The Phone Call

By Malec0914

90.3K 1.1K 34

One phone call changes Voight's life forever. Will mention Chicago Fire and Med! More

Untitled Part 1
Untitled Part 2
Untitled Part 3
Untitled Part 4
Untitled Part 5
Untitled Part 6
Untitled Part 7
Untitled Part 8
Untitled Part 9
Untitled Part 10
Untitled Part 11
Untitled Part 12
Untitled Part 13
Untitled Part 14
Untitled Part 15
Untitled Part 16
Untitled Part 17
Untitled Part 18
Untitled Part 19
Untitled Part 20
Untitled Part 22
Untitled Part 23
Untitled Part 24
Untitled Part 25
Untitled Part 26
Author's Note

Untitled Part 21

2.1K 29 1
By Malec0914

When those words left Jay's mouth Hank and Erin both ran from there going to Hank's SUV while Jay quickly informed the others and they rushed to their vehicles too. A moment later the lights and sirens were put on as they all drove down the street.

Hank was trying not to think about any of the negative outcomes, he pressed his foot down harder on the pedal making the car go faster. He gripped the steering wheel tightly, Erin looked at her father figure.

"She'll be ok Hank, Jo will be ok". Erin said.

"She better be". Hank muttered.

They continued driving down the streets.

Jordan was shaking like a leaf the whole time, Kim wanted to get her checked out because of her side so they called an ambulance. Gabby and Brett had responded when they arrived and saw the teen in fear, they got to work.

"Hey what do we got". Gabby says.

"We wanted to get Jordan checked out, she was almost taken and we wanted to get her side checked out". Sean said.

"Alright Jo, sweetie come to the ambo and we'll look at you". Brett said.

The teen just nodded and walked over to the ambulance getting in the back, Kim stayed with her while Sean waited on the others. Gabby lifted the shirt up to look at Jordan's side, luckily the stitches didn't rip but she does have slight bruising. They wanted to do one last look over and she was fine.

A moment later Hank and the others have arrived, he was the first to get out the car slamming his door. When he didn't see his daughter yet he got concerned and worried.

"Jordan! Jordan! Jo!" Hank called out for his daughter.

Erin then saw the ambulance and took a hold of Hank's arm. "She's over there".

Hank looked over to the ambulance and saw his daughter inside, he ran over. "Jo!"

The adults and Jordan heard the familiar gruff voice that belonged to Hank, when Jordan saw her father she ran from the ambulance straight to her father's arms.

"Daddy". Jordan cried.

"It's alright, you're alright now sweetheart. It's ok, you're ok". Hank comforted her.

"T-there was t-two of them, they tried to grab me but I ran".

"Shh baby it's alright now".

Jordan held on tighter to her father not wanting to move, everyone watched the scene in front of them.

"Jo sweetheart let me look at you". Hank pulled his daughter away so he can quickly examine her.

"She'll be ok Hank I think she's just in shock, she has slight bruising on her side". Gabby said.

"Thank you Gabriela".

"Not a problem".

The paramedics then left heading to another call, Jordan held onto her father for another minute before hugging Erin for a couple of moments. He then signed for Jay and Adam to go to them.

"Jo, sweetheart I need you to go with Jay and Adam back to the District". Hank tells his daughter.

"No I wanna stay with you". Jordan replied.

"It's just for a little while, once I finish here I'll be right down there I promise".


Jordan gave her father one last hug then went with Jay and Adam.

"Halsted". Hank called.

"What's up boss". Jay says going back.

"She doesn't see that Derek kid for anything and she doesn't leave either of you're sights".

"You got it".

Jay then went to catch up to Adam and Jordan, Hank then turned to the patrolmen.

"Do either of you wanna tell me what the hell happened here? All I asked you to do was watch her!" Hank yelled.

"Hank calm down it wasn't their fault". Erin says to him.

"Jordan was still asleep, I was doing a last patrol before going on Kim came to get me and when we got inside Jordan fell to her knees. I chased after the guys but I lost them". Sean explained.

"Neither of you have children, I do I already lost my son I'll be damned if I lose Jordan too!"

"Hank go walk it off now, I'll handle it from here". Erin said forcefully.

