding you. You could have even been reincarnated and sent back to Earth, to which Lucifer would have found you in a dream again. Lucifer would have had a pull towards you though.

"If too much time went by, Lucifer would have had a pull to go to Earth and find you. Or, he would have had a pull towards Heaven and found you that way. Either way, my young king, you were meant for Hell and Lucifer would have found you one way or the other,"

Ace smiles up at Lucifer. "Hear that Luci? I was stuck with you whether I liked it not,"

Lucifer chuckles. "And after you kept telling me off too,"

Ace grins before he turns back to the Hellhounds. "So, the Hellhounds won't hurt me?"

"No, my young king," Eryx replies. "They recognize you as their king. You could visit the Hellhounds by yourself and you would be fine. The hounds will obey you like they obey their king Lucifer. The hounds also sense what kind of person you are, they sense compassion and love from you,"

Ace raises an eyebrow as he looks back at Eryx. Then he chuckles and looks back up at Lucifer. "See, Lucifer, there is no reason to be so protective now, they won't hurt me,"

"I'm still not taking the chance," Lucifer says with a growl.

Ace sighs loudly before turning to Eryx. "Okay, so what do you mean they sense kindness and love from me? I'm not that kind actually, I just murdered my parents and neighbors in cold blood,"

Eryx nods his head. "You are kind towards the hounds and demons. You are destined to bring love and compassion to Hell,"

"Uhm," Ace mumbles as he shakes his head. "That sounds nothing like me,"

Eryx tilts his head to the side. "You have never felt like you were in the right place on Earth, did you, my young king?"

Ace bites his lower lip. "I guess not,"

"You did not care for anything Earthly,"

"Not really,"

"You prefer the heat, am I correct?"


Eryx smiles, the smile looks odd on the demon's face. "You were meant for Hell, my young king,"

"So basically, I was born in the wrong place and I should have been born a demon here in Hell instead?" Ace questions.

"No, my young lord, your time on Earth is what helps you bring love and compassion to Hell. If you were never born as a human on Earth you would not have known love and compassion,"

"I still don't know love and compassion," Ace comments. "How can I bring it here if I myself don't know it?"

"Not true," Lucifer says. "You love me and Maiz, plus, you showed compassion by saving Maiz's life, and you would not let me hurt one of the Hellhounds if they harmed you. You already know love and compassion, my sweet,"

Ace rolls his eyes. "You and Maiz are different though,"

"How so?" Lucifer questions as he turns Ace around in his arms.

"Well for one, apparently, me and you were meant for each other. And Maiz is my sister, so I sort of felt obligated to save her,"

"I see no difference,"

"It's different,"

"Then explain the Hellhounds, you already love them,"

Ace glances to the side to find a few of the Hellhounds pawing at the ground, all of them still staring at him. "They look like dogs. I liked dogs on Earth. And they don't seem bad to me, just misunderstood creatures,"

"There is your compassion," Lucifer chuckles. "Oh my sweet boy, you were meant to be Hell's king," He says before placing a kiss to Ace's forehead.

"I can't be a king, Lucifer, I wouldn't know the first thing to do, and I have Maiz to look after and raise, so I'll just leave all that to you,"

Lucifer smiles at the younger male. "You can still be king without doing what I do, Ace,"

"Like what? Stand there and look pretty next to you? No thank you," Ace grumbles. "I am not going to be some trophy husband,"

Lucifer pouts. "It sounded good to me," Ace gives him an unimpressed look, to which Lucifer only laughs it off. "I'm only kidding, love. You could do paperwork, help look after the castle, find new solutions for the villages, things like that,"

"Hell has paperwork?" Ace looks horrified, to which Lucifer laughs loudly about.

"Yes, marriage certificates, complaint mail, building permits, legal documents like that," Lucifer informs.

"Marriage certificates? Complaint mail? Building permits?" Ace looks around, all he can see is the wheat field they stand in and beyond that only dry, rocky ground. Lucifer's giant black castle can be seen not too far off into the distance. "What buildings? Who has complaints? Demons get married?"

Lucifer chuckles at this. "You have a lot to learn about your new kingdom, my love," He says and kisses Ace on the forehead again. "I will take you to a village and you can see some of the buildings. I get lots of complaints from demons all over Hell for one thing or another. And of course demons get married," He chuckles the ending.

"So, if Hell doesn't have love then why do they get married?" Ace asks. "Is it for like more land? Arranged marriages and things like that?"

"Exactly like that," Lucifer says.

Ace frowns. "You have arranged marriages here?"

Lucifer tilts his head to the side. "My sweet, Eryx already informed you that Hell does not have love. Demons are unfamiliar with the emotion. The only reason I know it is because I am an Angel as well.

"Demons do not marry or procreate out of love. They marry for more land, like you said, they marry into better families, they marry into whoever has the more wealth and fortune. They procreate to make more demons, an heir to their land and/or fortune, rarely are demons born out of love,"

"So, it's like Earth when it started out? People were practically traded by marrying them off in order to better themselves," Ace grumbles as he looks at the grass at his feet. Ace thinks it odd that this is the only part in Hell that he has seen so far with plant life.

"This is where you come in, my young king," Eryx pipes up. "You are here to teach us demons love and compassion,"

"But how am I supposed to do that?" Ace questions annoyed.

"You'll find a way, my sweet," Lucifer reassures. "Now, how about we go see how Maiz is doing?"

Ace quickly nods his head. "Yes please,"

Lucifer smiles as he wraps his arms around Ace tightly, Ace burying his face into his chest. "Thank you, Eryx, for the information. Basil, meet me in my office in about two hours,"

With that, Lucifer transports outside Sage's room inside the castle. 


Author's Blurb:

I have been getting such good responses for this book lately, and I LOVE every comment I get. :)

Your comments have motivated me to re-write this chapter and get SOMETHING posted for you. KEEP UP THE COMMENTS!! :)

If you read my NAME Series you would have known that my dog broke my USB that contained THE NEXT FEW CHAPTERS TO The Devil Himself. So, I have been trying to find somebody to fix it but the shop I took it to said it can no longer be soldered. So, I am trying to see if someone can take the chip out and extract the information off it because I had SO MANY FUCKING BOOKS ALMOST COMPLETED ON THERE!! I am having ZERO luck right now.... :(

Now I have everything backed up on my laptop and THREE other USB's. I am tired of shit happening to my USB's and making it so I cannot write. 

Since I had to re-write this chapter it did NOT happen like this originally. I had awesome shit planned for this book but I CANNOT REMEMBER!! I remembered part of this chapter, but a lot I couldn't remember. The original to this chapter was a big part of the plot, but oh well, I guess I'll make do with this for now. 

Look forward to more chapters, hopefully...

I will be re-writing the next few chapters so bear with me. 

I should have some more time to write in about a month or two since summer break is in like three weeks. But, I do have to get a job this summer to pay for my classes in the Fall, UGH. 

College sucks. 

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