Untitled Part 15

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When Erin had heard Charlie's voice her whole attitude changed completely, she had went from being upset to pissed.

-What do you want Charlie? Erin asked, venom laced in her voice.

-I just wanna see you. Charlie answered.

-Why in the hell would I agree to meet you? You killed Annie! The mother to your son. You probably shot my little sister!

-That kid ain't your sister Erin, she's not your family and neither is Hank. They never were and never will be your family.

-They are more my family than anyone else! Turn yourself in Charlie, if you did shoot Jordan you know as well as I do Hank won't stop looking for you until you're dead or you left the city.

-Who said I shot the kid? There was no weapon at the scene, no fingerprints so how can you say I did it?

-You have motive, all these years you wanted to find a way to hurt me and Hank so you go after Jordan. You followed her after school beat her so bad she has bruised ribs, then you shot her.

-Looks like you figured it all out haven't you? You still can't prove it.

-I'll find the gun Charlie so you might as well turn yourself in because if Hank does find you he's going to end you.

The phone call then ended and Erin just felt more anger, Jay had went to check on her and saw her. She looks as if she's about to explode.

"Erin? Are you alright?" Jay asked, his voice was soft.

"He did it Jay, Charlie did this. I'm going to prove it". Erin replied, her voice was filled with anger.

"How are you going to do that? There was no weapon at the scene, no fingerprints, nothing".

"We have the bullet that was pulled from Jordan. We can use that".

She then went back in the hospital and went to find Dr. Rhodes.

Voight was on the floor where Jordan was transferred to for her treatment. Will and a nurse were hooking her up to an IV for her chemo, and breathing tubes. The two left the room, the nurse walked away while Will went to Hank.

"She's stable, we have her hooked up to an IV that is administering the chemo. She'll be asleep for a while". Will explained.

"Is it alright if I'm in there with her? I don't want her to wake up and I'm not there". Hank said.

"Of course".

Hank went to wash his hands then once he was finished, he went in his daughter's room and sat by her bedside taking her hand into his. The older father had took his other hand and gently stroked her hair back.

Erin was on a mission she paced in the hallway waiting and waiting, Maggie had paged for Dr. Rhodes but he was in a meeting. It was killing her on the inside every second that's wasted Charlie could be planning his next move, something else could happen to Jordan, her mind kept going at a hundred miles an hour.

After ten minutes the young doctor had approached her.

"What can I do for you Erin?" Connor asked.

"I need the bullet you pulled from Jordan's surgery". She replies.

"Could I ask why".

"I need to send it to the crime lab to get a match".

"I'll see what I can do".

"Thank you".

She then wanted to see her sister she then asked Maggie where the room was and went to it, as she got on the elevator more emotions overcame her. Tears began to pool in her eyes and before she knew it she had broken down again, her body shook as she sobbed in her hands.

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