The Phone Call

By Malec0914

90.3K 1.1K 34

One phone call changes Voight's life forever. Will mention Chicago Fire and Med! More

Untitled Part 1
Untitled Part 2
Untitled Part 3
Untitled Part 4
Untitled Part 5
Untitled Part 6
Untitled Part 7
Untitled Part 8
Untitled Part 9
Untitled Part 10
Untitled Part 11
Untitled Part 12
Untitled Part 13
Untitled Part 14
Untitled Part 15
Untitled Part 16
Untitled Part 17
Untitled Part 18
Untitled Part 19
Untitled Part 21
Untitled Part 22
Untitled Part 23
Untitled Part 24
Untitled Part 25
Untitled Part 26
Author's Note

Untitled Part 20

2.1K 31 2
By Malec0914

After a very long night it was almost time for Jordan to get discharged from the hospital, Erin had went to Hank's house and grabbed her somethings. She grabbed her some clean clothes, her IPod, laptop, a few movies, and her chargers. Once she was finished in Jordan's room she had went across the hall to Justin's, the door remained closed nobody besides Jordan has ever gone in there when she opened the door her breath got caught in her throat.

When she opened the door she had froze; The room hadn't been touched since Justin passed, the walls were filled with pictures and posters, his bed was made neatly, his closet was still filled with his clothing. Erin knew Hank didn't have the heart to get rid of his son's stuff it was the only piece of Justin they had left. She quickly grabbed one of the pillows, folded the blanket putting them in a separate bag, once that was finished she went to the closet and took a few shirts folding them.

Erin had gotten everything for Jordan so she took the stuff out to her car putting it in the backseat, when she shut the door to her car she scanned the area it's like she was waiting for Charlie to pop out. Erin knew she would be always prepared for the unexpected. She got in her car speeding away unaware Charlie was watching her.

Chicago Med

Jordan would be released real soon and before she was separated from her father she needed to talk to him.

"Dad can I talk to you for a minute". Jordan spoke.

"Sure sweetheart what is it". Hank replied.

"I know you do what you have to do to keep me safe you did it with Justin, but I want you to promise me you won't do anything stupid. I lost you once, we lost Justin and I almost lost you again because of what you did when Justin was killed. I can't lose you or anyone else again, so promise me don't do anything stupid".

"I promise sweetheart".

Hank saw the worry in his little girl's eyes, he always kept the promises he made to her no matter how big or small they were he kept them. Erin had arrived at the hospital carrying a bag over her shoulder as she walked to Jordan's room, the whole time she couldn't shake the feeling someone had been watching her; Following her. She kept getting chills down her back but she wouldn't say anything until she knew for sure.

When she got to Jordan's she knocked on the door she peeked her head in. "Hey mind if I come in". She says.

"Sure". Hank replied.

Erin set the bag of clothing down on the bed. "I brought your clothes Jordy your other stuff is in the car".

"Thanks Erin". Jordan replied.

Hank then stepped out of the room while Erin closed the blinds so she can help her sister change, Jordan bit her lip for a minute then decided to speak up.

"Erin I need you to do me a favor". Jordan said.

"Of course Jo, anything". Erin replied.

"I want you to watch out for dad, I lost him once when he went to jail, I almost lost him when he did what he did to Justin's killer. Erin I can't lose him or anyone else, I don't wanna lose my dad".

"I promise I'll look out for him Jordy, you have my word".



Erin then helped Jordan lift the hospital gown over her head and quickly replaced it with one of Justin's shirts, the teen then sat down on the bed so she could get a pair of sweatpants on. Jordan then had another thing come to her mind.

"Hey Erin do you think dad would let me see Derek? I wanna talk to him, I need to know why he lied to me".

"Jo he's not gonna let you see him or talk to him, he wants you far away from Derek right now. You've been through more than enough and you've been hurt too much as it is, don't put yourself through any more of his lies".

"I loved him Erin I still do, why'd he do this?"

She knew why Derek did what he did but she doesn't want to tell Jordan. "I don't know sweetie".

"Dad's not gonna let me date after this is he?"

"Probably not, neither will any of the guys".

"I still remember when....Michael and I first started dating, dad, Justin, and the guys really gave him the third degree".

"I still remember when he came over for dinner, between Justin and you're dad it was like watching an interrogation".

"That was until you stepped in".
"Someone had to do it".

"I don't know what to do Erin, I still love Derek but I hate him for lying to me".

"You don't have to do anything right now except healing and getting better, don't worry about Derek or anybody for that matter. Besides guys come and go all the time but those guys out there, they aren't going anywhere especially your dad. He'll love you more than any boyfriend you'll ever have, a daughter's first love will be their father".