The older man had walked away before he went off anymore, Erin then turned to the two partners.

"Guys don't take it personally, he's always been like that when it came to Jordan". Erin said.

"I couldn't have been gone for more than a minute Erin, just a minute". Kim said.

"How'd they get in?"

"I chased them out the back". Sean answered.

"Let's check it out".

21st District

Jay and Adam have arrived with Jordan, she was still shaking a bit, when Platt saw her goddaughter in that condition she got worried. She then called for Adam while Jay took the teen upstairs.

"Is she ok?" Platt asked.

"She's in shock a bit, she was almost abducted". Adam answered.

"I'll be talking to Burgess and Roman about this. Go take care of her".

Jay had brought Jordan to the lounge and made her some hot chocolate, Adam then came back up.

"Here you go honey". Jay said, setting the cup down.

"Thanks Jay". Jordan replied.

"Jo do you think you can tell us what happened". Adam says gently.

"I was asleep and I heard a noise in my room, I thought it was Kim or Sean checking on me like dad had told them. It was two guys they were coming at me so I shot up and ran, one of them grabbed me from behind and I kicked him. I ran down the stairs and the pain in my side got to be too much till I fell then called for Kim and Sean. The guys ran out the backdoor, Kim stayed with me while Sean chased them".

"You did good Jo real good job". Jay said.

"Can I see Derek?"

"You're dad doesn't want you seeing him".

"Jo, I need to talk to Jay for a second. We'll be right outside if you need us". Adam said.


The two men walked out of the lounge and began quietly talking.

"Jay this was Caleb and Drew, they went after Jordan". Adam said.

"It makes sense, we got Marcus and Jon here. Charlie isn't gonna pull something like this off without help". Jay answered.

"Voight is gonna kill these guys".

"No doubt about that".

Erin and the others were in the back of the house now.

"So they parked back here so they wouldn't get caught by you guys, once they figured the coast was clear they made their move". Antonio started.

"It's not a forced entry so they didn't want to get Burgess or Roman's attention, they picked the lock to get in. When Kim left they made their way inside up to Jordan's room". Erin went on.

"Jordan sees them tries to run, one grabs her keeping her from escaping".

"How'd she get free?"

"She said she kicked the one who held her". Kim said.

"Ok once she gets free Jo runs down the stairs she falls because of her side". Antonio finished.

"Alright so if we got Young and Ryder who did this?" Kevin asked.

"Parker and Jacobs did this, Charlie wouldn't risk pulling something like this off on his own". Erin said.

"So where's Charlie?" Antonio asked.


Charlie was with his other two guys in his house.

"All you had to do was get the girl and even that was too complicated for you". Charlie said.

"You forgot to tell us that the kid's father is a freaking cop!" Caleb yelled.

"I've heard of this dude man, everybody on the streets is scared of him. Nobody screws with him not without paying the price". Drew said.

"Look all you have to do is not get caught". Charlie said.

Caleb scoffed. "You make it sound easy".

"Just follow what I do and it will be".

21st District

The rest of the team has arrived along with Kim and Sean, since they were still on protection detail they followed everyone inside and Platt called them.

"Burgess, Roman a word". Platt said.

The two went over to her. "Yes Sarge". Kim said.

"I don't know what the hell happened out there today, so when you're on protection detail you watch and protect. You may not know this but Jordan is my goddaughter and I will do everything to protect her just like Hank will. Don't make the mistake again".

"Right Sarge". Sean said.

They then went upstairs and just as they got to the top they saw Hank.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry for my outburst earlier, I was out of line. When I lost Justin I swore that I'll never let anything happen to Jordan. I just wanted to say I'm sorry". Hank said.

"It's ok really we shouldn't have left her alone and we won't do it again". Sean said.

"Let's get to work".

Jordan glanced out the lounge to see her father was back so she carefully ran to him, crashing into him.

"It's alright Jo you're safe now". Hank said, he then kissed her head.

"I was really scared dad". Jordan whispered.

"You're safe now Jo, nobody's gonna hurt you. Jo I gotta talk to the team for a minute you mind waiting in my office for me".

