The Half-Blood Princess (A Sn...

By JessicaRivera821

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This story takes place after the war. Severus Snape survives Nagini's bite. This is a story about Astoria Al... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Epilogue-11 Years Later

Chapter 20

629 14 6
By JessicaRivera821

Once the reception ended, everyone starts to leave, shaking hands with Snape and hugging Astoria. Harry smiles as he shook Snape's hand, "Congrats, Severus. Maybe from here on out, you can join Ginny and I on double dates." Snape chuckles, "Perhaps, Harry. I do look forward to that, though." Harry smiles, "Good. I'll keep you posted and let you know. So that I can see what day is a good day for the both of us." Snape nods, "Good. Let us know." Harry said, "I will, Severus. Have a good evening you two." Snape and Astoria said, "We will." They look at each other again and chuckle. Harry chuckles and then leaves with Ginny, Ron and Hermione. Draco hugs Snape and said "Congratulations, Godfather. I never thought I would see the day that you would finally be married." Snape smiles, "Thank you, Draco. I never thought I'd see the day that I would be married, myself. I never thought something like this would ever happen to someone like me." Draco smiles, "Well, it has, Godfather and I'm happy for you." Snape smiles, "Thank you Draco. I hope that when you two get married, that you will invite Astoria and I to your wedding?" Draco replies. "Of course. You're family to me, as is Astoria." Snape smiles, "Good. I look forward to that, Draco." Draco smiles and hugs him again, "I love you, Godfather. Thank you for looking out for me and for all that you've done." Snape smiles as he hugs him back, "I love you too, Draco. You're family to me and family comes first." Astoria smiles as she watches the two of them hug each other. Draco let's go and said, "We have to go now, Godfather. Have a good evening." Snape smiles, "The same to you, Draco. Have a good evening." Draco smiles, then leads Astoria Greengrass outside so they could apparate.

Eleanor closes the door and locks it, then leads Astoria and Snape to the parlor, where Edward was waiting for them. Snape sat down, while Astoria stood by his side. Eleanor stood by Edward's side and smiles at them. Edward smiles and said, "Congratulations to you both. The wife and I are very happy for the both of you." Snape smiles and said, "Thank you, Edward." Edward continues, "Tomorrow you two will be going on your honeymoon. So, I took the liberty of buying a cottage by the ocean for the two of you to go on your honeymoon. You may also use it as a beach house for when you two have children." Snape and Astoria look in shock at one another, before looking back at Edward. Snape spoke first, "I don't know what to say.....Thank you very much Edward." Astoria now spoke, "Father, I.... wow!! Thank you!!!" Edward chuckles, "You two deserve a nice getaway for a couple of days and what better than staying by the beach. Where you can hear the ocean crash along the shoreline, collect seashells, or go for long walks along the shoreline. Quite romantic if I do say so myself. It's where the wife and I like to go sometimes to relax." Snape and Astoria smiles at Edward. Snape said, "Thank you." Edward said, "You are most welcome." Edward takes out the keys from his pocket and hands it to Snape. Snape takes it then looks at Edward. Edward said, "The keys to the cottage." Snape said, "Ah thank you." Snape pockets the keys and says, "So Astoria and I can go now if we wish to?" Edward says, smiling, " Of course, you two may go whenever you wish. It's fully furnished. You two may go first thing tomorrow, after breakfast of course." Snape nods, "Of course." Eleanor smiles, "I am going to go and help the house elves clean up, Edward." Edward smiles, "Alright, my dear. I will get ready for bed myself." Eleanor said, "Alright Edward, I'll be up in a little bit." Eleanor kisses Edward then heads to the ballroom to clean up. Edward kisses Eleanor back, gets up and said, smiling, "I will see you two, tomorrow. Good night." Snape said, "Good night, Edward." As Astoria said, "Good night, father." Snape and Astoria gets up and goes upstairs. Astoria went to her room and took off her dress and slips into her pajamas, while Snape went to his room and changed too. Astoria left her room and walks to Snape's room and knocks. Snape had just put on his night shirt when she knocks. He goes and answers the door, "Astoria, my newly wedded wife, what brings you to my room?" Astoria smiles, "I thought since we're married now, maybe we could sleep together. You know snuggle, talk and such." Snape smiles and opens the door wider, "Of course, my love." Astoria smiles and enters his room. Astoria said, "Father truly did outdid himself when he set up your room didn't he?" Snape closes the door and smiles, "Yes he did." Snape walks up behind her and wraps his arms around her. Astoria leans against his chest and smile. Snape said, "This is all so new to me. Me married to you." Astoria smiles, "It's all new for me too, Sev." Snape smiles and starts to kiss her neck. Astoria closes her eyes and smiles allowing him to. Suddenly Snape lifts her off her feet and carries her bridal-style, to the bed. Astoria lets out a squeal of surprise at being suddenly lifted off her feet, then giggles as she sees that she is being lead to his bed. Snape chuckles as she lays her down on the bed and moves to lay on top of her. Astoria grins, "My my, someone's in a naughty mood tonight." Snape chuckles, "I have you to blame for that, my love." Astoria, looking playfully shocked, said, "Oh really? Moi? You had it in you this whole time, Sev. I took the liberty of bringing that out of you. So, I guess in a way, I suppose I am to blame for that." Snape chuckles and with a playful smirk, said, "Well, now that I have you right where I want you, I can ravish you. We have all night you know." Astoria giggles, "I know, Sev. By all means, ravish me." Snape chuckles and starts to kiss her deeply. Astoria kisses him back just as deeply. Both knowing that this night will be filled with lust, passion, and love.

