By _strawberrytae

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Scientists have discovered a way to turn your average human being into any supernatural creature of their cho... More

Prologue (NEW!!)
Chapter 1 *edited!*
Chapter 2 *edited!*
Chapter 3 *edited*
Chapter 4 *edited!*
Chapter 5 *edited!*
Chapter 6 *edited!*
Chapter 7 *edited!*
Chapter 8 * edited!*
Chapter 9 *edited!*
Chapter 10 *edited!"
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Author's Note
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Author's Note
Author's Note

Chapter 11 *under editing*

162 9 8
By _strawberrytae

A.n. I am doing my best with updates! This chapter was a bit hard to write... Tell me what you think! Also, I'd like to thank all my followers and loyal readers! Thanks for bearing with me, guys!!!

That creepo on the side or the top is Austin. The pic got removed so I will be putting it up soon. >>>>>


As I ran out the door, I could've sworn I heard laughing.

Coming from my brain.

The voice echoed in my head as I ran towards the door, and shockingly it was enough to cause me to come to a dead stop, and lose my balance in the process.

I slipped and fell, but jumped up before I could go rolling down the stairs. I whipped my head around, desparately searching for the location of the sound.

 Oh God, I'm schizophrenic.

I flung the door open and stormed out. I continued running, with a sense of deja vu. Since this was my second time trying to escape...

I fell to my knees at a clearing in the forest. What was I going to go? I decided to ask this voice for help.

What am I doing here?

Running away from your problems.

I'm scared. I just glowed purple with some sort of electricity, and I have no idea what to do.

What do you want me to do about it?

I don't know! You showed up all mysteriously and all you're gonna do is make smart comments from the back of my mind? 

Well, you didn;t specify what you wanted.

I want help! How do I make sure my new abilities don't go out of control?

Well, Brady was going to help you, but you ran away.

Because I didn't want to hurt him. Plus, my friend is missing and I doubt my kidnapper would love to help me find her.

Maybe you should take a breather and then go back to Brady. Explain that it was wrong for you to ruin off, and you'll stay with him as long as he helps you get the hang of your new powers.

I took a deep breath and leaned against a tree. I thought over what the voice in my head told me, and decided to close my eyes and rest for a few minutes.

After about five minutes, I ran back the way I'd came, listening to the evil voice guiding me, or more like telling me which way NOT to go.

Other left, dummy!

Have you no sense of direction?

I took a deep breath and entered the house, through the back door.


I was still in a state of shock when Zoe stormed out the door. She doesn't know this, but I watched her run through the forest, from my window. I knew she wouldn't go through with it, plus I can read her mind. She wanted to stay so badly.

I watched her until she disappeared out of sight... Then realized she really was gone. No, she couldn't leave me, I needed her!


I didn't NEED Zoe, did I? I mean, I cared about her, and she was certainly pretty but...

I frowned. But we kissed! I can't get it out of my head, the feeling of her soft lips on mine was unforgetable. I knew she was the one, I just didn't know how to tell her.

While in the lab, I was taught the necessary rules/ information I would need to know about becoming a vampire. One important thing was that we believed in soul mates.


They told us that the bond we have to create with our soul mates will be unbreakable, it will control a part of us.

I know Zoe's my soul mate, I felt it. But just to be sure... I would have to check. And there's only on way...

I would have to taste her blood.

Then I would have to mark her, so everyone knows she's MINE.

God help me this was going to be hard.


I heared the back door shut, then the most beautiful singing I'd ever heard. It was coming from the old ball room.

I ran downstairs just in time to see a flash of res hair out the window. Wait window? Smart girl...

I wanted o scream, "Zoe!" But kept my mouth shut. She's never coming back. She left you, she doesn't love- i mean like you. I said like.


Zoe's P.O.V.

I ended up giving up as the sun started to set, and I plopped down in defeat. Wait, I couldn't be here all alone at night! There are wild animals, rapists, murderists-

'In an empty forest?'

'Shut it you never know.'

Where was I? Oh yes. There could be those creepy scientists, Austin, hunters, police, Austin, did I mention Austin?

'Yes, dummy.'

'Well, it's true, and you know it.'

'We both do, I'm inside you duuuuhhhhhh. Man you have the brain the size of a pea.'

'Uh, WE have the brain the size of a pea.'

