The Phone Call

By Malec0914

92.5K 1.2K 39

One phone call changes Voight's life forever. Will mention Chicago Fire and Med! More

Untitled Part 1
Untitled Part 2
Untitled Part 3
Untitled Part 4
Untitled Part 5
Untitled Part 6
Untitled Part 7
Untitled Part 8
Untitled Part 9
Untitled Part 10
Untitled Part 11
Untitled Part 12
Untitled Part 13
Untitled Part 14
Untitled Part 15
Untitled Part 16
Untitled Part 17
Untitled Part 18
Untitled Part 19
Untitled Part 20
Untitled Part 21
Untitled Part 22
Untitled Part 23
Untitled Part 24
Untitled Part 26
Author's Note

Untitled Part 25

1.9K 26 0
By Malec0914

Hank was inside the cage holding a pair of pliers in his hands, Aiden looked at the older man with a terrified expression.

"Voight please, please don't do this". Aiden pleaded.

"Those are some of the words my daughter is telling your brother and the other son of a bitch he's with". Hank spat.

"Look I swear on my life, I don't know where my brother is or where he's keeping your kid if I knew I'd tell you".

The older man turned Aiden around and put one of his fingers in the pliers. "Last chance before I break a finger".

"I'm telling the truth".

Hank then squeezed down on the pliers snapping one of Aiden's fingers, Aiden screamed in pain. The older man moved the pliers to another finger.

"You got another 9 fingers and I'll break another one if you don't tell me where you're brother has my little girl".

"You gotta believe me I don't know!"

Hank once again squeezed down on the pliers snapping another one of Aiden's fingers which caused him to scream even more, the older man then moved the pliers to another finger he was just about to squeeze down when Aiden called out.

"Wait! Wait look my brother gave me his number told me to only call in case of emergencies".

"Is that right?"

"Yes he'll only call me if he needs something done".

Hank then uncuffed him. "Call your brother then give it to me, oh and for every mark your brother gave my little girl that'll cost the both of you".

Aiden pulled his phone out calling his brother using his good hand, the phone rang but he couldn't focus because pain kept shooting through his two broken fingers. After a moment Caleb answered and Hank snatched the phone out of the injured man's hand.

-Yeah Aiden. Caleb answered

-Guess again, now being you have my daughter I have your brother. Hank says, looking down at Aiden.

-You son of a bitch, what'd you do to my brother?

-As of now he has two broken fingers, if you wants the rest of him to stay fully intact this is what you're gonna do. You're gonna give me back my daughter or I'll kill your brother. And if anything happened to her when you all go down, I'll make sure you're brother is marked a snitch when you all go in. Now I want proof of life right now, no pictures, no videos, I want to hear my daughter's voice.

-Put my brother on the phone now.

-I talk to my daughter first then you talk to your brother.

The phone was silent for a minute after a couple moments Hank heard labored breathing in the phone knowing it's his baby girl.

-Da-daddy? Jordan asked.

-Hey sweetheart, you ok? Hank asked in a soft voice.


-It's ok Jo Jo I'll find you I promise.

Before Jordan can reply there was a muffled scream then Caleb got back on the phone.

-Alright you talked to her now put my brother on the phone now. Caleb said.

Hank put the phone to Aiden's ear. "Talk".

-Cal just do what he said, give him his kid back. Aiden said.

-Are you alright bro? Caleb asked.

-I'm fine don't worry about me, just listen to him and give him the kid back and we'll both walk away alive.

-Put him back on the phone.

"He wants to talk to you". Aiden told Hank.

Hank then put the phone back to his ear. -I give you your brother back and I get my daughter back.

-No we do this on my terms. I still want the twenty grand, so you give me twenty grand and my brother I'll give you your kid back unharmed.

-Works for me. When's the exchange?

-Tonight, midnight on the docks. You come alone or you're kid dies.

With that Caleb hung the phone up, Hank turned to look at Aiden who was still in agonizing pain from his two fingers. He then roughly yanked him up by the front of his shirt.

"For your sake your brother better have my daughter or the both of you will end up at the bottom of the river". Hank threatened.

