Untitled Part 22

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The team had Charlie in a car with Jay and Kevin they wanted to keep him away from Hank and Erin for the time being until they get back to the District. Erin decided to ride back with Hank.

"How was Jo when you left?" Hank asked.

"She was resting, I think she got really worn out from everything". Erin replied.

"Jo asked me to promise her I wouldn't do anything stupid".

"She asked me to look out for you".

"I've got a great daughter".

"That you do".

After 10 minutes everyone arrived back to the District, the team exited the cars Hank went to get Charlie out of the back of Jay's car. He roughly yanked him out of the car causing him to hit his head.

"Oh I'm sorry did that hurt" Hank says sarcastically.

"It'll be a matter of time before I get your precious baby girl Hank, I know it and you know it". Charlie said.

Hank them smashed his fist into Charlie's face. "The only reason you're still breathing is because I allowed it, if I wanted too I'd put a bullet in your head right now".

"I think you really mean that".

"Put his ass in the cage and everyone get upstairs".

Platt then came down the stairs going to Hank's direction. "Hank, Commander Crowley's up in your office she needs to talk to you".

"Alright I'll be up in a minute".

"How's Jo doing?"

"She's ok, Erin's said she's resting".

"I'm glad she's ok".

Antonio put Charlie in the cage and cuffed him to the bench. "If anything happens to Jordan we will end you". He then sucker punched Charlie in the abdomen. "That's what happens to people who screw with my niece".

The team then went up to the unit to figure out their next move, Hank saw Commander Crowley in his office he went to his office closing the door.

"Commander". Hank greeted her.

"Hank, first how's Jordan doing?" Crowley asked.

"She's doing well, I put her in protective custody until the case is over".

"You have the suspects?"

"Yeah we do".

"The first time I see you can't handle yourself I'll have no choice but to reassign the case to another unit".

"I understand".

"If you or Jordan need anything at all, don't hesitate to ask".

"I appreciate that Commander".

"Is Jordan safe where she is?"

"We just had to move her, she was about to be abducted".

"Do you know who did it?"

"Two guys, Caleb Young and Drew Jacobs they were hired by a guy Charlie Pugliese".

"Sounds like you know him well".

"I helped Lindsay get away from him years ago, he came back for revenge on us".

"Do you think you'll be able to handle yourself?"

"Of course".

"I mean it Hank the first time you step out of line the case goes to another unit".

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