'Yeah, whatever.'

'Don't you whatever me!'

'Whatever. Just don't expect any directions from me...'

'Fine, be that way.'

I sighed. I climbed the tree until i sat comfortably in the crook of a branch, and leaned my back against the trunk while my legs dangled over the edge.

I started humming and eventually started singing Monster by Eminem and Rihanna.

(A.n. I won't post all the lyrics, just the part that she sang.)

I'm friends with the monster, that's under my bed.

Get along with the voices, inside of my head.

You're trying to save me, stop holding your breath.

And you think I'm crazy, yeah, you think I'm crazy.

(A.n. i got those from the good old noggin, so there is a 99.999% chance they could be wrong. Please let me know if the incorrect lyrics are bugging you, just give me corrections and I will change them!)

"UGHHHH!" I screamed at the sky and threw my hands up in the air.

"what a lovely voice you have!" Someone exclaimed scaring the shiz out of me. I screamed and lost my balance, falling out of the tree and landing beautifully on the floor.

I groaned and got up, brushing the dirt off me. "Dude seriously! What the-" I froze and took in my surroundings. I was surrounded by cloaked figures. "Uh-um-m..." I stuttered as the figures stayed where they were. It definitely was one of them that spoke to me...

I slowly and catiously started taking small steps back, away fro the creeps. Unfortunately, to be surrounded, they would have to be on all sides of me. Which they were.

I gulped nervously. I was not prepared for another 'Battle the Crazy Phycos Attack!' I struggled to think of something to do, and I spotted a tree branch above me. Well unless I sprout wings and soar up there, I can rule that option out.

I am shaking so hard I feel like I'm having a seizure. And that is not a joke... O.o

I then do the only thing I can possibly think of... I start bawling my eyes out and begging for mercy. Because I am done fighting. I feel so weak and broken emotionally that if someone pokes me with a feather I just might shatter.

I fall to my knees and then curl up in a fetal position; a blob filled with damage, fear, pain, weakness, every bad quality you don't want to have, and emotional reckage. If that's what I can call it.

I hear slow shuffling noises, and feel a series of light breezes. I fought the urge to open my eyes until I was sure I wasn't being watched anymore. My senses must have deceived me, because as I was about to open my eyes I suddenly felt something lightly brush against my hair and the back of my neck.

My eyes shot open involuntarily, and every part of my body became alert. DANGER!!!!! I could almost see the brighr, colorful warning sign flashing in my mind. RUN AWAY!!!!!

But poor, helpless, ignorant, weak baby Zoe decided to stick around. I scream at the sight of the glowing eyes watching me through the cloak. I get out of my fetal position and start crawling frantically backwards away from the thing. I mean, I'm no Harry Potter fan or anything, but wasn't this guy supposed to be floating around making weird noises like one of those dementors or whatever the freak they're called. More like demented.

My panic session is cut short, however, when Darth Vader decides to speak. "Hello there, human." My eye twitches at this. "Why does everyone underestimate me!!??? I am clearly NOT a human!!!!!" If I could see the thing's eyebrows I'm sure it raised them.

I gritted my teeth. "I am seriously not showing some stalkerish creeper proof that I'm a freak." I muttered in disbelief as I yanked part of my shirt down. It steps back in shock and I roll mu eyes. "See this??!!" I gesture wildly to my birthmark. "And see this???!!" I form a ball of blue energy of electricity of whatever it is in my hand.

"Do I LOOK human to you NOW!??" It shrugs. "Eh." I clench my teeth and prepare to storm over and rip that cloak off. "Oh, I wouldn't do that if I were you." It says and shakes its head. "Um... Why not?" I ask akwardly instead of snapping back. (A.n. no clue if I spelled akward right!)

He shrugs. "Do you want to be mentally scarred for life? Because if yes, go ahead. But I'm not quite prepared for your screams of horror and mental pain just yet. Still recovering from the last one." It glares. I wince. I do scream pretty loud...

"Whatever." I mumble then freeze. "W-what are y-y-you?!" I sputter and back up only to find myself pushed up against a tree trunk as he slowly steps closer to me. Or rather floats, or both. Same thing in its case.

My heart was about to jump out of my chest as the figure placed its arms on either side of the trunk, trapping me.