The next morning, Snape awoke and looks over at his wife, Astoria and smiles. Last night was just as incredible as the first time they have done it. What a way to end the night. Snape starts to kiss Astoria up and down her neck, then move to her cheek, then lips. Astoria let out a moan and smiles as she begins to wake up and kisses Snape back. Astoria opens her eyes, turns to look at him and smiles. Snape smiles and said, "Good morning, love." Astoria smiles as she stretches, "Good morning, Sev." She snuggles into him and smiles, "Last night was incredible!" Snape chuckles, "I was thinking the same thing." He leans down and kisses her again, then said, "I love you so much, Astoria." Astoria kisses back and smiles, "I love you too, Sev. I love you more than you will ever know." Eleanor knocks on the door the said through the door, "I had a feeling you would be with your husband, Astoria." Astoria chuckles, "Mother!" Eleanor chuckles, "Breakfast is ready you two." Astoria replies back, chuckling, "Ok Mother. We will be right down!" Eleanor heads to the dining room, smiling. Astoria looks at Snape, smiling, "I guess we should get ready for breakfast. We do have to go on our honeymoon, you know." Snape chuckles, a gleam in his eyes, "Oh, we don't have to go down just yet, love." Astoria raises an eyebrow, playfully, " Oh? Why not, Sev?" Snape said with a slight smirk, "Because I want to ravish you once more before we get out of bed." Astoria giggles, "Ah I see." Snape chuckles and starts to kiss her. She kisses back wrapping her arms and legs around him, as they made love to each other once more.

Snape and Astoria got dressed soon after. Snape waving his wand over the bed to clean it before heading downstairs. Astoria gets dressed and meets Snape at the stairs. Snape takes her hand and together, they go to the dining room. They sit down and starts to have breakfast. Astoria having eggs, bacon and sausage for breakfast with orange juice and tea. Snape was having bacon, eggs and toast with tea. Edward smiles at the two of them and said, "How are you two this morning?" Snape smiles and said, "Very well, thank you." Astoria said, "I am doing well, thank you father." Edward smiles, "Good. You two must be looking forward to the first day of your honeymoon." Snape and Astoria look at each other and smile. Snape turns back to Edward and said, "Yes we are." Edward chuckles, "I remember my first day on our honeymoon, don't you Eleanor?" Eleanor smiles dreamly, "Oh, I most certainly do, Edward." Snape and Astoria chuckles at them. Edward chuckles, and said, "I'm sure your honeymoon will be just as memorable as ours." Snape smiles, "I truly hope so."

After breakfast Snape and Astoria went to their rooms to pack up for their honeymoon. Snape packed the essentials he need so that he can brew potions that can protect him and her from the sun as well as make it water proof, so that it wouldn't come off when they go swimming. He shrunk and packed his cauldron, then he packed some muggle clothes that he had brought with him, including his black swimming shorts. He hasn't gone swimming in years, so he looked forward to swimming with Astoria, when they arrived there. After packing his toiletries, he closes his trunk, shrinks it and put it in his pocket. He left his room and went to Astoria's room. Astoria smiles upon seeing him. She was nearly packed herself, but she was having trouble deciding which bathing she wanted to take with her. She picks both of them up and shows Snape, "Which one should I take with me, Sev?" Snape looked at the two set of bathing suits she was holding up. One was a pink and grey striped halter bikini. The other was a black tank top style bikini that came with the black bottom half of the bikini. Snape smiles and points to the striped one. Astoria giggles, "I had a feeling you would pick that one. Stripe one it is then." She goes and pack the stripped bikini along with her camera as Snape chuckles. She puts the black one away, then closes her trunk and shrinks it. She picks it up and puts it in her pocket, then turns to Snape, smiling, "I'm ready now, Sev." Snape smiles and gives her a kiss, which she returns gladly. He takes her hand and the both of them goes down stairs to meet Eleanor and Edward at the door.

