Out Running the Alpha

By JordynnCanelis

60.9K 3.2K 386

Britney's life has always been different moving being shuffled through the foster system with her twin Brando... More

The Beginning
Two truths and One Lie
A Star Wars Rerun
An unfortunate event
A Beast or Prince Charming
It's Not the Freaking Bachelorette
The Worst Date Ever
The Man Who Would Be King
The Beast of Gevaudan
Et Tu Brutus
Grayson's P.O.V
Everythings Not As It Seems
Que the Tragic Backstory
He's Back and She's Gone
Once Bitten and Twice Shy
Bastien's P.O.V
Just A Girl Standing In Fron Of A Boy
Damn Your Love, Damn Your Lies
The Beginning of the End
Family Matters
Masons P.O.V
This is How a Heart Breaks
Just a Fool
Unflattering Truths
A Gilded Cage
The kindly Ones
Monster Mash
Out Of The Frying Pan
Into the Fire
Wonder Woman Wanna Be
Battle Cry
Unavoidable Loss

Gone Girl

1.7K 95 6
By JordynnCanelis

I shivered walking along the back road as night fell. I wish I had had the foresight to grab a jacket before I'd left, but I had to get back and warn my dad and Brandon about what Bastien was planning on doing. Bastien was busy training his pack members to be ready for all-out war and my friends and family were clueless about what he had planned. If Bastien launched a surprise attack all of them would be dead. I suddenly wondered if my dream would have anything to do with that. Would Brandon blame me for Bastien's war if I was unable to get away and warn them and did that make him trying to kill me ok? I didn't know and I hoped that I would never have to find out.

All I needed was to get a ride to the city where I could get away Bastien and call home. If I could warn my dad and/ or Brandon then they would at least have a fighting chance against Bastiens pack of vicious Silver Bloods. If I thought it would have helped I would have tried to go to the police, but I didn't know how far Bastiens reach extended and I didn't want to risk challenging it.

I jogged lightly knowing that as soon as I was discovered missing I wouldn't have long and would have little chance of avoiding them if I hadn't managed to catch a ride by then. I'd been walking for over an hour and I still hadn't seen any cars, but I had made it past a group of houses that I assumed was where most of the Silver Blood pack members who didn't live up at the compound lived so at least I had that going for me.

When I heard wolves howling in the distance I started to panic. I could either chance staying on the road where I could get a ride, but they would be able to find me faster. On the other hand, if I decided to venture off the road I would have no chance of getting a ride. I decided that while it might give me a little more time to leave the road it would just put off the Silver Bloods finding me. My only chance at getting home was to find a ride.

I sped up my pace as I heard more wolves in the distance. I had known that Bastien might want to hunt me down by himself out of pride or possessiveness. Behind me, I heard the faint sound of a car coming down the road and I held out my thumb my heart beating frantically in my chest. I prayed that whoever was driving this car wasn't a member of the Silver Blood pack. The car slowed and pulled off to the side of the road.

The driver rolled down the window revealing a cute normal looking college guy. After being surrounded by Were's I'd forgotten what normal people looked like. "Hey are you all right?" he asked with a concerned look on his face. "It's really cold outside and you don't even have a jacket".

"I just need a ride and to call someone," I said hopefully while I prayed that he was just a good guy who wanted to help out a defenseless girl.

"Of course get in?" he said I hurried around the side of the car hopping in. "Where too?" he asked.

"As close as you can get me to an airport" I tried to give him a smile, but it fell flat.

"Look I don't want to pry, but are you in some sort of trouble?" he asked tentatively. "There are some weird people around these parts and you looked half terrified when I pulled over."

"I just need to get away from those people and back home. In all fairness they've noticed I'm gone by now and they'll be coming after me," I told him wanting to give him an out. As much as I wanted to escape I didn't want to put this nice guy in danger.

"I would be a pretty bad night in shining armor if I let the damsel fall back into the clutches of the beast," he laughed "But in all seriousness should I take you to the police."

"No these people are... influential," I said trying to find the right word to describe them that wasn't werewolf "I just need to get home. My family can protect me".