"I'll stay with you Jordy". Erin said.

"Ok". Jordan said.

Erin gently took a hold of her sister's arm guiding her to Hank's office closing the door. Hank then turned to the team.

"Get Derek up here he's gonna lead us to Charlie". Hank spoke.

"Boss you think that's a good idea with Jo being here?" Kevin asked.

"He's not gonna do nothin stupid not with me here".

"What are we gonna do about Jo? She can't stay when we have the suspects here". Jay said.

"I have an idea if you're up for it". Antonio said.

"What is it". Hank replied.

"I'm sure Gabby won't mind watching her neither would the guys at 51, they won't let anything happen to Jo".

"Set it up".

Antonio then called his sister to set it up while Kevin went to get Derek from the cage. Jordan was still in her father's office with Erin, she had stopped shaking but was still in shock.

"You ok now Jo?" Erin asked, rubbing her back soothingly.

"I'm ok Erin everything took me by surprise". Jordan replied, moving some of her hair back.

"We're glad you're ok".

"It happened so fast Erin, I ran then I kicked who had me and I ran again".

"You did everything you're instincts told you to do".

"That and everything you guys, dad, and Justin taught me".

"Justin would be proud of how you handled yourself today".

"Think so?"

"I know so, you handled yourself very well today".

"So uh what happens now? Where am I gonna go?"

"I don't know sweetie that would be up to your dad".

"Couldn't I stay here? There would be someone to watch me, I'd be safe".

"You're dad doesn't want you around the suspects we have".

"And he doesn't want me around Derek".

"Sweetheart, Derek lied to you, he spied on you for months telling everything back to the guy who did this to you. You may think you're dad is doing it to keep you in the dark but he's doing it to keep you from getting hurt again, it's also to protect you".

"I know that's how he is".

Kevin was down going to the cage once he reached the bottom of the stairs he pulled the key from his pocket.

"Hey let's go". Kevin said.

"Go where? What's going on?" Derek asked.

"You're coming upstairs to help us".

"No I won't do it".

"Excuse me".

"I won't do it until I talk to Jordan".

"That is not up to me it's up to her father and he said he doesn't want you to see or talk to her".

"Then I'm not doing anything".

Kevin then sighed in frustration going back upstairs, Antonio had just gotten off the phone with his sister.

"Gabby cleared it with Boden, Jordan can stay as long as she needs". Antonio said.

"Alright I'll get Jo's stuff ready and get her all set up". Hank replied.

"Erin and I can do it, you guys have enough to do here".

"Thanks bro".

"No problem".

Kevin then came back up with an annoyed look. "Boss we gotta problem".

"What's the problem".

"Derek isn't gonna help us unless he talks to Jo, so I figured I'd leave that to you".

"Jo doesn't leave until I talk to her". Hank tells Antonio.

"Copy". Antonio responded.

Hank then proceed to go down to the cage where Derek is, the teen boy was still laying on the bench staring at the ceiling lost in his thoughts. When Hank reached the bottom of the stairs where the cage is he marched over hitting the bars scaring the teen.

"I told you, you're not seeing or talking to my daughter". Hank said.

"Then I'm not helping, I won't do anything until I get at least a minute with Jordan. She needs to hear it from me on why I did what I did". Derek replied.

"She doesn't need to hear anymore of your lies that you been spewing to her like you've been doing the past few months".

"Look I'm sorry about what I did ok and she needs to hear it from me".

"You get one minute with her and if I hear one lie out of your mouth, when I get done with you the only thing you'll be needing is a dentist when I knock all your teeth down your throat".

"I'm done with all of the lies I swear, all I want to tell her is that I'm sorry".

"Let's go".

Hank opened the cage and Derek got led out by the older man. "If I could I'd put you through all the pain you put Jordan through".

They then walked up the stairs going back to the unit, when they got to the top everyone stared at Hank with Derek. He then went to his office door when it opened it got the attention of Erin and Jordan. Jordan looked at Derek and started to feel her heart aching after all the lies he told her, Erin left the room just as Hank and Derek entered.