"Caleb listens to me he'll do anything if I ask him". Aiden replies.

"I see any marks or bruises on her that's another finger I'll break on the both of you".

Mouse couldn't get a trace on the burner phone. "Dammit".

"What's wrong". Jay asked.

"Couldn't get the trace".

"You did you're best man".

"That could have been my one chance at finding her".

"We'll find her man".

When Mouse first met Jordan it took him some time to get use to having her hang around the District till he became like her cool older brother. Mouse taught her how to hack into someone's computer to their phones, she was the little sister he never had.

Hank returned to the squad as they looked at him, Mouse was a bit nervous to tell him he came up with a dead end.

"The meet is going down tonight. Midnight on the docks". Hank stated.

"We'll get ready". Jay says.

"This is how it's gonna go down I meet Caleb on the docks, Al I want you,Ruzek, and Burgess to sweep the area. Antonio I want you, Halstead, and Atwater to check out a possible location during the meet".

"What location?" Antonio asked.

"The house where they're holding Jordan".

"But we don't know where that is". Adam pointed out.

"When I find out I'll tell you".

"Where's Erin, is she still down there with Charlie?" Jay asked.

"She's with Charlie but they aren't here".

"What do you mean they aren't here? Where'd they go?"

Jay shot up from his seat concerned for his partner, the last time they faced off with Charlie it almost costed Erin her whole career. He didn't want her anywhere near that bastard as long as he lived.

"Erin knows what she's doing, once Charlie gives up where Jordan is being held I'll tell you".

Mouse then took his chance to speak up. "I couldn't get the trace off the phone, I'm sorry".

The older man walked over taking out Aiden's phone handing it to him. "Trace the last outgoing call on this phone and see if you get anything".


Hank went back to his office closing the door behind him, he took a deep breath trying to remain in control of his emotions. When he called his daughter, Jo Jo it felt different when he said it. He'd never called her that except his son, he called her that hoping to provide her with some kind of comfort. The older man looked at his watch to see the time was just past 4 in the afternoon, he knew one thing for sure it was gonna be a long ass day.


Caleb was pissed, Voight had his older brother. He knew he couldn't keep Jordan for three days or else Voight would either keep injuring Aiden if not kill him but he also had to think about what he was gonna do about Drew. Caleb then thought about it then picked up his gun just as Drew came walking in the front door.

"Hey what's going on". Drew said.

"There's been a change of plans". Caleb replied.

"Which is".

Caleb turned and shot Drew in the chest watching as he fell, Jordan heard the shot which caused her to scream but it was muffled. She then let out a whimper and began sobbing. Caleb walked over to his now dead partner.

"I had to get you outta my way first".

He then picked up Drew's arms and began dragging him to the basement door, he unlocked it and dragged Drew's dead body down the steps it made a thump noise on each step. Caleb saw the freezer so he dropped Drew's body and went opening the freezer door then went back and dragged the body to the freezer stuffing it inside shutting the door. He then padlocked the door shut, Jordan stopped crying while she listened to what was happening.

Caleb looked around the basement to see what he can move the freezer with he spots a dolly so he uses that to get the freezer to the basement door. Once he has the freezer stable on the dolly he wheels it over to the basement door, he took his keys unlocking the door wheeling the dolly outside to his van after a few moments he loaded the freezer into the van.

The younger man went back to see Jordan who was still tied up, he pulled the mask off her face. Jordan's face was covered in sweat, some of her hair stuck to her forehead the rest was frizzed. Her eyes were wet from the tears and sweat, they were also widened in fear after she heard the gunshot.

"As soon as you're daddy gives me what I want you're free to go, hell I may not let you". Caleb said, he pushed some hair back.

Jordan flinched back in fear when he touched her hair, normally she wouldn't be scared or frightened but in this case she was. She heard Caleb shoot Drew, she didn't intend for that to happen. In her mind Drew's death was her fault, she turned them against each other now Drew was dead at this point she didn't know what Caleb was planning to do. Caleb put the mask back on her as he left again leaving her lost in her thoughts.