Both Edward and Eleanor stood there smiling. Edward said, "Enjoy yourselves you two. I will see you both the day before term starts." Snape smiles, "It's a good thing I planned those lessons early for when term starts. Otherwise I would be doing them now instead of enjoying the honeymoon with my wife." Astoria smiles, "I agree. I stocked up the shelves in the Hospital Wing early so that I would have time to enjoy the rest of the summer with you, Sev." Snape smiles at Astoria, love clearly in his eyes. Eleanor smiles, "Have a good time you two. I hope to see many pictures of you two, when you both return from your honeymoon." Snape smiles, "You will, Eleanor." Eleanor and Edward hug their daughter. Edward shook Snape's hand, then Eleanor hugs Snape. Snape hugs her back, smiling. Once Eleanor lets go, Snape opens the door and takes Astoria's hand, "I will see you, Eleanor and Edward, when we return from our honeymoon." Eleanor said, "Until then, Severus." Edward smiles as he stood by the door. Astoria said, smiling, "See you in a week mother, father!" Edward and Eleanor said, "See you then, Astoria." Snape and Astoria walk down the path to the gates. Astoria waves her wand and the gates open once more. They walk passed the gate. Astoria waves her wand at the gates once more and they close. They walk a few feet away and stop.

Snape looks at the words on the piece of parchment. It said: 'White Cottage on the beach.' Snape pockets the parchment and takes her hand, "Hold on, love." Astoria smiles as she holds on. Snape apparates them to a cottage on the beach. Snape, with an expression of surprise on his face, walks towards the cottage, taking an equally surprised Astoria with him. The cottage was small but spacious, with a second floor. The wrap around porch, door and walls were white. The windows were white with black window shutters. The steps were made of a dark shade of oak. The roof with dark brown tiles. There was two light brown wicker chair with a light brown wicker table between the two on the porch. There was a rowboat nearby, beached on the shoreline. They look out to the ocean, listening to the ocean crashing along the shoreline. It was a breathtakingly beautiful sight to see. Snape says, "Welcome to our first day of our honeymoon." Astoria smiles. Together, they walk up the steps to the front door. Snape takes out the key and puts it in the lock, He turns the key and the lock clicks. Snape opens the door and walks inside with Astoria. They saw a small living room, There were two sofas, a coffee table and two high back arm chairs near the fireplace. The fireplace itself was made of stone with sea shells all over it. There was a small book shelf to one side of the room, near the kitchen. In the kitchen, was a table for two, a stove, and some cabinets, with plates and silverware. To the right of the kitchen was a pantry filled with food and ingredients to cook with. It was charmed to keep the food cold. Opposite the pantry was another door. They enter it to find the bathroom. The bathroom was a light shade of green and blue to mimic the ocean. The bathtub to the left of them was white mixed with a light brown, but its shape was quite peculiar. The bathtub was in the shape of a sea shell, so was the sink. There was a shower to the right with glass sliding doors. The glass was carved with sea shells on them. Snape and Astoria smiles, as hand in hand, they went upstairs. Upstairs were 2 bedrooms. One clearly for them, another for when they would come here as a family, for a nice summer vacation. Snape and Astoria hug one another, smiling, imagining what it would be like to come here in the future with children. The bedroom, where they would sleep in, had a queen-size bed, a dresser, 2 bedside table with candle-lit lamps, and a wardrobe. The second bedroom had two twin-size beds, two dressers, a bed side table for each bed, and a toy chest. The room was a light blue with the frame of the windows being white. The walls in their room was a cream color with brown around the base of their windows. They go to their room and unpack.