Derek went to sit down by Jordan while Hank stood by the door to watch. Derek had reached his hand out and gently touched Jordan's hand, she ranked her hand back and looked at her ex boyfriend with anger burning in her brown eyes.

"Jo I'm so sorry about everything". Derek said.

"Why, what did I ever do to you?" Jordan asked.

"I didn't want to do it, my cousin was blackmailing me. Jo I never in my life mean to hurt you".

"But you did and look what happened to me, what else aren't you telling me?"

"The day you were shot and I said I had to go home afterwards, I didn't go home. My cousin was following you and I was following him, Jo I saw everything he did to you. When he shot you I didn't think he'd do that I swear, the second you hit the ground I ran over to you as fast as I could. For a second I thought you were gone I called 911 and when I heard the sirens I ran, when my cousin saw me he said if I said anything he'd kill me".

"Were you also the ones to leave the notes in my locker and on my front door?"

"Yeah I thought that's how my cousin was gonna get you, I really thought my cousin was going to scare you that's it".

"Get out I don't wanna see you right now".

"Jo-" Derek was cut off by Jordan's outburst.

"I said get out! Now!"

Derek got up going out the door which was opened by Hank he then closed it again just as his daughter was hiding her face into her hands. He then went to sit by her and pulled her into his arms she laid her head on his shoulder.

"I don't understand dad, I know when someone is lying but the whole time with Derek I didn't know. I always know when someone is lying or hiding something from me but not with Derek". Jordan says.

"Young love makes you see people differently sweetheart". Hank replied.

Jordan buried her face into his shoulder for a minute. "Dad am I stupid?"

"Jordan you are not stupid this isn't your fault sweetheart, you couldn't have known he was lying to you".

"I don't wanna see him right now".

"You don't have too".

"So what happens now? Where am I gonna go?"

"You're gonna stay at 51 Antonio already cleared it with Chief Boden".

"I like it there, does someone have to stay with me?"

"Yeah I'm gonna have Burgess and Roman stay with you".

Jordan pulled away from her father just as he wiped her face of the tears that were coming down her cheeks. The father and daughter had gotten up leaving the office, Jordan kept her head down when Derek saw her. Erin then went over to her just as Antonio got his jacket on.

"Jordan I'm so sorry". Derek said.

The two detectives moved taking the teen girl from the unit following by the patrolmen. Hank then went to the teen boy.

"Don't talk to her anymore, after this you are not to be around Jordan anymore". Hank said.

"I should have never did this. What do you want me to do?" Derek replied.

Erin and Antonio were getting the car packed with Jordan's stuff while the teen got in the back seat and continued to hold her head down.

"It'll be alright Jo". Antonio said.

"How could I have been so blind? I always know if someone is lying or hiding something". Jordan said.

Erin then got in the back with her sister while Antonio drove, they drove off with Kim and Sean following them.

"Jordy none of this is on you, you couldn't have known he was lying". Erin said.

"Dad said that young love makes you see people differently". Jordan replied.

"He's right, you loved Derek so you didn't think he was lying".

"After Michael I was afraid to date again because I was scared I'd get hurt again, but when Derek and I started hanging out it was different. I really thought he was the one Erin, after this dad isn't gonna let me date again let alone bring a boy home".

"When I was your age and Hank took me in, the first time I brought a boy home he full blown interrogated the boy. I had some broken hearts but one guy had always been there and he's gonna be there for you too no matter what".

Jordan gave a small smile. "Hey Antonio will you ever let Eva date?"

"Not a chance". Antonio replied with a chuckle.

"So are you guys close to finding out who did this to me?"

Antonio and Erin glanced at each other deciding if they should tell her.

"We are and once we get him you'll be able to go home". Erin said.

Jordan laid her head on Erin's shoulder. "I hope so". She then was dozing off and soon she was asleep.

After a few more minutes of driving they arrived at 51, just as they were pulling up Gabby had seen her brother pulling up in the driveway along with Kim and Sean. The rest of the house then came out. Erin then gently shook the teen's shoulder.

"Jordy were here". Erin said gently.

"5 more minutes". Jordan whined.

"Let's get you inside so you can rest".

"Did you remember Justin's pillow and blanket?"

"I did".

