Steve Rogers Imagines

By TaylorHearted

940K 17.7K 6.4K

List of Steve Rogers imagines. I suck at descriptions, but Enjoy!!! More

Fluffy Surprise.
Fair is Foul
Stop talking about love for a minute and help me with this bullet wound.
No Arguing
No Arguing Part 2
No one else but me
Captain's Little Secret
Cooking Catastrophe
Never Noticed
Make Out or Take Out
Don't Forget
Good for You
Drunk In Love
Late Night
Santa Baby!!!
Jealous Steve would include...
Soft Kisses
15 facts about Me!
Eyes Up Here
A Very Merry Christmas #1
A Very Merry Christmas #2
A Very Merry Christmas #3
Live and Die #1
Dating Steve Rogers would include...
"Sparring" with Chris Evams would include...
Steve getting tinder would include...
It's a date.
Dating Steve Rogers would include...(pt 2)
Steve Rogers adapting to the 21st century would include...
Team Cap Carpool Headcanons
Oops I actually forgot to name this one
Steve's bucket list would include...
The Big One
Valentine's Day
Meme War.
Ever Since New York.
Ever Since New York #2
Ever Since New York #3
Steve Rogers learning about periods would include
Author's Note.
Couldn't talk yourself out of it?
The thick one.
New Year's Day
M'just Jealous
Steve's Night Out
M'half your size
Okay. Go.
Request #1
Why would I ever leave you?

Who's this Wattpad.

8.3K 148 66
By TaylorHearted

So since the last two chapters were pretty angsty and intense I decided to put this chatroom sort of thing, I hope you like it. Please Vote, Comment and Share, show this chaper some lovin'

Y/n has created a chatroom.

Y/n has invited Nat and Wanda.

Y/n: Okay girls, I have something important to show you.

Nat: I'm intrigued?

Wanda: Is it naked Thor?



Wanda: What, girl has her needs.

Wanda: But you're seriously not going to tell me he's not hot.

Y/N: He's old.

Wanda: You mean, he's hot for an old guy.

Nat: Y/n, Cap and Bucky are almost hundred but that doesn't stop you from gushing over them.

Y/N: Nah, he's just pretty much old.

Wanda: Y/n stop, you're not fooling anyone.

Y/N: About that, I have something to share with you, as I already mentioned but you girls have a concentration of a two year old, so.

Nat: Hey don't assault, I may have a concertation of a child, but I certainly don't punch like one.

Wanda: Y/n do you feel like flying?

Y/N: What do you mean?

Y/N: Not funny Wanda, LET ME THE FUCK DOWN.

Wanda: Since you asked so nicely.

Y/N: Damn you, Wanda.

Y/N: By let me down, I didn't mean throw me into wall and almost break all of my bones.

Nat: Wanda, sometimes I think you're bigger child than Tony.

Y/N: Let's face it, you can never be bigger child than Tony.

Nat: Ah, true story.

Y/N: Will you now finally let me say what I have to say?

Wanda: Spill your soul, honey.

Y/N: You know I was telling you about Wattpad and fanfictions, yeah?

Nat: I think I still quiet don't get it.

Y/N: Anyways, I found this amazing fanfiction about Steve and Bucky.

Y/N: It gave me all kind of different feelings.

Nat has added Bucky and Steve.

Nat: Guys, I think Y/n wants to tell you something.


Y/N: You better start running.

Steve has added Tony, Sam, Thor, Clint and Vision.

Y/N: Oh thanks Steve.

Steve: Anytime.

Steve: Now do you want to explain yourself?

Thor: May I just inquire, who is this Wattpad you're speaking of?

Clint: Buddy, you don't even wanna know.

Tony: As I wise man once said, stay away from Wattpad. You don't wanna get involved.

Sam: It's not who, it's a site on the internet.

Steve: Tony, who was that "wise man"?

Y/N: I agree with Clint and Tony, it's not for innocence people like you, Thor.

Vision: My sources say Wattpad is an online storytelling community where users post written works such as articles, stories, fan fiction, and poems, either through the website or the mobile app. The is submitted by writers of all levels who are given an equal chance to write popular works. Users are able to comment and like stories or join groups associated with the website.