"Alright then," He shrugged off his jacket. "You should take this you're shivering." I thanked him as he cranked up the heat.

"I'm Cole by the way," He smiled at me.

"Britney," I said before looking over my shoulder back towards the compound looking for any sign of Weres following us.

He let me sit in silence as we drove. I subtly manipulated the air currents in an attempt to calm myself. I should have been thrilled that I was getting away from Bastien, but I was still nervous. Everything had been too easy so far and if I was going to get away from Bastien it would be anything but easy.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked unable to help myself. Most people would have dumped me right back on the side of the road when I told him about the danger I was in and that he would be in just because he helped me. Even if I did manage to get to the airport I didn't believe for one second that Bastien would just let me go. He would hunt down Cole and then come for me.

"Because you need help and I like to think that it's my calling to help people," he said cryptically "Plus I'm a sucker for a beautiful girl."

"Do you want a cheese plate for that line?" I smiled at him.

"Hey don't knock the truth," He winked at me.

"Do you have a cell phone I could use?" I asked hopefully. I knew Brandon's cell and my dad's home phone by heart.

"Sorry, but my batteries dead. When we get to the airport they should have some payphones and I can give you some change to call home," He said easily and I relaxed slightly.

After driving for about half an hour the guy slowed pulling into a gas station. I stiffened nervously and Cole noticed. "Relax I just need to go to the bathroom and get some gas. If you need me I'll be right inside if you need me" he gently patted my leg before heading inside.

I got out of the car pacing nervously. "That was a very stupid thing you tried to do," a voice growled behind me.

"Leave me alone Bastien" I backed up. I focused on the elements that were around me. I focused on earth using my energy to make thick vines grow from the ground and bind him. Enraged he broke through them easily. I turned to air trying to summon a gust that would blow him clear into next week, but he kept his feet firmly planted. I sagged exhausted and Bastien advance on me. He had just been weathering my elemental attacks so that I would tire myself out. I had figured out his strategy too late.

"You let him touch you," he growled looking at Cole's jacket "His scent is all over you." He tore the jacket off me and I yelped falling to the ground. My palms and knees stung as they struck the gravel, but I scrambled to my feet. Even if I didn't have any more energy to spend creating an elemental attack, but I was going to be damned if I just lay down and let him drag me back to the compound. I saw a shovel lying on the ground. I grabbed it swinging at Bastien catching his chiseled face. He didn't crumble as I expected him to. He yanked the shovel out of my hands breaking it over his knee.

"You put up a good fight. There is no shame in acquiescing when you know you're beaten. Now it's time to go," he growled looking at me with a strange pride. He gripped my shoulders tightly.

"I will never stop fighting you," I snapped kneeing him in the balls. He doubled over in pain, but still didn't let go of one of my arms.

"Enough childness Britney," He snapped tugging hard on my arm.

"Hey, you leave her alone," Cole said running out just as Bastien yanked me to my feet.

Bastien smiled sinisterly letting go of my arm "This doesn't concern you."

"Of course it does. You're hurting an innocent girl who is under my protection," he said pulling out a badge. He was a cop. He pulled out a gun and Bastien growled. "Now Sir please unhand the girl and put your hands over your head," he said.

"Please just leave him alone," I begged, grabbing Bastiens arm. I didn't want this sweet guy to die for me.

"Just stay back Brittney. I'll take care of this," Cole called to me. I wanted to tell him to get into his car and run. "Please Cole just let me go. I don't want you to get hurt. You've done more for me than I could have asked," I begged him.

"Don't you dare say her name. You shouldn't even look at her," Bastien growled lunging for Cole. I screamed as the gun went off and Bastien shifted into his wolf form. There was a struggle, but I couldn't make out what was going on. It was a blur of black fur, clothing, claws, and teeth. There was a sickening death rattle, but I couldn't tell if it was from Bastien or Cole. I inched closer and Bastien shifted from his wolf form back to his human one. He was completely naked and covered in blood.