'Daddy please hurry I don't wanna die'

Else where

Erin was still out with Charlie doing whatever he wanted to do, she was slowly starting to get irritated with him at this point all she wanted to do was get Jordan's location and end Charlie was and for all. Charlie was on his fourth beer as he looked at Erin who had coffee.

"Cheer up Erin, don't look so depressed everything will be fine". Charlie said.

"Look we've done everything you wanted all day, I've been with you all day and did whatever you wanted without complaining now just tell me where Jordan is or I'll beat it out of you. Trust me you don't want me to beat it out of you because if I start hitting you I don't think I'd be able to stop myself".

"Alright fine, I'll tell you where you're 'sister' is but the agreement is the same you work for me".

"Fine, now tell me where she is".

"I have this house on the north side, the address is 3225, North Lincoln Avenue".

Erin then got up going to the bathroom, she got inside the stall closing the door and locking it she slipped her phone out texting the address to Hank. She put her phone back once she had what she needed all she had to do was play it out once the other found Jordan, Charlie was done for.

District 21

Hank was in his office when his phone buzzed signaling a text message from Erin.

-Got the location, 3225, North Lincoln Avenue. Erin.

He then got up from his seat going out to the squad getting their attention. "Erin got the location, 3225, North Lincoln Avenue". With that said he went back inside his office closing the door.

Hank sat down at his desk, he took a picture of Jordan and Justin out. Jordan was 6, she sat on her brother's shoulders as they walked through the zoo for her sixth birthday. It put tears in his eyes, he'd already lost his son now a few months later he's gonna lose his little girl that wasn't gonna happen.

"Justin please watch over your sister for me please, she's scared and alone right now. I need you to watch her for me". Hank muttered.

He then pulled out an old photo of Anna, she was Jordan's mother and the only other woman he fell in love with after Camille passed away. The two met while she was on a case there, they started dating a few weeks after that till it became a serious relationship. Justin and Erin were happy that Hank was able to move on and be happy.

3 months after dating she had became pregnant with Jordan and Hank was ecstatic, when they found out the baby was a girl Anna joked about hiding guns away from Hank when Jordan got older and started to date. He still remembers the day Jordan was born.


Anna who was now 9 months pregnant with her's and Hank's little girl, she was on the couch watching tv while snacking on some fruit. Hank was at work and Justin stayed with Anna incase she went into labor. She was about a week overdue, she was tired and sore all she wanted to do was have her little girl already. As she was watching tv she felt a sharp pain in her lower abdomen, Anna didn't think anything of it until the pain kept getting worse.

"Justin! Justin!" Anna called out.

The elder man heard his father's girlfriend call out in pain as he rushed into the room in a panic. "Anna, what's wrong?"


"Alright we'll get you to the hospital, is you're bag packed?"


He quickly ran up getting the bag just as Anna was getting up but the pain was getting to be worse. "Justin!"

"Alright come on".

He helped her out to the car then ran to the driver seat, he then started the car and sped down the street. As Justin was driving Anna pulled her phone out calling Hank.

Hank was in his office when his cell phone rang and saw Anna's number on the caller ID.

-Hey everything ok. Hank answered.'s time. Anna replied.

-Time for what?

-The baby...she's coming.

-Where are you right now? Hank was getting his leather jacket on.

-Justin's taking me to the hospital, I don't want to have her without you.

-I'm on my way.

-I can't wait to meet our little girl.

-Me too.

Hank hung the phone up and rushed out of the office, a proud smile was on his face as he was about to become a father for the second time this time to a little girl.

Justin and Anna arrived to Chicago Med, he rushed out of the driver seat going around to Anna helping her out. He helped her to the entrance, a nearby nurse saw and went to them.

"Is everything ok". The nurse said.

"My step mother's in labor". Justin replied.

"Can you walk". The nurse asked Anna.

"Yeah". Anna replied.

Just as they were walking Anna felt something wet going down her legs, she looked down to see water. "My water just broke".

"I'll get you a wheelchair and we'll get you inside".

