Untitled Part 24

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It's been a day since Jordan was abducted, a day since Hank heard his little girl's voice. The older man remained in his office nobody hasn't said a word to him or Erin, Jay or Antonio hasn't even told him about what Will said. Antonio got up from his desk going to Hank's office he knocked on the door getting his attention.

"Hey what's up". Hank said, his voice was raspy.

"How are you doing?" Antonio asked.

"I can't stop thinking about Jo, she's out there scared and alone. I can't lose her, I just can't lose my baby". Hank wiped his eyes from the new round of tears.

"This may not be a good time to say this but back when Pulpo had Diego taken I was a mess, at first I thought I had lost my boy. But with some help from you I got my boy back and that's what we're gonna do, we'll do everything to get Jordan back alive".

"Thank you".

Erin was in the lounge pouring her fourth cup of coffee trying to stay alert and focused, she was depressed it may have been a day since Jordan was kidnapped it felt longer to her. When she heard her sister's voice she was ready to break down and cry but the whole time she managed to keep it bottled up for the time. Jay went to check on his partner, she held her head down the whole time.

"Hey you ok". Jay spoke.

"I remember the first time I met Jo, she was 2 and a half I went over to Hank's house and there she was on the floor coloring. From that moment I loved her, she became my little sister". Erin said.

"Erin we'll find Jordan I promise you we will".

"I know we will".

Erin then set her coffee mug down leaving the lounge going down to the cage to see Charlie, the whole time anger was surging through her body. She reached the bottom of the steps, when she looked over at Charlie more anger and rage surged through her body as she stormed over there.

Erin banged on the bars to the cage getting Charlie's attention, the dark haired man looked up to see Erin glaring down at him.

"Well, well, what's the matter Erin? Miss me". Charlie says giving a smirk.

"I'm only going to ask you one time before things get ugly. Where are your guys keeping Jordan?" Erin spoke.

"Just like I told Hank, let me out and I'll tell you".

Erin then unlocked the door to the cage stepping inside. "Now you just pissed off the wrong woman".


Jordan was still tied up in the basement of the run down house, Caleb placed a mask over her head and kept the tape over the teen's mouth. Little beads of sweat started to cover the teen's forehead, some of her hair started to stick to her forehead. Jordan was lost in her thoughts, how long had she been in the basement? A day? A week? A month? She didn't know all she did know is that her father was doing everything in his power to find her.

The basement was cold that it was giving the teen chills, Jordan was wearing a short sleeve shirt and jean shorts. She was shivering the whole time. Her muscles were beginning to burn and ache, her stomach kept growling she hadn't eaten in almost a day the teen hoped they at least gave her food and water.

Drew unlocked the basement door going down there he held in his hand a granola bar and bottle of water, he began walking down the steps. Jordan heard footsteps she whimpered at not knowing who it is. The dirty blond man took the mask off Jordan's face then took the tape off.

"Please...let...me...go". Jordan said weakly.

"As soon as you're father gives us what we want". Drew said.

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