After they finish unpacking, they sat on the porch to relax. Astoria asks, "What would you like to do now, Sev?" Snape looks to Astoria, thoughtfully, and said, "I'm not sure, to be honest." Astoria smiles, "I have an idea. Since we have our swimsuits, let's go swimming!" Snape chuckles, "Alright, love." They go inside to change into their bathing suits. Snape was the first to come out wearing his swimming shorts. Feeling the warm sun on his sallow skin. He was skinny but not too skinny. He obviously gain some much needed weight to fill him out a little. Thanks to the food he ate at Hogwarts. Astoria came out a moment later wearing her bikini. Her hair in a ponytail. Snape's jaw drop once more at seeing her in a bikini. Snape said, "Damn! How did I get so lucky to have you?!" Astoria laughs, "Do I really look that good?" Snape chuckles, "You look incredibly attractive, my love. I may have to curse other men to keep them away from you." Astoria chuckles again, "Shall we?" Snape smiles and takes her hand as they walk towards the water. They gingerly enter the water, noting how cold the water was. Once they reached waist-high. Well, waist-high for her, the water just goes past Snape's hips, since he was much taller than her. Astoria dove underwater and swam around as did Snape. Astoria suddenly felt someone or something pull her legs out from under her. Astoria twists around to see who or what had pulled her legs out from under her. Only to find a grinning Snape pulling her close. His jet-black hair all over the place, underwater. Astoria grins as they kissed underwater. They came up for air a moment later. Snape's wet hair plastered to his face. Snape brushes his hair back and chuckles at Astoria, "Did I scare you?" Astoria laughs, "You scared me half to death!" Snape laughs at hearing that. Oh his laugh was music to her ears. His laugh was as baritone and silky as his voice, so warm and happy!  Astoria couldn't help but laugh along with him. It was contagious. After they both calmed down, Snape wraps his arms around Astoria and pulls her close, "This will be a honeymoon to remember. I will make sure of that, my love." Astoria looks at Snape with lust and passion in her eyes as she said rather seductively, "Oh, I know you will, Sev." Snape smirks as he leans in and kisses her deeply. Astoria kisses back just as deeply, as she wraps her legs and arms around him. Snape moves his arms so he could hold her, as the kissing becomes more passionate. The beginning of a wonderful honeymoon.

The week went by very quickly for them. It was a week full of passion and love for the both of them. As well as candlelit dinners, massages, relaxing on the rowboat together, and of course, even more passion. Snape enjoyed every minute of their honeymoon, as did Astoria. They were walking along the shoreline, walking hand in hand, as the sun began to set. Astoria wore a flowered summer halter dress and was picking up seashells from time to time, to take home with her. Snape wore black pants, and a button down white shirt. (The slight scar on his neck from Nagini's bite can be seen.) He's long sleeves were pulled back a little. The scar that remains from the dark mark being branded on his arm, can clearly be seen. (The dark mark disappeared when Lord Voldemort was defeated for the last time, but the scar remained.) With the last day of their honeymoon coming to an end, Snape conjured a beach blanket and sits down, beckoning Astoria to sit with him. Astoria sat with him, as Snape wrapped his arm around her. Astoria cuddles into him and smiles, "I had a wonderful time on our honeymoon. Did you?" Snape smiles, "Yes. I did. I will never forget our honeymoon." Astoria smiles. Snape looks at her and she looks back at him. Snape said, "I am so lucky to be with you, Astoria, So lucky. I never thought in a million years, that I would ever be with you." Astoria smiles, "I never though I would be with you like we are now. I fantasized about it, yes, but I never though that my fantasies would come to life." Snape smiles, "I'm glad I made your fantasies come true, Astoria." Astoria smiles, "I love you, Sev. Forever and always. Do you love me, Sev?" Snape looks deeply into her eyes and said, "Always." They sat in silence in each others arms as they watched the sun set on their final day there.

The next morning Snape and Astoria had breakfast, then pack their things. They took many pictures of the cottage and themselves. Snape locks up the cottage and walks down the steps to Astoria. Astoria takes his hand, smiling, "I hope we get to come back here again and soon." Snape smiles, "We will, Astoria. We will." Snape held Astoria's hand as they apparated to Alderlade manor. After arriving to the manor they showed Eleanor the pictures they took. She volunteered to have them developed, so that they would move. Astoria and Snape handed the camera to Eleanor. Eleanor developed them and made duplicates for her and Edward to keep, giving the originals to Snape and Astoria. Snape and Astoria made an album to store their pictures in. They packed their trunks to head back to Hogwarts the next day, as term was starting that day. Snape and Astoria joined Edward and Eleanor for dinner on the final night of being at the manor. Eleanor smiles as she said, "Looking forward to the start of term feast as a married couple?" Snape looking nervous at the thought, said, "Yes, but I am very nervous." Eleanor looks at Snape and asks, "Why Severus?" Snape replies, "I am nervous about how the entire school will react to seeing a now married Professor Snape." Snape looks at his wedding ring, which was on his ring finger as he touches the ring. Eleanor smiles and said, "I think they will all be happy for the both of you." Snape said, "I truly hope so." Astoria said, "I will be by your side the entire time, Sev." Snape smiles, "Thank you, my love." Astoria smiles at him in reply.