The nurse went and got a wheelchair, Anna sat down and put her hands on top her big stomach soon she was gonna meet her baby girl. Anna was being admitted to a room, Justin waited on his father. He then waited in the room with Anna

Hank arrived to the hospital in record time, he ran inside and got the room number for Anna. He ran down to her room, he knocked on the door getting the attention of his girlfriend and son.

"Pop you made it". Justin said, hugging his father.

"Of course I made it, I couldn't miss the birth of my little girl now could I?" Hank asked, chuckling.

He then made his way over to his girlfriend, Hank kissed her head and put his head on her growing stomach. "How are my girls doing?"

"I'm ready for our girl to finally come already". Anna said.

As the day went on Anna's contractions were getting stronger and stronger causing her to scream in pain. "Ahhhhh! Hank you're never touching me again!"

"Whatever you say sweetheart".

"Hank I'm going to kill you!"

"Just as long as I see my little girl first".

Anna was now fully dilated enough to give birth so they moved her to the delivery room with Hank in tow. She was laid on the bed her feet apart, her breathing became heavy as she kept screaming.

"Take a deep breath Anna, you got this". Hank tried to comfort her.

"Shut up Hank before I break your hand". Anna yelled.

The doctor then got to work with helping Anna. "Alright Anna, I want you to give me a good push".

Anna took a hold of Hank's hand as she began to push, she screamed in pain so she squeezed Hank's hand tightly. She stopped pushing and took a deep breath.

"Anna I need you to push again".

"I can't...this hurts...too much".

"Hey you can do this, I know you can". Hank said softly.

She then gave another push and screamed again, Anna tightened her hand around Hank's. Hank didn't mind the pain in his hand, he'd do anything for Anna and his new baby girl.

"I can see the head now, just a few more pushes".

"Hank...I'm you're arm". Anna glared at him.

"Whatever makes you feel better". He chuckled.

Once again Anna pushed which caused her to scream louder, she stopped and took another deep breath.

"Alright I see the baby, Anna I need one big good push".

After taking another deep breath she gave the biggest push she could, Anna screamed in pain. A moment later crying was heard as the doctor got the baby out.

"Congratulations it's a girl".

"You did an amazing job". Hank said, kissing Anna's head.

"Would you like to cut the cord dad?"


Hank went over to cut his newborn daughter's umbilical cord, he smiled down at the small baby who was still wailing and throwing her arms around. She had a little mop of brown hair that matched her mother. A nurse then took the baby to get cleaned off and checked out.

Anna was exhausted she was ready to pass out but she wanted to hold her little girl, a nurse then brought the baby over. The baby had been cleaned of the blood, she was wearing a diaper, a little pink hat and was wrapped in a blanket. Anna took a hold of her beautiful little girl.

"Hey there sweet girl, I'm your mommy. I will always love you". Anna cooed.

Hank smiled down at his girlfriend and newborn, he gently took his index finger and caressed the baby's cheek.

"You wanna hold her?"


Hank then carefully took a hold of his little girl into his arms and slowly began rocking her.

"Hi there sweetheart, I'm your daddy. When you're older if any boy tries to hurt you me and your brother will have a word with them". Hank says.

"Really Hank". Anna gave a small smirk.

"She's not dating till she's thirty".

"If you say so".

The tiny baby threw her tiny arm out grabbing a hold of Hank's finger making Anna smile. "I see she's already a daddy's girl".

"She'll always be my little girl".

They went back to the room, Anna was fast asleep while Hank walked around the room holding his newborn daughter. Justin gave a small knock on the door peeking his head in.

"Hey come meet your sister". Hank told his son.

Justin entered the room walking over to his father, he saw his new baby sister. He smiled as he gently took his finger over her cheek.

"You guys come up with a name for her yet?" Justin asked.

"Not yet".

"I like the name Jordan".


When the small baby heard the name she smiled up at the two men.

"I think she agrees with the name Pop".

"Jordan Voight, I like it".

"You'll be my little Jo Jo".

"Wanna hold her?"

Justin nodded and carefully took a hold of his little sister, Jordan let out a small cry at being moved from her father's arms.

"Hey hey it's ok Jo Jo, I'm your big brother. I'll always protect you no matter what". Justin coos.