They all exit their cars Erin had a hold of Jordan's arm while Antonio got her bag and Erin took it with her free arm, they walked up to the group.

"There's Little Voight, how you feeling Jo?" Otis asked.

"I'm ok just a bit worn out from the past couple days that's all". Jordan replied, tiredly.

"I'm gonna take Jo inside so she can rest". Erin said.

The teen waved to everyone as Erin guided her inside Kim and Sean followed, everyone else looked at Antonio with curious looks.

"How is she really doing". Gabby said.

"I don't know how to say this and please don't bring it up around Jo, she's taking this hard". Antonio replied.

"Antonio what is it".

"Yesterday when Jordan was getting a blood transfusion for her surgery, they tested her blood to determine her type. While they were testing the doctor's found out that she has leukemia".

The group was stunned at his words and he continued. "Last night her fever got too high she had a seizure and they started her treatment. Then not even a half hour ago she was almost abducted".

"You have our word Jo will be safe here with us". Boden said.

"We'll do everything we can for her". Casey said.

After the Voight situation Casey and Hank made up, Jordan became close with everyone at 51 they all treated her like family.

"I know things between you guys and Voight were bad at first but I know he'll appreciate everything you guys are doing for Jordan".

"Anything else we should know". Severide said.

"Burgess and Roman are gonna be her protection detail, Jordan's gonna be feeling weak and tired over the next couple of days so some things she'll need help with some stuff. Also be on the lookout for anything suspicious, this guy has people everywhere so take extra precautions".

"Anything we can do to help let us know". Boden said.

Erin helped Jordan to where the bunks were she set the bag down by a bed and helped the teen lay down, she put Justin's pillow under her head and covered her with the blanket.

"Jo, Kim and Sean are here, the others are around if you need them. Me, you're dad, and everyone down at the District have our cells on us". Erin said, brushing her hair back.

"Erin don't forget watch out for dad, I don't wanna lose him if he does something stupid". Jordan says, tiredly.

"I'll watch out for him I promise".

"I love you guys, can you tell dad I love him I forgot".

"Yeah I can do that".

Jordan then fell asleep and Erin kissed her head, Kim and Sean stood by as she left the room quietly cutting out the lights. She had went out to the group to stand by Antonio.

"Jo's asleep now and might be for a bit, her temperature is gonna have to be checked periodically if it gets too high she could have another seizure". Erin said.

"Got it". Brett said

"We have our cells if anything happens please call us".

"Will do". Casey said.

"Go catch this bastard". Severide says.

"Believe us we will". Antonio said.

The two detectives then left heading back to the station while the alarm bells went off sending everyone else to their vehicles and out to their call.

District 21

"You want me to do what?" Derek asked.

"All you gotta do is call Charlie, say Jordan is acting suspicious around you and asking questions. Ask to meet up to talk about it and let us go from there". Jay said.

"Yeah that's nerve racking enough, will he even buy it?"

"As long as you play it right, you've been lying for months how's this gonna be different". Hank said.

Derek then turned to face Hank with a glare in his eye. "Look I'm sorry for lying to all of you and spying on Jordan but I didn't have a choice, Charlie said he'd kill me and my parents".

"Would it have mattered to you if he actually did kill Jordan?"

"Yeah it would have mattered to me I love her".

"Don't you ever say those words again! You never loved her!"

Jay had to pull Hank back away from the teen boy. "Easy boss".

Hank then stormed to his office slamming his door so loud the team flinched.

"That is not a way to get on his good side". Adam said.

"Just give me the phone so I can do this, I'm ready to finish this". Derek replied.

Kevin handed over the phone and Derek dialed the number to Charlie's cell. It started ringing and Derek started to feel his heart race in his chest.

"Don't forget act nervous". Jay whispered.

The teen boy nodded and after a couple second Charlie answered.

-What is it Derek? Charlie asked.

-Charlie I don't know how much longer I can do this, Jordan's asking questions dude she followed me one day when I went to meet you. Derek replied.

-Alright calm down man, where are you?

-I'm at home.

-Meet me at Lincoln park in 15 minutes. We'll discuss everything then.


-Make sure you're not followed this time.