"You killed him," I cried shocked. Despite everything that I had been through I had never actually seen a dead body much less seen someone I know die in front of me let alone die for me. The body was barely recognizable. His torso had been shredded to bloody ribbons and Bastien had even taken time to carve up the face. I threw up what little I had in my stomach falling to my knees weeping. I had barely known Cole, but from what I did know about him he didn't deserve to die like this.

Bastien grabbed me throwing me over his shoulder and I gagged at the scent of blood covering him and the slickness I felt as it rubbed onto my skin.

"Put me down Bastien," I cried pounding on his back, but he just started running back towards the compound.

While it had taken me a couple of hours to get away from the compound it took Bastien less than half an hour to get back even running with me over his shoulder. He didn't stop until he threw me down onto his bed. It was a terrifying sight to behold his naked body covered in dirt, sweat, and blood. "Stay," was all he said to me before storming out. I heard him yell to Jax and Flint "Don't' let her out of this room or I promise I won't be as forgiving as I was the last time you failed me." I shuddered to realize how much trouble my little escapade could have gotten Jax and Flint into.

I curled myself into a ball too shocked to move. I couldn't stop seeing Cole's face in my mind smiling at me as Bastien carved him up. It was my fault he had died and nothing had changed. I hadn't escaped Bastien and I hadn't been able to call my father or Brandon and let them know about Bastien's plans. At this point, I wouldn't have blamed Brandon if he wanted to kill me. Somehow Cole's carved face became my dad's, then Brandon's then Graysons. Poor sweet Grayson. I was never going to see him again and he was going to die. More than likely knowing how possessive Bastien was he would kill Grayson himself. I wept harder thinking about Grayson. If only he had told me he was his mate sooner then maybe everything would have been different. We might have had a chance at a life together. It would have been a weird one full of Were business, but we could have been happy. If he had told me earlier I never would have gone off with Bastien and none of this would have happened.

I heard the door open and bit down hard on my lip to stop crying. He stalked towards me and I sat very still. Bastien had put on a pair of loose basketball shorts that hung low on his frame.

"You disobeyed my direct orders," he growled advancing on me. I backed up as far as I could from him against the headboard. "It looks like there's only one way I'm going to be able to make you obey," he said taking my chin in his hands which were still covered in Coles blood. His thumb ran across my cheek smearing the blood on my face.

"I didn't want it to happen this way Brittney, but you've given me no choice," He whispered forcibly turning my head so my neck was exposed he buried his face in my neck inhaling deeply. "I still don't understand how you can smell so intoxicating," he groaned in pleasure.

"Please don't" I sobbed understanding what he was planning on doing.

"You gave me no choice" He repeated kissing my neck with surprising gentleness despite what he was planning to do. Despite my horror at what I knew was going to happen a shiver of pleasure ran down my spine at his gentle kisses down my neck and onto my collarbone.

"Don't" I gasped feebly trying to push him off me as his teeth grazed my skin. Bastien ignored me intensifying his kiss. He pinned me down with his body and used one of his large hands to hold my wrists above my head. He moved down from my neck to where my neck connected to my shoulder. I heard Bastien growl under his breath as his human teeth morphed into his wolf ones.

I screamed as his fangs pierced my skin crying out in pain. Even worse than the pain though was the white-hot pleasure that replaced it. It was as if we were merging together and I fought against it, but it was incredibly painful like trying to tear yourself in half. I sagged unable to fight it any longer right before Bastien released me.

"I hate you," I whispered tearfully.

Bastien smiled sadly at me and I knew that he felt my anger as surely as I felt his sadness. He kissed my forehead softly "I know and I'll spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you. Now you should go shower," He said the last part as a command and I found myself powerless to resist. It didn't matter what I did now. I was bound to him for better or for worse.


Authors Note: Sorry about the short chapter, but I'll try to update it with a longer one soon!

Please comment with the feedback, if you like the direction that I've taken the story in and where would you like it to go in the future. Do you guys want to know more about the Rouges, Bastien and the Silver Blood, or a possible vampire storyline :)

Thank you all for your readership and answer in the comments

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