Snape and Astoria said their good byes to Eleanor and Edward and took the floo to Snape's office. After they arrive at his office. Astoria asks, "Should I move into your quarters or you move into mine?" Snape looks at Astoria and smiles, "I would like it if you moved into my quarters. If that is ok with you." Astoria smiles, "That's fine, I'll go pack my things and move into your quarters." Snape smiles and leads her to his quarters. He arranges his things so that she can put her clothes in the dressers and robes in the wardrobe. While Astoria goes to her quarters and pack her things. After packing everything She leaves the office one last time and goes to Snape's quarters. Astoria unpack and puts everything away. His quarters was spacious. the floor made of a dark wood as were the doors. Snape had a small kitchen with cabinets, a stove and a charmed pantry. A dining table by the kitchen. with four chairs. There are two bedrooms in his quarters. One was an empty room, the other was his bedroom, which he was willing to share with her. The bedroom had a dresser and wardrobe, and a four poster bed with navy blue curtains to match the bed and a bedside table on either side of the bed. The floor was made of oak wood. there was a door to the bathroom. She looks inside to find a bathtub, shower and sink. the bathtub was black as was the sink. The floor was of grey tiles. The walls were white. She comes back out of the bathroom and sits on the leather couch. Snape comes from the kitchen with some herbal tea for the both of them. He sits down and hands her a cup and then sips from his own. Astoria sips her tea and sighs contently. Snape smiles, "I will never be in my quarters alone, anymore." Astoria said, smiling, "Because I will be here to keep you company." Snape smiles as they cuddle and drank tea. 

They head down to the Great Hall together as the start of term feast will be beginning shortly. Students were arriving by carriage, while the first years took the rowboats to the castle. Once Snape and Astoria arrived at the Great Hall, they see that most of the students have already arrived and were already sitting at the four long tables. All the staff were there as well. All except McGonagall who went to get the first years. Snape takes a deep breath and looks to Astoria, "Are you ready, Astoria?" Astoria nods, "Yes I'm ready, Sev." Astoria takes his hand and smiles at him. Snape takes another deep breath and lets it out, then said, "Let's go." Hand in hand, Astoria and Snape walk into the Great Hall. Students watch them as they continue to walk to the staff table. Snape was very aware of all the students staring at them. Astoria squeezes his hand in comfort and smiles at him. Snape smiles slightly back at her as they reached the staff table. Snape let go and puts a hand on the small of her back as he lead her to her seat at the staff table. Poppy Pomfrey smiles at them. as they sat down next to each other. Madam Pomfrey said, "How was the summer for you, too." Snape says, "Very well, Thank you, Poppy. You were there after all, Weren't you?" Madam Pomfrey chuckles, "Yes I was there when you two got married. I am so happy for the both of you!" Astoria smiles, "Thank you Poppy." They look forward as Professor McGonagall came in with the first years and had them stand in front of an old worn looking hat on a stool. McGonagall explained how they were going to be sorted and began to sort them into houses. Once the sorting was done. She stood in front of the students and began to speak, "Welcome back students, to Hogwarts. Any rule-breaking and you will lose points for your house. Any achievements will earn you points. The house with the most points winds the house cup. Quidditch try outs will begin in October. If you wish to try out for your house team, please go to your Quidditch captain and let them know. As you know Mr. Filch, our caretaker has a list of banned items that are not allowed in the school. You can find the list pinned on the door to his office. Now then, before we begin this wonderful feast, I'd like to announce that two of our staff members have gotten married over the summer. The two staff members in question are, Professor Severus Snape and Madam Astoria Alderlade-Snape. I would like you all now to please stand and congratulate them." Astoria and Snape stood and bowed slightly as the students stood, clapped and cheered for them. The Slytherin table, again, being the loudest. Snape and Astoria sat down as the students quiet down and sat back down. McGonagall says, "Now, let the feast begin." The tables was suddenly laden with food and pumpkin juice. McGonagall went to her seat and sat down. The students and staff began to eat. Once the feast was over, McGonagall stood up again, "Now that the feast has ended, prefects take the first years up to their dormitories. The rest of you sleep well. You all have classes tomorrow." With that, she dismisses them. The prefects lead the first years out of the hall, as the students leave and head to their common rooms. The teachers leave as Snape takes Astoria's hand and together they go back to their quarters. Astoria changes into her pajamas as Snape changes into his nightshirt. They climb into bed and snuggle up to one another. Astoria asks, "Do you really want to have children, Sev?" Snape looks at her and says, "Of course I do, Astoria." Astoria smiles, "Good, because I would like to have children someday soon." Snape smiles, "We will Astoria, we will."

