
By LittleRedJewel

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What if you found out someone was obssessed with you? They followed you everywhere, left you gifts, and wante... More

Chapter 1 Meeting Charlotte
Chapter 2 Pickles (Mystery Man POV)
Chapter 3 The Box
Chapter 4 The Present (Mystery Man POV)
Chapter 5 Meeting Mystery Man
Chapter 6 Home (Mystery Man's POV)
Chapter 7 Home?
Chapter 8 Bedtime (Mystery Man POV)
Chapter 9 Her Escape
Chapter 10 His Escape (Mystery Man's POV)
Chapter 11 Found
Chapter 12 The Mall (Mystery Man's POV)
Chapter 13 School
Chapter 14 New Job (Mystery Man's POV)
Chapter 15 Student Teacher
Chapter 16 First Day (Mystery Man's POV)
Chapter 17 Movies
Chapter 18 Birthday Present (Mystery Man's POV)
Chapter 19 Birthday
Chapter 20 Taking Her-Part 1 (Mystery Man's POV)
Chapter 20 Taking Her-Part 2 (Mystery Man's POV)
Chapter 21 Terrified
Chapter 23 Tragedy
Chapter 24 Hospital (Mason's POV)
Chapter 25 The Date-Part 1
Chapter 25 The Date-Part 2
Chapter 26 Captured
Chapter 27 A Plan
Chapter 28 Maid
Cover Contest!!
Chapter 29 Damon (Mason's POV)
Chapter 30 Guest

Chapter 22 Fun (Mason's POV)

913 20 4
By LittleRedJewel

Charlotte looks at me, she had just spent the last ten minutes trying to wake me up. "Why'd you wake me up? I was having a great dream!" The dream was about her, she was happy and she loved me. We lived in the house we're in now and we had a little girl.

"I'm hungry." She says snapping me out of my thoughts. "I didn't eat anything yesterday."

I can't believe I forgot to feed her. No wonder she hates me. "Oh crap darling. Come on, let's go get you something to eat."

We walk downstairs to the kitchen and I have her sit at the table.

"What would like to eat?" She shrugs. "We have pancakes, waffles, eggs, bacon, sausage, pretty much anything you could want."

"Can I have pancakes and eggs please?" She asks quietly.

I nod and get out the ingredients and the pans. I whip the eggs and mix the pancake batter. I pour the pancakes into one pan and the eggs into another. I smirk and pick up the pancake pan, making sure Charlotte is watching, I flip the pancake and it lands back in the pan.

She looks at me shocked and I laugh. "What? I had to make a living somehow. Cooking has always been my thing."

I finish making the food and set a heaping plate in front of her. "Breakfast is served." I smile and make myself a plate, sitting across from her.

She eats about an eighth of her plate. "I'm done."

I shake my head. "Nope, eat half of the plate, at least."


I cut her off. "No buts eat what I told you to."

She groans and starts eating. I finish my food and wait until she's done with half of hers and then put the plates in the sink. I sit back across from her.

"What do you want to do today? It has to be here, though. No leaving the property."

"Can we play a board game?" Charlotte asks quietly.

I smile. "Of course, which one?"

"Monopoly." She grins. That was my first mistake.




An hour later and she owns over half of the board and I'm almost bankrupt.

"Damn it Charlotte! How are you this good?"

"Well, me and my mom used to play all the time." She smiles sadly obviously missing her mom.

"She taught you good." I roll the dice and land on one of her properties with a hotel on it.

"Damn. How much?"


I groan and toss her the rest of my money. "Damn you won. How did you do that?"

She smiles. "Strategy."

I grab a pillow from the couch behind me and chuck it at her. She laughs and dodges it before throwing it back. It hits me square and the face and she falls on her back laughing. Getting up I grin, grabbing the pillow. I walk towards her slowly and she looks up, her eyes going wide. 

"Oh no." She gets up and takes off down the hallway laughing.

"Get back here Charlotte! I need revenge!" I yell while laughing and chasing her.

I chase her through the hallways until we end up in our room. Charlotte backs up to the bed and I smirk walking up to her slowly, pushing her back on to the bed.

I lean over her and she looks up at me, biting her lip. I lean even closer, I could almost kiss her if I just moved a little closer. She looks up at me nervously and I grin.

"This. Is. Revenge." I whisper, before backing up and hitting her softly in the face. She looks shocked and I laugh.

"The. Look. On. Your. Face." I gasp out while laughing.

She throws a pillow at me, missing horribly and I laugh. I jump onto the bed, laying on my stomach. I look over at Charlotte and she's looking back at me. I smile softly and she looks away.

I wish I knew how to get her to love me. If only it was that easy. But it's not. 

"So, what next? There's a pool in the back if you want to swim." She shrugs.

"Wait actually, I have something for you. Stay." I point to the bed and walk to closet grabbing the small bag from the jewelry store. I walk back towards her, I get down on one knee and pull out the box. 

She looks terrified and I laugh softly. "Don't worry I'm not proposing." I open the box and show her the ring. "It's a promise ring, I promise to always love you and to take care of you no matter what. I promise to protect you from anyone who wants to hurt you and I promise to always, no matter what, keep you happy and healthy."

