The Phone Call

By Malec0914

90.2K 1.1K 34

One phone call changes Voight's life forever. Will mention Chicago Fire and Med! More

Untitled Part 1
Untitled Part 2
Untitled Part 3
Untitled Part 4
Untitled Part 5
Untitled Part 6
Untitled Part 7
Untitled Part 8
Untitled Part 10
Untitled Part 11
Untitled Part 12
Untitled Part 13
Untitled Part 14
Untitled Part 15
Untitled Part 16
Untitled Part 17
Untitled Part 18
Untitled Part 19
Untitled Part 20
Untitled Part 21
Untitled Part 22
Untitled Part 23
Untitled Part 24
Untitled Part 25
Untitled Part 26
Author's Note

Untitled Part 9

2.8K 41 1
By Malec0914

Voight was outside his daughter's room listening in and he just heard that Jordan was being physically and mentally abused by her ex, he felt his blood boiling. His mind was going a hundred miles an hour and wasn't thinking clearly, he whipped his phone out and dialed Antonio.

-Dawson. Antonio answered.

-Antonio get Mouse to pull up everything he can on Michael Roberts now. Voight said in a demanding voice.

-Isn't that Jo's ex boyfriend?

-Yeah I want everything on him before then I want Olinsky and Ruzek to go pick him up.

-You got it Sarge.

Voight then hung his phone up and went to his daughter's room, when the door opened Jordan put her head down in shame and held onto Erin's hand.

"You heard didn't you?" Jordan asked her father.

"Yeah". He answered.

"I'm so so sorry dad, he kept saying he would stop but he didn't then when I couldn't take it anymore I told him I would go to you if we didn't break up".

"Jo why not say something? He could have killed you".

"I wanted to when he first hit me I wanted to tell Erin, Jay, Adam, anyone but he said if I told anyone that he would kill me. Like I told Erin I'm not a hundred percent sure but Michael could be following me".

"Jordy how did you hide all the bruises?" Erin asked.

"The ones on my face I just used some of your make up, for the more serious ones I went to see Gabby after school and had her patch me up some".

"Gabby knew?"

"I made up some lie but she figured it out after awhile, she told me to tell Antonio and after the last time she patched me up I was going too. One day after she patched me up I was walking to the District to finally say what was going on, I always keep my guard up and I'm always aware of my surroundings but that day I didn't know Michael had been following me. As I was walking something didn't feel right I shrugged it off and kept walking next thing I know Michael came up behind me dragging me to an alley, he told me if I tell anyone he'll kill me then go after Justin. He sprained my wrist that day, he said I was worthless, nobody loved me anyway, he said that you were stuck with me because my mom didn't want me".

"Oh Jordy". Erin sighs sadly, she brushes the tears off of Jordan's face that began streaming down.

"I didn't know if he would do something to one of you, Justin, heck I didn't know if he would do something to Olive or Daniel".

"Did you fight back?" Voight asked.

"All the time but when I did that's when it got worse. Could he have done this to me?"

"Were not sure yet sweetie". Erin replies.

Jordan then looked over to her father who was trying to keep his cool.

"Daddy, please don't be mad please. I know I should have said something sooner".

"I'm not mad at you sweetheart but next time say something please, I don't wanna get a call and something happened to you".

"I promise".

"Jo other than Gabby did anyone else know about what was going on?"

"Yeah, Justin caught me one morning I was covering a black eye and he came in and saw he wanted me to tell him everything and I did. I begged Justin not to say anything he told me either I tell you or he will. One day after school Michael found me he was pissed because Justin went to him and threatened him, he beat me up so bad I went back to Gabby and she told me the same thing Justin did only this time she would tell Antonio. I don't know if she did or not".

"How long were you guys together?" Erin asked.

"Almost a year, I don't know where it went wrong. Did I do something wrong?"

"No, Jordan you did nothing wrong for him to ever lay his hands on you the way he did". Hank told his daughter in a firm, strict voice.

"You're dad's right honey, it was nothing you did for him to do that".

Jordan had wiped her face. "I finally feel better after getting that off my chest".

"Jo get some rest you need it for when you leave in the morning". Hank said.

"Will you guys stay?"

"We'll stay as long as we can". Erin assured her.

"If you need us we'll be right outside".

Jordan nodded and slowly began falling back asleep, the two then walked out of the room.

"I sent Olinsky and Ruzek to pick that kid up". Hank said gruffly.

"Hank you need to calm down and really think about this". Erin replies in a quiet voice.

"That kid is gonna pay for what he did to Jo".

"And he will I just need you to calm down about it".

"Why didn't she say something?"

"There are just some things a girl can't tell her father".

Voight was rubbing his hand down his face tiredly, Erin saw her father figure stressed and irritated.

"We will get who did this".

"Every time we get a lead it falls through what are we missing here".

"I don't know but we will find out".

21st District

Antonio got off the phone with Voight and turned to Mouse.

"Mouse, Voight wants you to get everything you can on Michael Roberts". The senior detective says to the tech.

"That's Jordan ex boyfriend". Jay said.

"I do what I'm told. Olinsky, Ruzek you two go pick him up".

Just then Gabby had came upstairs.

"Hey Tonio". Gabby says getting her brother's attention.

"Hey sis what are you doing here?" He asked, kissing her cheek.

"Laura called and said that everyone's going into protective custody, what's going on".

"It's just a precaution, we still don't know if this was an attack against Voight or all of us".

Olinsky and Ruzek had headed down the stairs leaving the district.

"Where are they going?"