He slowly lets the hood fall off his head, and I screech and cover my eyes, half expecting to see some grotesque figure, and half expecting to see some gorgeous god. I mean, aren't all supernatural beings just naturally gorgeous? And then there's akward lil' ol' me.

My eyes widen in horror, relief, and shock as 'he' makes me look at him. "B-B-Brady?!" I choke out. He grins, exposing not fangs, but teeth that are all sharp. "Guess again, Princess." He whispers. The he morphs into a hot teenage boy. So I was right! Oops not the time.

My eyes widen in shock. "Y-you're a-a-a..." He chuckles. "A demon, my dear. And I can take the form of other people. Or things." He shrugged like it was average and should be entered in America's Got Talent.

"S-s-so y-you w-want t-t-to..." He frowns. "What do YOU think I want?" I look away, feeling my face burn red. "To eat me." I whisper, barely audable.

He bursts out laughing. "You," He says through gasps of air. "Are hilarious! Eat you? You're Brady's s-" Suddenly he clamps his mouth shut. "What???!!" I shout. "Brady's what???!!!" He sighs and grimances. "I said too much already. That dude is gonna KILL me..." He mutters more to himself than me. Too bad I hear him.

"Too much about what???!!! Tell me for Pete's sake!!!!!!!" I nearly scream at him. He glares at me. "HEY. You may think you're Miss High and Mighty..." Funny, Brady said the same thing to me...

I decide to tune him out.

What could this random, unaturally hot guy be hiding? I sigh. "So if you're not going to eat me, whay do you want?" I ask and he raises his eyebrows, apparently shocked that I cut off his rant.

"Well first, you can't just run away from Brady when he needs you, and second, I need Alice. And third-" "WHOA, WHOA, WHOA. Back it up!" I say and put my hand ou to shush him. "What's this about Brady 'needing' me? And since when do you know Alice?" He rolls his eyes. "There's a lot I know. Anyways, back to the third thing, you can't just casually stroll through the forest at night! There are so many supernatural beings that would love to get their hands on someone like you."

I narrow my eyes at him. "LOOK Mr. Stalkerish Dude Who Knows Everything! I have no clue WHO you are, but I know for sure that you CAN'T tell me what to do!" I snap.

I shove him away from me with surprising strengh, then run off.

*About an hour later*

"PUT ME DOWN!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!! FIRE!!!!!! KIDNAPPER!!!! RAPE!!!!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

Mr. Know it All laughs. Yes, I know that's a Kelly Clarkson song. No, I did not do that on purpose.

He carries me to the house and sets mw down by the back door. "You run and I'll kill you." He warns and disappears. Eh. What the heck. I was never good at following orders.

After about five seconds of consideration, I am off running again.


"HELLO???? IS ANYONE THERE????" I scream. I know this road leads to my house, I just donno which direction.

"Come on!" I pout. Then I see a headlights coming up the road and make sure I am standing in the gutter and not smack in thw middle of the street. "HEY!!! YOU THERE!!!! HELP!!!!" I scream and wave my hands. The car slows to a stop. My eyes nearly buldge out of my head when I see it's a cop car.

"Miss are ou alright?" The officer asks worriedly after rolling down her window. I was relieved to see it was a woman.

"I was kidnapped." I say happily. The officer's eyes widen. "WHAT??! Get in the car and I'll take you home! In the mean time, I'd like you to answer a few questions..."

Turns out, 'a few questions' is a whole freaking interrigation. After I swore to her I didn't remember anything, I had to make up a bunch of lies so she would get off my case.

"Here you are, ma'am." She said and unlocked the car for me to get out. "I'd like to speak to an adult about-" "NO!!" I say a little too quickly. "I-I mean... No ones home. My relatives are on a business trip... And I live alone for now." She frowns. "Aren't you a little young still too-" "BYE! Thanks again!" I slam the door and run into the house without a second glance

~A.n. I hope you guys don't mind if this chapie is really long:D~

I immediately wait to be bombarded with questions, but no one comes to me. I frown and run to my aunt's study, her favorite room in the house. No one. After using my aparent 'super speed' and checking the whole house, I realized I was alone. Sure took me long enough.

Ok, so now what?

I had successfullu succeeded in breaking free from my kidnapper's clingy hold, so why did I feel so weird inside?

"I probably need rest. I don't know what day it is, but there is a 99.999% chance that I have school tomorrow.