Thor: I am not innocence.

Thor: I've killed many enemies and I fear nothing. One little foolish page can't do much.

Sam: Yep, definitely too green for Wattpad.

Tony: Simply, a site where people usually write stories and  stuff about their favourite celebrity.

Tony: Me of course.

Wanda: Vision, did you take that from Wikipedia?

Clint: Oh you just console yourself with that, Thor.

Vision: My sources gave me this information.

Steve: Why did I even ask anything?

Y/N: You're our little innocence puppy.

Bucky: I still want to know about that fanfiction that you found

Thor: I can assure you I am not a puppy.

Bucky: Is it good?

Sam: Bucky, your gay is showing.

Tony: Oh Thor.

Thor: Mr. Barnes, I didn't know you were homosexual.

Bucky: I am not.

Vision has left the chat.

Y/N: Face it Buck, we all know you got hot's for our captain America.

Steve: We are very good friends.

Nat: That's what they all say, "JUST FRIENDS"

Wanda: Wait am I the only one here that's team Stony?

Clint: No you're not.

Thor: What's team Stony?

Sam: No Thor

Sam: You don't want to know.

Sam: You should just leave and never ever mention Wattpad again.

Sam: Or fanfictions.

Thor: How dare you tell son of Odin, god of Thunder to leave?


Y/N: I love you Sam, but THOR LISTEN TO BUCKY.

Y/N: Just tell me when you're about to do it cuz I want to film it.

Y/N: Imagine how many notes I would get for that.

Sam: O thanks Y/N, I really appreciate it.

Nat: You know when love you, but that would be spectacular.

Thor: All right guys, be right back.

Thor: Or how you kids write it.

Thor: BRB

Sam has been disconnected

Thor has left the chat.

Nat: I have to see this.

Nat has left the chat.

Wanda: Right behind you.

Y/N: Film it for me.

Wanda has left the chat.

Y/N: Thanks to Wanda I can't go now.

Tony: Well I will film it for you Y/N.

Tony has left the chat.

Bucky: So the fanfiction, what was it about?

Y/N: Oh you know, basic stuff.

Clint: Wait Y/N, is it that one that you showed me like a week ago?

Y/N: Yep that would be the one.

Steve: I am curios now, what was it about? Beside me and Bucky.

Clint: That is peace of art.

Y/N: Every fanfiction is a piece of art.

Thor has joined the chat.

Bucky: I can agree on that one.

Bucky: Not because I read them.

Bucky: But because people put effort in it, you know.

Steve: Just stop Bucky, you're embarrassing yourself.

Thor: I've got him lady Y/n, just like you said.

Thor: Oh no, that was Mr. Barnes.

Thor: Anyhow, he was lightning like a Christmas tree.

Y/N: Man I wish I could've see that.

Clint: I will go check on him.

Clint: And don't worry, I will take photos.

Clint has left the chat.

Steve: maybe I would pay him a visit too.

Thor: Oh it's nothing.

Steve has left the chat.

Thor: I didn't hurt him that badly.

Bucky: I still want to know about that fanfiction.

Y/N: God damn it, it was about you and Steve Fucking, will you shut up now?

Thor: So you are homosexual, Mr. Barnes?

Bucky: No, I am not.

Bucky: But would you mind sending me link tho?

Thor: I want to read it too.

Y/N: No Thor, I will find you some fanfiction about Jane and you.

Y/N: Meanwhile, don't hit me with no thunder.

Y/N: Bucky come to my room and I will show you.

Thor: I would never hurt you, Lady Y/N.

Thor: Only because you would hurt me ten times more.

Bucky has left the chat.

Y/N: Ah my child.

Thor: You have a child, Lady Y/N?

Y/N: No Thor, I don't, but I may adopt you.

Thor: I don't think that will be quiet possible, considering my age.

Y/N: Yeah but your mental age is three so it's fine.

Y/N has left the chat

Thor: I do not have a mental age of a three year old.

Thor: Oh she left.

Thor: But I do enjoy the chocolate.

Thor: Was that what she meant?

Thor has left the chat.

PS: I know this was Stve and Bucky lol but I love them so much!!!!!!

PPS: Harry Styles is fucking hot...pass it on....

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