Seven years has passed, until one day Astoria was working in the Hospital Wing, when she suddenly felt as if she was going to faint. She grabs her head for a moment. Once that feeling faded away, she resumes working. Madam Pomfrey had retired from being a mediwitch the previous year. McGonagall had Astoria take over as head mediwitch at Hogwarts. Astoria and Snape were trying to conceive a child for the past several weeks. She had missed her monthly cycle, which worried her and now this feeling of wanting to faint. 'What was going on?' She thought. She pushes the worry to the back of her mind as she finishes working for the day. She leaves the Hospital Wing, thinking that a nice walk around the grounds will help her feel better. She reached the bottom of the marble staircase, when her vision goes black. She faints and falls to the floor. As Snape came from the dungeons, he sees Astoria on the ground, unconscious. Snape runs to her as he shouts, "Astoria!" Snape collapses onto his knees and checks her pulse. She was alive but unconscious. Snape relaxes a bit, but still had a concern expression on his face. He picks her up and carries her to their quarters. He then, lays her on the couch and pulls out his wand. Snape does a diagnostic scan on her and as his wand passes her stomach, a glow appears. Snape summons a quill and parchment and charms the quill to write down what the wand has found. Snape once again runs his wand from her head down to her stomach. The quill writing the results of the scan. The stomach glows once more and the quill begins to write more quickly. Snape continues to scan, Astoria until he completed the scan. Once he finished scanning, the quill stops writing. He removes the charm on the quill and pockets it. He removes the spell on the parchment that kept it afloat and catches the piece of parchment in his hand. He puts his wand back up his sleeve and looks at what the quill wrote on the parchment:

Vital are normal, No break in the bones, No bruising or contusions on the body. No cuts or abrasions anywhere on the body. Hormones have changed in her body. She is with child. She is four weeks pregnant.

Snape drops the parchment to the floor as the word: 'She is four weeks pregnant' keeps replaying in his mind. The look of utter shock was clear on his face. He looks at Astoria and thinks, 'I'm going to be a father... I will have to tell her when she awakens.' He looks down and sees the parchment on the ground. He picks it up, folds it, then pockets it. Snape goes to the kitchen and gets a clean cloth and a bowl of lukewarm water and goes back to Astoria. He gently soaks the cloth and after removing the excess water, starts to dab at her forehead, muttering over and over, "Please wake up, Astoria, please wake up..." After a couple of minutes, though it seemed like forever to Snape, Astoria wakes up and looks around. She realizes that she is in their quarters. Astoria turns to Snape and says, "What happened, Sev?" Snape relaxes and puts the cloth in the bowl. Snape then said, "You fainted. I found you on the floor near the Great Hall. I picked you up and carried you here to our quarters. I ran a diagnostic scan on you and..." Astoria looks at him concerned, "And?" Snape pulls out the parchment and gives it to her, "I think you should read the result of the diagnostic scan I performed on you, Astoria." Snape helps Astoria sit up so she can read it. Astoria read what was written on the parchment and drops the parchment in shock, "I'm.... Pregnant?" Snape still in shock said, "Yes. Four weeks pregnant." He sits next to her and wraps his arms around her, as Astoria wraps her arms around her stomach, "I'm pregnant...." Astoria looks at Snape, "We're going to be parents. Do you think we can really raise a child?" Snape said, "We can certainly try. I swore that if I became a father, that I would give them what my father never gave me." Astoria smiles, "You're going to be a great father, Sev." Snape says, "I truly hope so." They hug each other as Snape puts a hand on her belly, wondering how big her belly will get.