After a little while Justin went home to change and get something to eat, Anna was still asleep, Hank was wide awake in a rocking chair as he held his little girl close to his chest rocking her to sleep.

"I'll always protect you Jordan, no matter what. If anyone ever tries to hurt you then they'll deal with me, you'll be safe forever sweetheart I promise. Nobody messes with your daddy and gets away with it". Hank whispers.

Jordan was fast asleep on her father's chest as he kept rocking her.

*Back to reality*

Hank looked at the photo just as a tear fell on it. "Anna I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I failed as a father for Jordan, I screwed up. Please watch over our little girl please, she's the only person I've got left. Watch over our baby".


Caleb arrived to a dump site he got out of the driver seat he went to the side door opening it grabbing a bottle of gasoline. He squirted it on the two front seats and on the floor in the back till the bottle was empty, Caleb took a few steps back as he took out a lighter then threw it in the van watching it catch fire.

As the fire grew bigger and bigger Caleb walked away, he pulled his gun out keeping it to his side. He walked up behind a man who had ear buds in, Caleb had hit the man in front of him with the gun knocking him out then taking the car keys. He made it back to his house so he can get ready for the exchange with Hank.

The day passed slowly, the time now was 11 at night almost time for the exchange. Hank had gotten the money putting it in a duffle bag, he went back to the District to see the team went down to get ready. The older man took his phone out sending a text to Erin.

-We'll get Jo back. Tonight. If it's the last thing I do. Hank.

He then went down where the team was, everyone was strapping on their vest, Mouse had given them their ear buds. When Hank reached the bottom of the steps holding the duffle bags they looked at him.

"Let's get Jordan back".


Erin was with Charlie at a motel, he was on the bed drunk watching tv as she sat in a chair looking at the time. It was just past 11 then her phone buzzed with a message from Hank.

-We'll get Jo back. Tonight. If it's the last thing I do. Hank.

She then quickly responded. -Bring her home safely and be careful. Erin.

Caleb was driving to the docks, Jordan was in the backseat as she kept moving her head trying to figure out where they were going. The car stopped she heard a door open then close, another door opened and she felt Caleb's rough hands grab her and forced her to walk. He knew there were a few shipping containers that were near the docks, once they get there he unlocks the door to one of the containers dragging Jordan inside. She then dropped to the ground and Caleb left her closing the door locking it back.

Jordan was burning up, she figured she has a fever and if she didn't get medical attention soon she could die. The teen kept letting out small moans and groan along with whimpers.

It was close to midnight Hank, Aiden, Alvin, Adam, and Kim arrived, the group split up. Hank walked to the docks as he had a firm hold of Aiden while the others went and scanned the area.

Jay, Kevin, and Antonio were driving to the house hoping Jordan was there.

The time was now midnight, Hank looked around for Caleb. He held the bag of money in one hand and had a hold of Aiden with his other hand.

"He'll show up I know he will". Aiden said.

"For your sake he better". Hank said.

Caleb then walked up the docks, he saw Hank with his brother which caused him to glare at the older man. When Hank locked eyes on Caleb he was ready to drop the bag of money and take his gun out.

"Let my brother go". Caleb demanded.

"Where's my daughter?" Hank asked.

"She's safe for the moment you wanna keep it that way let him go".

Hank dropped the bag of money then reached for his gun pressing it against Aiden's head. "I'm going to ask one more time or you're brother is gonna get a bullet in his head. Where's my daughter?"

"Cal just tell him where the kid is, he's not screwing around". Aiden tells his brother.

"Anybody tell you to talk". Hank says to Aiden.

"Hand over the money and my brother then I'll tell you where you're kid is".

"Tell me where she is or I'll blow your brother's head clean off his shoulders".

"You kill my brother you might as well put a bullet in your own kid's head, so what's it gonna be?".

Jay, Kevin, and Antonio arrived to the house they moved quickly, they got to the door and Jay kicked it in.

"Chicago PD!" Jay yells.

The three men enter the house and split up.

"Jordan? Jo if you can hear us call out". Jay calls.

"I got blood here". Antonio says from the living room.

"Upstairs is clear". Kevin said, coming down the stairs.