-I got it.

Derek hung the phone up and looked at the team. "He wants to meet at Lincoln park in 15 minutes to discuss everything".

"Let's move". Adam said.

Hank was still in his office when Olinsky went and opened the door getting his attention.

"Hey Al". Hank greeted his friend.

"The meet is at Lincoln park in 15". Alvin replied.

"Where does that little punk get off saying he still loves Jo? He never loved her".

Olinsky then shut the door and faced his friend. "I remember the day Jo was placed in your arms, you swore that she'd never go on a date as long as you lived".

"It's strange Al one minute Jo's this little girl who always ran to me when I came home now she's a teenager. Where'd the time go?"

"I ask myself that everyday with Lexi".

"So the meet's in Lincoln park".

"Yeah in 15".

"We got work to do".

They went to the underground part to get their ear pieces and to get Derek wired up.

"So you guys do this all the time huh?" Derek asked.

"Everyday". Kevin replied, strapping his vest on.

"So what do I do?"

"You wait for Charlie to show up then when he gets there you talk to him, say what you told him on the phone. Jo's acting suspicious and asking questions, she followed you a couple times then we move in". Jay explained.

"Will he know something's up?"

"As long as you be yourself and don't give away he shouldn't".

Just then Lindsay and Antonio were pulling in getting out, leaving the car doors open.

"How is she?" Hank asked.

"She's resting for now they'll call with any kind of update". Erin replied.

"What's going on here". Antonio says.

"Derek's meeting Charlie at Lincoln park and we gotta head out so suit up quickly".

While they were suiting up the other got in their vehicles and just as Derek was going to one Hank pulled him back.

"For your sake he better be there". Hank said.

"I got it". Derek said.

"Were ready to go". Erin said.

"Let's roll out". Hank told his crew.

They all headed out going to Lincoln park.


Charlie was getting his jacket on and grabbed his keys along with a pocket knife putting it in his pocket.

"Where are you off too?" Drew asked.

"To see someone who else can't do a job right, I swear you want something done right do it yourself. Look just find a way to get the girl once I get her you all get your money". Charlie said.

"Fine". Caleb says.

Charlie then left leaving for the park.

Lincoln park

Derek was standing around waiting anxiously, he kept glancing around waiting for Charlie to show up. Jay was out jogging in the park, Erin and Adam stood together on their phones, Kevin was walking around 'talking' on his phone, Hank and Antonio were in a car nearby.

"Kid relax everything will be fine". Adam said into the ear piece.

"Aren't I supposed to be nervous?" Derek asked.

"Not this nervous, take a few deep breaths. This is for Jo if you really want to help her this is the way to do it". Jay spoke next.

Just before Derek could speak he saw Charlie approaching, his eyes widened. "Guys he's coming". He whispered.

"Show time". Hank said.

Charlie saw his younger cousin as he was getting closer, he looked around to see a few people at the park.

"What's up Derek". Charlie greeted the teen.

"Hey man". Derek replied.

"So what's the problem".

"It's Jordan, she's starting to ask questions. Where I'm at, where I'm going, dude she followed me when I came to meet you. She could know where you hide out. I don't know what to do".

"You want me to take care of it or do you want to take care of it?"

"W-what do you mean take care of it?"

"Do you want me to take her out or do you want to do it frankly as long as it gets done I don't care, you want me to do it say the word and I will".

Hank growled he was about to move but Antonio stopped him. "Not yet".

"We got him on solicitation of murder what else do we need". Hank said.

"Just wait".

"Charlie I don't want to kill Jordan, I want out completely. I did everything you asked so all I ask is I want to be done please so after this, after today me and my parents are safe we get to be left alone". Derek said.

"Alright fair deal, you did your part. You want out you're out but you do one more thing and you'll be done". Charlie said.


"Where are they keeping the girl".

"Right now I don't know but as soon as I know you're the first person I call".

Hank couldn't take it anymore so he picked his phone up. "Move in I repeat move in".

He and Antonio emerged from their car while the other swarmed in, the others were running in drawing their weapons. Charlie looked at the teen boy with a glare in his eyes.

"You little snitch". Charlie said.

