Untitled Part 16

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When Hank saw Charlie standing there he clenched his fist together tightly then walking over to the man and swung at him knocking him down onto the ground.

"You're a stupid son of a bitch". Hank cursed.

He then began to repeatedly kick him in the abdomen he then pulled his gun out aiming it at Charlie's head. "Tell me what's stopping me from killing you?"

Charlie coughed and spit up some blood then smirking at Hank. "Anything happens to me then you're team along with your precious little girl will die. Yeah that's right you have people, I got people too and right now there outside of Chicago Med the minute they don't hear from me they take out your team starting with Erin first then ending with you're little girl. So go ahead Voight kill me and everyone you care about dies".

Hank was slowly moving the gun from Charlie's head and held it to his side. "How much do you want?"

Charlie chuckled. "Oh Hank this ain't about money this time, no this time I want you and Erin to suffer. Just the way I had to suffer when you drove me out of the city".

"I drove you out of the city when you threatened Erin".

"You're gonna wanna put that gun away before one of your people have an accident".

Hank growled holding tightly to his gun as he slowly put it back into the holster.

"Good man".

Hank then left and Charlie pulled his phone out.

-Derek you know what to do. He said.

Chicago Med

Erin was still by her sister's side holding her hand, she kept looking at the young teen waiting for her to wake up. She was asleep going on almost 2 hours, Erin was close to dozing off when she heard soft muttering coming from Jordan.

"S-scratch". Jordan's voice was small and her voice was cracking.

"Jo, honey can you hear me?"


Erin then had a nurse call for Will to check on Jordan and after a moment he came in.

"What can I do for you Erin?" Will asked.

"I heard Jordan talk could that mean she's waking up?" Erin asked.

He then examined her, he tapped her feet with a reflex hammer and they each kicked.

"That's a good sign right? I mean she's talking, she reacted to the reflex hammer".

"It is a good sign, for the talking I think she could just be a little delirious and not know what she's saying. What is it she said?"


"Maybe she's trying to tell you something to help you with the case".

"Maybe. Thanks Will".

"Not a problem I'll check on her in a while".

When he left Erin began to think. 'Scratch. What could that mean unless'. Her thoughts were interrupted by Kim and Sean.

"Hey how is she?" Kim asked.

"She's stable for now, they have her hooked up to her chemo now instead of waiting till later".

"Poor kid". Sean said.

"I need you guys to do me a favor".

"Name it". Kim said.

"Watch Jordan's room until I get back nobody and I mean nobody gets in or out unless it's one of us or it's a hospital staff".

"Where are you going?"

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