"The basement".

The three men go over to the basement door unlocking it going down the stairs, it's dark so Jay and Kevin grabbed their flash lights scanning the small room.

"Jo if you're here sweetheart call out". Antonio says.

As they searched the basement Kevin saw some dried blood in the floor. "Guys over here".

Jay and Antonio went see what Kevin found, the two men looked down to see the dried blood.

"Oh my god". Antonio whispers.

"Jordan's not here". Jay spoke in the ear bud.

"Alright so Caleb is meeting with Voight so who's blood is that upstairs?" Kevin asked.

"My guess Drew Jacobs".

"So if Jo isn't here where is she?"

Alvin, Adam, and Kim were walking around hoping to find something or possibly find Jordan.

"Jordan's not here". Jay spoke in the ear buds.

"She has to be somewhere here then, keep you're eyes and ears open". Alvin says.

"Copy". Adam said.

"Got it". Kim says.

Just as he was walking Adam heard light banging noises coming from one of the shipment containers. "I hear something I'm gonna check it out".

"Be careful Ruzek". Alvin said.

"Always am".

Adam then began moving closer to where the banging noise is coming from, as he was getting closer he kept hearing it. He finally found the container where the banging is coming from.

"Chicago PD! Anyone in there?" He calls.

Jordan heard a voice coming from outside but could barely stay awake to focus, she kept taking her foot and hitting the side till she couldn't anymore. Adam unlocked the container then pulled his flashlight out stepping inside he pointed in front of him to see a figure lying on the floor, he rushed over and took the mask off to see Jordan's face.

"Jo it's alright now you're safe sweetheart you're safe". Adam says.

He pulls the tape off her mouth, Jordan looks up blindly at who's holding her. She managed to make out Adam's face.

"A-Adam?" Jordan says weakly, her voice dry and cracking.

"You're gonna be alright now sweetheart, you're gonna be ok".


"He's here come on let's get you out of here".

Adam picks up the teen getting her out of the container. "Guys I got Jordan, she's alive. Boss I got Jo she's alive".

Everyone heard that the teen was ok and sighed in relief, when Hank heard that Adam had his little girl he then aimed the gun and shot Caleb in the shoulder. He then let go of Aiden who just stood in his place as Hank walked over to Caleb roughly yanking him up and began punching his face repeatedly.

Alvin and Kim then ran over to where Hank was, Caleb's face was bloody but Hank kept punching his face over and over again till Alvin pulled his friend off of him.

"He ain't worth it man". Alvin said.

Hank released Caleb just as Kim put cuffs on him, once Caleb was out of sight they saw in the distance Adam carrying Jordan. When Adam got closer with Jordan, Hank couldn't take it anymore he ran over to the detective who was carrying his baby.

"Is she alright?" Hank asked, clearly worried.

"She's burning up". Adam replied.

"Jo Jo can you hear me sweetheart". Hank looks down at his daughter.

The teen slowly brought her head up and weakly opened her eyes to see her father, she then gave a small but weak smile. " came".

"Of course I did baby, I'll always come for you".

"Don'". She weakly reached out for his hand and he took it.

"Never baby".

Alvin called for an ambulance then sent a text to Erin.

-We got Jordan. She's alive. Alvin.


Erin kept her phone glued to her hand just as she was about to put it down it buzzed with a new message from Alvin. Her heart started beating fast she unlocked her phone and read the message, it made her put her hand on her mouth and tears in her eyes.

-We got Jordan. She's alive. Alvin.

She wiped her eyes and put her phone back, Erin put her phone in her pocket then got up from her seat going over to Charlie. "Get your ass up Charlie".

"What". Charlie replied.

"I said get your ass up. You're under arrest".

"We had a deal".

"Yeah we did now get up".

Erin then arrested Charlie dragging him out to her car putting him in the back driving to the District.

Jay, Antonio, and Kevin then drove from the house to the hospital so they can check on Jordan.

Back on the docks Hank stayed with his little girl the whole time, after a minute the ambulance arrived. Gabby and Brett hopped out getting to work.

"What do we got". Gabby said.