"Do I have to go into a safe house? I feel safe with you guys".

"It'll be the best place for you right now, we have to work the case, nobody'll know where you're at except us. You'll be safe".

"It's gonna be strange you know, I've never been apart from dad for long except when he was in jail and I'm at school. How long will I be there?"

"I'm not sure Jo".

"You'll catch this guy right?"

"Of course we will".

Hank was outside the room signing the discharge papers and the whole time Olinsky saw the look on his friend's face.

"Hey you ok". Olinsky asked his friend.

"I'm fine, I promised Jo that I wouldn't do anything stupid". Hank replied.

"You made that promise?"

"Yeah and I'll keep it up to a point".

Hank went to give the forms to April once that was finished he went back to the group.

"Is the safehouse set up for Jo?" He asked.

"Yeah, nobody knows where she'll be except us". Jay answered.

The older man then turned to Kim and Sean. "I'm counting on the two of you to protect my daughter, she's also gonna need help with some stuff".

"We got it Sarge, nothing will happen to Jordan on our watch". Sean said.

"Jo will be perfectly safe with us". Kim added.

"Anything happens to her you'll see a side of me nobody should ever see".

"Yes sir".

He then went to see Jordan and Olinsky gave a quick talk to the patrolmen.

"Guys don't take it personally, he's just looking out for Jordan and her well being. He's just doing what any father would do I'd do the same thing if it were Lexi". Olinsky said.

Jordan was finally dressed Erin was helping her get her tennis shoes on.

"Almost ready sweetheart". Hank says.

"Yeah, dad could you take me to the safehouse and stay? For a few minutes at least". Jordan replied.

"Of course I will".

"Good to go Jo". Erin said.

"Does that mean we can get out of here now?"

"Yeah come on". Hank said.

Hank then helped Jordan as she brought her hand to her side as pain shot through her entire right side and she hissed in pain.

"It's alright Jo". Erin comforted.

"I'll get you a wheelchair". Hank said.

"Dad I'm fine". Jordan assured her father.

"I'm sure you are but it is hospital policy to be wheeled out".

When the three were outside the door the unit were clapping making the teen blush.

"Ladies and gentlemen Little Voight is up and around". Adam said.

"I hate it when you guys call me that". Jordan chuckled.

"How are you feeling kiddo?" Jay asked.

"Sore and in pain but I'll get through it".

Hank then returned with a wheelchair for Jordan and she sat down in it and her father began pushing her towards the front of the hospital while the team watched. The team then followed them out, Hank gently helped his daughter up getting her into his SUV.

"You good Jo?" Hank asked.

"Yeah I'm good. Dad this is just temporary right? I'll be able to go home after this won't I?" Jordan replied.

"It's just until the case is finished sweetheart, once it's finished you can go home".

"Don't forget the promise you made me".

"I won't".

Erin then went to her car grabbing the stuff out of it bringing it over to Hank's car. "Here's the stuff for Jo".

"Thanks Erin".

"I'm gonna follow you guys and stay for a bit".

"Tell the others to get back to the District".


Kim and Sean then came up. "Ready when you are Sarge". Kim said.

"Let's go". Hank said.

Hank got in his car while Erin got in hers and the two patrolmen got in their cruiser, they all started to drive away from the hospital. Two of Charlie's guys Marcus and Drew began to tail them but kept a distance.

The rest of the team went back to the District to wait on Voight, when they arrived they all headed upstairs so the others could quickly get briefed. As soon as they hit the top Antonio looked over at them.

"Jo going to the safehouse?" Antonio asked.

"Yeah, Voight and Lindsay went with her to get her set up". Jay answered.

"Well while we're waiting I'll quickly brief the rest of you, Derek is Charlie's cousin. He's been spying on her and reporting everything back to him. Now Derek did give us a few names to work with, Marcus Young, 27, he has a couple assault charges, one assault with a deadly weapon, a few counts of battery, attempted robbery, attempted murder, stalking, and attempted kidnapping.

Jon Ryder, 25, he has quite a few battery charges, aggravated battery, distribution, gun possession, drug possession, and trafficking.

Caleb Parker, 30, he has a few robbery charges, a couple assault charges, one assault with a deadly weapon, aggravated battery, a couple DUIs, and domestic violence.

Drew Jacobs, 29, he has possession, distribution, aggravated assault, aggravated battery, robbery, and stalking.

We already have BOLOs out for these guys and Charlie, they're pictures and information is across this whole city".

"Did Derek say anything else?" Adam asked.

"He wants to see Jo and talk to her". Jay answered.

"I know Voight ain't gonna let that happen". Kevin says.