As the months passed, her stomach got bigger and bigger. Astoria was now 4 months pregnant with a noticeable baby bump. Snape wondered what gender the baby was going to be. Snape and Astoria have been going to a muggle hospital. Astoria's father told her all about it and how they found out the gender of babies there. Astoria went to the muggle hospital with Snape. Astoria wore skinny jeans, and a long sleeve shirt and flats, Snape wore black pants, grey button down, long-sleeve shirt with his hair in a ponytail, at the nape of his neck. Both kept their wand in a wand holster that was strapped on their calves. They entered the hospital, went to radiology and signed in at the front desk. The receptionist there had them sit down and wait for Astoria to be called on. They sat down and waited. There were few other women there as well. After 20 minutes her name was called by a radiologist. Snape and Astoria gets up and goes to her. She was about Astoria's height. She looks a bit more fuller than her. She had light brown hair and grey eyes. She smiles as she said, "Hello. I'm Dr. Mullens, I will be doing the ultra sound." Snape and Astoria smile nervously as they follow her to a room. Dr, Mullens said, "Please lie down here on the exam table and pull up your shirt, Astoria." Astoria lies down on the table and pulls her shirt up to expose the noticeable baby bump on her belly. Snape sits by her side and holds her hand. Dr. Mullens looks at the black-haired man and said, "You must be the baby's father." Snape replies, "Yes. I am. We are going to be parents for the first time." Dr. Mullens smiles, "Congratulations you two." She gets Astoria ready then grabs what looks like, a tube of some kind of jelly substance. Dr. Mullens says, "This is Ultrasound Gel. This will allow us to see the baby more clearly, ok? It will feel a little cold." Astoria nods in reply. Dr. Mullens puts a palm-size amount of the gel onto her belly, just below the belly button. Then she sets the ultrasound machine and places, what looks like a grey-looking wand, onto the gel and presses in slightly. She then starts to move the grey-looking wand slowly around the belly, spreading the gel in the process. On the screen they could see a tiny form of a baby. They could see the head, arms, and legs. They could even see the nose. Dr. Mullens smiles, "There's the baby. The baby is looking very well." The baby moves slightly from time to time as she continues to move the grey-looking wand around. Snape and Astoria watch in awe, seeing their baby growing inside her. Astoria becomes teary-eyed as she says, "That's our baby, Sev." Snape eyes become teary-eyed as he sees the tiny form of the baby. He is looking at his child. A child he helped make. She kept moving it around until they saw on the screen, what looked like a little ball in-between its little legs. Dr. Mullens smiles, and says, "Congratulations! You two are going to have a son!" Astoria smiles teary-eyed at Snape, "Did you hear that, Sev? We're having a son!" Snape looks down at Astoria teary-eyed as well, and smiles, "Yes. I can't believe we're having a son." Dr. Mullens says, "Would you all like a picture of the ultrasound?" Astoria nods smiling, "Yes please." Snape nods as well, "Yes. Dr. Mullens. A few pictures if you don't mind." Dr. Mullens says, "Not at all." She takes the saved images of the baby, gives Astoria a towel so she can clean up, and leaves to develop the ultrasound pictures. Astoria carefully sits up and cleans off the gel, then lowers her shirt to cover her belly. Dr. Mullens comes back with discharge papers and pictures of the ultrasound. "There you go." She says smiling," I'll need you to sign these for me, then you are free to go home." Astoria signs the appropriate papers and pockets the pictures. Together, Snape and Astoria leaves the hospital and apparates back to Hogwarts.

Her belly continued to grow for the next 5 months. Astoria kept every picture from every ultrasound. Astoria and Snape put them in their photo album. They smile knowing that this album they have, documented their lives. Something they could look back on. Maybe show their son the ultrasound pictures, when he's older. They had decorated the second bedroom in Snape's quarters for their baby boy that would be coming soon. The bedroom was painted a pastel green, the crib was white, as was the dresser, toy box and changing table, for when they changed the baby's diapers. A white baby mobile hung above the crib. On the mobile, were a cute version of a phoenix, dragon, mermaid, and centaur. Astoria had a baby shower 2 months prior, and received so many gifts. Harry and Ginny, who were also expecting, got her some baby clothes for their son, which was now in the drawers of the dresser. Ron and Hermione, who were expecting as well, got them some cute booties for their son. Draco and Astoria, who like the other 2 couples, were also expecting, got them the crib complete with baby mobile, dresser, toy box and changing table, for the baby's room. McGonagall got her a stroller and a baby bag full of diapers, baby powder, baby wipes, and baby bottles. Remus Lupin got them 2 boxes of diapers, bibs, blankets, and some pacifiers. Snape got her some hats to put on the baby's head,  and some cute booties and robes for the baby to wear. Eleanor and Edward got them some cute winter robes, coats, boots, gloves, snow pants and scarves, for the baby to keep warm when they have to take him outside during the winter. Snape and Astoria went through names for the baby, until they came up with the perfect name: Septimus Edward Snape.