"Jordan's burning up". Adam said.

The two paramedics got to work on the teen girl, Gabby took a small flashlight examining her eyes. "Pupils reacted. Jo honey can you tell me does anything hurt".


Brett pulled up Jordan's shirt to see the stitches ripped. "Dawson her stitches ripped".

"Let's get her into the ambo and clean it up".

"D-daddy". Jordan weakly calls out.

"I'm right here sweetheart, I'm right here". Hank replies.

They got Jordan in the Ambulance, Hank got in sitting besides his daughter taking her hand into his. Gabby then cleaned her side where the stitches ripped. She then took her temperature, it was 102.5. They were then off to the hospital, Jordan's eyes rolled in the back of her head and her body began to shake violently.

"Jo? Jo!" Hank calls out.

"She's seizing! Pushing 4 mg of lorazepam". Gabby says.

"We'll be there soon". Brett says.

Hank held onto his little girl's hand while tears fell from his eyes, they finally arrived to the hospital. Maggie saw them coming in and fast.

"Dr. Halstead! Dr. Manning! Incoming". Maggie called out.

When Will saw it was Jordan on the gurney he rushed over along with Natalie.

"What do we got here". Natalie said.

"15 year old female, leukemia patient. Temp is 102.5, pupils reacted to light". Gabby said.

"Alright on my count, 1, 2, 3,". Will said.

Jordan is now put on the hospital bed, Hank tries to get in the room but Will stops him.

"Hank hey Jo's in good hands let us work on her". Will says.

"Will I gotta be with her please". Hank pleaded.

"I'm sorry Hank you can't".

The team has arrived and saw Hank talking with Will, they all rush over to him.

"Where's Jo is she ok?" Jay asked.

"Were working on her now". Will answered.

"Hank let's go grab some coffee". Alvin said.

"Ok". Hank says.

The two men then left the group while Will went back to work on Jordan. Erin then arrived to the hospital, she ran inside and saw the team walking away from Jordan's room.

"Where's Jordan?" Erin asked.

"Will's working on her". Antonio replies.

"Who found her?"

"I did, she was locked in a shipment container. When I got her she was burning up".

"Is she ok now?"

"Were not sure right now". Jay answered.

Erin felt her knees buckle and Jay had caught her they all went to the waiting room. Will was still examining the teen along with Natalie. An ice pack was placed on Jordan's forehead to help lower her temperature. Natalie tended to her side, she examined the scar luckily it didn't get infected so she restitched them quickly.

Jordan was slowly starting to come around getting the doctor's' attention.

"Jo, honey it's Will can you hear me, you're at the hospital". Will says.

"Please...don'". Jordan mumbled.

"Jo you're in the hospital, nobody's gonna hurt you". Natalie said gently.


"Let's get her to a room and on chemo now" Will tells Natalie.

"Alright". She replies.

They then move Jordan from there to a room, once they got her into a room they hooked her up to an IV which is administering her chemo. Hank returned to his daughter's room and panicked when nobody was there, Natalie saw the panicked father and approached.

"Hank, we moved Jo to a room and hooked her up to an IV which is administering her chemo". Natalie tells him.

"Is she gonna be ok?" Hank asked.

"Jordan should make a full recovery, she was a little out of it for a moment".

"What happened".

"She said, please don't hurt me".

"May I see her?"

"Of course".

Natalie then took Hank to his daughter's room, Hank looked in the window of his little girl's room. The sight killed him, her face was a little pale, she had tubes in her nose, he saw the IV in her hand. He entered the room going to her side taking her hand, he gently rubbed his thumb across her knuckles then kissed her forehead.

"I'm right here sweetheart, daddy's right here when you wake up". Hank whispered.

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*Sequel to The Phone Call* Jordan tries to move forward after the kidnapping incident, will she be able to move on or will more drama be added to her...
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Many over at Live Journal have asked I continue this story. So here it is!
46.8K 608 10
After a recent kidnapping case leaves the intelligence unit confused, a new piece of information will change Will and Jay Halsteads lives forever.
165K 2.6K 34
OC x Antonio Dawson ✨Complete✨