"He ain't gonna let that kid anywhere around Jordan". Antonio said.

Antonio's phone then rang. "Dawson...where...alright thanks". He then turned to the rest of the team who has confused looks. "We gotta roll someone spotted Parker and Ryder downtown".

They all went down getting in their cars turning on the lights and sirens speeding down the street.

Hank and the others have arrived to the safe house they all got out of their cars, the older father helped his daughter as she got out of the car and going up the steps.

It was a simple row house, it was tall. Some of the painting is chipped. When they got inside the living room was huge, the kitchen was a medium size, there was a staircase that led to the upstairs.

"Could I go up to one of the rooms I wanna rest for a while". Jordan spoke.

"Sure". Hank replied.

While Hank helped his daughter going up the steps Erin had carried Jordan's stuff inside, Kim and Sean were doing a quick patrol of the area. Marcus and Drew had went to the alley so they wouldn't get caught.

"This waiting is killing me". Drew said, his voice was annoyed.

"Calm down alright, once they leave we get the girl no problem". Marcus said.

"What's so special about this kid that Charlie wants her?"

"I don't know and I don't care all I want is the money he promised me".

When the father and daughter got to the top of the stairs he took her to the closest room, which was right by the staircase and across from the bathroom. Erin was right behind them with her sister's things, they enter the room.

Erin laid Justin's pillow down on the bed, it was a twin sized bed with a red fitted sheet on it. She then laid out the blanket, Jordan then went towards the bed and got in the middle lying down. Hank brought the blanket up to her chest.

"I got my phone on if you need me, Kim and Sean are downstairs if you need anything". Hank said.

"I have my phone on too were only a phone call away". Erin said.

"Dad is there a way I can see Derek I wanna know why he lied". Jordan spoke.

"Sweetheart I don't want you going anywhere near him right now, he fed you enough lies for the past few months. I don't want you seeing him or talking to him, I can't bare to see you get hurt again".


Erin's phone rang and she excused herself from the room.

-Hey Jay what's up.

-Erin we got two hits from the BOLOs, Marcus Young and Jon Ryder, were heading to get them now. Jay responded.

-Alright I'll tell Hank.

She then hung up and went back in the room. "Hank you got a minute".

"Yeah". He says. He then looks at Jordan for a moment. "I'll be right outside sweetheart".

"Ok". Jordan was close to sleep.

The two headed out to the hallway for a moment.

"What's up Erin". Hank said.

"Jay called they got two hits from the BOLOs, Marcus Young and Jon Ryder. They're en route to get them". Erin replied.

Hank then quickly stepped in the room and saw his daughter dozing off, he quickly went to her side. "Jo I have to go now, I'll be back to check on you later. If you need me I'm only a phone call away alright sweetheart".

"Ok I love you daddy".

"I love you too baby".

He kissed her head just as she went to sleep, Hank and Erin went downstairs and quickly informed the two patrolmen then left heading to get the two men.

The team were in a high speed chase going after the two men, they were speeding down the streets avoiding the pedestrians and other cars. Marcus and Jon were driving faster, Marcus swerved the car trying to avoid hitting the people and ended up crashing into a telephone pole. The guys got out of their cars heading to the crashed car.

"50 21 George I need an ambulance near Howard Street". Jay says into the radio.

They pulled their weapons surrounding the car.

"Put your hands up now!" Antonio yelled out.

Marcus and Jon were dazed for a couple of minutes then once they realized what happened they both got out of the car running causing the team to chase them.

"50 21 George offenders running". Jay said.

They kept running, Marcus and Jon split up which caused the team to split up. Jay, Adam, and Kevin went after Marcus, Antonio and Olinsky were chasing after Jon. as they were running Adam decided to take a shortcut to hopefully try and stop Marcus, just as Jon was running he turned his head back to see Olinsky chasing him then when he looked forward Antonio had slugged him knocking him down.

"Stay down". Antonio said, he then proceed to cuff him

"Let me go man I didn't do nothing". Jon said.

"Sure you didn't let's go".

Marcus kept running but what he didn't know was that Jay had stopped chasing him from behind and took a new direction just as he rounded a corner he saw Kevin and Adam raising their weapons.

"Chicago Police put your hands up now". Adam spoke.

"Put your hands where we can see them now". Kevin said.

Just as Marcus was reaching for something Jay came from the left tackling him to the ground and cuffed him.

"You're under arrest you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney if you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand these rights as I explained them". Jay spoke.

"Yes". Marcus said through gritted teeth.

Antonio had a hold of Jon and Jay had a hold of Marcus as they were walking back to their cars just as the paramedics were arriving.

"Hey what happened". Gabby asked.

"They crashed into a pole then ran". Jay answered.