"To pick up Michael Roberts, Jordan's ex boyfriend".

"She finally told you guys?"

Antonio was starting to get confused. "Told us what?"

This had gotten everyone else's attention in the squad.

"That kid beat her a lot, he sprained her wrist at least 3 times, gave her quite a few black eyes".

"Has he ever kicked her?"

"She came to the house a couple times holding her midsections, I wanted to transport her to Med but she was afraid that Voight would find out. I thought she had told you all by now".

"This is the first we're hearing this". Jay said.

"Mouse what'd you get". Antonio says to the tech.

"Michael James Robert, born June 22, 1998. Dad died when he was 6, mom remarried when he was 10 to Marcus Caleb Robert. This kid has a really bad temper, been kicked out of four schools since he was 13. His mother Julie tried to get him anger management never went. They moved to Chicago when he was 14 looking for a new start, enrolled at Chicago Central he went out for the football team".

"What was he kicked out of the other schools for?" Jay asked.

"Fighting. He broke two kids noses, threw a book at a teacher, fractured the jaw of an old principal. To top it off he brought a pocket knife to school".

"I see why Jo didn't say anything". Gabby said.

"I don't wanna be this kid when Voight comes". Mouse said.

"Neither do I". Antonio added.


Olinsky and Ruzek were driving to the house of Michael, after a few minutes they arrived to a one story house. It was small but simple house, the yard was big, there were a few child's toys in the yard.

"Car's here so somebody's home". Ruzek said.

"Light's on so let's go". Olinsky replied.

The two exited the car and went to the door they knocked, a couple moments later a little girl around six had answered the door.

"Hi is your mom or dad home". Ruzek says in a soft tone.

"Mom! Door!" The little girl called.

A second later a middle aged woman had came to the door. "Go to you're room Jasmine I got it from here". She told the little girl. Once the young girl was gone she turned to Olinsky and Ruzek.

"Can I help you". Julie said.

"Yes ma'am, Chicago PD. Is your son Michael home". Olinsky said.

"No why what's this about".

"Was he home this afternoon from 4-5:30". Ruzek went on.

"He came home from school then left to a friend's house".

"What time was that?"

"Around 3, what is going on".

"Earlier this afternoon Michael's ex girlfriend, Jordan Voight was shot".

"Oh my god, you think Michael did this?"

Olinsky's phone buzzed signaling a text message so he excused himself for a moment while Ruzek took over.

"Were not sure yet, we did some digging into Michael's past and we know he's got a bad temper. When he and Jordan were together did he ever act violent towards her?"

"I never saw it, I taught Michael to never hit a woman".

The older detective was started to fume when he read the text message from Mouse.

-Michael was physically and mentally abusive towards Jordan. Mouse.

Olinsky then moved back to his partner and the woman,

"Ma'am when Jordan came over did she ever have a mark or bruise on her?" Olinsky asked.

Ruzek looked at his partner then back at the woman.

"A couple of times she had a black eye, other times I saw her with a sprained wrist. She said that she sprained her wrist during a basketball game".

"Did she say where the black eye came from?" Ruzek asked.

"She said she got in a fight but wouldn't say with who".

"Ma'am I just got word from one of my colleagues your son had been physically and mentally abusing Jordan".

"Oh my god, when they broke up I thought they had some kind of fight".

"Where's Michael now?"

"He's at his friend's house".

"What's the name of this friend?"

"Theo Anderson, he lives only a few blocks down".

"Thank you for your time".

She nodded and closed the door just as the two men left.

"You think Voight knows?" Ruzek asked.

"Of course he knows everything, I think Jordan told him". Olinsky responded.

"Did they send anything else?"

"No just that".

The two then got back in the car and started driving.

Chicago Med

Hank and Erin were still outside of Jordan's room, Platt had headed back to the station, Burgess and Roman were back with Hank and Erin. Just as the four were talking Bunny, Erin's mother had came in heading towards her daughter and Voight.

"Mom what are you doing here?" Erin asked her mother.

"I just heard about what happened with Jordan, how is she". Bunny replied.

"She's fine, she's resting so you can go now". Voight says.

"Hank please don't do this now I'm here for Jordan".

"Well my daughter isn't your concern and she never will be so go".

"How'd you find out about Jordan?" Erin asked.

"Word gets around when you're related to or involved with Hank".

Erin had eyed her mother suspiciously. "Mom can I talk to you outside for a minute".

"Sure sweetie".

Bunny had went out first then Erin quickly turned to Voight. "I'll be right back".


The detective had then went outside to talk to her mother.

"So what'd you wanna talk about?"

"I just want you to be straight with me. Where were you this afternoon between 4-5:30".

"Y-you think I did this?" Bunny looked at her daughter in disbelief.

"Just tell me where you were".

"Why should I tell you anything, I didn't do this. For god sake Erin I got two kids of my own why would I go after someone else's child".

"Mom, Jordan's like my little sister she was kicked so hard she has four bruised ribs then she was shot and left for dead. We are trying to find out who did this to her, just tell me where you were".

"I was at the bar all day. Why in the world would you think I would do such a terrible thing?"

"You've never liked Hank, ever since he took me in you had it out for him. He was more of a parent to me than you ever were, you wanted to take Jordan from him like he took me from you".

"I can't believe I'm hearing this from my own daughter. I didn't do it Erin, I would never in my life hurt a child".

"Don't leave town mom".

With that said Erin went back in the hospital just as Bunny took off, she got inside her car then pulled her phone out calling someone.

"It's me we need to talk. Call me when you get this".

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