McGonagall had given her maternity leave to rest when she was 7 months pregnant. She's been resting in their quarter since. She sits, stretched out on the bed as she rests. She was reading when Snape came in to check on her after lessons were over. Snape sits next to her and asks, "How are you, my love?" Astoria smiles, "I'm doing well, but my back is killing me." Snape smiles, "Septimus will be born at any moment." Astoria smiles, "Yes I know. I can't wait to see our baby!" She rubs her belly which was big now. The baby's head was down low, which meant that the baby was in position to be born. All of a sudden she felt a sharp pain and felt the head move down a little. A few minutes later, her water broke and she felt yet another sharp pain. She felt the baby's head move down a little more. She realized that what she was feeling were contractions and that she was now in labor. She looks at Snape as she starts her breathing exercises, "Sev, It's time. The baby is coming!" Snape's eyes went wide as he got out of bed and saw that the bed was soaked, "Will you make it to the Hospital Wing?" Astoria says between breaths, "Yes, if we hurry!" Snape picks her up, noticing how heavy she has gotten and carries her out of their quarters. He moves as quickly as he could to the Hospital Wing as Astoria continues to breathe, feeling the contractions gradually become shorter and shorter. Snape bursts through the door and lays her on the bed. He removes her pants and underwear and props her legs up. He could just see a tuff of jet-black hair poking out if her vagina, as the baby's head pokes out a little then goes back in again. Snape begins to panic, "Astoria! I see his head!" Astoria nods sweating as she continues to breathe, "Get Poppy, hurry!" Snape nods and throws the floo powder into the fireplace. The fire turns green. Snape shouts, "Poppy Pomfrey!" Madam Pomfrey's head pops into the fireplace a moment later, she was looking alarmed, "What is the matter, Severus!" Snape in full panic mode said, "Astoria is in labor and I can already see his head!" Madam Pomfrey said "Out of the way, I'm coming through!" Snape moves back as Madam Pomfrey comes through. Astoria moans of pain can be heard in the ward. Madam Pomfrey hurries to her and sees the tuff of hair poking out and said, "Ok, Astoria, I'm going to need you to push at every contraction, breathe in between, alright?The baby is ready to come out." Astoria nods and starts to push as she felt a contraction. Madam Pomfrey watches as the head comes out. She gently grabs the baby's head and with her wand expels any fluid in the baby's airways. Snape eyes widening, at seeing the head completely out, runs to Astoria's side. Snape said, panting slightly and looking a little green in the face, "His head is out now." Snape gives her his hand to hold. Astoria takes his hand as she continues to push with each contraction. The baby's shoulders slowly coming out with each push. Astoria stops and breathes, moaning in pain.  Madam Pomfrey said, "Almost there Astoria. I need one more big push from you." Astoria squeezes Snape's hand and pushes as hard as she could, letting out a scream as she does so. The rest of the baby comes out and Madam Pomfrey catches the baby, "Severus, get me a blanket, quick!" Snape gives her hand a squeeze before letting go. Though still in shock, he nods in reply. As he goes to get a blanket, he hears a wonderful sound. The baby had started to cry. Astoria collapses on the bed and pants, relieved that their baby was born.

Snape returns with a blanket and hands it to Madam Pomfrey. Madam Pomfrey waves her wand over the baby and cleans him. Then she checks his vitals and runs a diagnostic scan on him. He was healthy. Madam Pomfrey weighed the baby and measured him, Madam Pomfrey said, "Congratulations you two. You have a healthy baby boy. He weighs eight pounds thirteen ounces and is 20 inches long" Madam Pomfrey cuts the umbilical cord and wraps the baby up, then sets the baby boy in his mother's arms. Madam Pomfrey helps her sit up. Astoria looks down at the most beautiful thing she's ever seen. She was holding her baby, her son. She smiles as tears fell down her face. She kisses her son on his little forehead and said, "Welcome to the world Septimus Edward Snape." Snape looks in awe at his son. His son had his hair, his eyes, and his lips, even looks a little like him, but he had Astoria's nose. He became overwhelmed as he looks at his son. Tears begin to fall down his face, as he smiles down at his son. Madam Pomfrey banishes the umbilical cord and placenta and cleans the area around the bed. She smiles as she sees the scene before her. Snape standing by Astoria, looking down at his son with such love in his eyes. Madam cleans herself up and said, "I'll stay for a few days to keep and eye on her and her son, Severus." Snape looks at Madam Pomfrey and nods smiling. Madam Pomfrey goes to her old office and makes a file folder for the newborn baby. Madam Pomfrey asks, "What is the baby's name?"Snape answers, "Septimus Edward Snape." Madam Pomfrey smiles, "Thank you , Severus." Snape nods in reply, still looking at his son. Madam Pomfrey puts the baby's name, his vitals, size and weight, in the file folder. Astoria looks at Snape and said, "Would you like to hold him?" Snape said, "Me? You want me to hold our son?" Astoria nods, "Yes, Sev. You are his father after all." Snape replies, "Alright, my love." Astoria carefully hands Septimus over to Snape, who carefully holds him. Astoria shows him the correct way to hold his son. Snape looks down at his son and said, "Welcome to the world little one. I'm your father, Sev." He touches his little face and hand. Septimus grabs his finger and holds on. Snape smiles as he wiggles his finger. Septimus' dark eyes look up at him. Snape kisses his son's forehead and looks at Astoria, smiling. Snape hands Septimus back to Astoria, who begins to breast feed him. Snape kisses his wife's head. She looks exhausted but happy. Snape now has a family of is own. His loving wife Astoria and their beautiful son, Septimus.  Snape was finally happy. Happy that he finally had a family to call his own. A family who loves him for who he is, inside and out. He knew in his heart that all was well in his life. 

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