She tears up a bit and I smile, putting it on her ring finger. "I love you Charlotte, I really do."

Then, I pull out the necklace. "I also got you this. I hope you like it." I show it to her and she smiles.

"Is that your name on it? Mason?"

"Yes princess that's my real name. I thought you deserved to know now. So do you like it?"

"I do like it, thank you." I sit beside her and she turns her back to me. I brush her hair away and put the necklace around her neck, lingering for a moment, my hands on her shoulders.

I kiss her head and stand up. "So, how about that swim?"

She thinks for a second before nodding. "Okay, but I don't have a swimsuit."

I grin. "That's where you're wrong darling. I bought you one. Well actually two, I didn't know what you'd prefer. There's a plain black one and a turquoise and white polka dotted one."

I walk to the closet, pulling them out. I lay them out on the bed and she looks at them, after a few minutes she picks up the turquoise one.

"I'll wear this one." She says.

"Okay, go change. I'll change in the closet and meet you back out here."

She goes into the bathroom and I walk into the closet, picking out a pair of black swimming trunks. I change quickly and walk out into the bedroom.

Charlotte comes out a few seconds later and I can't keep my eyes off of her. She looks amazing. 

"You look gorgeous darling." I lead her out of the house into the backyard where the pool is. Her face lights up and she runs towards the pool jumping in. I watch her for a few minutes smiling. She swims around the pool like a fish and I grin, jumping in after her.

She floats on her back with her eyes closed and I come up next to her. Tapping her I yell, "Tag, you're it!", and swim away. She laughs and swims after me, catching up after a while and tagging me, it continues like this for a while until we both give up and just float on our backs.

"Today has been fun." She says from a few feet away.

I smile. "I'm really glad darling." She yawns.

"We should go inside, eat lunch and maybe take a nap. You look worn out. After the nap we can bake cookies and watch a movie or something."

We swim to the edge of the pool and pull ourselves out of the pool. We walk inside and she sits down at the table.

"What would you like to eat darling?"

"A sandwich is fine." 

I pull out the things to make sandwiches and make a couple. I set two plates on the table and a bag of chips as well.

We eat in silence, both of us too tired to hold conversation. Then, we go upstairs. I change into a pair of pajama pants and Charlotte changes into shorts and a shirt. I wait for her to lay down and then lay down beside her. 

"Sweet dreams darling." I whisper.




I wake up first this time and sit up on the bed, watching her sleep. I know it's a little weird, but she's just so damn beautiful. After a few minutes she starts to stir and opens her beautiful eyes. I can't help but smile at her and she smiles back.

"Are you ready to make cookies?" I ask smiling.

She grins. "Yes! Can we make chocolate chip?"

I laugh softly. "Of course darling."

I let her wake up all the way and then help her out of bed.

"I'll race you." I challenge her, grinning.

"You're on." She runs off.

"Hey!" I call out. "That's cheating!" I run after her, catching up quickly and grabbing her, swinging her around in my arms, she giggles and squirms around. 

"Let me down! You're cheating!" I throw her over my shoulder, carrying her to the kitchen. I sit her down on the counter and grin.

"It's a tie. We both win."

She pouts. "It's not fair, you picked me up."

"And? You ran ahead. So, we're even."

I start getting out the ingredients for the cookies. "For dinner, do you want to order pizza?" 

She nods immediately. "Yes! Can we get extra cheese? Please?"

"Of course darling, anything for you. Do you want to start on the cookies while I order?"

"Sure." She says and hops off the counter. I grab my phone, walking into the other room and call the pizza place, ordering our pizza and a bottle of soda.

I walk back into the kitchen. "Okay, the pizza will be here in about an hour."

"Okay." She tells me while mixing ingredients in the mixer. She stops it and looks at me.

"Do you want to mix in the chocolate chips?" She asks.

"Yes!" She giggles and moves over so I can mix in the chocolate chips. I eat a couple and she smacks my arm lightly.

"Hey! Save them for the cookies!" I laugh and finish mixing.

We put the cookies on pans and out the first batch in the oven.

"Do you want to put in a movie while we wait?" I ask.

"Sure, let's go." I lead her into the living room.

"What do you want to watch?" I gesture towards the bookcase full of movies. "We have a lot of movies."

She walks over looking at the movies. A few minutes later she walks back over with a movie. 

"Can we watch this?" She holds up 'Camp Rock'. 

I stifle a laugh. "Whatever you want darling." I take the movie from her and put it into the DVD player. We sit on the couch and I press play.

Half an hour later the doorbell rings. I kiss Charlotte's head and get up. "I'm going to go get the pizza, I'll be right back."

"Okay." She says, not really paying attention.

I grab my wallet and walk to the door. I open it and pay for the pizza, taking it from the delivery boy. "Thanks for the pizza." I give him his tip and shut the door, before walking back into the living room.

"Darling are you ready to eat?" She stretches and gets up.

"Yes, I'm starving."

I set the pizza on the table and walk into the kitchen, getting two plates and two glasses. We serve ourselves and finish watching the movie.

Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter, I like it, there's a lot of fluff not much really happens but the bond between Charlotte and Mason grows. See you guys in the next chapter!

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