"It had to stop Charlie, I wasn't about to let you hurt Jordan anymore". Derek said.

"You're dead, you're parents are dead".

He then pulled the pocket knife from his pocket just as the team was closing in, he then grabbed a hold of Derek hold the knife to his chest.

"Charlie let him go now". Erin said forcefully.

"Long time no see Erin. Voight how are you I've been meaning to ask how's your little girl, Jordan doing".

Hank gripped his gun tightly aiming it at Charlie but he kept using Derek as a shield. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't end you right here, right now". Hank's voice was dangerous and cold.

"Well for one I have a hostage, for two I still got people out in the city it'll be a matter of time before I get my hands on that little girl of yours".

"Charlie! Leave Jordan out of this, you want me? Fine. I'll do whatever you want just leave Jordan out of this, she's an innocent kid who doesn't deserve any of this". Erin said.

"There's nothing I want from you the only thing I want is for you and Voight to suffer".

"Let the kid go and we can talk about this". Adam said.

"This little snitch he ain't going nowhere".

He then plunged the pocket knife into Derek's stomach hard then pulled it out, the teen boy fell to the ground holding his stomach. Adam and Kevin ran over to the teen while Erin, Jay, Antonio took off after Charlie.

"50 21 George I need an ambulance at Lincoln park now, I got a teen boy with a stab wound to the abdomen". Kevin said into the radio.

"Come on Derek stay with us". Adam said, putting pressure on the wound.

"Ahh!" Derek cried in pain.

"I have to put pressure on it Derek it's gonna hurt".

"I...want you...guys to...promise me something".

"What is it". Kevin said.

"If I...don't make it...tell my parents that...I'm sorry and I love them and tell Jo I love her".

Erin, Jay, and Antonio were still chasing after Charlie, Jay was getting closer to him when he tackled him from behind knocking him to the ground. He turned Charlie around and punched his face a few times.

"That's for my sister you son of a bitch". Jay said.

He then cuffed him and roughly pulling him up. "If anything happens to Jordan we will be the very least of your worries".

"You assholes don't scare me". Charlie said.

Erin and Antonio came over they put their guns away, Charlie was smirking at Erin.

"Looks like you caught me Erin, how is Jordan doing by the way? She recovering ok after being shot and all". Charlie said.

Erin then swung and hit Charlie's nose breaking it, blood began gushing out of his nose. "Let me make one thing perfectly clear Charlie, you mess with my sister then you mess with me".

"Erin face the facts that kid was never your sister and she will never be your sister, she's just Hank's kid you call your sister because he was pretending to be a daddy to you".

She then took another swing at Charlie till Antonio pulled her away from him. "That isn't going to solve anything". He said.

"It may not but it makes me feel better. When Nadia died I lost control big time it took a lot to get me out of that slump I was in, then Justin died and we all took it hard, if we lost Jordan that'll be it. Jo is the only person Hank and I have left we can't lose her".

"Hey, you guys still have all of us and we'll make damn sure nothing happens to Jordan".

"I'm not losing my sister".

"You won't I promise".

"Before we left Jo asked me to keep an eye on Hank to make sure he doesn't lose his cool or anything".

"Good luck with keeping that promise".

They then walked back over to Adam and Kevin who were being joined by Gabby and Brett working on Derek, Hank was with his detectives watching on.

"How is he Gabby". Hank spoke.

"He was stabbed in the abdomen he's losing blood and fast we need to transport now".

Gabby replied.

Brett and Gabby quickly loaded Derek into the ambulance and sped off. Hank then looked over to see Jay who had a firm hold of Charlie, insistently he felt his blood boiling. Anger burned in his brown eyes, images flashed in his mind of Jordan lying in the hospital bed, Jordan being unconscious, all of it.

"Long time no see Hank, miss me". Charlie said, with a smirk.

Hank then took a swung at him knocking him out of Jay's grip when he was on the ground the older man had kicked him a few times.

"That's police brutality, I got witnesses to see this". Charlie spit some blood out of his mouth.

"We didn't see anything". Antonio said.

Hank then got on one knee pulling Charlie up by his shirt. "You're mine now you son of a bitch".

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