Gabby took a look at Marcus while Brett looked at Jon, while the guys were getting looked at Voight and Erin showed up. They got out after the two paramedics quickly patched them up of the minor injuries they sustained, Voight then walked over to his team as they were about to put the two men into their cars.

"So you two are going that teenage girl?" Hank asked.

"What's it to you?" Jon spat.

Voight then sucker punched Jon in the abdomen. "Because that girl is my daughter".

He then looked to the team. "Get them down to the District".

Once the two men were being loaded into the car Voight and Erin went back to the SUV as they all headed back to the District.


Jordan was resting up in the room she was cuddling with Justin's blanket and pillow, Sean was doing another walk around to keep an eye out. Kim was down in the kitchen making lunch for Jordan when she woke up. Caleb and Drew were still in the alley as they were quietly making their way to the back door of the house, Drew was picking the lock to the door and after a moment it opened.

Once the food was finished Kim went to get her partner this gave the two men a couple of seconds to run upstairs without getting caught. They checked a couple rooms till they found Jordan still fast asleep.

The teen awoke to hearing creeking sounds in the room, she thought it was Kim or Sean checking on her but when she opened her eyes, her vision was still blurry but was able to make out two male figures making their way towards her she jumped up ignoring the shooting pain in her side.

"Stop her". Caleb told his partner.

Drew had grabbed the teen around her ribs holding her tightly as she fought him, she then remembered some of the fighting moves she was taught so she gave a hard swift kick to Jon's groin then ran down the stairs still ignoring the pain in her side.

"Kim! Sean! Help!" Jordan cried out.

Just as the two partners came in they heard Jordan crying out for help, the pain was now too much for the teen to handle so she dropped to her knees. Caleb and Drew then ran down the stairs and out the back. Kim went to help Jordan while Sean chased after the guys.

"Jo, sweetie what happened". Kim says to the teen.

"T-they broke in, o-one of them grabbed me I kicked him and ran down the stairs. Kim I want my dad". Jordan said in a shaky voice.

"Alright it's alright now Jo, you're safe".

Kim brought the teen girl into her arms as she began sobbing, Sean was still chasing after the men till they turned a corner and lost them. Caleb and Drew then got in a getaway car driven by Charlie.

"All you had to do was get the kid that's all". Charlie said.

"Yeah well you failed to mention a few things Charlie, like for one the kid's father is a cop and she'd be surrounded by other cops". Caleb shot.

They then drove off speeding down the street, Sean went back to the house as he went inside he saw his partner consoling Jordan. He then pulled his phone out calling Jay.

21st District

When the team arrived back at the District they brought the two men to the interrogation rooms. Antonio was the first to go talk with Marcus while Voight went to talk to Jon.

"Why are you stalking my Sergeant's daughter?" Antonio asked.

"I didn't know she was a cop's kid if I had known I'd have told Charlie to kiss my ass but he made a good deal". Marcus replied.

"What deal".

"He said if we grab the kid he'd pay us".

"How much".

"Ten grand before and another after the job was done".

Voight was glaring over at Jon who was rubbing his sore head.

"You like going after kids? Because the kid that you were going after she's my kid and I don't play when it comes to my daughter". Voight said.

"I didn't know she was a cop's kid, I didn't even want to do the job but when I got offered the deal I couldn't refuse".

"What exactly was this deal you made?"

"Me and the other grab the girl, deliver her to Charlie and he'd pay us. Ten grand a piece, he'd pay ten before and another ten afterwards".

Hank then got up rolling the sleeves on his shirt once the sleeves were to his elbow he then punched Jon across the face hitting his jaw.

"That's police brutality".

"Pal you have seen brutality yet. Now I'm gonna ask you one time before things start looking bad for you, where is Charlie".

"I don't know".

Hank had punched him again. "Don't make me ask again".

"I'm telling you I don't know!".

That caused Hank to punch him again, Jay was at his desk when his phone rang.

-Halsted. Jay answered.

-Jay it's Sean, something happened at the safe house. Sean replied.

-What happened.

Erin looked over at her partner with wide eyes when he said that.

-Two guys broke in and tried to abduct Jordan, she's pretty shakened right now.

-Were on the way. Don't do anything until we get there.

-Got it.

Jay hung up just as Erin went to her partner worried. "Jay what's wrong, what happened".

"I gotta get Voight".

The two ran off to get him from the interrogation room, Voight had hit Jon a couple more times. By now Jon's nose is broken and blood was pouring out of his nose just then Jay swung the door open not caring about Jon.

"Boss we gotta go". Jay said quickly.

"Why". Hank replied, not looking at Jay.

"Something happened at the safe house".

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