I finally got to my room and decided to take a quick shower. I stripped off clothes and slipped into my fluffy bath robe. Then I grabbed a towel and proceeded to warm up the water.

I slipped out of my bath robe and got into the steamy shower, relaxing as the hot water ran down my icy skin.

After my shower, I climbed out and wrapped my towel around myself. I dried off and changed into my bra and underwear. I took my wet hair out of the towel and decided to do the opposite of check myself out in the mirror.

I stared in discust and the hideos figure before me. I can't understand why Brady even can stand looking at me. He's so... And I'm so...

Brady. Just thinking of him gives me chills. Who knows, he's probably stalking me or sending out a search party right now. I don't know why he's so obsessed with me, but frankly it's actually starting to creep me out.

He can't LIKE me, can he?

I sigh. We did kiss.. It was almost a really heated make-out session...

I dried and straightened my hair.

As I was deep in thought, I heard my phone go off. I walked into my room and gabbed it off the charger. I had one new message:


From: Unknown number

'I see you:-)'

I screamed and dropped my phone. What- How????

My hands shook as I slowly picked up my phone again. Maybe some creepo hacked into my phone and is watching me through my camera. (A.n. that can actually happen, DO NOT download Talking Angela!!! It makes it easier for them!!!!>.



From: Unknown number

'I appreciate the show, but i would close ur window;-)'

My eyes widened and my head shot up. I ran to thw window. My eyes scanned the deserted neighborhood and I sighed. I was probably just paranoid.

'Yah got that right!'

'Shut it! It could be true!'

'Yah but it could aslo me some weirdo who's bored and sent a text to a random number which happened to be urs!'


Suddenly I saw a flash of something duck behing a tree, and I didn't hesitate to slam my window shut and close the curtains.

I fell in my bed, and started crying. Some creeper is stalking me and saw mw half naked! He probably is some weirdo who wants to rape me!!

While I am bawling my eyes out, my precious kitten Bella strolls over to me and plops next to my pillow that I'm currently squeezing the stuffing out of.

She purrs and nudges my had with her soft head. I sigh and lift a hand to stroke her. I swear she is not just a normal kitten. She like understands.

Maybe my stalker is finally leaving me alone! I haven't gotten a text in five minutes-


Never mind.

Tears continue their merry way down my face as I check the message.


From: Unknown number

'Don't cry, babe. You are beautiful;-('

My heart almost flutters at this. ALMOST. I don't even know who this dude is. If it's a dude...

~About and hour later~

It's been raining, and I struggle to get to sleep. I get up and open my curtain part way to peek outside. I scream when I see a cloaked figure standing on my balcony, staring straight at me. Or at least, I think it was. I couldn't tell since I'm pretty sure it didn't have eyes!!!

I run back to my bed and hide under the covers, crying even harder then before and on the verge of having a panic attack. I would like to cling to my last strand of humanity as long as possible, thank you.

Suddenly I hear a tap on my window, a creak, and the sound of rain gets louder momentarily. I feel a soft chilly breeze tickle my skin and give me chills.

I burry myself under the covers and my heart rate increases by x1000. 'Please be my imagination!'

The floor boards creak, and I feel a presence near bed. My crys are muffled with my small pillow I sleep with that my dad gave me.

"Shhhh...." Someone cooes. "You can sleep, you're safe. Nothing will happen to you, baby." A soft voice comforts me. A familiar voice. All of the sudden, something touches my arm. I ahve no time to react before I'm out like a light.

But not before I realize I never tried to save Alice.

A.n. I know it sucked;-(. I am so sorry guys! I know i took forever to update, and give you this crumby chapter! It's late here, and I'm very tired, so i appologize for so many mistakes and errors. I had the hardest time with this, it was probably the most difficult chapter to write. I had horrible writers block, and all my ideas kept getting jumbled together. So sorry! Thanks for all the feedback though! This chapie is dedicated to someone very special for being the only person to give me an idea for this story! Thanks hun, it means a lot! I hope you guus know it means the world to me whenever I get new comments, hearts, likes, followers or people adding my story to their reading list. Thank you so much, u keep me going! My arms are numb, so i will shut my trap! This got a bit messed up at first because of my phone, but i tried to fix it. Comment, my precious doves!!!!

~MIP xoxo

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